Penny glared over at Sheldon. He had her rush to his office from work at her pharmaceutical company for an "emergency", only to find that he was cornered by a stray arachnid. She grabbed a piece of paper towel and squished the spider. She threw it in the trash and watched as Sheldon's body released its tension.

"Sheldon, how many times do I have to tell you a spider is not an emergency." Penny scolded. "Come on its Thursday we'd better go pick up pizza."

"I have to say Penny, you always come through when I face a stray arachnid." Sheldon said cheerfully.

"Unless a tarantula, or like a black widow, or something is attacking you, a spider is not an emergency. And why didn't you call your fiancé anyway? Amy isn't afraid to kill a spider." Penny wasn't in the mood to let this go. They got in her car and Sheldon ordered their usual Thursday night supper.

"I didn't call Amy because you always kill spiders. I wanted you." Sheldon sounded stressed at the thought of calling his fiancé.

"Oh sweetie did you and Amy have a fight? Usually she would have texted me about it. But you sound upset." Penny pressed.

"No. Penny you should know better than anyone that I don't handle change well. You have always killed stray arachnids. Leonard was busy running his latest experiment with Lesley Winkle. And both Wolowitz and Kuthrapoli told me to excuse my vulgarity, "grow a pair" and kill it myself. I knew you would come." Sheldon shrugged. The sentiment however unclear prodded at Penny's heart strings.

They returned to Leonard and Penny's apartment with three large pizzas. One half cheese-less so as to not turn Leonard into a gassy mess. Raj was sitting in the middle seat, Amy on the end, Leonard was sitting in the chair beside the sofa. Penny sat the pizzas down on the coffee table, and Sheldon brought plates over.

"Where are Bernadette and Wolowitz?" Sheldon asked.

"They're with Michael, and Halley at the aquarium." Leonard said.

"Oh I do love the aquarium." Sheldon chuckled to himself.

"How did you end up with Penny?" Amy asked Sheldon.

"She rescued me from a stray arachnid that had me cornered in my office. So she drove me home, and we picked up pizza. It's pizza night." Sheldon stated as he finished his slice. "Anyway I have work to do. I'll be in my old room. Please do not disturb me." Sheldon loaded up his plate with two more slices and headed towards his old bedroom, indicating that it would be a long night.

"Why does he always go to Penny for things like that." Amy thought out loud sounding hurt.

"It's that weird brother sister thing they've got going on." Leonard rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't that get annoying sometimes?" Raj interjected stirring the pot.

"Yes!" Both Leonard and Amy exclaimed in unison.

"Geez. It's literally just because he doesn't like change. I'm the spider killer. Amy is the intellectual, beautiful, girlfriend with no fashion sense. Raj is the instigator. Leonard is his bitch. That's our roles." Penny rolled her eyes and stormed off. She got to the door of Sheldon's old room and opened it without a thought. She sat down on Sheldon's old bed. Sheldon turned around and looked at Penny. He was used to her barging in after he had said he wanted to be alone but she looked irritated.

"Is there something the matter?" Sheldon asked unsure if he was reading her correctly. He wasn't good at reading emotions.

"Just Leonard, and Amy being jealous of our relationship and Raj stirring the pot again." Penny vented. Sheldon capped his marker and sat down beside her on the bed.

"Well I can't say that I haven't noticed we have a different relationship with each other, than with other members of the group. But I wouldn't say it is anything to be jealous of." Sheldon stated trying to be helpful.

"I know it's not." Penny couldn't hide the hurt in her voice. Maybe she wanted it to be something to be jealous of. Just a little bit.

"However I can't say I have never thought of you in a carnal manner." Sheldon pondered. Pennys jaw dropped.

"W-what?" She spoke barely above a whisper.

"There have been times that I have found myself to be envious of the relationship you and Leonard share. I could hear you in the room next door, you sounded in complete ecstasy. Something I can honestly say I have never experienced. Quite possibly because Amy just isn't you." Sheldon lifted his hand to Penny's cheek. Their faces now millimeters apart. Penny closed the distance letting her lips press against his gently. He kissed back harder letting her tongue slide into his mouth. He moved his hands to her lower back as Penny traced her hand over his green lantern t-shirt.

She kissed down his jawline and neck and nipped a little bit. Sheldon let out a light moan. He moved his hands up under her shirt and cupped her braless breast. He teased her nipple a little bit and she arched her back in pleasure.

Sheldon lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the ground. Penny returned the favor and pulled his layered shirts off revealing his chest. Penny ran her hands through his chest hair and kissed it. She trailed kisses down his chest and stomach. Sheldon took the lead and flicked his tongue over her hard nipple and nipped at it a little. He trailed kisses over to the other one. Penny straddled him and pushed him down on the bed she kissed down his stomach until she reached his trousers. She undid the button then the zipper and freed his throbbing member from his tighty whiteys. She looked at him and he nodded at her to keep going. Penny straddled him and slid her hand up and down fondling it. Sheldon tugged at Penny's blue jeans and she quickly freed herself from them. Sheldon flipped them both over so he was hovering over her. Penny moaned at the proximity of his genitalia to hers.

Sheldon took that as a go ahead and fumbled to get it inside. Penny reached down and helped him slide his member into her. He let out a long moan. He thrust deeper inside of her and began to pick up pace as she matched his thrusts. They did their best to be quiet but as they both reached climax they both let out a loud moan. Sheldon rolled off of Penny and used the Kleenex on the bedside table to wipe himself off. They both got dressed and sat side by side on the bed. Penny leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm married to your best friend, and you're engaged to mine." Penny stated. "We shouldn't have done that."

"Was it not satisfactory?" Sheldon asked. "It was extremely gratifying for me. But yes we did betray Leonard and Amy." There was a knock at the door and Sheldon hopped up facing his white boards.

"I believe I asked not to be disturbed." Sheldon said loudly.

"But Penny is allowed in!" Amy said sounding irritated. Sheldon let out a loud sigh.

"Fine you may enter but please be brief." Sheldon said. Amy walked into the room looking upset she looked at Penny who was sitting on the bed with a slice of Sheldon's pizza stuffed in her mouth.

"What it's really good pizza." Penny said with food in her mouth.

"I thought I heard moaning. And penny you look disheveled." Amy said in an accusing tone.

"She preforming some of her yoga poses. You, Leonard, and Kuthropoli upset her." Sheldon lied.

"I'm sorry bestie." Amy apologized. "It's just that sometimes you, and Sheldon seem to have a better, and easier relationship than he and I have. It's hard not to feel jealous." Amy looked down at her hands.

"Yeah well you guys always going on about it feels like you are accusing us of having an affair. It hurts. Especially since Leonard actually did have one when he was in the North Sea on that boat." Penny was relieved to have some acting skills.

"Well I'm sorry. Leonard and Rajesh are playing a ridiculous dance game out there. Do you want to go pour some wine and laugh at them?" Amy offered.

"Sure just give me a minute okay?" Penny smiled. Amy left the room to join the guys. Penny stood up and wrapped her arms around Sheldon's neck, and kissed him hard on the lips. Then left the room.