Author's Note: Welcome everyone to the fourth season of the Randomverse series. For the first time ever I'm introducing a brand new cast. As such, reading the first three seasons are not required.

Anyway, the rules haven't changed: A while back I took the 51 contestants from Total Drama, and the 16 from my fic Danger Island, and sent them through a randomizer. The first twenty-two debuted in Random Drama Island, with two more coming in Random Drama World Tour, and this is the next thirteen.

And for those who don't believe I've actually randomized, I feel like you'll believe it now. Trust me.

There will be three pairings this season. One will be revealed in the opening sequence, and the other two as the season progresses. Also, one of these pairings will not be straight. I'm giving you fair warning.

Expect a chapter once a week every Friday, starting... now!

Episode 01: Bigger, Badder, Brutal-er!

The scene faded in to a shot of the Earth from space, an astronaut banging on a small communications satellite in the foreground with a wrench. The satellite had the letters 'TDRI' scrawled on the front in black.

"We've been to the movies," the voice of Chris McLean began as the satellite seemed to whir into function, lights on either end of it glowing green. "We've been around the world!" Just as the astronaut gave the camera a thumbs-up, the satellite suddenly failed with a jolt of electricity and broke apart, the astronaut palming the visor of their helmet. "And this season," Chris said as the camera rapidly began to zoom in towards northern Canada, "we're going right back where it all began," the camera past through layers of clouds to reach a beautiful morning sky, then panned down to an all-too-familiar island, "at Camp Wawanakwa!"

Chris McLean was already standing just off-center on the dock, right by the 'Wawanakwa' sign – both of which looked like they'd gone through some heavy wear and tear. "I'm Chris McLean," the host formally introduced himself, "and as you can see, things have changed since we've been away." He walked down the dock to where a male red-shirted intern of southeast Asian descent waited with a coconut drink on a platter; the right side of the camp's sign fell down as he passed by, taking out a small piece of the dock.

"And by changed," the host said with a darkly expectant smile, "I mean gotten really, really, dangerous!" He rubbed his hands together in anticipation, then took the coconut drink from the intern. As soon as he did so a giant pink tentacle rose from the lake with a terrifying roar, and slammed down on the dock – Chris calmly sidestepped it, but the intern and a sizable chunk of the end of the dock were smashed into the water. "Hahaha, good stuff," the host laughed.

"But the rules of the game remain the same," he told the camera, the scene changing to a panning shot of one of the cabin rooms, a cockroach scurrying over the lens. The room itself looked about the same as it had three seasons ago – decrepit and old-fashioned, but boringly so. "A handful of unsuspecting teens will bunk with complete strangers," Chris explained during the pan, the shot cutting to a stained piece of male underwear nailed to a wooden door that promptly opened to reveal the old outhouse confessional within, "air their dirty laundry in our outhouse confessional, and compete in life-threatening challenges all over the island," the camera cut to a long-distance shot of the thousand-foot-high-cliff, zooming in on the gleamingly jagged rocks in the water below it, "and risk being voted off," Chris continued as the shot cut to the clearing, fire pit, oil drum, and eleven stump-seats used for Campfire Ceremonies of the past.

"Last one standing wins," the shot cut from the elimination area to a still image of a wheelbarrow overflowing with money, "one, million, DOLLARS!" A short, grand, and victorious tune blared as the shot zoomed in on the prize money.

"Speaking of our cast," Chris said back on the Dock of Shame as a cool rock theme began to play, "here they are now!"

The shot cut to a small but luxurious red-striped yacht where the twenty-four contestants of the past three seasons could be seen more-or-less enjoying themselves. Trent and Gwen were making out on the starboard side while Harold, Leshawna, DJ, and Sammy danced nearby, Amy huffing and looking away from them in disgust. On the stern deck, Noah read a book while Malcolm made out with Sierra (who had started to regrow the hair she'd lost and her legs were healed from the plane exploding last season), Tyler dancing nearby. On a higher sternward balcony, Scarlett smiled down at her friends below then gave the camera a grin, Mike and Zoey gazed in each other's eyes, and Shawn dropped down on the group unexpectedly from even higher up, startling all three. And at the bow, Heather and Alejandro leaned coolly against the port-side railing and tried not to look at each other, Victor and Sky danced next to them, Sugar practiced her craptry dancing in front of the Drama Machine, Duncan and Kitsune made out, and Staci and Clone sat on the very foremost point of the railing, snuggling together.

Chris waved at the yacht as it approached...and kept on going, the music scratching to a halt instead of the ship. "NOOOO!" Malcolm yelled in surprise in anguish as the boat sailed off-screen, and Chris laughed.

"No, not them," he told the camera as it zoomed back in on him. "This season, we've got all new players, fighting for the million!" he announced as the music turned tense and grandiose. "And here they come now, for real!"

The shot cut to another yacht approaching, similar to the last one but with its stripes a pale teal instead of red. Several teens could be seen standing along the bow, port-side, upper deck, and stern, and the camera cut to those at the head of the ship – a rather masculine white girl dressed in grey sweats; and a tall young black man in a blue and gold football jersey.

"Meet Jo," Chris said, the girl noticing the boy next to her kissing his biceps.

"Stay outta my way if you value your kiwis," The Take-No-Prisoners Jock-ette told him.

"Lightning," the host continued, and the boy glared back.

"Right back atcha dude," The Athletic Overachiever told Jo, causing the girl to raise an eyebrow in angry disbelief.

The camera panned to the right, moving away from Jo but keeping Lightning in frame as he and Jo started growling at each other. This didn't seem to faze the next two campers in line – two pale, white girls identical in the face only - the one on the left had obviously dyed red hair tied into a short ponytail, and wore a black button up vest and black jeans; the one on the right had loose platinum blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and wore a white sundress with pale green floral designs on it.

"Angel! And, Lily!" the host continued.

"Lily look! We're here!" The Innocent Idealist said, grabbing the redheaded girl by the shoulders and shaking her excitedly.

"Hey, calm down sis," The Cynic told Angel, giving her twin a pointed look as the shot zoomed in on the two. "By the way, there's something off about that island," she added, looking back at the camera.

"Sorry Lily," Angel said sweetly. "I'm just so excited."

"Cody!" Chris announced next, the shorter white boy in question suddenly and without warning dashing between Lily and Angel and parting the twins. His longish brown hair was parted down the middle, and he wore a pale yellow polo shirt with single red and blue stripes over a longer gray undershirt.

"Hello ladies," The Geek said in was supposed to be a suave tone, his voice high-pitched but still masculine. "I'm Cody, and it's awesome to meet you." Lily rolled her eyes while Angel giggled into her hand.

The camera panned away from the three, and onto a thick and muscular white-skinned young woman of apparent Eastern European descent with a mole on her cheek wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and slightly darker shorts. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her unibrow was perfectly level as her hazel eyes glared straight ahead. She was wearing earbuds, and the faint sound of heavy music was coming from them courtesy of the mp3 player in her pocket. As she listened, she alternated reps with the small dumbbells she held in each hand.

"Eva," Chris said, emphasizing each syllable of the girl's name.

The Hothead looked at the camera grunted, the only acknowledgement she gave as she continued her reps.

The camera panned right again, just enough to keep Eva in frame while still showing the next contestant – a pale skinned boy of Eastern European descent. He wore a red shirt and khaki pants, and had long black hair tied into a ponytail. The Mastermind glanced at the camera, but said nothing

"Natasha!" Chris finally introduced, "and Bridgette," he added, the camera panning further right to show the next contestant – a white skinned blonde girl with a big smile and surfboard in hand. She wore baby blue hoodie and a pair of blue jean shorts.

"I'm really excited to be here," The Surfer Girl said happily as she turned to Natasha. "Do you think we'll have a surfing challenge?" Natasha just shrugged in response.

"Ella," the host continued as the scene cut to a spot further down the yacht, showing a slender teenage girl, her features an ambiguous mix of white and east Asian. She was wearing what looked like a short pink dress, though it may just have been a skirt and blouse with particularly poofy shoulders. Combined with the pink slippers, the pink evening gloves, and the pink bow in her black bouffant she gave the impression of a princess straight out of an animated fairytale.

"Hello there," The Fairytale Princess waved pleasantly at the camera. "I'm so glad I was chosen to compete this season, and I'm ready to make my new friends lives better with songs!"

As she began to sing a wordless melody the camera panned away to the next contestant, a young black man with a large belly and an even larger amount of hair. His blue-ish pants were held up by suspenders, and his gray shirt was slightly dirty.

"Beardo," the host introduced.

The Human Soundboard began beatboxing a version of Ella's song, finishing it out by singing "Sooooong!"

Ella walked back on the screen looking impressed. "That was a lovely rendition of my song. You're quite talented."

"Uh," Beardo said shyly. "Thanks."

"Gary," the host introduced next as a shorter black boy dashed onto the scene, putting himself between the two. He had short curly black hair, and he wore a baggy dark blue hoodie, baggy blue jeans, and a gold chain with a dollar sign.

"Dang yo!" The Rap Star Wannabe said in what was an attempt at a 'street' voice. "You be layin' down some sick beats! You gotsta let me spit some bars over that."

Beardo just looked at Gary blankly.

"Ezekiel," Chris introduced next, the camera panning up to a short, white boy standing on the upper balcony. He had a mop of brown hair sticking out of his toque, a soul patch, and wore a faded green hoodie and blue jeans.

"Uh, am I supposed to say somethin' eh?" The Home Schooled Guy asked the camera in confusion before a small flock of pigeons flew past and knocked him over the railing with a yell.

"And Sam," the host finished as Ezekiel landed next to the thirteenth and final competitor of the season – a pudgy young white man with curly brown hair and glasses, he wore beige long sleeve shirt similar to Cody's but with a yellow stripes, white undershirt and blue shorts. His attention was solely on the handheld game console in his hands and he didn't even notice Ezekiel falling down next to him.

"Oh yeah!" The Nice Guy Gamer said to himself. "Grenade launcher upgrade! Now we're cookin'!"

"Yup!" Chris said as the shot cut back to him on the Dock of Shame. "It's our roughest, toughest, most explosive season ever!" He took out a remote control, and pressed the large central button with his thumb.

The yacht that the new contestants were sailing in on suddenly exploded, sending all thirteen of them flying and screaming in every direction.

Chris took a casual sip of his coconut drink, then looked at the camera and raised a finger high. "Right here," he said as a faint version of the series' capstone theme played, "on Total! Drama! Revenge of the Island!" The shot jumped outward as the title was said, showing Wawanakwa Island in its entirety with a few plumes of smoke in the distance marking where the yacht had exploded.


[The sequence begins much as it did three seasons ago, with an open into letterbox format as the camera focuses on the tops of a few distant pine trees. A rusty stage light rotates up and turns on; then the shot changes to a cobwebby spotlight swinging down and turning on as well; then a small security camera popping out of one of several leaky toxic waste barrels; then another camera bursting out of a tree hollow, held by an octopus tentacle and dislodging a few bones; then a pair of fair-skinned arms clapping a film slate in front of the camera which switches to a shot of the island, briefly showing a giant octopus looking out of the lake to the right, then flying forward down the dock and past the buildings, passing under a totem pole that Chris was sitting on and which was being carried by a trio of male interns of mismatched heights.]

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doin' fine;

[The camera rapidly flies through the trees as the lyrics begin, quickly reaching the top of the thousand-foot-high cliff.]

You guys are on my mind!

[It looks down at the ring of buoys in the water below and dives, immediately cutting to an underwater view as the bubbles disperse to reveal Cody gagging with several vicious-looking fish watching him hungrily.]

Ya asked me what I wanted to be,

And now I think the answer is plain to see!

[Cody frantically swims up and away from an approaching tentacle, passing another fish wearing a gas mask. The camera pans up to reveal Bridgette on one side of her surfboard; Cody surfaces and slumps against the other side, then flashes her a flirtatious smile. The tentacle surfaces and slams into the middle of the board...and in doing so, sends Bridgette into the water and Cody high into the sky.]

I wanna be...famous!

[The scene lingers on Cody in front of the sun for a moment, then quick-pans down to Jo working out with a punching bag in the middle of the woods; a falling Cody abruptly falls into her arms. Cody tries one of his flirty smiles on the jock-ette, who just scowls and drops him before going back to her workout. The camera pans right to Ella, happily singing to a number of hairless squirrels and three-eyed birds.]

I wanna live close to the sun!

[At the top of a waterfall, Angel and Lily float downriver in a canoe. Angel appears to be gushing about something to her sister, and the cynic is clearly only pretending to listen for a second before turning around and spotting the fall. Both scream as they go over the edge.]

Well pack your bags, 'cause I've already won!

[The camera pans down to Lightning, dead-lifting a large log while standing on another log suspended across the rocks at the bottom of the falls. the twins and their canoe land on his makeshift weight, breaking the log supporting him and sending all three into the water.]

Everythin' to prove, nothin' in my way;

[Ezekiel walks up to the outhouse confessional and a monstrous shark with arms and legs bursts out of the outhouse with a toothy grin, causing the homeschooler to scream and run away as the shark chases after him.]

I'll get there one day

[The camera pans to the Main Lodge, Chef's silhouette visible in the window. Zooming in to the room shows him stirring a pot of some greenish slop with an annoyed frown, and the shot pans over to show Gary making various hand signs and rapping. A spoon flies from the right and hits him, knocking him out.]

'Cause I wanna be...famous!

[Another pan to the left reveals Natasha looking Gary's way and sighing in relief, he turns to the camera and gives an all-knowing smirk. The scene zooms back out of the lodge to the beach, where Eva is alternating reps with a dumbbell in each hand.]

Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa

[The camera pans away from Eva and on to Sam happily playing a handheld game. A furry hand taps him on the shoulder, distracting the gamer and allowing the arm to snatch away the console. Sam realizes what's happened, and rushes angrily at the large hairy ape-man now playing the game, and the camera moves on watch an odd, almost rattlesnake-like gull floating on the water. A bulbous-headed fish jumps out over it on the right and a shark jumps out of the left with its mouth wide open, but the first fish blasts the shark with some sort of laser, turning it into a skeleton which is swallowed by the first fish as it finishes its jump. A tentacle rises out of the water to grab the gull, but it quickly lashes out and bites it with its snake-like fangs.]

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[The camera pans down to the end of the dock to show Beardo moonwalking to the edge of the dock. He brings his hands to his mouth and vigorously beatboxes, spit flying from his hands.]

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[A sudden splash of water comes down on the hairy boy, interrupting his music and causing him to send a blank look upward – Chris is hovering above him in a jetpack and helmet, holding an empty bucket. He drops the bucket then flies off, the flames from his jetpack taking over the screen. It becomes night as they peter out, and the camera pans down across the stars and treetops and full moon to Angel and Bridgette, sitting at a campfire together. As they lean towards each other with expectant smiles they are interrupted and separated by Chef, wearing a hazmat suit and holding a glowing green marshmallow between them with a pair of heavy tongs.

The shot zooms out to show the rest of the cast looking shocked, whistling the last few notes of the song – Ezekiel, Cody, Natasha, Beardo, Lightning, and Lily on Angel's side; Ella, Sam, Eva, Jo, and Gary on Bridgette's side; and Chris standing next to Chef on Bridgette's side as well. The shot continued to zoom out until a signboard was shown marking the presumed entrance to the fire pit; it read 'TOTAL DRAMA REVENGE OF THE ISLAND' in block letters, the third word being the largest and the last word relegated to a board tacked on at the end.]


"AAAAHHH!" Ezekiel screamed, the episode fading in to him landing hard on a rock jutting out of the water. "Dad was right eh," he groaned. "The outside world is painful," he said, pitifully sliding into the water as Lily swam past in the background.

"'Let's sign up for the new season'," she said, mocking her sister's lighter voice. "'It'll be so much fun!'"

Cody and Natasha were shown swimming side by side clinging to a few pieces of driftwood, then looking to the side at the sound of someone coming up behind them. "Outta the way! Triathlete comin' through!" Jo shouted as she pushed the two aside, earning an annoyed look from both boys.

The camera followed Jo as she swam up to Sam, who was holding his handheld above the water as he slowly paddled forward. Jo pushed him down and catapulted over out of the shot as Sam sank in the water screaming "Hey!"

The shot cut back to Ezekiel, now treading water as he spat some out of his mouth. "Chris!" Gary yelled as he swam past him keeping his chain out of the water. "Why'd you have to go an' get my bling wet!" He let go of the neckwear, and was promptly pulled down.

"Help me 'cuz!" Gary spluttered as he finally sank below the water to Ezekiel's shock, but fortunately Lightning surfaced, holding the rapper over his shoulder.

"I'll save you little girl!" Lightning declared dramatically.

"Girl?" Gary asked in offense. "I'm a dude yo!"

The camera cut to Eva, scowling as she swam along. She reached another rock jutting out of the water and pulled herself up onto it, then let out a primal scream of rage. "You're gonna pay for that McLean!"

The camera cut to Beardo watching from the water with awe and fear. He made the sound of an engine turning over and quickly swam away while making the sound of a speedboat's running motor.

The shot cut to Lightning carrying Gary to shore, only for a speeding Beardo to slam into the athletic boy from behind, causing Gary to fly from his shoulder with a startled yell as Lightning looked back at Beardo in annoyance.

Gary, in turn, crashed into Lily, briefly forcing both of them into the water. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Lily spluttered angrily as she resurfaced, only to frown when she realized Gary hadn't come up as well. "Oh crap," she said in mild concern, quickly diving down.

"Lily!" Angel sputtered as she struggled to stay afloat. "Help!"

"Angel?" Lily asked in genuine concern as she looked back, holding Gary in her arms. "Hold on sis!" she yelled back.

"I'm on it!" Bridgette said, appearing out of nowhere and swimming to the idealist past a shocked Lily.

The camera cut to Angel as she finally sank, only to resurface in Bridgette's arms. "Oh," she said shyly to her savior, "You're really... strong."

"I'm a part-time lifeguard," Bridgette explained as she swam past Lily again. "I guess it came in handy."

Angel just giggled in response, and Lily shook her head as the two blondes left the shot.


"So, I guess it's time for my first confessional," Bridgette opened in the outhouse confessional. "Everyone here seems pretty nice. I was a little worried about having to deal with people like Alejandro or Heather. Anyway, I know I suck at pretty much everything, but I'm a good friend and an honest player. So..." she trailed off awkwardly. "Let's try to win a million bucks!" she finished with a grin.


"Wow," Angel gushed in the next confessional, "I can't believe I'm actually in the Total Drama confessional. It's so exciting! Everyone seems so nice!" Her expression turned lovesick as she continued, "especially Bridgette! She's just so kind, and really, really pretty." She sighed dreamily and added "And strong."


The footage resumed with a close-up of a pair of sneakers stepping onto the beach, the camera panning up and zooming out to show that they belonged to a rather wet Jo. She looked around, then raised her fist in victory. "Woohoo! That's what I'm talking about!" she cheered. "First one on the- gah..."

Her face dropped as she looked to her left, and the camera panned to show Ella humming a tune to herself on the beach and completely dry.

"How did you?" she asked. "You're not even wet!"

"Oh, I got a lift from some of the lovely birds that live around the island!" Ella explained happily.

Ezekiel was the next to shore, crawling out of the water. "Is this how people normally get off boats?" he asked both girls, falling on his face before they could answer.


"I was homeschooled my whole life eh," the homeschooler explained. "So I don't really know that much about the real world. I didn't even know about the show for a while on a count of my folks not havin' a TV. But I guess the stuff I picked up on the farm can like, help me win."


Lily and Gary were the next to make it to dry land, the redhead dragging the short boy up the beach on his back. "You'd have an easier time swimming if you lost this ridiculous chain," she said in a somewhat annoyed tone, laying him down and hitting his chest. He immediately coughed up a bit of water, causing Lily to flinch away from him in mild disgust.


"Give up my chains?!" Gary asked incredulously. "Ain't hap'nin'. Say 'wazzup' to the next big rap sensation, Young Easy!" He said dramatically pointing to himself before rapping. "Check it, My name is Gary you can call me Young Easy. I'm about to win that money easy-peasy! Check me at the final gettin' handed that dough..." he faltered for a moment and said "Dang, I can't think of a rhyme for dough yo."


The footage cut back to the beach, showing Jo, Ella, Ezekiel, Lily, and Gary loitering around a large rock further up the beach and revealing that Lightning, Angel, Bridgette, Natasha, and Cody had all made it to shore as well. While Natasha was busy emptying his sneakers of water on a small rock in the foreground, the other four sat on a few moderately-sized rocks on the right.

"Hey, nice day out, isn't it?" Cody said, looking directly at Angel as he spoke. "I hope the rest of the competition is like this, right Angel?"

"Yeah," Angel said dreamily, looking at Bridgette. "That would be just perfect," she said, standing up and walking away. Cody followed her eagerly, and Natasha watched them leave with a raised eyebrow, then looked back when a wave washed another person ashore.

It was Sam, who was still holding his handheld above his head and coughed out a small fish.


Sam started his confessional with a short chuckle. "I knew I should've played that Swii Fitness workout game," he said as he pulled another handheld from his shirt and started playing it. He chuckled a bit longer and said "I just hope I don't get cut first," with a brief anxious look to the side. "That would be lame." He smiled and added "But! If I last long enough to get cut sixth or seventh? How cool would that be?"

He chuckled some more, then went back to playing his game.


"I'm so happy to be here," Angel said, both her and Cody now standing next to Lily and Ella. "My sister and I have been watching Total Drama since the first episode! Who knows, maybe I'll even make some new friends?" she said, looking eagerly back at Bridgette.

"Oh that would just be wonderful!" Ella declared happily.

"Great," Lily said under her breath. "Now my sister has an echo."

Cody walked up to the cynic and gave her an attempt at a flirty smile. "I'm interested in making friends too." he said before waggling his eyebrows.

"So not happening," Lily told him before the piercing ring of the camp intercom turning on got their attention.

"Attention, fresh meat!" Chris announced, the shot cut to a pair of loudspeakers on a tree nearby, then panning down and right to show that all thirteen campers - including Eva and Beardo– were now waiting around on the rocky beach. "See that trail leading into the forest?" the host continued, the camera following the contestants' gazes right as they looked at where the beach, trees, and rocks met. "Race to the end of the trail," Chris commanded, "and do not disturb the wildlife! That would be bad."

"Really?" Lightning said, looking back mockingly. "We wouldn't wanna upset the bunnies." He nudged Sam, who nodded and smiled.

"Bunnies?!" Lily asked in fear as the camera cut to her hiding behind Angel. "Where?"

"The tiniest sound can set them off," Chris continued. "Liiike...THIS!" He blew an airhorn over the intercom, forcing all thirteen campers to cover their ears.

The camera panned over to the distant treetops on the left, the airhorn fading in to a loud, terrifying roar that startled a flock of birds to flight. One tree was knocked over, then another closer to the beach. Finally, the cast screamed and fled into the woods.


A clockwipe transitioned the footage ahead to an adorable little purplish bird singing on a branch...until a frog-like tongue snapped out of a hollow behind it and dragged the bird into darkness.

The camera panned down to a finish line, just as Lightning and Jo ran past it with the uber-jock in the lead. "Sha-bam!" he said happily. "First place!"

"Rematch," Jo declared bitterly. "Anytime, anywhere."

"Sure thing," Lightning replied smugly. "Lightning always wins!"

It was then that Chris rode up on a red ATV, his usual smile on his face. "Captain Modesty, two steps left, you're on Team A," he directed, Lightning nodding happily and walking a few steps back towards the finish line. "Yo, Jo? Move right, you're on Team B," he told the jock-ette, directing her to the right with his thumb; she complied with a frown just as Eva crossed the finish line, skidding to a stop next to Lightning.

"Iron Woman," the host told her, pointing for her to stay where she was, "you're on Team A." Bridgette slid in next, and looked around with wide eyes. "Malibu, Team B," Chris told her.

"Okay," Bridgette said with a smile, putting her hands into the front pockets of her hoodie and walking off to the right. Angel and Lily ran on screen at the same time a moment later, and doubled over in mirrored positions.

"Doom and Gloom," he told a scowling Lily. "Team A. Sunshine and Happiness, Team B." Both girls looked at each other and Lily shrugged. Angel sighed and the two went their separate ways.

Natasha arrived next, raising his eyebrow and crossing his arms as he waited for instruction. "Dude with a Girl's Name, Team A," Chris said.

Natasha shot him a dirty look, then joined Lightning, Eva, and Lily.

"Lil' Annoying, Team A," the host continued over a shot of Gary and Ezekiel's arrival. Gary gave Ezekiel n smug look as the host added, "Homeschool, Team B."

"Yessir," Ezekiel said, briefly casting Gary a nervous glance before running off to the right.

The camera zoomed out a little ways from Team A just as Cody ran up, a grin on his face as Ella arrived moments later. "Casanova, Team B," the off-screen host said, causing the boy to shoot two finger pistols at at Ella, earning a giggle. "Princess Wannabe, Team A," Chris continued. Ella clapped at her assignment, then hurried off to the right.

"Afro Dude, Team B," Chris directed as Beardo arrived next, smiling brightly. As he joined his teammates they all looked back towards the finish line, as Sam finally arrived out-of-breath and crawling along the ground.

"Aaaand Game Junkie, Team A," Chris finished with a smile.

"Okay," Lily said, walking over to Chris and getting in his face, "what the heck was that in the forest?"

"I don't ever remember hearin' about an animal that sounded like that eh," Ezekiel added in a fearful tone.

"Relax, it'll all make sense eventually," Chris explained, his impish smile quickly degenerating into long, evil laughter that caused the two teams – Eva, Lightning, Sam, Ella, Lily, Gary, and Natasha on the left; Bridgette, Ezekiel, Cody, Jo, Beardo, and Angel on the right – to stare at him and look at each other in awkward, nervous confusion.

Chris finally stopped laughing, and wiped a tear from his eye. "Now, this season of Total Drama will be a little bit different," he explained. "For example, in every episode, someone will be eliminated."

The campers gasped. "It's never been that hard before," Bridgette remarked in shock.

"I know," Chris told her with a smug grin, "I'm good. But since you're all first-timers, I'm gonna cut you a break and hide this bad boy somewhere in the campgrounds." He held up what appeared to be a small wooden carving of his head, and the shot cut in for a close-up. "A genu-ine McLean Brand Chris Head! Your free ticket back into the game!" The small carving was shown against a radiant white and blue background, an angelic chorus playing as images of Chef dressed in a lavender leotard and tutu, angel wings, and a halo flew into the corners of the screen while holding harps and singing.

"Even if your teammates vote you off," he added as Natasha and Lily were shown staring with wide eyes. "Whoever finds it," Chris continued over a shot of Bridgette, Ezekiel, Cody, and Jo also watching with wide eyes, "will become the most powerful player in Total Drama history!" Both Eva and Lightning were shown smiling in awe.

The angelic chorus ended as Chris brought the statue in for a closer look, frowning and feeling his own chin. "Is the cleft on my chin really that big?" he asked in concern.

"Yep, and it kinda looks like a butt," Lily answered, earning an annoyed glare from the host.

"Moving on," Chris said forcefully, "time for the team names!"

"Ooh ooh! Team Lightning!" Lightning immediately piped up excitedly. "No wait, Lightning Squad!" he said, earning annoyed frowns from Eva and Lily.

"Great suggestions, Lightning," Chris told him, "but, names have already been chosen by moi. Team A, you shall henceforth be known as, the Toxic Rats!" The screen switch to a green, red, and yellow starburst-patterned background, a green logo spinning up to the front. It bore the image of a six-limbed rat standing up on its hind legs and bearing its teeth menacingly.

Eva, Lightning, Sam, Ella, Gary, Natasha, and Lily stared blankly for a moment before Sam chuckled and said "Killer!"

"And Team B," Chris continued, turning his head to the other six, "you are hereby dubbed, the Mutant Maggots!" A teal, yellow, and orange sunburst-patterned background took over the screen, and a red logo spun up to the front. This one depicted the head of a three-eyed maggot, its mouth frozen in a gaping hiss.

Bridgette, Cody, Ezekiel, Jo, Beardo, and Angel stared blankly for a second as well, then moved their eyes to the geek as he spoke up. "So..., what's with all the chemical waste references?" Cody asked.

The perspective switched to a group shot as another loud roar shook the area. Beardo made the sound of an air-raid siren as the others looked around in shock.

The shot cut to some distant trees, a flock of birds flying away as one fell, then the camera panned to the right as another closer tree fell. Angel, Bridgette, and Beardo gasped in fear, the two girls grabbing each other for comfort, and the camera zoomed in on a bush in front of the last fallen tree.

A small hairless squirrel with big yellow eyes jumped out and looked around.

"Hey it's just a stupid squirrel," Jo said in disbelief.

"It's adorable!" Ella gushed...until it blinked sideways, and she cringed audibly.

"Yo, that thing ain't right!" Gary said from off-screen as the squirrel happily blinked and looked around some more.

"While we were gone," Chris explained, "I rented the island out to a nice family-oriented biohazardous waste disposal company." As he spoke, the camera cut to a pile of oil barrels stashed in and around a tree. All of the barrels had a hazard sign on them, and most were leaking some sort of foul bubbling green liquid. "Sweet people," the host remarked.

"But," he added as the focus cut back to him on his ATV, "the waste is having a teensy bit of an impact on the flora and fauna." The hairless squirrel was shown again, blinking as a monarch butterfly flew close to it. It snapped out its tongue like a frog, and swallowed the butterfly up.

"Cool!" Sam said with a chuckle as Gary gave him an odd look.

"Well," Ella said, cautiously approaching it with a smile on her face. "It may look odd but I'm sure it's perfectly harmless! Hello there little fella," She reached out to pet it, and it roared the same deep and terrifying roar that had scared them all earlier, then shot lightning from its eyes at the ground Ella was standing on. Ella screamed and ran away, and the squirrel blew her a raspberry before hopping back into the bush.

Chris was laughing hysterically as the shot cut to Ella jumping into the arms of an exceptionally shocked Gary in fear. Ella smiled sheepishly, and Gary gently set her on the ground. The camera cut back to Chris as he stopped laughing, then in an elated and dramatic tone said "Most. Danger. Ev-er~!"


"Seriously?" Lily asked the confessional in outrage. "Toxic waste? Who green lit this season? Kitsune's birth mother?" She rolled her eyes and said "I've got to stop letting Angel talk me into stuff."


"Now," the host said with a wide smile as the scene cut back to him once again, "before we start our very first challenge of the season, let's give out some rewards. The Maggots," he turned to the right, "get a trampoline!" The shot cut to a close-up of the trampoline, and moments later Chef bounced down upon it. "And the Rats, get a hacksaw," Chris added, the shot cutting upwards to showing his glowering assistant holding the tool in question.

Chef suddenly lost his balance and fell with a crash; Lightning laughed at him and had the hacksaw thrown at his head for it; and Jo laughed at him in turn, and in turn got crushed by the trampoline that was thrown at her.

"What do these items have to do with this bomb?" Chris asked, holding up a square of plastic explosives with a wireless timed detonator attached to it.

"Uhh, he's not gonna blow us up again, is he?" Cody nervously asked an equally nervous Beardo.

"Who knows," Chris said with a sly smile, leaning in between the two with the bomb. "Find out when we come back!"


(Commercial Break)


The episode resumed on a shot of two totem poles hanging from tree branches. The one on the left was a green-marked rat sitting on a toxic waste barrel; and the one on the right was a red-marked three-eyed maggot with a hazard sign on its base and a hatchet stuck in the bottom.

"Those, are your team totems," Chris explained, the shot panning down to show each team standing below their respective totem with the host roughly between them, the entire group standing in front of a river. "You need to cut 'em down, and get 'em in the river, and ride 'em back to the campgrounds," he explained. "First team there gets their pick of the cabins. But hurry! The totems are rigged with bombs that will explode if you don't plant 'em in front of your cabin in seven minutes or less," the shot zoomed in on the timer on the Rats' totem. "Starting now," Chris quickly added, and the timer began counting down from 7:00.

"Alright let's do this!" Jo said enthusiastically, jumping onto the trampoline that had been set-up under the Maggots' totem. However, rather than go straight up she bounced off to the right with a startled cry and landed in the river.


"Stand back, Lightning is on it!" the uber-jock announced excitedly as the focus moved to the other team, jumping onto the trunk of the tree the Rats' totem was hanging from. Lily and Ella watched him climb in wary silence, then took a shocked step back when he slid back down almost immediately. "Dang slippery tree! Don't worry Lightning never quits!" He told his team, quickly climbing back up.

"Yeah," Lily said, her surprise quickly fading into annoyance, "that's not gonna work. Anybody gotta plan?"

"Why don't we just saw the tree yo?" Gary asked while trying to do just that, earning a face-palm from Lily while Natasha rubbed his chin in thought.


"Hmm," Cody said, rubbing his own chin as he looked between the trampoline and the totem pole as the focus cut back to the Maggots. "The problem is that not only does the trampoline need to be in the right position under the totem pole, but the jumper also needs to hit the right position on the trampoline to bounce at the right angle to grab the hatchet," he explained, the camera following his gestures to the trampoline, the totem pole, the large rock nearby, the trampoline again, and finally the ax.

"So...can you figure out where everything should go?" Bridgette said uncertainly, the shot zooming out to show the rest of the Maggots standing around, Jo soaking wet.

"Uh, I should be able to," Cody answered after a moment's thought, "but only if I know who'll be jumping so I can take their weight into account." His eyes widened. "Not that I'm asking any of you ladies for your weight! It's just y'know, basic math."


"Way to go Cody," the geek scolded himself in the confessional. "Girls don't like it when guys go all techno-babble. But anyway, I think I might be the smartest person on my team. Not that everyone else is dumb. So I guess I'll have to take a hit with the ladies so I don't y'know be the first one kicked off."


The footage cut back to another shot of the Rats' totem, Lightning scrambled back up the trunk, and nearly reached the branch the totem was hanging from. However, just as he paused to catch his breath, he began to slide back down the bark, his eyes wide.

"Well, if the meathead can't climb it," Lily said, the camera cutting back down to the forest floor where she, Ella, Eva, and Gary were looking up, "then I don't think any of us are gonna be able to."

"We have to do something," Eva countered, "the Maggots are taking the lead!"

"Well it ain't like we can just stack ourselves up and reach the rope that way," Gary said.

Natasha dragged a long, flat log in from the left, then set it down on a rock and grabbed Eva's arm.

"What are you doing?" the girl growled in warning.

Natasha raised his hands defensively, and opened his mouth to say something.

"I think he wants you to stand over by the tree so we can launch people to stack on top of you," Lily said.

Natasha blinked in confusion, then nodded his head.


"I wonder how long I can keep this up," he mused to himself. "It'll definitely make my strategy easier."


A close-up showed Cody giving the trampoline's position a few minor adjustments, then smiling and standing back up. "Okay, you should be good to go!" he told Ezekiel, who was now standing on the large rock that was behind their team.

"Right," Ezekiel nodded. He jumped down onto the trampoline, then straight up to the totem pole. He grabbed onto the hatchet buried in the wooden carving and tried to pull it free, but it didn't budge. "Why's this buried so deep eh?" he grunted, swinging his legs up so he could brace them against the bottom of the totem pole.

"Crap," Bridgette said, the camera panning down to her and the rest of the Maggots looking up. "I don't think this is gonna be enough, guys," she told the others before looking back up at the homeschooler. "Ezekiel, I think maybe one of us should, I don't know, grab on too or something! Maybe the extra weight could help you pull it out?"

"No thanks!" Ezekiel called down to his teammates, pausing to try and pull the hatchet out with another grunt. "I can do it eh!"


"Bridgette seems like a nice girl and all," Ezekiel confessed. "But my dad told me to look out for the girls before I came out here, so I don't think she'll be that much help."


"Okay," Lily said from off-screen as Natasha adjusted the long, flattish log that had been propped up on a moderately sized rock like a seesaw, "Natasha says Lightning's next." He stood up and reached off-screen to the right, pulling the uber-jock into view and leading him onto the lower end of the log.

"Cool," he said confidently as Natasha ran off to the left. He met up with Sam who was waiting by the high-end of the seesaw, and motioned for the gamer to jump.

"Let's do this!" Sam said with a chuckle, and he jumped onto the high end, his weight causing Lightning to catapult into the air with a shout.

He landed with a grunt on Lily's shoulders, and the camera zoomed out to show her glaring up at him. "Lightning strikes!" he declared, striking a pose.

"Be careful Bolt-for-brains!" Lily scolded as the human tower began to sway.

The camera zoomed out even more to show Eva at the bottom of the stack, her eyes closed and breathing slowly and steadily, earning odd looks from the two on her shoulders. "I'm trying to stay calm," she explained.

"Right...," Lily said, rolling her eyes. A sudden scream caught all three's attention, the camera panned back up just as Gary landed on Lightning's shoulders.

"This better be worth it yo," he grumbled.

"Hey! Lightning's the one with another dude's legs on his neck," Lightning added.


The shot cut back to Ezekiel hanging from the hatchet, still trying to pull it out. " it!" he said, finally freeing the ax then grabbing a short branch below the totem as he started to fall back down.

"Very good!" Angel cheered down below, Jo and Cody and Bridgette all joining in.

Beardo suddenly made an alarm sound, pointing up at the branch Ezekiel was hanging by one arm from as a hairless squirrel emerged from a hole in the trunk with an annoyed chitter.

The squirrel seemed to find that annoying, and its eyes began to glow red. It suddenly shot eye-lasers down at the hairy boy, who jumped away with a yelp. The squirrel did not let up, however, and kept sweeping its laser-gaze across the panicking Maggots below.


"Ella, you're next!" Lily told the princess, the girl in question humming to herself at the low end of the seesaw.

Natasha jumped on the seesaw's high end, and catapulted Ella into the air with a musical yell. She landed gracefully on Gary's shoulders and said "That was quite exhilarating! But I can't reach the saw."

"Then we only need one more," Eva said from the bottom of the pile. "Where's Sam?"

The camera cut to the gamer, who was unsurprisingly playing on his handheld before Chris walked on screen and snatched it from him.

"What gives?" Sam asked angrily.

"No electronic devices," the host told him with a wagging finger. "Especially in the middle of challenges."

The gamer hung his head in disappointment.


The hairless squirrel was still attempting to zap the five grounded Maggots, forcing them to run about in terror.

"Uh oh," Ezekiel said as the shot cut back to him hanging from the branch the squirrel was on, which soon turned its attention to him. "Why're you zappin' me eh?!" He quickly thew the hatchet in front of his face as the squirrel fired its laser, and the beam was bounced off the tool and directed at the higher branch the totem was hanging from – the blast snapped through it, sending the Maggots' totem pole crashing to the ground.

Beardo made the sound of a victory horn as the rest of his team cheered and Ezekiel landed next to it, on his butt and no longer holding the hatchet.

"I did it!" the homeschooler cheered, raising his arms in victory just before the massive carved log fell over onto him.


Natasha impatiently tapped his foot as he waited on the lower end of the Rats' makeshift catapult.

"Sorry I'm late!" Sam said as he skidded onto the screen. "I was in the middle of this boss fight and-"

"Who cares?!" Gary interrupted. "We only got like three minutes before this thing blows up yo!"

The gamer nodded. "Got it," he said, preparing to jump. "Get ready to saw!" With a mighty leap he launched the supposedly silent boy into the air.

Natasha hit the tree, but was somehow able to get on Ella's shoulder's before he fell to the ground.

"Quick!" Eva barked at him, the shot zooming out to show her scowling more intensely than usual. "Cut the rope!"

He shot her a quick, unnoticed, glare before sawing through the rope holding up their totem. A few seconds later, the totem landed on the ground earning a cheer from the seven Rats.


"So I may have a bit of a problem with anger management," the gruff girl admitted almost sheepishly. "I'm not proud of it, but I'm hoping I can get past it long enough to win the million.


The challenge resumed with a shot of the rocky river, whoops and shouts of excitement coming from upstream. The camera panned up just as the Mutant Maggots floated by on their totem – Jo in front, followed by Beardo, Ezekiel, Cody, Bridgette, and Angel in back. The Toxic Rats floated by soon after, Natasha at the head followed by Ella, Lightning, Lily, Eva, Sam, and Gary on the end.

"They're gaining on us!" Jo shouted after looking back.

"I think we got bigger problems eh," Ezekiel said, pointing forward, "look!"

The perspective briefly switched to reveal that the river they were on was heading over a cliff, and the Maggots gasped. "Waterfall?" Cody asked. "What do we do?"

"Fall and hope we live!" Bridgette advised in rising panic.

The shot zoomed out to show the top of the waterfall, the six screaming teenagers shooting over it on their totem pole and falling into the forest below. Unseen branches snapped as they plummeted, but the camera cut to the ground just in time to show them landing on the shore of the waterfall's basin on the broadside of the totem pole, and after a bounce that jostled Angel from her seat they began to slide down a hill.

"WAAAAAAH!" Angel screamed, hanging on to the back of the fast-moving pole with only her hands.

"Hold on, I got you!" Bridgette told her, quickly turning around and grabbing her arms. "Don't worry!" She easily pulled her back onto the totem, and gazed deep into her eyes. Angel instantly stopped screaming. "Haha, you had me worried there for a second," Bridgette told her. "Maybe you should just hold on to me from now on just in case."

"Heeheehee, sure!" Angel giggled, quickly wrapping her arms around the surfer's waist and leaning in to her back. Bridgette looked away from the camera, but wasn't able to hide her growing blush.

Back at the top of the waterfall, the Toxic Rats shot out into the air with screams of their own. As with their rivals, the sound of crashing branches preceded the thud of their landing, and they whooped and cheered as the camera cut to them sliding down the hill.

Natasha looked back at his teammates and held his right arm out straight.

"I think Natasha would like us to lean forward!" Ella said as she did it.

"He's right, lean!" Eva said, and the other five promptly did so. The camera zoomed in on Sam in particular, who was giggling with another game console in his hands. The shot zoomed back out to show the Maggots passing the Rats, and a glowering iron woman reaching behind with her left hand, grabbing Sam's game, and tossing it behind them.

"Hey! How'd they get in front of us!" Jo complained as the handheld hit Cody in the head.


The scene moved to Chris and Chef, lounging in short white deck chairs outside of the cabins – the one on the right looked just as it had in season one, but the one on the left had been replaced by what looked like a larger and much fancier two-and-a-half-story house.

"Ahh, feels good to be back," Chris said, leaning back in his chair while Chef read a book.

"Too true, man," the cook added as he turned a page.

The sound of panting prompted the camera to pan to the right, and none other than Malcolm ran up. "Dude, hey, Chris," he said, "the boat wouldn't stop for some reason!"

"Oh look, it's former player Malcolm," Chris told the camera, "who's not competing this year!"

Malcolm nodded eagerly and waved at the camera, then said "So I swam back over here to-" He paused, blinked, then widened his eyes in realization. "What do you mean I'm not competing?!"

"I'm afraid you and the other 'classic players' have outlived your usefulness," the host explained. He briefly looked at the camera, then added "Chef?"

"On it," the cook said, stepping forward and planting a bomb similar to the ones on the totem poles on Malcolm's chest.

"Oh no," Malcolm said in growing horror as the light on the bomb began to blink. He turned and fled, but the host smiled impishly and eyed the button on his remote.

The scene cut to a long-distance view of the thousand-foot-high cliff as Malcolm's screams were followed by an explosion that launched him into the air, visible even from afar.

Chris and Chef were laughing hysterically as the shot cut back to them, but they stopped as soon as they heard the laughs and cheers of a team approaching from the forest. The camera cut to the foot of a hill on the edge of the woods as the totem bearing the Toxic Rats slid down, and came to a stop just before the host and cook.

"First place! Go Team Lightning!" Lightning cheered, raising an arm in celebration.

"Tick tock," Chris told them, tapping on his watch. The bomb's timer was shown counting down from 0:15 to 0:14, and the camera panned back up to a nervous Lightning and Lily.

"Quick, grab the good cabin!" Lily commanded, and the shot cut to the two cabins – a flat stump occupying the area between them – as the seven teens carried their massive totem over their heads, grunting with the effort.

They managed to place it upright on the stump, and the timer stopped at 0:05 seconds. As it flashed and beeped the Rats cheered for their victory...that is, until the sound of approaching screams caught their attention.

The Maggots finally arrived at the bottom of the hill, hitting a small bump in just the right way to send their totem flying into the air. All six fell off it, and to the mute shock of Chris and Chef it crashed into the second story of the better cabin. The timer on it counted down from 0:03, to 0:02, to 0:01.

The explosion that followed blew the entire two-and-a-half-story building apart, leaving behind nothing but smoke and splintered boards.

"Too bad," Chris told the Toxic Rats as the camera panned right to the seven shocked teens standing around their totem pole, "it had an eight-person hot tub and air conditioning!" They all groaned in disappointment.

"Can't we just go back to an earlier save or something?" Sam asked by way of a joke. The camera panned across his teammates to show that they weren't amused, or was less pleased than normal in Ella's case.

Chris gave him a look of amusement and shrugged. "Sadly no," he told the gamer. "Anyway as the only team with a cabin still standing, the Mutant Maggots win the first challenge!" He pointed to the other team, still recovering from their sudden fall. They cheered and celebrated, though in a strained and hurting manner.

"So where am I gonna sleep?" Lightning asked the host.

"No worries," Chris told him with a dismissive hand wave as the sound of a helicopter rose up nearby. "We've got a back-up cabin for you. It's every bit as nice as the one you lost." As he spoke, the show's red helicopter was shown bringing in the cabin in question and lowering it into the scattered rubble of the old one...revealing that the new one was basically identical to the older model the Maggots had gotten stuck with.

The Rats groaned again as it landed on the ground and one of its doors fell off its hinges.

"Team Rat," Chris told them as the camera panned back to the right, "I'll see you at the campfire for the first elimination ceremony of the season." He laughed, then high-fived Chef.

The seven losers grudgingly made their way to their new abode, and the camera focused in on Sam near the back of the group playing yet another handheld before bumping into Lily.

"Don't you ever do anything besides play video games?" she asked in annoyance.

Sam blinked in confusion, then said "I got banned from all the Barney's Buffets in a thirty-mile radius from my house," with a chuckle

The cynic just rolled her eyes and walked away.


The footage skipped ahead to a full moon now shining over Camp Wawanakwa.

"The votes are cast," Chris said as the camera panned down to the campfire pit, the seven members of the Toxic Rats sitting among the eleven stump seats – Sam and Gary in the front row on the far right with the gamer playing a handheld; and Natasha, Ella, Lightning, Lily, and Eva taking up the entire back – and Chris in position at the oil drum podium. "Those who receive a regular marshmallow can stay. But this season," the shot cut in closer to the host, "one player will receive a very special marshmallow. A marshmallow you do not wanna eat." He motioned to the side as Chef walked up, wearing a hazmat suit and carrying a thick metal box marked with a hazard symbol.

Chef flipped open the lid of the box, revealing a single marshmallow with a bright but sickly green glow to it. "Whoever gets the Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom," the host explained, "is out of the contest. Which means, you can't come back! Ev-er." He paused for a brief moment, then smiled and picked up the first normal marshmallow from the tray resting in front of him.

"The following players are safe," he announced. "Lily," he tossed the first bit of white to the cynic, who caught it quickly and without flinching from her stern yet annoyed expression.

"Natasha." The second was thrown to the 'silent' boy, who caught it in his hand then popped it in his mouth.

"Lightning." The uber-jock got his next, catching it with one hand with a smug grin.

"Ella." The princess caught her prize with a bright smile.

"And Eva." The iron woman caught hers in her hands, only to accidentally crush the treat.

"And the Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom goes to," Chris announced. The camera cut to the front-right corner as Gary stiffened up, and Sam continued to play a handheld. As the tension continued to build, close-ups of each boy were shown – first Gary, then Sam. The Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom was shown glowing in a pair of tongs held by Chef, and finally the camera cut back to Chris as he said...


"Aww," The Nice Guy Gamer said, nodding in acceptance. "I kinda saw it comin'." The glowing marshmallow was tossed at him, but he backed away with a quick yelp; and the toxic sweet burned a hole into the stump he'd been sitting on. He hung his head and sighed. "Well, I guess it's the Dock of Shame for me, then, right?"

"Actually," Chris told him, "we came up with something new this season! You'll looove it."


The screen rotated around itself, the scene cutting to the torch-lit dock where, of all things, a large catapult had been set up. Sam was sitting warily in its bowl, while Chris, Chef, and his former teammates watched nearby.

"Say hello to the 'Hurl of Shame'!" Chris introduced excitedly. "Patent pending."

"Awesome," Sam said as Chris walked past him to the catapult's lever, "It's just like the siege equipment during the Battle of Resolute Citadel in Basilisk Era Threeeeeeeee!" he finished as he was hurled off into the distance over the lake.

"One down, twelve to go," Chris told the camera with a grin, the series's capstone theme starting up. "Who's next in line? Find out next time, right here," he pointed downward, "on Total! Drama! Rrrevenge of the Island!"

The camera jumped outward with each part of the title as usual, ending with a long-distance shot of Wawanakwa with the moon's broken reflection shimmering on the surface of the lake.

(Roll the Credits)

So you know how the first generation cast was overloaded with characters with tons of plot that I could just pick something and put it in a season of my choice? This time, I got pretty much all the throw away characters. Bridgette without Geoff, Sam without Dakota, Ezekiel, Beardo, Ella, you get the idea.

So...let's talk about that first elimination, shall we? It begins with me starting to think up the teams for this season back in season one. I ended up listing the cast based on how they would place in a foot race, not realizing that Chris was being really random about who got put on what team. Luckily the gender balance worked, and I get to experience putting my twins on different teams to see how they act without their balancing agent. Anyway, I looked at what each Rat had to offer and made my choice based on who offered the least.

That person was originally Gary. Granted he did make the Final Five in Danger Island and was even a hero in All-Stars 2. I figured he wouldn't have much to offer here because because I have enough comedic relief between Beardo, Ezekiel, and Lightning. But after the success of all my OC's in the first generation, I decided to give him a little more time so you guys could form your opinion of him.

Thus, I needed a new first boot. The only other options were Ella and Sam, though I did briefly consider Eva. Anyway of those three, Sam ironically had the least potential and therefore became expendable in my mind. I'm sorry to his fans, myself included. Without Dakota, all he had was his video game withdrawal, and I'm not about to keep a character around just for one reference over someone who has more potential. Even if they do offer something offered by other campers.

Now for who I imagine voicing each Danger Island camper:

Angel - Starfire from Teen Titans

Lily - Blackfire from Teen Titans

Natasha - Toffee from Star vs. the Forces of Evil

Gary - Clover from Sofia the First

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. This is the first thirteen-episode season so I expect thing to go a bit faster pacing wise, but who really knows.

By the way, let me know what you think of the cast, the revealed pairing, and who you think/hope the other two are!

And as always I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something.

I hope you all enjoyed the episode, or some part of it.

With that I'm signing off



13th Place: Sam