Chapter 16-

They had been fighting hoards of spirits for what felt like hours but was only about twenty minutes when the spirits tampered down and a girl pulled herself from the door. Her ling brown hair fell in waves down her back, her eyes flickered black. She immediately turned back to the opening, and dropped to her knees, leaning back into Hell. John charged forward, ready to toss her back in when he heard it. The sounds were intense right by the hole. A shriek unlike any creature he had heard bounced through his ear drums. But that isn't what caused him to freeze.

"Dean! Hold on!" the small demon was shouting, a roar of pain reached his ears. He knew that sound, Dean was hurt. He reached the ledge and peered down into Hell, the wind of demons and ghosts sweeping his hair back. As he looked down, his heart seemed to stop. The scene he saw seemed to take forever to unfold, but it was actually seconds. Blinding lights, and dark figures were locked in grim blood-letting dances. A demon was clinging to Dean's back where what John assumed was Sam, hung. Dean was screaming, his hands had a death grip on what looked like a wall woven of razor wire and tree branches. The demon's claws raked down Dean's ribcage, as another female demon stabbed it in the back. Two of Dean's ribs were ripped free, then Dean was falling. John shouted out, throwing himself at the pit. He couldn't just watch his sons go down. But then he was being pulled back, Bobby and Caleb on either side of him. They had witnessed the whole thing. John was making a bloodcurdling bellow, his vision turned red, his heart thumping faster than it ever had before.

Then a blinding light was coming out of the door, a shadow of wings over the ground. Pastor Jim shouted out in a sound so joyful that it gave John pause. Sure enough, the angel was setting Sam, Dean and the other female demon to the ground. The creature was speaking, causing the hunters to clasp their hands over their ears. Pastor Jim was speaking to the creature, then with a blink, the creature was gone. Pastor Jim stood differently now. His eyes were glowing a celestial blue and he knelt next to the boys. The demon scrambled away, over to the other demon. With a lift of his hand, the doors slammed shut and the world around them quieted. A flutter of wings drew their attention, Gabriel was there, looking down solemnly at the boys. It was obvious before John approached, that both boys were dead, Sam never stood a chance with those injuries. But he still went to them. The hunters made a small circle around the boys and Pastor Jim lifted his head to look at Gabriel.

"Brother, can you heal them?" the angel spoke, his voice deeper than Jim's.

"I can. But the little one will need more time to heal than I can give." Golden eyes turned to gaze at the hunters. "That'll be your job."

John nodded and watched as the Archangel placed a hand to Sam and Dean's foreheads. John watched in awe as Sam's jaw and hands healed, Dean's ribs, and Sam's fingers grew back, as both boys took their first breath. Green eyes shot open, and hazel followed at a slower pace. Dean sat up, pulling Sam up with him, who groaned. The other angel took the chains and snapped them, pulling the brothers apart so they could breathe. Sam turned his head side to side, tears filling his eyes as he looked from one Hunter to the next. Each gave him a smile, some wiped manly tears away. Bobby gave him a gentle hug with a whispered, "You idgit. Gave me a heartattack.."

"Sammy." Then Dean was there. He smelled like Hell. Dean had dove into Hell for Sam.

"I love you." Sam sobbed, burying his face in Dean's sweat soaked neck. John gave him a fond smile before turning to Jim and the stranger.

"How do we remove this crown?" John snarled.

Gabriel shook his head. "Can't. Not until Sam accepts the throne. It can be removed only then, and only by Sam. He has been foretold as Hell's king. Has been since before the birth of America."

Sam raised his head stained face. "Who are you?"

Gabriel grinned, "I'm Gabriel." He nodded at the angel riding Pastor Jim. "And that's my baby brother, Castiel. We got to get going now. Maybe we will all meet again?" Gabriel pointed at John and the other hunters, "This fight isn't over. The Princes are still alive. We managed to kill Asmodeus and several lesser demons but that leaves three pissed off Princes of Hell and the armies of Hell. Be prepared. The War has begun and the book on destiny has been tossed in the fire. I don't know what's next. But what I do know is that Sam Winchester is the King of Hell."

With a flutter of wings, he was gone and a blinding light was leaving Jim. It was over for now. The hunters turned back to Sam and Dean, eyes wide. Sam stood then, going to his full height, muscles bulging, with a look of acceptance, he pulled the crown of thorns from his head. As he did, his eyes turned yellow.

Alright folks, that's it! I could EASILY write more in a new story. I actually am thinking of what I could do but it's up to y'all. If you'd like more, let me know!