Sungirl: I just saw Spirited Away yesterday, and I've been reading some great Haku/ Chihiro stories and I was so inspired ^_^

Eali: Be warned her fics are awful

Sungirl's friends: *hurl tomatoes at Eali*

Disclaimer: I want to own Spirited Away (If I did I would do a sequel with Haku/ Chihiro romance ^_^) but I don't T_T

Note: '~'= thoughts "~"= speaking *~*= Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haku stared across the river that separated the Spirit World from the Human World. 'Chihiro...' Only six years had passed, but for him it seemed like six lifetimes, lifetimes that were filled with pain, sorrow, and guilt.

Yubaba hadn't given him his freedom she had laughed; saying that Chihiro would probably think it was all a dream and even if she did remember him. She would never love him.

Tears dripped down Haku's face and fell into the waters of the river. The water rippled as his tears touched the surface, and when the ripples had faded Chihiro appeared in the water. A year ago he had discovered that the waters would show him his beloved.

Haku watched as Chihiro gazed out a window, as stared Haku noticed that tears streamed down her face as well. 'Why does she cry?' he wondered, as some of his own tears hit the water. 'She has never cried before,' Haku wiped away his tears only for them to be replaced by new ones. 'Chihiro... if only you cried for the same reason as me, but you've probably forgotten me.' Chihiro got up and started walking home. Haku looked at her image, 'Chihiro, I love you.'

~In the Human World~

Unknown to Haku, Chihiro cried for the same reason he did. 'Haku...' everywhere she saw him. Standing outside the forest she would think he was there and run to him but it would turn out to be her eyes playing tricks on her. He wasn't there, 'Why haven't you kept your promise?' A sound of something overhead caused her to look up, it was only a bird. Not Haku in his dragon form, as her heart prayed. Haku must have not been able to return, Yubaba must have held him at the Aburaya by not destroying his contract.

Chihiro reached her home, and opened the door, no noise greeted her. That was not unusual her father was away on a business trip and her mother was taking care of Aunt Misaki, who had broken her leg, and who lived in the next town.

She sat down to do her homework but she just couldn't seem to concentrate. Her mind kept drifting back to Haku, how he had those eyes that saw right through you, how his magic could best none but Yubaba and Zeniba, and how he would only smile for her. She loved him since the day she met him, and she never got to tell him.

'Haku,' she thought. 'Please come for me. I need you...'

~In the Spirit World~

"Haku, where are you!" Lin's voice drifted from the Aburaya.

Haku looked away from the river, "I'm down at the river!"

"Again? Well you better get here NOW! Yubaba will return soon!"

Haku looked at the image of Chihiro once more, "Alright, alright! I'm coming!" Haku rose and walked toward the town were the food that turned humans into pigs was.

But deep in the shadows, Haku was being watched. A woman with black soulless eyes gazed at where he had sat. "So," she muttered to herself. "He can scry... this will interest Yubaba." With a cruel smile she headed toward the Aburaya.


"He can WHAT?!" shrieked Yubaba, upsetting her desk. "Did you say SCRY?"

The woman nodded.

"Blanche, Blanche," Yubaba moaned. "I thought you were the only spirit who could scry in the spirit world!"

"As did I," replied Blanche. "Scrying is ancient and powerful magic. He could easily dethrone you as the strongest magical being and take what you have stolen from him. But only if he has knowledge of this, which he doesn't."

Yubaba moaned once more, it did not take Haku long to realize he had a special power. "Can nothing be done?"

Blanche held out her open palm, "Of course something can be done... for a price. And don't bother asking anyone else; I'm the only one who knows what can be done."

"There's always a price with you." Yubaba grumbled, but she placed a bag of gold in Blanche's palm.

After making sure there was enough gold to satisfy her, Blanche placed the money inside her kimono and spoke; "To have Haku's powers destroyed you must destroy him."

"That's not hard." Yubaba laughed.

Blanche didn't laugh; "Now that he has Scrying magic it's not that easy. There is one spirit that can destroy him. The one you have never drawn to the Aburaya."

"The Celestial spirit god?"

Blanche nodded, "Him. You will hold an ancient ceremony, fourteen days after the two offerings are secured. One of these offerings must be Haku and the other must be the one he holds dearest to him."

Yubaba snorted, "Haku cares for no one. I ripped up his dreams of love six years ago."

"You thought you did, but Haku held on to them, and his memories of that girl." Blanche laughed. "I have proof."

"Then please produce it," Yubaba growled.

"With pleasure," Blanche produced a bowl of water; the water's surface was covered with foam that glowed like crystals in the sun's light. Blanche leaned over the waters and whispered a spell; the foam retreated to the edge of the bowl leaving a crystal clear image. The image showed Haku walking through the town. Lin stood a few feet away, looking impatient. As Haku reached her the two walked toward the Aburaya.

"Haku, what the hell is with you?" Lin questioned.

"It's nothing Lin, nothing that will hold any meaning to you." Haku snapped.

"You miss Chihiro don't you?"


Lin rolled her eyes. "Haku, you're a really bad liar. You've been by the river every day, and you're always in a daze it seems."

Haku turned away, ignoring Lin. Lin scoffed, "Haku, you can't lie to me." Then she broke into a run toward the Aburaya, she didn't want the frogs to notice she was gone.

Haku sighed, "Chihiro..." he whispered, but Blanche and Yubaba heard him clearly. (A/N: remember they're watching this from a Scrying bowl.)

Blanche waved her hand over the bowl and the foam rushed to the center, Blanche picked up the bowl and put it away. "You see, Yubaba. He still loves the girl.

Yubaba growled, Chihiro still owed her because of the No-Face incident. "How to get Chihiro to come back to the Spirit World?" she pondered.

Blanche smiled her infamous, wicked smile. "Yubaba, leave that to me..." and with that she faded away.

~In the Human World~

Chihiro couldn't sleep, it seemed impossible for her to close her eyes; like someone was holding them open. Chihiro had read her book, listened to music, she'd even tried writing. Nothing seemed to work for her.

"Maybe a little light will help." she mumbled, and she walked over to the window. Chihiro pulled open the curtains, and stared out of the window, the moon was full. She thought she saw the forest and started to cry. She missed Haku, Lin, Kamaji, and all the others. She wiped away her tears and turned around.


Chihiro jumped three feet in the air. Sitting in her computer chair was a young woman. She didn't look human; she had navy blue hair that extended past her waist, and she was wearing a black kimono that looked like it was pure silk. But the strangest thing about her is her eyes. They were pure black, no pupils, no whites, just black. They looked soulless...

"Who-Who are you?" Chihiro stammered.

The woman smiled. "I am the Lady Blanche, Chihiro. I can help you."

"I've never seen you before, how do you know my name?" Chihiro looked uneasy, was the woman a kidnapper, a burglar, a murderer? No, she looked too strange.

"Everyone knows your name in the Spirit World, Chihiro. You are the human that wasn't turned into a pig. You were the one who got your name back."

Chihiro stepped back. "You're from the Spirit World..."

Lady Blanche seemed to pull Chihiro in with her eyes. "Yes, I can fulfill your greatest wish."

Chihiro was completely in Blanche's spell now. "My greatest wish is to see Haku."

Lady Blanche smiled. "Yes, I can take you to see Haku. Just follow me."

Chihiro followed the Lady Blanche like she was in a trance. She passed through the stones that had kept her from reaching the tunnel easily, like she was a spirit herself. All the time she kept seeing Lady Blanche in front of her saying; "That's right. Come one, you're almost there."

Soon Chihiro reached the red building that held the tunnel to the Spirit World. She turned to thank Lady Blanche but she was gone, instead a pill like thing hung in the air. Chihiro recognized it; she was to eat it as soon as she reached the other side of the river. With a shrug, Chihiro grabbed the pill and walked into the tunnel.

~In the Spirit World~

Haku walked down the halls of the Aburaya, nodding to the frogs as he passed them. The foreman stopped him however. "Master Haku, Yubaba and the Lady Blanche demand your presence."

Haku sighed; the Lady Blanche had showed up at the Aburaya a year after Chihiro went home. She was the only known Scrying Spirit in existence. Yubaba paid her a great deal of money for her Scrying, no secrets could be kept from Yubaba with Lady Blanche around.

Lady Blanche was seen as a beautiful, she looked like a human, but she was indeed a spirit. Haku had never trusted Blanche, she had no soul. He was the only one who saw her for what she was; a power-hungry, greedy, wicked demon. However, she was powerful and he could never defeat her.

Haku got on the elevator and rode to the top of the Aburaya, where Yubaba's office was.

After getting the door knocker to let him in, Haku walked down the hall and into the office of Yubaba. "Yubaba, Lady Blanche? The foreman said you called for me." He called. Suddenly something slammed into his head, he crashed to the floor. As he drifted into unconsciousness, he turned and saw the Lady Blanche, holding a globe of raw power, laughing cruelly at him.

"Demon..." he whispered, and then blacked out.


Sungirl: What do you think, I think its okay. Remember it's only my first Spirited Away fic

Eali: It's awful

Sungirl: If you guys like my story, would you kick Eali?

Eali: HEY!

Sungirl: :)