Authors Notes.

Hey guys, so that's the end of this story.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank each and every one of you. You've all been so supportive and amazing! So thank you very very much! Also, so sorry for being quite slack with my updates towards the end of this story, I'm actually quite ashamed of myself.

Now onto my stories:

I plan to write up and mostly finish a few stories before uploading anything so I don't end up lost and confused halfway through a story much like this particular one.

Now my possible future works -and I say 'possible' because I don't want to make any promises, so I don't let anyone down.

*I 'plan' to write a…Damien Riddle Sequel
*I want to write some more crossovers between Harry Potter, the Avengers and Supernatural.
*On my desktop at the minute I actually have an Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy story that I hope to develop and maybe upload one day.
*Maybe even a Harry Potter time travel one with either the Marauders or the Founders of Hogwarts.


Username is: anxious_soul
Keep in mind that instead of a full stop '.' like my username here, it is an underscore '_'

On my AO3 account, I have an ongoing series of one-shots for Supernatural on there. There are going to be 50 in that particular series (called 'Destiel 50 Words from Table Prompt' -I know not creative).

When I finally finish this series, I plan to do some more series like the one mentioned above -though that may not happen because I could get a bit busy and all.

Anyway, that's that.
Thank you again for everything, you are all so amazing.