The Big Apple
The city that never sleeps
In the Little family's house...
Stuart was sleepless...
Margalo came, he was happy to see her again since the Falcon who talks like Hades in Hercules got his comeuppance...
He was also heartbroken, Stuart was actually in love with Margalo...who was lesbian!
The bird girl liked Stuart as a friend...
The day Margalo left, Stuart helped his parents to clean the bathroom to move on to somebody else and forget his feelings about Margalo...he accidentally falls into the toilet bowl...almost drowned...Stuart was saved but hardly shaken...
Quarter to 10
Stuart couldn't sleep, he almost died and Margalo didn't loved him...
Next Morning...
Stuart woke up...
He saw a familiar face in the mirror...
Stuart's POV
Is that me?
Stuart-George! George! Wake up!
George-Margalo ?
Stuart-I'm not Margalo! I'm Stuart!
We won the race together remember ?
George-the race ?
Stuart- yes! The boad race in central park! I dropped the remote control, a man walked into it so I had to win the race and defeat Anton Sullivan!
Stuart- yep, that's me...
George's POV
"I was awakened by a bird that really looked like Margalo who pretened to be Stuart...
I asked her a few personal questions, She was Stuart indeed..."