I don't own anything about My hero academia and DC Comic

This chapter had been beta chief of RAGE

Izuku Midoriya sucked in a sharp breath of air as he gently prodded his forearm with the tip of his ninth notebook on hero facts. It was bruised, courtesy of Katsuki Bakugo. That was the price he'd paid for just pointing out that he should be more careful with his Quirk. All it would take was someone getting seriously hurt because of it and his goal of being a hero would go up in flames from a black-mark on his records.

They'd both wanted to be heroes as children, and it was one of the only careers that allowed for the use of Quirks like his in public—being able to generate explosions from his sweat had very limited uses outside of combat. As prideful and egotistical as Katsuki had gotten after getting his powers, Izuku still didn't want him to lose his chances of being a hero because it.

If he did, then there was no telling how badly he'd take it.

Unfortunately, Katsuki's temper was as explosive as his Quirk. Not only had he'd hit him in the arm hard enough to knock him onto the ground for it, but he'd told him that he was the last person on the planet who had the right to tell him that. After all, without a Quirk what could he do?

As he walked the solitary path through the park, a winding stretch of concrete surrounded on both sides by a sea of viridian green grass, Izuku's mind drifted back to that day when the doctor said that he would never get his Quirk. He had the extra joint in his toe that indicated that he didn't likely have the capacity for powers like Quirk-users after the third generation, and none of his family had the luminescent glow present when they used their powers to show they had a heritage power that might have a delayed awakening.

Out of all the people he knew, he was Quirk-less. He was the only one who wasn't special. He was the only one who was worthless, like Katsuki said.

The thought made his body shake as he tried to hold back the tears. He could still remember his mother crying that day, apologizing for bringing him into this world without a gift. Without a means to be a hero like All Might—the man who inspired him to become one himself.

'Those weren't the words I wanted to hear...' Izuku thought as he clamped his eyes shut to stop the stinging tears and clenched his teeth. 'Mom, those weren't the words I wanted to hear...'

It was a moment of weakness that moved his arm, spurred on by the lingering resentment of his mother's tearful apologies and the taunting of his oldest friend turned bully. Without a thought, Izuku flung the notebook—the culmination of his efforts at becoming a hero, filled with facts and details about other heroes—as far as he could away. No sooner than he had done so did he regret doubting his dream even for a moment, despite what he told himself.

"If you want throw a book at someone, make sure it hits the target." A voice said.

Izuku's eyes snapped open to see and old man standing in front him. He wore a black vest and pants with a black trench coat, and he had white hair along with a white beard. Izuku thought that the man is in his late 70s or older, but the most noticeable feature is an eye patch coverong his right eye, and in his hand was Izuku's notebook.

"I'm so sorry!" Izuku said and bowed to the man over and over. "I'm really sorry! I didn't know you were there!"

"It's fine, kid." The man said, giving Izuku his notebook back "You got eyes for details. You must really like heroes."

"I do..." Izuku said, taking back his book. "I want to be one when I get older... but I can't."

"Oh?" The man said. "And why is that?"

"Becaue I don't have a quirk..." Izuku said sadly, looking down to the ground.

"That's all?" The man said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Izuku said, his head still down.

"People these days depend too much on quirks..." The man sighed. "They should know that quirks are not everything. That is not a thing that proves they are a hero."

"Do you really think so?" Said Izuku..

"Back in my day, there were many heroes who didn't need super powers to be a hero." The man said.

"You mean there used to be quirkless heroes?" Izuku said with suprise as he tried to remember every hero he knew.

"A lot! Even a quirkless villian too..."

"But... then why have i never heard of them..." Izuku said.

"Try and search the name 'Batman'." Said the man, patting Izuku on the head before walking down the path.

It turned out the reason why he never heard the name Batman was becaue he was a hero during the rise of quirk users back when super power were not common among the population, and most of the heroes during this time had been labeled as vigilantes. During his search, Izuku was able to find out that there were many quirkless heroes during that time like Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, Green Arrow, Huntress, Question, Spoiler, WildCat. But most well know of all was the Batman. He was the most well known in Gotham city, and he had taken down many vilians with powerful quirks.

Izuku also found out that Gotham city had been destroyed from a final battle between Batman and his arch nemesis, the Joker. It appeared Joker had hidden a nuclear bomb in the city and challenged Batman to a fight if he wanted to stop it. In the end, Batman won but the bomb still exploded turn out it being connected to Joker's heart. But thank to Batman and other hero the city had been evacuated. Only Batman and Joker are lost.

What he found was very tragic, but it also gave him hope. If there were people out there who can be heroes without a quirk, then he can be one too.

Then Izuku's question now was that man also a hero too? Izuku began to research more about the hero during the rise of quirk use. He had searched and found much info and pictures of the hero from that time until he found a picture showing Batman fighting a man in black and gray armor wielding sword. His face showed up, and Izuku recognized it as the old man who talked to him. He quickly clicked the picture.

Turned out the man Izuku talked to is not a hero but a mercenary named Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator. The world's greatest assassin, he was a famous mercenary known for always finishing the misson and hardly ever failing, but also for how he defeated and killed many heroes. So many in fact, that Stain the Hero Killer is a child compared to him. He was also wanted by many countries due to assassinating many political figures.

The more Izuku read about the man, the more crazy ideas began to form in his head.

For the next few weeks, Izuku spent time in the park where he met the man. Arriving every day, he waited for hours on end in hope he will meet him again.

Today, class ended early so Izuku quickly ran to the park and sat on a bench near there, waiting for the man again. Izuku sat there waiting until the sky went dark.

"It looks like he's not showing up today..." Izuku sighed.

He began the walk back to his house. After finshing his dinner, he continued his reseach about the quirkless heroes and villians. Yesterday, he learned about a villian named Bane. Then Izuku stopped working as he saw Slade standing in front of his house, ringing his door bell. A few minutes later, his mom opened the door to answer.

"Long time no see, Inko." Slade said.

"Why are you here!? Grandfather..." Inko growled, glaring as the man.

My first My hero academia fic. I got this idea after read a fic about Izuku become Spider Man, Joker, Green Lantern, Batman, Iron man,... Those fic had inspire me to write this.

So yeah my idea is around Izuku are Deathstroke grandson and been train by him after all this guy is most dealy assassin in DC. I will include some vilian from DC and Marvel some will be allie some will be enemy or you guy want oc who will took the name.

I been divide between about Izuku will become Hero or Villian. Maybe he will become mercenary like Slade

About the pairing this will be a harem fic , there is four girl can confirm will in are Mei, Toga, Tsuyu and Kashiko. You guy can suggest who join the harem

I also had crazy idea about member of Class A1 become a vilian in DC and Marvel. I think Shouto can become Two Face, Ilda can become Zoom.

Feel free to leave a review, comment, suggestions, or idea if you guy had.

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