My inner narrator:

Once there was a reader who wished for another chapter (Xana) after she finished the whole paper. She woke up at the smell of another rottening cheese that promised sweetness and waffyness. Prepare to be disppointed. :

This came out rather fast so it's kind of a mess...? I'm a non-English speaker so beg me mercy widdles. (That petname is a clue.)

Quietly humming to herself, Akane walked towards the door with a pleasant smile, only to be ruined by a presence that chilled her spine. Her mood switched from one of a calm to a panicked one.

As if some kind of ice just froze her in her place, Akane stared wide eyed at the person staring back at her.

"N-Nabiki?" She swallowed hard, turning her eyes to Nabiki's phone being shown to her face.

The brunette slurped her drink for good minute, giving the younger woman a glacial glaze that petrifies her with its quiet strength. "Akane." She addressed her in a tone that demands a 'convincing' excu-err, explanation on what she had just seen earlier.

"Promise, Nabiki. It's not what it looks like!" Akane demystified, but ended up giving the executive vice-president of sales more ideas that only testifies falsehood because of the betrayal of tongue and her cheeks.

Nabiki continued to stare at her as she continued to slurp with her straw, shrinking her into a size of a six inches doll.

"Are you going to buy something or not?" Tsukuro demanded impatiently, switching his eyes back and forth between the two women staring at each other.

"No," Nabiki raised a compelling hand that silenced the owner, cutting his future statement. "We will be leaving, anyways. You come with me, sis. Let's have a ramen downtown."

"Come on, Nabiki chan. You knew we sell Ramen and stuffs!" Tsukuro protested weakly.

"We want a good ramen, Tsukuro-san." Nabiki replied. Turning her head towards the quivering girl standing in front of her Nabiki smiled. Grabbing her cold hand she waltzed outside the store with Akane protesting behind her.

"Now, Akane. That guy's kinda cute." Nabiki muttered out of the blue that took her unprepared. Akane began to talk gibberish that neither of the two could understand. "What did you say?" Nabiki asked. She was too much fun, Nabiki thought in plain amusement.

Akane stumbled, almost landing face first on the ground only to be gathered by Nabiki's tug at her hands. "Nabiki!" Akane exclaimed, "This is not funny!"

"I found it funny." Nabiki replied with a grin. "What's his name?"

"Nabiki!" Akane pleaded, her face resembling the glorious cherry blossom petals which she found rather unhealthy for her pride.

"I heard Tamaba saying about you being his girl."

"Stop it!"

"You're easy."

"It's your fault in the first place!"

"How come?"


Wrong Number Moments #02: Rasberry sherbets

"My phone number is 09152380780."

Akane stared at her phone in bewilderment. "09152480780." She muttered. "This is insane."

"Well, bad encounters leads you to a good relationship." Nabiki nodded to herself, toying her last takoyaki on her plate.

"This is your fault!"

"You typed my new number wrong. You can't say it's my fault when it's your own fingers that typed it." Nabiki countered, pointing her fingers with her chopsticks with a frown. "So who is he, by the way?"

"A new employee working in my department." Akane lied.

Nabiki stared at her diverting eyes and sweating brows. "You're the worst." Nabiki zoomed the picture before she brought it back in front of her younger sister's eyes.

'Stupid, high resolutioned cameras.' Akane thought in dismay. "Alright, you got me!" Akane admitted in annoyance, slapping her phone away from her face.

"The girl that was loved by the employees of Aizo has been caught having a lunch date with a Fidoan employee. For infos, meet Tendo Nabiki on the lobby. Prepare your wallet, loves. The news is hot as heck." Nabiki muttered, finishing her blog.

"Nabiki, don't!" Akane snatched her phone.

:Posted successfully.:

"No... no way." She could hear her sister cackling in front of her, but the image of hundreds of people gathering after work at the lobby, gossiping, were louder.


"Oh, my God." Akane's breath hitched, her eyes widening in indignity. "This is bad, this is bad." She chanted to herself. Working with her fingers Akane killed the attachment.

Nabiki continued to laugh out of her attitude.

"You... grabbed it, with your palm sticking on my screen, what a fo-"

"Stop it!"

People stared at her, correction, their CO-WORKERS stared at her, wide eyed. 'These updated, good for nothings, lazy-asses, indolent slackers!'

Akane grabbed Nabiki's hand, dragging her out of the bistro.


"What?!" Akane snapped, peering behind her computer. Her team hid behind their respective computers, pretending to be working their asses off.

"Get back to work!" Akane barked, slamming her sign pen down. "Seriously." She grumbled, continuing her paperworks frigidly with a grunt.

"Akane-san, we have a bit of trouble in our server."

"Then call the IT department! Do I look like a technician to you?!" She snarled.



"Gee, Akane. You're scary." Yuka raised a hand in a placating gesture of innocence and backed away from her table before she bit her head off. Akane bowed her head in embarassment, fiddling her pen between her fingers. "Sorry, my hormones are kicking in." Akane cringed at the girl.

"Sure. I'm going to ask you if you could join us after work. There's a movie of Yumemite being launched today." Yuka exclaimed giddily, "It'll be fun!"

"I... can't. I have plans tonight." Akane paused.

Gasps. Her faithful disciples peered behind their computer, waiting for the latest scoop being slipped by their main topic.

"I'll help Kasumi with the laundry." Akane added quickly, sending a glare behind the long haired girl.

Yuka slowly raised a suspicious eyebrow, "When did you started helping your big sis with the laundry?" Yuka asked.

"W-well, I had a leak in my undies." Akane whispered in embarassment. "Speaking of that." Akane swiveled from her chair, grabbing the paper bag sitting on the table behind her. "Take this. You're regular, right?" Akane asked hopefully, desperate to get rid of the thing that had kept reminding her of how bad her day had went. Yuka checked the things inside with a thoughtful expression. "Yup, I am. But why did you buy a regular pad when you know in yourself your irregular?" Yuka asked again.

"You're overthinking about things, Yuka. You ask too much. Take it as my gift."

"It's a weird one."

"I know." Akane clutched her abdomen as pain surged in. "Oh, let me grab one thing." Akane snatched the bag back, grabbing the meds inside. "I need this." Akane smiled in embarassment.

"What a pricey coat you got in there around your waist, huh?" Yuka let a grin slid on her face, "Is your raise that weighty for you to give us some gifts?"

"Not much, stop asking. Bring these to the CEO." Akane pushed her paperworks in Yuka's hands.

"It's a misunderstanding, dad!" Akane screamed.

"Waaaaa! My baby girl is leaving me, Kasumi!" Soun cried louder. Turning a heatful glare at Nabiki Akane resisted the urge to smack that grin away from her sharp face. "Who's side are you in? To send such foolish news here and around the company! Seriously!"

"The side of money."

"Oh, my." Kasumi mumbled behind her raised palm.

"Don't tell me you believe this, too, Kasumi!" Akane asked, slamming her cup down on the table with a growl.

"Oh, my." Kasumi muttered again, shaking her head slowly to her sides. "It's not like that, Imoto-chan. It's just that father had been so carried away with this misunderstandings." That statement brought ease in her mind. Sending a frown on Nabiki's way who returned it with an innocent one Akane stomped outside the family room. "I'll take a bath." Akane informed.

"Kimiko, she's all grown up!" Akane rolled her eyes heavenward, marching upstairs. All she wanted this very time is get out of these clothes, jump into a nice, warm bath, and away from her phone that was now currently being flooded by hundreds and hundreds of messages.

Discarding her clothes, Akane sat herself on one of the stools in the furo. Scrubbing the dirt away from her body until her skin had turned red, Akane proceeded to squeeze the bottle of her favorite vanilla scented shampoo inyo her waiting hand, she began to massage her head free from sweat and dusts. Akane then threw a bucket of cold water over her head, shivering slightly as the cold pricked her skin. Finally, a long soak in a nice, warm bath stood beside her waiting. Akane hopped in the tub with a long sigh.


"Akane, are you still in there?" The knock on the door woke the young girl from her doze. "I am." Akane groaned as she massaged her already tensed neck. Wiping a bid of sweat on her brows Akane glanced at the shadow moving behind the doors.

"You'll catch a cold if you stayed longer." Kasumi replied back, "I brought you your pajamas and your undergarments." The shadow bent forward before it went back up, a thing clasped between her arms.

No way.

"Kasumi!" Akane exclaimed, bringing herself out of the water. Grabbing a towel hanging from the hook Akane slid the doors open. Kasumi stared back at her with a face of surprise. "Oh my."

Akane heaved a breath, "I..." Akane snatched the hamper away from her arms, "I'll wash my own clothes, Kasumi." Akane flashed a mega-bright smile, taking her clothes and his coat from the hamper.

"It's okay, Akane." Kasumi offered a hand in front of her with a dainty smile. Akane pulled the hamper closer to her, "My panties are bloody as hell, Kasumi. I'm warning you."

Kasumi's smile dropped for a moment, "That's unladylike, Akane." Kasum's smile returned, "But it's really okay. It's not like I don't wash your 'bloody' panties before." Kasumi attempted to tug it away from her, but Akane tugged harder. "Tomorrow's my leisure day, anyway." Akane insisted.

Kasumi pondered in herself, eyeing the girl carefully. "Fine." Kasumi nodded. "Since you don't know the basics of washing the laundry, I'll be there to supervise you." Kasumi exclaimed.

"E-eh?!" Akane gasped, "N-no! I'm fine! Yuka... taught me the basics earlier, heh."

Akane cringed.

"I'm fine!"

"I'll wash my clothes."

"Yuka taught me the basics."

If she had just tol herd the truth then maybe she won't be suffering this mess. 'I should have gave this to her.' Akane stared at his soaken coat, cold sweat run her brows matching the rhythm of the water droplets cascading down his coat. She stared down at the very visible scratch inside his coat in horror. "Oh my Kami." Akane squeaked out.

She's been washing this same garment for the past three hours, but the stain had remained despite her herculean efforts. Speaking of that same effort, that effort tore the fabric down. Akane tried to solve the mess with her not-so-amazing (but so cruel) sewing skills and ended up with a hole.

"Akane." Kasumi peered down behind the doors. "It's three a.m." She informed with a yawn.

Kasumi entered the room, staring at her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was the coat at her hands. "Oh my God, what have you done!" Kasumi exclaimed, fully awake. "Let me handle that." She snagged the coat away from her grasp in sheer panic.

As she let Kasumi do her magic, Akane closed her eyes, her head lolling to one side. 'Finally, I could rest...'

"By the way, Akane. Isn't this a boy's coat?" Her eyes snapped open. "W-what?"

"Is it a man's coat?" Kasumi repeated, bringing the garment in front of her with a satisfied smile. "Y-yes."

The brunette stood up from her seat, hanging the coat with a hanger to dry. "You fell asleep." Kasumi said gently.

"Am I?" Akane stared down at her watch. "It's 4 a.m. already? Wow." Akane mused out loud, stretching the last of the kinks out.

"It will be dried by 9 a.m. and then you're all set." Kasumi giggled, turning her gaze towards the girl. "Isn't he sweet?" She asked dreamily, sighing to herself.

"Kasumi!" Akane huffed, but the smile on her face is so contagious that she also smiled in herself. "I'll take a short nap I guess. Thanks for the help."

"Come on, stop that, will ya?"

"I can't help it, you're irresistibly cute!"

Ranma tried to shrug the hands grabbing him in a vice-like grip in annoyance. The creepy crawler harpy clung her hands around Ranma's neck with a sly smile.


"Ucchan help!" Ranma cried in relief. Finally, the only woman that could stop the mischevious lolita from grabbing him came to rescue him. Ranma watched as the said woman stomped towards their direction, a scowl as sharp as blade cracked on her face. Ukyo grabbed her wrists, tugging it away from the boy shivering in disgust. "This is the last warning I will give to you Azusa or else-" Ukyo eyed her I.D surly that informs her how far can her capabilities as the head of the Human Resources could go.

Letting go of her wrist, Ukyo let Azusa bring her own hand down. With a cute pout the curly haired woman brought her hand down together with the band that ties his hair.

Ranma screamed in anger.

Azusa giggled, her eyes dancing in amusement, "Widdle Ranma is kawaii when his hair is down." She exclaimed.

"Looks like a girl, eh?" Sanzenin chimed in.

Ranma on the other hand continued his rather girlish hissy fit that annoys everyone around the room including his best friend, Ukyo. "It's your fault you came here in the first place, sugar." Ukyo grumbled slightly, folding her arms under her chest with a frown.

"That's because I have no choice but to bring this file to her!" Ranma shot back. His eyes watering in embarassment. "What an immature brat." Sanzenin sighed, laying a palm on his brows for a dramatic effect. "That's why it is me who you shall pick, Ukyo, my dear." Sanzenin puckered his lips, pulling Ukyo in a kiss which she successfully avoided.

"Get off of her!" Ranma growled, slapping his hands away. "Ucchan, help me tie my hair."

Ring, ring, ring!

"Anybody here?!" The woman slammed the bell hard on the table.

"I'll get it." Azusa volunteered, leaving the trio in their own businesses. Sanzenin shrugged before he continued to eat his rasberry flavored sherbet.

Ukyo stared at her retreating form with hatred before she deflected her eyes to Sanzenin. "Give me a comb." She demanded.

"I don't care, I'll stay here and wait for him."

"He's not here, I told you he's out for his break and will be back in 2 hours." Azusa eyed the woman before rolling her eyes. "Besides, it's not like you have an improtant thing to discuss with our boss." Azusa added cooly.

"I said I don't care, tell him Tendo Akane is waiting on the lobby when he came back, got that?"

Azusa made a throwaway gesture, which riled the blunette even more. "And?" Azusa asked.

"And?" Akane echoed, grinding her teeth together. "What?"

"Tendo Akane of?" Azusa added, her own tick forming under her eye.


Her eyes widened suddenly, "You can't be here. Guards!" Azusa panicked.

"Hey! I'm not a spy or anything!"

"What's with the ruckus?!" Sanzenin snapped, coming outside from the door together with the two.

"Sanzenin, get this woman out! She's a widdle spy sent from our enemies!" Azusa accused, pointing a judgemental finger directly at her face.

"I'll just finish my sherbet, okay?" Sanzenin grumbled, putting a spoonful of the dessert inside his mouth.

"Grab her! Grab her! Grab her!" Azusa cried, clobbering the blonde with her stapler. "Got it, got it." Sanzenin snapped.

Ukyo tugged his hair together with the guy from the corner of the bar before she continued braiding his hair. "Let them handle that woman." Ukyo grumbled, annoyed. Keeping his back towards the conflict happening in front of her as she listened to the exchange hiddenly behind the boy leaning sideways on the bar.

"Take her out!"

"Let me meet him just this once!"

"She can't meet our boss!"

"If that's the case then, come with me instead and let's use my time to know each other!"






"As much as I wanted to continue our rendezvous I'm afraid we shall not meet again, my fair lady, for you is my company's enemy. But I shall make a way to see you again like Romeo did to his Juliet in the midst of the feud. I'll be graceful enough to grant you my farewell kiss." Sanzenin bowed towards the woman being embraced between his arms.

"Back off!" The daughter of the Nerima's top martial artist sent a backhanded slap towards his handsome face which he blocked with his hand, unfortunately, that hand happens to be the one holding the glass filled with the dessert.


"Oh, my God, Mr. Saotome!"

'Saotome?' Akane turned a horrifed glance beside her. In front of her stood a young man all dressed in white business suit, only to be ruined by the crimson red stain that was splattered on the man's nice, tight bu-...

"What's the big idea?!"

Her line of vision turned to his head, his face covered with hair in a beautiful mess.

"Oops." Akane giggled nervously, staring back at his glaring eyes. "D-don't worry. Good thing I brought your coat."

Owari~ \(°□°)/

Author's Rants:

Hey y'all how's it goin'? Did you liked i? Hated it? C'mon, bring it on. I'm kinda fire resistant. :)

I finally decided to make a series of these waffy moments. Next moment will be 'She sceams and Icescreams'. Be sure to check that out once I've updated again :D