Chapter Four - Part 2

"Sto-mmfph!" A bulky man rammed a hand against Futaba's mouth, pushing her with a thud against the alley wall.

"Look girl. We helped you out when you were curled into a ball crying by the entrance. We expect payment." The man growled, tightening his grip.

"Yo," A skinnier guy sauntered out from the shadows of the alley. "Who dat you got dere?" The larger man only grunted in response. The skinnier guy paid no mind to the feeble reply. "I bet the boss would love her."

"Mem me mmm!" Futaba felt tears welling in her eyes. Her mind blank except for fear.

The skinnier guy walked up to her, and lifted her chin. "Oo, she's a cute one. Not my taste though." The skinny guy walked away and beckoned for the larger man to bring Futaba along.

Futaba wasn't putting up much of a fight. Her small and frail stature was no match against the burly man that restrained her, and the fear that overran her mind turned her legs to jelly. "Mmmfph," She whimpered with tears streaming down her face.

"Aw, you made her cry~" The skinny guy teased. "Oh well. Let's get going before people find us-"

"Urgh!" His words were cut short as the larger man stumbled backwards, grunting in pain and clutching his left arm which now bear claw-marks. The scratches drew blood but were not deep, but the unexpected pain was enough for the man to release his grip on Futaba.

"What the hell?" The skinner man looked around frantically for the attacker, his hand reaching into his pocket and drawing out a pocket-knife. "Who's there!"

His call was met with a threatening hiss. The man looked down to see a black cat with glaring blue eyes.

"What? Just a kitty? How boring." The man tried to grab Futaba again, who was sitting on the ground in shock, but the cat growled at him and lashed out his claws again. The man flinched backwards. "Tch. Stupid cat."

Futaba's limbs seemed to have finally thawed. After realizing she was free from his captors, she bolted down the alleyway.

"Stop her!" The skinny guy demanded, the large man obeyed. The cat hissed in protest and lunged at the running man. No longer fazed by the cat, the man swung his leg out. The cat thudded against the wall and collapsed in a limp heap.

Futaba heard the thundering footsteps behind her. Risking a look, she caught sight of her captors gaining on her. A mistake. Her legs wobbled as fear overflowed her again. Her eyes blurred, the world spun, she called out for Ren, then she found herself on the ground with no strength left to flee.

"Finally girl." The large man loomed over her, his hand reaching out to grab her. Futaba shut her eyes.

But the hand never came.

Futaba's eyes slitted open. A familiar figure stood in front of her, and she quickly realized it was Ren.

"Who are you kid?" The man frowned and eyed Ren's hand gripping his wrist. Ren didn't reply. "Whatever kid. Just get out of the way."

"Eat this!" Ryuji suddenly appeared behind Ren with a large tree branch and swung it at the man. The man just raised his free hand and stopped the blow easily. "For real?!" Ryuji jumped back as the man yanked the branch out of his grasp and tossed it away like a piece of junk.

"I don't tolerate anyone who attacks me." The man growled. He grabbed Ren, and flung him aside like a ragdoll. Ren groaned and watched in horror and the man pinned Ryuji against a wall, repeatedly whacking him. Futaba squeaked in terror and backed herself up against the opposite wall. Ren couldn't move. He just sat there, and watched.

The skinnier man slipped past a frozen Ren and stood beside Futaba. "Come on girly." His voice hissed dangerously as he grabbed Futaba's arm.

Futaba's tear-streaked eyes met his. "Ren!" Ren shuddered as she called out his first name desperately.

Are you just going to watch?

Ren sat there, his blood cold, his body frozen. Ryuji laid in a pulp on the ground, curled into a defensive ball as the man stomped on his back repeatedly. Futaba's cries echoed in Ren's ears as the skinny guy dragged her away with little effort.

A voice in Ren's head told him to move, to act, to help them, but Ren couldn't. Streams of images flashed in Ren's mind. Regretful images. Pained memories. The woman. The police. The drunk man. The court. Juvie. Behind bars. Shouting. Blaming. Ren cowered into the corner, his hands blocking his ears, trying to shut out the internal noises.

Was your previous decision, a mistake then?

A mistake? Yes… yes it was. Ren wouldn't be on probation if he didn't act out. Ren wouldn't be hated by friends and family alike. Ren wouldn't be treated as the scum of the society. Ren wouldn't have lost his normal life. Ren wouldn't have lost his happiness.

It was a mistake.

I see…

How long will you continue to blindfold yourself? I expected more from my other self.

New images overtook Ren's mind. The woman was on the ground, blood pooling around her head. The man stood over her, cussing and pacing back and forth. The police arriving, cleaned up the body and escorted the man home. The news the next day, claiming a woman went mental, attacked a man and then killed herself.

No that was not what happened.


None of it was real, but Ren knew.

Ren knew the man had killed her.

Was this the outcome if he didn't step in?

Was your previous decision, a mistake?


Ryuji grunted out in pain as the large man towering over him brought his leg back far, preparing to finish his job.


Futaba cried and struggled as the skinny man yanked her along, no longer grabbing at her arm, but instead pulling her hair.


Had he truly lost his chance at happiness?

He thought back to Futaba spending her evening gaming with Ren, despite knowing the risks, despite knowing his record, despite Sojiro's disapproval.

He thought back to Ryuji who befriended him despite the rumors, despite never meeting him before, despite knowing his record.


"It was not a mistake."

That's what I like to hear.

I have heeded to your resolve. Vow to me. I am thou, thou art I. Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Call upon my name,

And release thy rage!

"Yes… ARSENE!"

Wind roared through the alley. The large man stumbled and lowered his foot to keep his balance, the skinnier guy let go of Futaba to shield his eyes from the wind and flying debris.



The wind died and Ren began to walk towards the two men casually, calmly, steadily. His fear blown away with the wind. His cowardly self gone.

"Who the hell are you?" The larger man balled his fists while the skinny one raised his knife.

"No one you will remember." The edges of Ren's lips curved into a knowing smirk. The large man thundered towards him.

"Damn you-"

Ren had never felt this light before. This fast, this strong. His body was full of energy, energy he never knew he had.

The attacking man looked slow. So slow. Ren sidestepped his punch easily. He stuck out his foot and pushed the man's back, guiding the man straight into the wall. Ren barely touched him, but the force, and fact he landed on the back of his head, was enough to knock the man out cold.

Ren stared at his hand in disbelief. Was this really his strength? But he didn't have time to dawdle. Ren turned back to the the other guy who was-

"Don't come any closer!" A knife was held against Futaba's throat. Ren froze. He felt like an idiot. He should've made sure to take care of both them at once, not take his sweet time acting cool. "Put your hands up and back away slowly. Or her throat goes." The guy snarled menacingly, but Ren could see his hand tremble.

Still, Ren obeyed. He cautiously backed away while trying to think of another plan in his head. Try charging and overwhelm him? Too risky. Ren didn't even know his own prowess yet. If he went all out, there was a chance he would accidentally harm Futaba. Or maybe overestimate his power and fail. Take his friend as hostage? I doubt he'll care. Strike a deal? A deal about what?

"Good," The skinny guy grinned when he realized he had Ren in a bind. "Just keep backing awa-"

His sentence stopped abruptly. His knife clattered to the ground. He arched back and screamed in pain, clutching a bloodied hand. Scratch marks ran down the length of his arm all the way to his finger tips. A black cat with a scarf appeared out of nowhere and placed itself between Futaba and the man.

"Amateur," The cat's beady eyes glanced at Ren. Ren stared at it, mouth agape. Had he heard right? The cat talked? The cat just talked? Wait, no. He shouldn't be focused on that right now.

"You goddamn cat!" The man swung his foot at the cat frantically, but the cat dodged all of them, zig-zagging between the obstacles at abnormal speeds. The moment it reached the shadow of a trash can by the wall, the cat disappeared.

"Wha- that's right you f****** feline! Scram!" The skinny guy shouted and kicked over the trash can, but the cat wasn't there.

"Behind you~" The cat seemingly appeared out of nowhere and pounced on the man's back and bit his ear. The man screamed and tried to yank the cat off. The cat yowled urgently, "What are you doing! Help me out here!" It took Ren a moment to realize it was shouting at him.

Ren quickly threw a punch at the man's open stomach, sending him crumbling against the wall. Ren tried his best to control the amount of strength he used. With another swift blow to the head, the man collapsed.

"You are so slow! There were so many openings and yet you just stood there!" The cat scolded. Ren blinked at him.

"Um… did you just talk?"

"Of course I did! Who did you think was speaking?! Are you deaf!?"

"Dude!" Ryuji limped up to him, giving a weak smile. "That was awesome!"

Ren stared at Ryuji's bruised and battered body, wanting to avert his gaze but couldn't. "Are you okay?!" Ren put a hand on Ryuji's shoulder, and he winced.

"Could've been better. But damn, you were sick there! Where'd you get the clothes?"

"Clothes…?" Ren looked down at himself and realized he was no longer wearing his school uniform. Instead, he wore slick black pants with a black tailed coat. A mask covered his eyes, and blood red gloves enveloped his hands. "Wha- when?"

"It's the sign you have awakened," The cat explained, "I believe you should have heard a voice calling in your head."


"Huh?" Ryuji stared at him blankly. "What are you 'yessing' for?"

Ren back looked at him with the same confused face.

The cat sighed, "He can't hear me. Only those who've awakened can."

"You keep talking about this awakened thing. Can you explain it more clearly?"

"I will when we get somewhere safe. We need to go now. I hear footsteps approaching."

Indeed, Ren heard the shout of voices and pitter patter of feet drumming the ground. The cops? Ren quickly turned to Ryuji and helped a stunned Futaba to her feet.

"We need to leave now. Things would get complicated if the cops see us."

"Yeah, no joke!" Ryuji began limping his way out of the alley. Ren followed behind, supporting Futaba.

Once they were back on the streets of Akihabara, Ren felt the energy seep away. He stumbled, his head aching, his eyesight blurred, and almost collapsed if not for Ryuji catching him.

"You ok dude? Your costume kinda just… evaporated."

Ren looked down to see himself back in his familiar school uniform. "Yeah, I'm fine. You should worry about yourself more." He shifted his weight off Ryuji, not wanting to strain him more. "We should leave, before we miss the last train."

Futaba was awkwardly quiet the whole way home. They separated from Ryuji, who assured Ren he could get home by himself just fine, and walked towards LeBlanc. The cat found himself a snuggly home in Ren's bag.

"Hey," Futaba spoke once LeBlanc was in sight.

Ren faced Futaba, who fidgeted awkwardly beside him.

"Thanks… for saving me."

Ren gave Futaba, who kept her gaze fixated on the ground, a small smile.

"I expect an explanation tomorrow," She added, before running off, leaving Ren alone in front of LeBlanc.

Ren nodded, despite knowing Futaba couldn't see him.

What awaited Ren in LeBlanc was not the freedom and rest that he so dearly needed, it was an angry Sojiro.

"What are you doing home so late brat! I was getting ready to call the cops!"

"I'm sorry…"

"Sorry is not going to cut it! I want an explanation, now! Before I kick you back to juvie!"

Ren's mouth opened but no words came out. He couldn't just tell Sojiro that he went shopping with his daughter and then his daughter ended up getting kidnapped and some talking cat and magical powers saved them, could he? Maybe he'll throw in the power of friendship to that story since it's already crazy.

A soft meow came from his bag.

Wait… cat?

"I found this stray in the subway." Ren opened his bag to reveal the mangy black cat that laid in there, its scarf now gone. "I couldn't just leave it alone, so…"

Sojiro sighed helplessly. "You spent a whole evening with a cat?!"

"It was alone and hungry! It reminded me of…" Ren's voice faded. He doubted Sojiro could hear his next whisper, "me…"

"This is a restaurant you know. I can't let you keep a cat here."

"Please Sakura-san. He could get sick or hurt if left out there alone." The cat cooperated with Ren's excuse by looking up at Sojiro with pitiful eyes.

Sojiro glared between Ren and the cat. Then, he sighed. "Fine. Only if you promise to feed it and clean it and make sure it never comes downstairs during business hours."

"Yes! Thank you Sakura-san!"

Sojiro rubbed the back of his head, as if considering whether the choice he made was right. Then turned and left the cafe, locking it up. "Don't come back late again. Next time, I won't hesitate to call the cops!"

Ren nodded and watched Sojiro leave. The cat hopped out of his bag.

"Well, that was some lame excuse."

"Do you have a better one?"

The cat shrugged. "So, do you have food boy? The bread you left me was pretty dry and bland."

"Don't complain stray. And don't call me boy as well. I'm Ren Amamiya." Ren wondered if he should be feeling concerned about introducing himself to a cat.

"I'm Morgana." The cat sat on one of the bar chairs. "So, do you have food?"

"No I don't. I don't even have food to feed myself."

"What? Of all people I could meet I find myself with a poor boy?"

"Says a homeless stray cat."

"Can you at least wash me?"

"Tomorrow. I'm too tired today."

The cat groaned.

"Also, you have some explaining to do tomorrow."

A/N: Me as I'm planning the story: (ಠ_ಠ) "What have I done?!"

Yeah, there's going to be a lot of edits and table flipping... please let me know if you catch any errors, plot holes, and whatnot.

But for the time being, I'm going on vacation for the next month :3 So... *runs away*