This one is slightly inspired by "Den Mother" by Cabbit and the Weasel. Mostly because it hasn't been updated and I feel I owe you guys a one shot while I work on Chapter 18 of the new girl and chapter 1 on the next story I am planning.

"Batman are you sure this is a wise idea to invite one so young?" Diana whispered, but to Conor she might as well have been speaking right next to him. He immediately called M'gann to open the link between the team as he listened in.

"He is only 16 summers, surely he can wait to be invited into the League. Maybe have him join the Team first, to gain experience. I am just not sure we should be pushing one so young so soon." She finished.

'Who do you think they are inviting?' M'gann asked over the link when she began to feel the anger and irritation raise in 3 of the 4 boys.

'Who cares? What matters is that they are passing us up for this no-name!" Wally scoffed 'I bet we could beat him easily. Why does he get invited but we have to be the sidekicks?"

A few agreements followed, most notably from Superboy and Artemis while Aqualad and Robin stayed silent still listening to the conversation that Superboy was still eavesdropping on.

"The boy has show exactly what it takes to be a hero. I believe there is nothing the team can teach him that he doesn't already know. In fact, he might be willing to teach the team a few things instead." Batman responded calmly as he looked over hundreds of different case files that he was considering for covert missions to send the team on.

"Really?" Diana sounded surprised "How can you be so sure Batman? I haven't heard about him until you mentioned him at the last meeting."

"Because, Diana, the kid has been a hero for two years all by himself. His town may have been small, but his enemies' numbers were not, and he protected his own without a single casualty, while the majority of the people he protected hated him simply for existing. Phantom. Is. A. Hero."

A gasp filtered through the mind link as every full human muttered 'Phantom?'

'Who is this Phantom guy?' Superboy finally asked when the shock wore off and Batman and Diana had left through the teleporter.

'It will be easier to explain in person.' Robin finally said, and everyone agreed to meet in the kitchen over cookies.

"Well?" Superboy prompted again "Who is this Phantom guy and why is he allowed to become a hero before us?"

"Because, dude, Phantom was already a hero before anyone knew about him." Wally said "You aliens don't know him because he never leaves his home town and after the Disatroid, everyone already knew who he was. So, no one really talked about it.

"What do you mean?" Megan asked this time slightly annoyed at the vague answers and the stunned looks on her teammates faces. She loved the team and wasn't really in a hurry to join the League, but she knew how much the others, especially the boys wanted to be acknowledged as Super Heroes.

"Phantom is…." Artemis started before she trailed off. "Hard to explain." she finally finished.

"But I think I can show you," Robin said as he opened his holo-computer, the picture of a young boy with black hair and blue eyes showed up against another picture of a boy with white hair and green eyes.

"This is Phantom, and some footage of his story." Robin pressed play as a catchy rap sounded over the loudspeakers. As they watched they understood.

Yo, Danny Fenton was just 14 when his parents build a strange machine…"

This story was mainly to get back into writing while I worked on some other stories. 40 more days before I am finally free to write! Wish me luck guys. please review so I know that people are still reading my stories after my huge hiatus.