The afternoon of the day he was supposed to have dinner with Kurenai, well, Naruto found himself in a bit of a jam.

Temari was presently in the shower, steam wafting underneath the door, the blonde cleaning herself after all of the 'activities' they had been up to the previous night. Did that mean she was sated, at ease, more than willing to relax the rest of the day? No—probably, actually nay, definitely not. Naruto was no brain surgeon, but even he knew that Temari nine-times out of ten would jump his bones the second she slipped out of the shower.

Well, as he sat in bed, twiddling his thumbs and thinking about everything and nothing at all, he caught sight of…

… a slug? It was crawling toward him across his bed, having sprung out of nowhere. Tucked away on top of it was a small note.

He picked up the note; it was short, to the point, and just like Tsunade, she made it clear exactly what she wanted.

I don't have any meetings for the next few hours, and I need you to scratch an itch. Bring you and that cock here as soon as possible.

Written in her scraggly handwriting, it was clear that it was from Tsunade even if it wasn't signed. The slug summon dispelled, and Naruto was left sitting there on the bed, face scrunched up.

Before he could formulate a plan of action, another slug appeared. This one with its own note on top of it, seemingly the same aside from the fact that the handwriting adorning it was very neat and orderly.

He picked up this note, and just like the other one, it was very short and to the point.

I'm free for a few hours. Want to come over and have some fun?

That was definitely Sakura…

The shower water turned off—it would only take Temari a few moments to dry off. Just as it had been since she had arrived in Konoha, the second she came into the room, it would take less than a minute before she tried to get into his pants.

This was quite the dilemma, Naruto thought.

Between Temari, Tsunade, and Sakura… how on Earth was he supposed to be in three places at once? And how was he supposed to make it to dinner with Kurenai on time?

He chewed the inside of his cheek, because really, the answer was obvious.

Naruto would just have to take a page out of his old playbook after all.

He stood up, naked as the day he was born. As he had done a million times before, he formed that all-too familiar hand sign...

Dressing nicely was something that he'd never had a knack for. Growing up without a mother to teach him fashion sense, and never having had a bonafide girlfriend to teach him the same, it was an uphill battle to try and look stylish.

He usually just slapped himself into that classic orange-and-black jumpsuit and called it a day. Being invited to someone's house for dinner was an alien concept, but that didn't mean he was unaware of the fact that his jumpsuit wouldn't cut it this time around. He had to at least put in the effort to look presentable.

Once upon a time Sakura had dragged him to the store to buy some proper dress clothes. 'You'll need it at some point,' she had told him, thrusting a collared shirt into his hand. 'You might as well keep it handy.'

The clothes had still fit. A warm blue button-down shirt and a pair of black dress pants later, and as Naruto looked at himself in the mirror, he thought he looked rather… sophisticated. He played with the collar of the shirt, fiddling with the buttons, smoothing out the crinkles in the front.

Anxiety curdled in his gut. Sincerely, seriously, he really hoped that this dinner went well.

Checking the time, he realized that it was time to get a move on, lest he be late. Kurenai had sent him a letter that morning to make sure that they were still on for dinner, and in his response, he had let her know that he'd be there around seven. It was six forty-five, and unless he wanted to pull a Kakashi, it was best he get moving.

Like any self respecting shinobi, Naruto ignored the door, and slipped out through the window. Into the night he went, his collared shirt flapping in the wind.

Now, getting to Kurenai's house was the easy part; that in itself took ten minutes flat. Summoning the nerve to actually knock on the door was a whole different story.

You'd think that a guy who had conquered not only the Hokage, but the Hokage's esteemed student and one of Sunagakure's most prestigious jounin would have a little more backbone. But for the most part, he attributed all of this to luck, and as it had his entire life, he knew that eventually his luck would have to run out. He wasn't sure if he could keep his attraction to Kurenai in check, and yet, what would he do if he was unable to stop himself from…

He shook his head.

Stop overthinking things, he thought. Now was the time to freak out. It was a time to be a man, to go in there and have dinner with this beautiful woman, and try to keep himself in check.

Naruto swallowed deeply, leaned forward, and knocked thrice on the door.

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait too long.

There was the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. Kurenai's soothingly calm chakra was just a foot away—he felt the sensation of it help beat back his anxiety.

The click of a lock, and the door opened. She was there, and God was she stunning. Her hair, black and silky, framing her enchanting red eyes. Like him she had dressed to impress, sporting a red dress that was in that sweet spot between revealing and concealing. There was a hint of cleavage, but plenty of skin hidden at the same time; it fell to her knees, swaying back and forth, glinting in the light.

"Naruto," Kurenai said warmly, a real smile on her face. "I'm glad that nothing came up—I was looking forward to this."

"Me too," he murmured. "Is Mirai asleep?"

"Oh, there's no need to worry about her. Shikamaru was over earlier, and when I told him that I had plans later he offered to watch her for a few hours."

"So it's just me and you..?" Naruto said.

Kurenai nodded. "That it is," the black haired woman said. "Why don't you come in? I'm almost finished cooking."

A solid ball of lead had settled in his throat as he stepped inside of the house, Kurenai gently closing the door behind him.

Mirai had been his get out of jail free card—how was he supposed to seduce a woman when her child was almost always going to be in the same room? It had been the one excuse his brain could come up with as to why he couldn't seduce Kurenai, why he couldn't conquer her like he had the others.

Naruto bit his lip, straining not to look at her, and yet unable to keep his eyes off of her at the same time. He devoured her curves, his mind flashing with a thousand thoughts and not a single one of them being an innocent one.

She lead him to the dining room, where two plates and two sets of silverware had been set on the table, atop a red table cloth that was the same shade as her eyes. He sat down.

"Just give me a few minutes," Kurenai said, a smile on her face. She made for the stove, Naruto watching as she went to work, her hands quick and fluid as she finished up the meal that she had been preparing.

Of course, Naruto couldn't help himself. With her back to him, there was nothing to stop him from staring at her, and stare at her he did.

Every time she turned slightly, he devoured the image of her ample bosom. Every time she bent over, even a tad, he prayed and prayed that that delicious dress would ride up and reveal more of her tantalizing legs. He moved forward in the chair, having to hide certain 'problems' underneath the table.

She would look at him on occasion, smiling at him, winking at him, even letting her own eyes wander a bit. He had to be careful—even with the table to hide his 'problem', if he let his mind wander a little too much it might be a little suspicious if he literally started lifting the table up.

Okay, maybe it wouldn't go that far, but still, Naruto could feel his face reddening, and he wasn't sure what to say that wasn't just him expressing how much he wanted to throw her on this very table and take her then and there.

What's wrong with me?

True to her word, it only took a few minutes, and when she was done, Kurenai was more than happy to fill up a plate for him and slide it in front of him, steaming hot and looking beyond delicious. She sat down opposite of him, a smile still on her face.

They both said their prayers, and simultaneously, they both tucked into the home cooked meal. With food to distract him, it was a little easier to keep his urges penned in, but still, he was struggling here. Especially every time she opened her mouth to take a bite of something—was she doing it in that way on purpose? It was so suggestively sinfully, and all he could think about was her opening her mouth to do something else.

There was a simmering silence, the kind so tense that it could be sliced through with a kunai. Naruto, not one to play with his food, was finished with his plate by the time Kurenai was halfway done. He sat there, in silence, as she finished up.

"Did you want to do something else..?" he asked, unsure of how these sort of things progressed. Was it really just him coming over for dinner and nothing else? That seemed a little simple, too neat, too elegant.

Kurenai smiled at him. "You're allowed to leave if you'd like," she said, her voice gentle and motherly. "Though I figured you would want to stay back and talk for a while. I could put something on the T.V., and well, we could just sit on the couch and just converse. If that's okay with you."

"I guess, uh, I guess that sounds alright," Naruto murmured.

They both stood in unison, and with little fanfare they made their way into the living room. He sat down on the sofa, hands folded in his lap, while Kurenai stepped up to the television.

Naruto bit his lip as she bent over, fiddling with the channels—her dress rode up, up, up, and if it rode up anymore just maybe he would get a glimpse of…

She put a movie on, one of those cheap horror flicks that came out of Iwagakure every other week it seemed. He'd sat and watched plenty of them with Sakura, and at first they had been a little scary, but it didn't take long for him to get used to the tropes they put forth.

Kurenai sat down beside him, and Naruto quickly came to realize that she was nowhere near used to horror films as he was.

It was funny—hardened kunoichi like Sakura and Kurenai getting scared by cheap horror films, with fake blood and cheesy dialogue. But then again, maybe they had always been better at letting go than he was. Allowing themselves to get sucked into the film, to feel what the characters felt.

Twenty minutes in, the scares were already fast and furious; the villain, a maniacal killer whose face was hidden by a mask aside from a sick smile, was chasing after the main cast of characters. Naruto stared at it, more interested in just how bad the acting was than how scary it was, but next to him, Kurenai was biting her lip, her skin a shade paler than normal.

Honestly, it was kind of cute.

She didn't go as far as screaming in terror when one of the main characters was brutally murdered, but she slid a little closer to Naruto, just so that their legs were touching. It seemed like she took comfort in his warmth—he reached a hand over, gently setting it down on her leg. The color returned to her skin, and she offered him a gentle smile which he returned in kind.

"Which one of them do you think is going to live?" Kurenai asked him in a soft tone, during one of the down-time parts of the movie where the killer was nowhere to be found.

"The skinny girl," Naruto said.

"Which one? They're both kind of skinny."

"The blonde one; I think she's going to live." He cracked a grin. "But I bet they'll make us think that she's the one who's going to die."

"That's because she's definitely gonna die," Kurenai murmured. "The other girl's going to live, I'm sure of it."

"Wanna bet on it?"

"What are we betting?"

Naruto thought it over for a moment. "Actually, I do have an idea."

"And what would that be?"

His grin widened. "If I win the bet, I'll come over again tomorrow and you can cook me dinner again," he said.

"And if I win?" Kurenai said.

"Well, then you can come over to Chez Naruto and enjoy a home-cooked meal on me," Naruto said. He crossed his fingers. "And not ramen either, I promise you that much!"

She laughed. "I'll probably end up having to help you cook it, won't I?" she said.

"Maybe," he said, unable to stop himself from smiling.

"You're on for that bet," Kurenai said, reaching over and squeezing his leg playfully. "Let's see what happens."

Twenty minutes later, right at the climax of the movie, Naruto knew that he had bet on the wrong horse—his girl was a corpse with the killer knife's sticking out of her eye, and Kurenai's had just finished trapping the killer in a hole that he would never escape from.

Naruto grit his teeth. "Damn," he said.

"Looks like I'll be coming over tomorrow." Kurenai winked at him. "How does seven o'clock sound?"

"Well, I guess I was the one who made the bet in the first place." He closed his eyes, unable to stop himself from smiling at the idea of having Kurenai over at his apartment for dinner. "Seven o'clock it is."

With a movie and a meal behind them, their time was rapidly dwindling, and Kurenai had to leave soon to go pick Mirai up from Shikamaru's house. She escorted him to the door, Naruto realizing just how late it was as he stared out the open doorway into the empty city streets.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Kurenai said.

He turned. "Yeah," Naruto murmured. "Tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to it."

They both stood there, a little awkwardly, looking at each other. He was a good head taller than her, his spiky blonde hair making him look even taller than he already was.

Kurenai swallowed. With shaky knees and shakier hands, she leaned forward, pressing a kiss gently to his cheek. "Good night," she said, stepping back into her house and carefully closing the door.

Naruto sat there for a good minute, intimately aware of how warm it felt right where Kurenai had kissed him. He was tingly all over, and he'd be damned if he wasn't aware of just how much he was looking forward to that second dinner date tomorrow.


He grinned like a stupid idiot, turned on his heel, and made for home.

That was what the original Naruto had been up to the entire day—his three clones, however, had been busy while their master was having dinner and a movie with Kurenai...

When Temari tiptoed out of the shower, she hadn't even bothered wrapping a towel around her curvaceous frame. What point was there in it? She was already nice and dry, aside from her hair which was hanging loose and free, dripping wet. A towel would just be an obstacle that would get in her way.

"What's the plan for today?" she asked, leaning against the doorway, her lip quirked upward in that cocky way of hers. "Or is it the usual?"

Naruto—or rather a clone of his, unbeknownst to her—sighed. "Do I have to guess what the usual is?"

She grinned, grasping her breasts, squeezing and pushing them together for his visual enjoyment. "Well, I'll tell you one thing: it definitely it involves you fucking me like there's no tomorrow."

He bit his lip. "I guess I don't have any complaints about that," he murmured. Seated on the bed, nude as the day he was born, there was no use in trying to hide his own state of arousal from her. The second she'd strode into the room, with that amazing body on display, he'd gotten hard.

And as you might expect, with his considerable size, Naruto getting hard wasn't exactly something that was easily overlooked.

Temari licked her lips as she stared at his erection.

"If I may make a request," she said, stepping up to him, her hips swaying sensually from side to side in an almost mesmeric way.

He waited for her to add onto it, but add onto it she did not; instead, she merely continued to stare at him, her gaze alternating between his chiseled face and his gorgeous cock.

"What request would that be?" Naruto asked, fingers digging into the white sheets, clutching at them tightly.

She spread her legs slightly, toes sinking into the plush carpet. Quite visible, and very vividly clear, was her pussy… and to call it was wet was an understatement. It was gushing, dripping wet just like her hair.

"I want to ride you," Temari breathed, her lips pursed together tightly. "There was this angle you hit me at the other night when I was on top, and God, it hit all the right spots. I want to see if I can find that perfect sweet spot again."

Naruto grinned.

He scooted back on the bed, and then laid himself out on it, his legs and arms spread to either side. "Have your way with me if that's what you want?" he said. "I don't mind letting you do all the work."

Licking her lips again, Temari crawled on top of the bed, straddling him, his cock pulsating only a few inches away from her pretty and pink slit.

"Like you do all the work anyway," she said, grinning from ear to ear, grasping the base of his member and lining it up oh so neatly with her dripping slit. "If anything, your cock does most of it for you."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "As many times as I've heard that," he said.

She poked his chest. "You know I'm just kidding."

Biting her lip, Temari braced herself for impact.

Lowering herself down onto his cock was always a daunting task—feeling the head of that beast, stretching out her pussy lips… it was ungodly just how good it felt. It made her toes curl, it made her throw her head back and moan. Her hips swiveled from side to side; she wanted to make the plunge and take every inch of it inside of her aching hot pussy, and yet, at the same time, she wanted to savour this, to make sure that she could recall every moment of this with clarity.

God, she was addicted to him, to this cock.

"Oh fuck," she whispered, as she felt that oh-so-familar feeling of being full. It was intoxicating, more so than any quantity of liquor or drugs could ever hope to be.

No, Naruto was something else. He was something she could so easily overdose on—his cock, potent to the point as if someone was dipping a syringe right into one of her veins and pushing down the plunger.

Unable to help himself, he put his hands on her hips, squeezing her supple flesh tightly, pulling her down further onto his cock.

"I don't know how you manage to get tighter and tighter," he breathed, eyes fluttering.

Temari grinned. "Call it a natural gift," she said, batting his hands away. "Let me take care of this, Naruto. I want to have my way with you… if you don't mind," she said, gently placing her hands upon his muscled chest.

He licked his lips.

"If that's what you want," he said, grinning up at her. "Go ahead and 'have your way' then, Temari."

She lowered her head, toes curling with joy as she began to lower herself more onto his cock.

The time for talking was over.

With all of her strength and passion, she ran wild on him. Bouncing herself up and down his cock, she channeled all of her focus into making sure that he felt every inch of her pussy as it squeezed tightly around his member.

"So good," Temari breathed. "God damn."

The pleasure that ricocheted through her was immediately, incredible, and goosebumps ran up and down her arms. She licked her lips, her head spinning, her body running on auto pilot as she lifted herself up and down.

At first, she'd attributed her quick orgasms to being pent-up. Dick variety in Sunagakure wasn't exactly premium, and well, Naruto was clearly more gifted than the average man was.

But now, a good amount of time into their affair, Temari realized that it wasn't being pent-up that lead to her cumming so quickly.

It wasn't even necessarily Naruto being an absolute beast of a man—not that that hurt her efforts.

No… she was just a massive slut for him.

And she liked it; oh, she liked it a whole lot.

It wasn't just her either. He had spoken to her about Sakura and Tsunade—the former was surprising, but really, a girl like that was susceptible to any pretty boy that came around, and well, Naruto was definitely a pretty boy. A pretty boy with a big dick at that.

But Tsunade?

That had been a surprise.

She couldn't imagine someone as esteemed and powerful as a Hokage succumbing to cock. And yet, it seemed that the only thing that was stopping the busty blonde from spending as much time as Temari did with Naruto was, well, her duties as Hokage.

Which suited her; she didn't like to share, even if she didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

As she bounced up and down on top of his cock, as she stared into his eyes and felt him pulsate inside of her… she sincerely hoped that she, and no one else, was the best he'd had. Her pussy had better be tighter—her tits more plump and perky. Her moans more sensual. Maybe, if she tried her best, if she milked his cock for as much cum as she could possibly squeeze out of him… just maybe she could have him all to herself.

She hoped.

"Fuck!" Temari threw her head back.

"You ready?"

She nodded her head; he took her hands in his own, squeezing them tightly.

Her moans grew in volume and length, and before long, she was moaning loudly enough that it was quite literally echoing off the walls of the bedroom. Her eyes rolled back into her head.

And at last, with an intensity that was to be commended, Temari came on his cock.

All energy seemed to be sapped out of her, and now it was left to Naruto to finish the job. He gripped her hips tightly with both hands, beginning to thrust up into her, harder and faster than she could have ever managed riding him. He stared up at her, and she bucked and moaned, her pussy overly sensitive after her orgasm. Yet, there was no chance in hell that she was going to ask him to stop, even if every thrust into her burning core felt as if it were about to overload her nerve systems.

She was on the brink of insanity from how much pleasure he was dousing her with, and yet, all she wanted was more. More. More.

And when he pulled her low on his cock and unleashed that massive load deep inside of her…

God, she was in heaven.

Heaven was better than she could have ever imagined.

As she finally gave herself to the abyss, she collapsed against him, arms and legs limp. Her head rested against his muscled chest, her teal eyes sliding closed.

"I love you," she whispered, his breathing lulling her to sleep.

Naruto stroked her hair as he watched her fade away.

I wonder how the other clones are doing, he thought, as he felt his cock throb inside of her, the last of his orgasm being deposited into her.

Honestly, if I included the other scenes that I intended for this chapter, it would run way over my usual word count and take a hell of a lot longer. So I'm going to leave it here for now, and we'll pick up where we left off in the next chapter.
