Sup guys. I've been feeling like writing more lately and with the new season of HS DxD I decided why not? Haven't wrote in a while so I apologize beforehand if my writing sucks or if I didn't capture a character accurately. That said, this one-shot will be about Issei taking care of a sick Koneko (which if you couldn't tell, is my favorite pairing, although I like the other girls as well) at some point early on in the series. Hopefully you enjoy it, now on with the story!
Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD, unfortunately
"Ooiiii Buchouuu! You look great from here!" A rambunctious teen cheered at the delightful sight of his master's panties being in full view.
"... I-Issei!"
The devil in question, Issei Hyoudou grinned his trademark perverted grin while drooling at his master's voluptuous body.
"... what a lecherous face."
"Ara-ara Issei-kun, if you wanted a view, you should've just asked me!"
At those words, Issei's hands shot up to cover his overflowing nose bleed. A blond male beside him lightly chuckled at the display of indecency.
"Well... he is Issei-kun after all..."
The aforementioned teen paid no heed to any smart remarks thrown against him, instead he was practically shaking with delight. Alrighttt! Backup to HD Memory Drive almost complete! He relished the thought lustfully.
"Issei! Could you help out a little instead of just standing there?" Rias yelled over the noise of falling rock. A wave of demonic energy left her hand, targeted at their common enemy followed closely by a shot of Akeno's lightning. The large tyrannosaur-like monster didn't waver in the slightest and only stormed its claws in protest, smashing through the walls like they were paper thin.
"One more minute Buchou!" Issei yelled back. A major grin split his face.
98... 99... 100%! Save complete!
"Alright...! Boosted Gear!" In a flash, a red dragon-like gauntlet enveloped his left hand. A brilliant green gem radiated at its centre.
Issei watched eagerly as his fellow club-members relentlessly attacked the transmogrified monster, its cries resounding into the night as it was hit by consecutive blows. First by a bone-crushing fist courtesy of Koneko and then a decisive slash by Kiba. The display of raw power filled him with uncontainable excitement! And then, there it was!
An opening!
[Boost! Explosion!]
Issei leapt forward into the air, delivering a heavy blow against the creature's face that knocked it backwards against a wall, digging up shallow trenches underneath with its claws. To his surprise however, the creature seemed unfazed.
"No way! It's still standing after all these attacks!" He exclaimed after witnessing the creature brush off his attack like it was nothing. Kiba and Koneko landed beside him, staring down at the large being while awaiting their next orders.
"It's armour appears to be weakest around its underside, so that's where we'll strike next," Rias spoke authoritatively from above the group. "Kiba, capture its attention so that Koneko and Issei can knock it into the air. Akeno and I will handle the rest."
"Hai!" they all yelled simultaneously.
With their master's words in mind, each devil set off to accomplish their specific tasks. Kiba darted around the monstrosity with his godlike speed, utilizing his sword to cut wide gashes along the creature's scaly legs. A deafening roar reverberated throughout the rundown building as the monster began to chase after the flashy knight.
"Let's go! Koneko-chan!"
Issei slid into position behind one of the monster's inhumanly large hind legs just as Koneko arrived at the other. His fist clenched in anticipation.
"Boosted Gearrr!"
The two combatants unanimously slid across the uneven terrain underneath the behemoth, each pulling back a fist to aim at the creature's sizeable underside. A thunderous crack was heard as the considerably weaker armour plating shattered like fractured glass against their combined fists. The forces of Rook and Pawn propelled the creature sky high in the process, raining debris down as the entire roof of the building collapsed outwards from the large body which just shot through it.
With the creature airborne and entirely exposed, it was time to execute the final part of her plan.
"Hai, Buchou!"
A brilliant red and yellow light lit up the darkening skies. The two beauties' combined attacks split through the air and made contact with the beast, manifesting a cloud of smoke and debris on impact. A horrifying bellow came from the monster as it was shot back down to earth, kicking up a huge dust storm which all but encompassed the building. Not a sound was heard after that.
"Sugoi! Buchou is amazing as always!" Issei proclaimed after the group met back up on the ground. Akeno and Kiba laughed while Rias let out a sigh and shook her head.
"Honestly Issei, that stray devil could've been handled much more efficiently if you didn't spend ten minutes admiring our bodies." She huffed helplessly at him and placed her hands on her hips.
"... Issei-senpai can't stop his perverted fantasies." Koneko mocked monotonously causing Issei to scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Ahh Koneko-chan! Why are you always so mean to meeee!" He cried out dramatically.
"... It's the truth."
Issei wallowed silently in self-pity, before soon after returning to his normal self. A glint of excitement shone in his eyes.
"So, are we going back now? Asia probably finished her job by now and I'm getting really hungry." He said just before his stomach grumbled loudly, drawing strange looks from all who were present. "What? I haven't eaten anything yet…"
"Don't worry Issei-kun, we can go out for dinner if you'd like," Kiba offered chivalrously.
"Like Hell we will!" Issei retorted suddenly breaking into a mad dash away from the smiling knight.
An unexpected tremor caught him off guard however, twisting his foot and causing him to fall forward. His hands instinctively shot outwards to grasp onto something for support, which, unfortunately in this case, was his equally surprised junior class member. His eyes shut tight and, upon opening them back up, he was met with a complete and absolute darkness. That wasn't what his attention was on however…
"Oh my~..."
"Uhh… Issei-kun…"
The hesitant voices of his friends caused him to curiously wonder what he could've done.
Wait, why didn't it hurt when I fell? And why is it so hard to breathe.. and what is this... nice smell? No way... could this be... Peering ever so slightly upwards, his eyes widened as they locked onto shocked hazel eyes. It is! Koneko-chan's chest! And… my hand… hehe i-it's on her breast too! I've never been this up close before, but wow! It's just as flat as I thought it would be!
Issei's face became red and perverted again as drool began to form at the corners of his mouth. He truly appeared as though he were dreaming at that moment.
Koneko, on the other hand, was rightly furious. Suffice to say, she was absolutely livid with him. Never had he so much as touched her before then, and now he was practically groping her outright!
Furiously, she launched a fist at the prepubescent teen, hurling him backwards and away from her as his bloody nose left a trail behind him. Her expression had contorted into one of pure disgust and anger as she used her hands to cover herself.
Her flustered eyes narrowed at his still fantasizing grin, "...P-Pervert!"
The members of house Gremory sweatdropped at this.
The ground lurched again as the quaking returned, causing all devils to turn to its unidentifiable source inside the ruined building. A thin veil of smoke shrouded what was occurring on the interior, until a greenish projectile suddenly blasted up into the sky drawing confused looks from all who saw it.
"What was that?" Kiba inquired, resuming a fighting stance "could it be that the stray devil wasn't fully sealed?"
His answer soon came in the form of a large gastric stone hurtling down towards them.
"Is that… a part of its body?" Akeno narrowed her eyes.
The stone-like object produced a whistling sound as it fell. All eyes locked onto it as it impacted the ground, inducing a miniature earthquake and unexpectedly rupturing into millions of tiny fragments. The gooey-like shards rebounded back into the air, raining down on the group of surprised devils.
"Everybody run!"
Koneko's eyes widened as she, being the closest one to the impact site, was near instantly showered in a multitude of the sticky green fragments. Wasting no time, she along with the others immediately revealed their devil wings and flew up, above and away from the chaotic scene.
"Koneko-chan are you okay?" Rias asked, concern evident in her eyes as she held a knocked out Issei. Everyone turned towards the younger devil in still trepidation, unsure of whether the substance was lethal or not.
Koneko gently prodded at the gooey substance, which surprisingly wasn't eating at her clothes unlike other similar situations. It made her feel colder, as if it were seeping through her clothes and making direct contact with her skin. All in all however, nothing was out of the ordinary despite the fact that it came straight from a mutated stray devil's stomach. It was pretty disgusting though.
After checking herself over and ensuring nothing was wrong, the youngest devil replied, "... h-hai, nothing s-seems to be wrong," though it does feel a lot colder all of a sudden... She thought and replied truthfully. A collective of sighs followed.
"Ne Koneko-chan, are you sure you're alright? That was your first time being groped by Issei-kun after all," Akeno teased causing Koneko to go red-faced.
Rias rolled her eyes at her queen's troublesome antics, "well, as long as she's alright," she spoke the thoughts of everyone present. "We'll have Asia check again to see if anything's wrong later just to be safe. Now, let's get back to the school."
"Hai, Buchou!"
Though she acted as if nothing was wrong, on the way back, Koneko couldn't help but get the nagging feeling that something was amiss. A foreboding feeling that wouldn't go away. Perhaps it was just her heightened senses being overcautious again, or the shock and embarrassment of having a perverted devil face-plant into her chest, but regardless of the cause, she just couldn't quite get the feeling out of her mind.