This story doesn't completely follow TO storyline. Finn isn't dead yet, but he was bitten and he's dying. Also Kol didn't die in Mystic Falls. There are some other changes as well, you'll see them later.

Part 2

3 hours earlier

"Niklaus!" Elijah protested. "Please stop and think about this…"

"I have," Klaus replied tensely as he headed towards the cellar. "I'm not going to let Camille die. Or Finn."

Elijah zoomed in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"Do you think that I want them to die? Of course not. But do you honestly think that she could help them?"

Klaus crossed his arms.

"Yes, I do. If there's a cure, she's the only one who can get it from Lucien."

Elijah pressed his lips together.

"And what if there's not? Are you willing to deal with the consequences?"

"Yes," Klaus replied without hesitation.

Elijah sighed and shook his head.

"You can't control her, Niklaus. None of us can."

Klaus was just about to argue when he heard Camille coughing. He zoomed to the living room and saw that she had collapsed on the floor.


Quickly he wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.

"It's alright," he murmured.

She was coughing blood, just like Finn had before he had lost consciousness.

"It's alright…"

Freya hurried to the living room; she had a glass in her hand.

"Here," she said as she knelt in front of Camille. "Drink this."

Camille's hands were shaking so violently that she couldn't hold the glass, so Klaus helped her.

"Easy, love," Klaus murmured as Camille emptied the glass.

She looked up and gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you."

He tried to smile as well and carefully lifted her up.

"Let's get you to bed."

He carried her to the guestroom and gently placed her on the bed.

"You need to rest," he said as he stroked her hair.

She shook her head.

"I think I'm going to get plenty of rest soon enough…."

"No," he cut in and cupped her face. "You're not going to die. Do you hear me; I'm not going to let that happen."

She smiled and touched his cheek.

"It's alright, Klaus. I… I'm not afraid."

That was clearly a lie. Even now she was trying to make him feel better. He couldn't lose her, he just couldn't. He took her hand and kissed it.

"There's something I must do," he said. "I'll be back soon."

She nodded.

"Sure. I'm not going anywhere."

"No, you're not," he confirmed and kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back."

Elijah was standing in the hallway with Kol and Freya. Klaus' eyes narrowed.

"If you think you can stop me…"

"We're not going to stop you, Nik," Kol huffed. "But we're not going to let you do this alone."

Klaus looked at his siblings and nodded.

"Let's go then."

None of them spoke as they marched to the cellar. Every step made Klaus tenser. Elijah had been right about consequences, but he didn't care. He was willing to do whatever it would take to save Camille.

"There," he said, keeping his voice free from emotion. "Behind that wall."

Elijah and Kol helped him to break the wall, there was no door. There it was, right where Klaus had left it. A white coffin. All three brothers stared at it silently for a moment. Kol was the one who broke the silence.

"Do you really think she'll help you after what you did to her?" he murmured.

"Yes," Klaus replied simply and looked at Elijah. "As far as she knows, the world is still the same than it was a thousand years ago. You need to use your authority as her older brother."

Elijah pressed his lips together and nodded reluctantly.

"Are you sure this is wise?" Freya asked. "If she's really so unstable…"

"We don't have a choice," Klaus snapped tensely. "Right now she's the only weapon we have against Lucien."

"Is that all she is to you?" Kol snorted. "A weapon?"

"No, of course not. Believe it or not, Kol, but I do care about her. I think we all do."

They were all quiet again before Elijah spoke.

"I don't know if she'll help us, but I think she'll help Finn."

"Probably," Kol replied. "Shall we find out then?"

They all walked over to the coffin. It was protected by a very powerful spell. Only a Mikaelson could open it. Klaus hadn't opened it after the spell had been cast back in the 11th century. Slowly Klaus ran his fingers over the coffin before he managed to open it. He wasn't sure what he expected to see, but the sight still made him gasp. The girl who was lying in the coffin looked like a marble statue. It looked like her skin would have turned into smooth stone.

"Geez," Kol murmured. "Is she…?"

"No," Klaus replied and touched his sister's face. "She's in a very, very deep sleep." He paused and kissed her forehead.

"Hello, Elsa. Time to wake up."