Chapter 1 Choices Made
"And yet another attack on an exchange family has been made today. Although no one was seriously injured, the attack has left the human adults in the hospital while the Laminal children were unscathed. The human supremacist group known as 'Sparta' has taken credit for this attack, claiming-"
Kimihito turned off the TV. The last thing he wanted to see after a long day of work was more depressing stuff on the news.
He sat back and ran his hand through his messy hair. This "Sparta" group made him extremely nervous. They had been active for the past few weeks, attacking Laminals and people who supported them. Exchange hosts had their homes firebombed and raided. The lucky ones were marked as traitors with graffiti. The unlucky ones were added to the group's list of "monster slayings."
"Are you alright, Darling?"
Kimihito turned to see Miia slither beside him. "I'm okay. I'm just worried about you guys. This whole thing is scary."
"Aw, don't be worried, Darling. Let me give you a hug."
Before he could stop her, Miia's tail wrapped around his body and began to crush the life out of him. He had gotten used to this by now, but he wondered how the Lamia never noticed him struggle against her. Sometimes she was more oblivious than Papi.
"Yup," he said to himself. "Blacking out…losing air…anytime now…"
To his surprise, he felt the tail leave his body and air rush into his lungs. After getting a few deep breaths in, he turned to see Cerea holding Miia back by her hair.
"Compose yourself, Miia!" Cerea said. "Your carelessness has placed Master in harm once again!"
"Oh, let her have her little fun," Rachnee said from the kitchen. "Soon I will have Honey to myself, anyway. She should enjoy it while it lasts."
"YOU WHAT?!" Miia shot out of Cerea's grasp and tried to throttle the Arachne, only to be caught in one of her signature webs.
"Oh my," Rachnee said. "Will you ever learn to watch out for those?"
Kimihito rolled his eyes. These seven Laminal girls could be such a handful sometimes. At least they were beginning to get along a little better. Even Lala, the newest addition, was becoming acclimated to the household. It was a relief to see the overactive dullahan not use her scythe to harm the other housemates, even though Mero desperately wanted her to duel with Cerea for him. Kimihito was just glad he could relax after making everyone dinner. As much as he loved cooking, do so for seven people and himself was exhausting.
To make matters worse, every girl was becoming more forceful in their flirtations. Miia was bordering on a yandere personality, while the other girls were either clingy or spoke in strange metaphors. Too often he woke up stuck in Rachnee's web or Suu's slime. They were becoming desperate for Kimihito to choose a bride.
Full moons were the absolute worst. Kimihito had to reinforce his door and windows to keep the girls out. They would try to break it down, tease him into coming out, or demand he open the door. Miia sobbed like he was torturing her while Mero demanded he not keep a princess waiting. It was like something out of a horror movie.
Kimihito finally had no choice but to call Ms. Smith to come by. Lazy and sarcastic, she was the bane of Kimihito's existence. Her unprofessionalism got him involved in this host business when she dumped Miia off at his place, ignoring the fact he was not listed as a host. But she was his closest connection to the Interspecies Exchange Program.
A knock sounded at the door. Kimihito rushed to the door before anyone else could answer. He was too nervous about their response. "I-I'll get it!"
Ms. Smith barged inside before the door was more than an inch open. "Wonderful to see you Darling! Got any coffee?"
Kimihito groaned at the name. At least when Miia called him that, there was actual affection behind it, not sarcastic mockery. "I already made a pot."
Smith poured herself a cup and sat down on the couch. "So, why the sudden call? Lonely without me?"
"No," Kimihito said. "I'm just worried about these recent Sparta attacks. I was wondering if you knew if we were safe from them."
"For now."
The blunt response didn't give Kimihito any relief. "What does that mean?"
"It seems this group has more support than we anticipated," Smith said. "Some people have been anti-laminal for a long time, and these attacks have given them conviction. Protests on both sides have formed around the country."
"Can't MON do anything?" Kimihito asked.
"Afraid not," Smith said. "We deal strictly with Laminal threats. Otherwise, we would be Laminals attacking humans, which is illegal."
Kimihito lowered his head in fear. He had no idea what he would do if the house was attacked. The girls could defend themselves, but then they would be attacking humans. Could they be deported then?
Smith downed the last of her coffee in one gulp. "Listen Darling, I wanted to bring this up later, but I can't think of another time."
"What is it?" Kimihito asked.
Smith put her cup down and straightened her sunglasses. "My superiors are just as worried as you about these attacks. They fear that seven Laminals in one house is too risky and wish to send six of them off to new hosts."
"They what?!" Kimihito asked. "You can't do that!"
"My hands are tied, Darling," Smith said. "I don't want this either, but they are convinced this is for the safety of the girls."
Kimihito felt his heart drop. He had gotten so close to all of the girls. He cared for each of them in a different way. This was why he was taking so long to choose who to marry. He couldn't imagine living life without all of them.
"This brings us to an important aspect," Smith said. "Please call all of the girls here."
Kimihito rose from his seat and shouted, "Hey guys! Family meeting!"
Cerea, Miia, and Rachnee were there in seconds, nearly trampling each other. Suu and Papi came shortly behind. Lala took her time, guiding Mero's wheelchair.
"What is it, Master?" Papi asked.
"What is it, Master?" Suu asked, copying her friend.
"Are we going out again?" Miia asked excitedly.
"You had a date last time," Rachnee said. "Learn to share poor Honey."
"It's not that," Kimihito said. "Smith has something to say."
Smith cleared her throat. "I have just finished Darling that the Interspecies Program is looking to separate the seven of you. Six of you will be sent to various families to decrease your chances of being attacked by the anti-Laminal group, Sparta."
There were various shouts of protests from the girls.
"How horrible!"
"I refuse."
"I can't leave Suu!"
"I like it here!"
"Do I have to?!"
Smith ignored their protests and continued. "However, one may stay here with Darling. As his bride."
Smith turned to Kimihito. "So, Darling? Who is it going to be?"
Kimihito could barely find his voice. "But…I can't do this now! There hasn't been enough time!"
"I'm sorry, Darling," Smith said. "But there is no time left. The Program wants this done as soon as possible."
Kimihito looked at his girls. All of them were staring back at him with pleading looks, except for Lala, who masked her emotions as usual. He tried to think of who to pick. He loved each of them in different ways.
Miia had always loved him, since the beginning. She had also been the first houseguest. But she was so smothering and clingy. And dangerous. She had no clue of her own strength. Kimihito was unsure if she would even let him out of her sight if they were married. Plus, she couldn't cook to save her life.
Papi was fun and happy-go-lucky. Nothing could get her mood down. That was definitely a plus. But she could be way too childish and even annoying. She was more of a little sister than a girlfriend.
Cerea was the most mature of the bunch. She was willing to cook and clean alongside him, even when he didn't want it. But he wanted a wife, not a servant. She didn't see herself as an equal, which would probably harm their relationship.
Suu had the same pros as Papi. Unfortunately, she was just as dangerous as Miia. Instead of being crushed, she could drown him.
Mero had an air of regality and social construct about her. It would be the easiest to have a normal life with her. But she was a mermaid. He would need to keep her near water at all times. There was no way he could constantly be in a pool, or she on land.
Rachnee was far too domineering and mean. She wanted control of all things and enjoyed tormenting others. Even so, there was a part of Kimihito that enjoyed it. Maybe he was just as submissive as Cerea.
Lala reminded him of himself. A nerd and cosplayer at heart, they shared a love of the supernatural and unexplained. But she constantly hid her emotions and could never have a normal conversation with anyone. It was a chore just to ask how her day was.
Kimihito sucked in a deep breath. He had to choose the best girl; the lesser of the evils. In his mind, maybe he always knew the answer. It was the only right one to make.
"Well, Darling?" Smith asked.
Kimihito looked at his girls. "Alright. I choose Miia."