Naruto's Harem- A Life Among the Sea

After the war Naruto obtained his aim and become a hero of the leaf, a name that spread through the world. Once a man content with clashes, yet now found there were no longer battles to be won. No place for a ninja. With diminutive bouts he acquired the very little assignments he could attain.

With so little on this new bright day Naruto had finally a new mission, after weeks of nothing he was ready and left from his apartment awake and ready for the Hokage tower at once. Out on the roads he had no clue as to what the object is, but he was content to have one.

Naruto ended up near the former door to the Hokage's room and opened it to find his Hokage behind her desk and a unfamiliar, gorgeous woman before her. She had dazzling, flowing auburn hair that ran down her exposed slender back with a curvaceous body, wearing tight blue jeans and a dark green bikini, not leaving much to the imagination.

Tsunade noticed Naruto standing up in the doorway. "Finally made it. Come take a seat." Tsunade told her young ninja. Naruto closed the distance and sat down before the oaken desk. The room remained the same as it had been for years. Tsunade sat back leisurely in her chair, the bright gleam of the sun shined past her hair. "Naruto this is Nami. A friend who has asked a favor, and I think you are perfect for the job."

"Hello miss." Naruto greeted her and Nami nodded with a slight smile looking over the Uzumaki.

"She has paid quite a large sum to reach her ship unharmed. And I know you are the best suited for this situation." Tsunade explained.

Nami chimed in. "There are a few asshole outlaws after me, and I can't let them get a dime." Nami explained with fury in her voice.

Tsunade leaned forward. "You will accompany Nami on her trip and be certain nothing happens to her."

"Of course. How far is the distance?" Naruto asked.

"Nami will know the route. Your only job is to stay alert and keep her from harm. Quick and easy… Am I clear?" Naruto nodded without question. At the same time Nami seemed uncertain.

"Is really one ninja enough." Tsunade simply smiled at her statement.

"I'm sure he can handle a few outlaws." Nami was uncertain but liked the look of him.

She smiled and shook Tsunade's hand. "Meet me at the gate in an hour. Don't be late and pack your things." She demanded and Naruto nodded.

Later in the day-

The young woman stood underneath the gate as villagers passed through the entrance, tapping her foot pessimistically against the ground, simply unable to wait. Another minute was one outlaws could find her, and worse her money.

Finally off in the distance among the villagers she saw the young man close the distance, moving his way through the crowd. He carried a backpack and was in his normal attire. Nami smiled seeing the young man near. "You ready? A long trip ahead of us."

"As ready as I will be." He told. With that the two departed. Out on the road the two proceeded towards the ship. The world became ever greyer as they drew further. They moved beneath slate skies besides water that shone old and cold as a sheet of steel. There was no one on the roads no answers of enemies either only burnt ash and wood here and there.

Nami loathed the silence, to unsure of it's presence. In her doubt she observed over the young man again, seeing an uncanny sigh of uncaring.

"They could be watching us from anywhere. I paid top dollar for you, so keep your guard up." Nami told and Naruto smiled.

"The bandits in these parts don't have much on their belt. If they attack, they'll be sorry and end up in graves." Nami scoffed at the young hot blooded man, not in the mood. She had money and needed it to remain in her pocket.

"You're quite confident for such a young age… Your Hokage said you have rather some exciting power, I hope she's right."

"More so for any unlucky outlaws." Naruto replied and Nami smiled at that comment.

"You better not be all bark and no bite. If a single cent is stolen, it's coming from you. You got that." Nami stated in no mood to lose money.

Naruto simply smiled. "Don't worry, they won't get a precious penny. I promise you." Nami nodded taking another look over the man, enjoying what she saw.

Further they went seeing only grass and vegetation, the roads were silent, yet eerie. The silence filled the air, nothing but a simple chirp.

Without a sound Naruto caught the glimpse of a kunai from out of the bushes ending in the ground between them with a piece of paper attached. Nami didn't have enough time to react.

"Watch out." Naruto used his weight shoving her out of the way, taking the brute force. NamI landed with a thud on the grass, far from the kunai, watching as the cloudy explosion engulfed him.

She laid there, eyes open enormous watching troublingly, knowing she watched him die. Once the smoke dissipated, implausible to her Naruto stood unscathed. Immediately he crouched down beside her. "You okay?" he asked as if nothing was wrong.

"I'm fine." There was no time to breathe as she looked and saw out from the darkness lingered ten men in nothing but tatters and mud. The men were as far from ordinary she ever perceived. They held spears and nets on their backs with leaves and paint over their faces. Furthermost with lengthy dirty hair and muddy ragged clothes, while others wore leaves as camo. The appearances bizarre to say the least, approximately she certainly never saw before.

Regarding her rear, additional men covered every angel, their bodies camouflage but their eyes clear in the darkness.

Before all of them, a man with rotten teeth, a crooked nose and lank hair came forth before his friends. He stood on a tree branch before the two with not a care in the world, his right hand resting on his knee and his left holding a spear. Their clothes cheap slashed with mud.

"So you finally showing yourself huh?" The man stood forward, his voice hard. Nami assessed the men and did not respond instead kept silence. The bandit merely smiled, unpleased. He chuckled to himself as he looked over his gallantry entourage. "Come on now, no need to get violent. Let's settle this like adults. You stole something and we want it back." His voice ruff as his eyes grew wide.

"I did not take anything. You stole it from me and anyways you didn't need any of it." Nami declared.

The smile he wore did not disappear only intensified. "I have a certain specialty. I know when someone is dishonest, and it's quite easy to see you are telling me a lie. And well, I hate liars." While they spoke unknown to her, the ground underneath began to give way and breakdown apart. A sink hole from thin air and to her fear, the dirt crumbled leaving nothing. Nami tried to move away, but before she could, a hand reached out from the depths and grabbed hold of her, fingers wrapping tightly around her skin. She strained to pull away but a bandit pulled himself from the dirt, mud crumbling apart, enfolding his grip tighter around her leg. Naruto quickly made sense of the situation and without a moment to delay kicked the bandit with force in the face. Achieving his aim, the bandit losing his grip. Out of the corner of Naruto's eye a portly bandit heaved a weapon from under his cloak and aimed the armament at the young ninja.

Naruto knew his next move. "Watch out." He leaped forward grabbing Nami by the stomach, darting for the trees. The next few moments went with dreadfulness. No longer peace, but chaos as Kunai's flew and sored through the air with intent to kill, yet barley missed the two. The kunai's continued crashing against the forest floor with brash thuds that meant for the two. Nami pressed herself against the tree as Naruto crouched down. Yet to her astonishment no sweat covered his face, a clear and concise thought.

"Stay back, I can handle this."

"Their lucky I don't have my Clima-Tact." Nami told.

"Just stay back here." Naruto told as he stood up and in a swift moment jumped up into the trees. With a whoosh he disappeared into the lush emerald trees, leaving a confused Nami staring at nothing.

"Where are you going?" She yelled confused, waiting for an answer that never came forthwith. With a sigh she sat back as another kunai cracked against the ground.

The next few seconds proceeded with a mist of confusion and haze for her as the world grew silent. Nami slowly looked over from the bushes as the first screams of terror erupted from afar. Her breath cut for a short moment. The screams followed by the echoes of devastating crunches and cuts filled the forest air like any other. Where once silence was its burden, now chaos reigned. To her astonishment trees began to fall to the ground to the crashes sounding throughout the forest. A few kunai flew from the area nearby, hitting the tree beside her. The lurid yells constant as thuds echoed and echoed, until eventually the yells fell quickly as they began.

Sluggishly she erected herself from the tree, the sweat running down her forehead persistently. Moving gradually coming through the lush green. In a clearing she found the young man by himself a few splashes of blood on his body.

He looked over without emotion. "Nothing to worry about, Nami." She saw the men laid on the ground barley still alive. She came closer, realizing every rumor she heard was in fact true.

"You ok?"

"Fine." She replied.

"You won't have any more problems from them." Nami smiled looking over the young man.