It's been a long while since I've posted anything that wasn't a fest related story. This has been on my computer for well over a year (as are about 25 other half-written stories). It's quite fluffy and the characters are a smidge OOC, but I hope you like it anyway. There's a bit of intrigue as well.

This has not be beta'd or Brit Picked.


The bell over the door tinkled, causing Severus Snape to look up from his accounts book. Another customer, he thought, with only a small sneer; they were, after all, his bread and butter now. His gaze drifted to the large bowed window that lit the front part of the shop. Rain drizzled down, as it had done most of the morning, and the low hanging fog dimmed his view outside. Normally he could see clear across to Whizhard Books, but today that shop looked bloated and distorted because of the water on the mullioned window panes.

He watched a cloaked and hooded woman slowly peruse the shop, stopping here and there to lift some of the ingredients from the baskets in which they were displayed. Rain dripped from her garment, but a charm on the floors quickly dried the little puddles. Surreptitiously, he flicked his wand at the woman and dried her cloak, hearing a murmured 'thank you' for his effort.

She had stopped near some baskets of knotgrass, selected a handful and drew it to her face first and then crushed one of the leaves in her hand. Ah, she knows potions ingredients. Severus, interested to see who the woman was, stepped round the counter and walked purposefully over to her.

"Good day, Madam," he said. "May I be of assistance?"

The woman jumped slightly and in one motion, pulled her hood down as she turned. Curls sprung up, free from the weight of her hood, and her eyes widened.

"Professor Snape?"

Severus was suprised to see his former student. In the past seven years, all he knew of Hermione Granger was that which had been printed in the Daily Prophet, and even that rag had no news of her for the past few years. He wasn't sure if the well publicised divorce had ever been finalised. Regardless, here she was, and she had grown into a lovely woman.

"Miss Granger. Or is it still Mrs. Weasley?"

Hermione smiled ruefully. "It was Mrs. Weasley, but that ended two years ago; it's Miss Granger again. Or better yet, Hermione. How are you, sir?"

"I am well, Mi—"

"Ah-ah," Hermione cut across him, waving an admonishing finger at him, another smile twitching at her lips.

Severus smirked slightly. "Hermione. I am well. And please, call me Mr. Snape. I'm no longer your professor."

Hermione laughed. "Mr. Snape! Still standing on formality, I see. Very well, then; I'm actually here to get some basic supplies. I've returned from Australia after a couple of years of staying with my parents. I have a flat now in London, only a few miles from The Leaky Cauldron, which is why I'm here."

"I do have some of the basics already made, if you'd like," said Severus, pointing to his shelves where colourful bottles were neatly arranged and labelled.

"Ah, but we both know that freshly brewed is best," Hermione said, amusedly.

"Well, one must cater to the dunderheads who don't know one end of a stirring rod from the other," Severus drawled. "You'll need some belladonna then; it's over on that shelf," Severus pointed, "and of course, ingredients for a headache cure, burn-paste, Essence of Dittany, Dreamless Sleep…"

"All the basics, of course," she agreed. "I'd also like to have on hand some lemon grass, a bezoar, and" she flushed and lowered her voice, "ingredients for a hormone regulator."

Severus cleared his throat and reddened slightly. "Of course. Would you like to look around while I gather everything?"

"Yes, I'd like that," she exclaimed. "Your shop is lovely! Oh, I see you even have a few books for sale. Potion related, I presume?"


As Severus busied himself gathering basic potions supplies, Hermione looked over the selection of volumes on potions. The books were not all she looked over, though. Professor Snape or rather, Mr. Snape, was different. The ravage of his spy years seemed to have dropped away in the intervening time since they'd had last seen each other. He looked younger and healthier. The scars on his neck bore the looks of some medical intervention to lessen their appearance. She recalled the wound had been deep and gaping; perhaps he had had Muggle plastic surgery? His voice had lost some of its rich timbre, but the soft rasp was still delightful to listen too. How often had Hermione and some of her year mates giggled as they talked about that voice? He was really rather handsome, she had to admit. She shook her head and returned to the books.

Twenty minutes later, Severus was behind the till, figuring the cost and bagging the ingredients. "Your order is ready, Miss Granger."

Hermione made her way to the counter with two books in her hands. I'll have these as well." She set the books down and pulled a list out of her sleeve. "Oh, shit."

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Really, Miss Granger, a woman of your age certainly should be beyond such language."

"I am sorry, Mr. Snape. It's just I realize I've forgotten something I needed for dinner. You don't have any chives by chance?"

"Certainly not. This is not a grocery."

"I needed them for a potato dish I'm attempting tonight." She turned to face the window. "Oh, it's dreadful outside. I don't fancy having to go back into London again to the grocery. Is there one here in Diagon Alley?"

"Unfortunately, no. However, if you wait one moment, I have some in my flat upstairs."

"Oh, you don't need to do that. The dish can keep until another time."

"It's no trouble."

"You are most kind."

He leaned in closer and murmured, "Don't let it get around." Hermione's laughter followed him up the stairs to his flat. He was a bit befuddled why he had even offered, but then again, he had been making some Befuddlement Draught this morning, perhaps that was it.

When he returned, he slipped the tied bundle of chives into a small bag and handed it to her.

"How much for the chives, Mr. Snape?"

"Just take them."

"Oh, but I can't." She bit her lip. "I'll tell you what, the dish makes more than enough for one; won't you join me tonight for dinner?"

"I don't think I should," Severus said quietly.

"Please? I've not seen anyone since I got back. Not even Harry. It would be wonderful to chat with someone, and you could bring me up to date on what I've missed since I've been gone."

"Surely you got the Prophet?"

"No, I didn't. Please?" She looked at him earnestly.

It had been ages since Severus ate any cooking other than his own. He was no great cook and usually just opened a tin or packet. He could manage a few simple dishes, and sometimes he got a take away from the small chippy just outside the entrance to Diagon Alley. Tea with the Malfoys or Minerva on occasion didn't count as a meal as it was usually cake or biscuits.

"Are you certain you wouldn't mind?" he asked.

"I wouldn't have asked if I weren't sure."

"I accept. What time? Shall I bring anything?"

Hermione smiled, and it took Severus' breath away. Imagine a woman, a very attractive woman, being excited to have him to dinner.

"Would seven o'clock suit? I should have it all ready by then. And no, you needn't bring anything. It was only the chives I forgot."

"That will be fine; I close the shop at five o'clock."

Hermione fairly danced with excitement. Snatching a bit of parchment from a heap near the till and the quill laying on the open accounts book, she scribbled down her address. "There." She handed him the parchment. "It's not hard to find."

"I'm sure I'll have no trouble, and—" he was going to say something else, but the shop bell tinkled again and several men entered. "I must attend the customers; until seven, Hermione."

"See you then!" Hermione chirped happily and picking up her package, hurried out of the shop.


Hermione had just set the bread in the oven to warm when she heard a quiet knock at her door. With a smile, she hurried over, picking her wand up from the table along the way and murmuring a revealing spell. It was Professor Snape…no, Mr. Snape.

"Right on time, Mr. Snape," she babbled as she opened the door. The pleasantries were completed, and Hermione hung his cloak on a peg by the door. She led him into the sitting room. "Have a seat; everything's nearly ready.

"Thank you, Miss Granger," Severus said, taking a seat in a lovely wing back chair near the fire.

"Now, remember what I told you! It's Hermione."

"In light of the circumstances, you may call me Severus." He watched her enter what he assumed was the kitchen and then turned to look around. The chair he was in was quite comfortable and across from it was a well-loved looking chair, if the squashed seat cushion and frayed arms were any indication. It must have been a deeper red colour at one time, but the fabric had faded to a lighter, almost pink. He could see bits of cat hair on the arms. That must be Hermione's chair, he thought and could easily imagine her folded within it, a knitted blanket across her knees and a book open in her lap. A circular table stood beside the chair with books and parchments, a few quills and inkpots untidily waiting their owner. Facing the fire was a long sofa filled with pillows. He approved of the solid sea foam green colour and accent cream colours…no frills or flowers. In the space between the sofa and chairs, was a low table piled with books, a ball of wool run through with knitting needles—he smiled as he remembered her SPEW days—and cat toys. Severus wondered if Hermione still had that beast she had at Hogwarts or perhaps a new pet. Overall, he found little to complain about in her décor, especially the walls full of bookshelves stuffed to bursting.

"I'm just tossing the salad if you'd like to come to the table, Severus."

As Severus sat at the small table, he admired the fare of roasted chicken, bread, new potatoes—sprinkled with chives—and a green salad. "It all looks delicious."

"Thank you," said Hermione. She handed Severus the carving knife. "Would you mind?"

Severus took the knife while Hermione poured them each a glass of white wine. As he drew the knife through the meat, he asked Hermione how long she had lived in Australia.

"Almost three years. Ron and I married shortly after I graduated from my make-up year at Hogwarts. We settled not far from the Burrow which, looking back, was a huge mistake. Molly interfered with everything; how I kept house, how I cooked, why I didn't stay home and take care of Ron. But even with her nagging, things were wonderful at first, and after two years, we decided to have a baby."

Hermione stopped speaking as she realised she may be getting a bit too personal for her former professor. They hadn't seen each other for seven years and here she was, blabbing all and sundry to him; it must be the wine.

"You were saying?" asked Severus.

"Well, when no babies came after months of trying, we discovered that the damage I sustained when I was tortured at Malfoy manor meant there would be no children. Things went downhill after that. Ron began to stay away from home more often, took up drinking.

"He dropped out of the Auror corps and took up professional Quidditch. We tried for two more years to make it work and then I filed for divorce. Once it was granted, I went to Australia to live with my parents."

"I thought you had Obliviated them?"

"I had. I found them about a year after I was married. They told me that the charm had begun to wear off after a year. They were angry with me, but after time, we repaired our relationship. They had decided to stay in Australia; they loved the weather, and they bought a new practice. They were wonderful when I landed upon them, suitcase in hand and newly separated from Ron. I helped them out in their new their office. I lived totally Muggle for the first year. It was refreshing actually. It helped me recover from the war and divorce, I think. However, as I recovered, I realised the magical world was where I belonged, so I enrolled in a magical University to get my mastery in Potions and Charms. I work for Draco at Malfoy Industries now, in their research division."

"You work for Draco?" Severus asked, incredulous.

"Believe it or not, things are quite friendly between us. We met up when he was in Australia, attempting to find contracts for the business. We got scorchingly pissed one night and buried the hatchet. He returned to England and left me with a job offer should ever I want it."

"You always manage to land on your feet, don't you?" asked Severus.

Hermione took a sip of wine and set her glass down. "Not in all things…my marriage to prove a point. Now, fill me in on everything that has happened in the last few years, especially where you're concerned. I admit after your trial, I didn't keep tabs your or on any of former professors come to that."

"And I wouldn't expect you to have done." Severus sipped his own glass of wine before continuing. "I spent a year recovering from the snake bite. Extensive physio helped me to learn to walk without a limp and recover the use of my left arm." His right hand drifted to his left inner arm. "Healer Symethwick also grafted some skin over my Dark Mark, which had faded, but didn't disappear. It is no longer visible."

Hermione opened her mouth to ask, thought better of it and closed her mouth.

Severus, knowing what she wanted, simply raised his sleeve. "I know you want to see it, so here."

Hermione leant over to look at his arm, her hand coming up to gently rub his skin. Severus shivered. "It's as though it was never there, isn't it? I only ever saw it was that one time, in fourth year after the last task. We were all in the hospital wing when you showed it to Fudge."

Severus pushed his sleeve down. "I don't wish to speak of it, if you don't mind."

"Of course not, I'm sorry."

"It's all right. It's in the past, although it will follow me, but not having to see it every day is a grace I don't really deserve."

Several heavy moment of silence ticked by before Hermione plucked up her vaunted Gryffindor courage and said, "Well then, on with the gossip! Tell me every single bit of it."

Severus chuffed out a grateful laugh. "Minerva offered me my post as Potions professor and I accepted, but after three years, I was done with it. Day in, day out, teaching dunderheads and only a few showing any aptitude whatsoever. I resigned at the end of the summer term in 2003. With the Ministry money I received in lieu of an Order of Merlin, I opened my shop. I've been relatively successful and am quite comfortable."

Hermione tipped her glass to him. "I'm so pleased for you!" The pair finished their main course. "I've made a tart for pudding. Would you like to have it with coffee in the sitting room?"

"That will be fine. Shall I help with the dishes?"

"I'll wash them up later, but you can banish them to the kitchen if you'd like while I get the pudding."

With a flick, Severus cleared the table and went into the sitting room. Rather than sit immediately, he toured Hermione's bookshelves.

"See anything you like?" she asked as she came in the room, carrying a tray laden with coffee, the tart, cups, saucers and the like.

"You have a marvellous collection. I have many of the same titles."

"Well, if you see something you don't have, you're more than welcome to borrow it."

"Do you still have your familiar? What was his name…Crookshanks, wasn't it?" Severus asked.

"Crookie disappeared sometime during the war. I looked for him, but never did find him. I got a new familiar after Ron and I got married. Sasha is out hunting, I imagine. She'll come back later."

The pair sat on the couch and began on their pudding. Hermione, not one to be uncomfortable with silence, simply sat back to enjoy her coffee while studying her dinner partner. "You do look well. I'm glad you're doing well, too."

"Thank you. Now as far as this gossip you want..."

The evening wore on as Severus brought Hermione up to date in regard to the people they knew in common. Hermione was gobsmacked at some of the revelations—Luna Lovegood was the History of Magic teacher? Dating Neville? —and saddened by the loss of others—Filius Flitwick only just last year, for example. Several of the Slytherins she knew from classes had been placed on probation and had served community service sentences for their roles in the war. Her other classmates in Gryffindor were pursing various careers; Seamus owned a pub in Ireland (no surprise there, Hermione snorted), Lavender was a Healer in training, Susan Bones worked at the Leaky (Oh? I haven't seen her yet!). Hagrid had gone to France to pursue Madame Maxime, but was turned down, and he returned to Hogwarts as Gamekeeper. Grawp was returned to the giants as he never could settle down among the inhabitants of the forest.

It was only when the clock tower bell at the nearby church rang twelve times, did they realise how the time had passed.

"I've imposed on your hospitality enough, Miss—Hermione. It's time for me to go."

"It was a wonderful evening, Severus. I really enjoyed myself."

"I did too." He rose from the sofa and walked to the door. He pulled his cloak down and wrapped it around his shoulders. "My shop is open six days a week from nine until five, should you ever need to pop in again."

"Oh, I will. Thank you!"

The next moment was awkward for both of them. Having both enjoyed the evening and really not wanting it to end, they were unsure how to say goodbye. Severus leant forward, thinking perhaps a kiss on her cheek would be appropriate, and Hermione did the same.

Giggling, Hermione quickly stood on tip toe and bussed Severus' cheek. Foregoing a return kiss to the cheek, Severus, took her hand in his and pressed his lips to her knuckles.

"Good night, Hermione."

"Good night." She closed the door behind him and pressed her forehead to it. "I would love to see you again," she whispered.

Outside the door, Severus turned at looked at it. "I would love to see you again," he whispered and then Disapparated.