Chapter 1- Shanti's First Night in the Jungle
Ever since she met Mowgli, Shanti had dreamed of life in the jungle. She dreamed of a life of freedom and adventure, living with the animals, and free of the responsibilities of man's world. For years she had dreamt of that perfect moment, a silent night when no one was out, where she could run into the wilderness and never look back. But all that waiting was about to pay off, for tonight was the night. When the last light went out in the village, Shanti silently slipped from her bed, and out past the village gate.
Free! Free at last! Shanti's heart raced as she ran through the jungle, feeling the lush leaves brush against her as she rushed by. Soon, Shanti came to a small clearing near a large tree, and stopped to catch her breath. The soft grass on the jungle floor tickled her feet, and the cool, clean air was like taking a breath of heaven. In all the excitement, she had almost forgotten. If she was going to live in the jungle, she'd need the right kind of clothes.
As Shanti reached down to undo her skirt, she was oblivious to the large pair of glowing, yellow eyes watching her from above. Kaa had caught the young woman's scent on the air, waiting for her to come closer to his tree. He couldn't believe his luck when she stopped right beneath him. My, how she had grown since he last saw her. Kaa did not want to test his luck tonight. Another would undoubtedly come looking for such a beautiful creature lost in the jungle. Best to claim her for himself first.
"Sssssay now," the python hissed as he slipped behind the young woman. "What have we here?"
Shanti gasped. She was too far from the man village to be seen, too deep in the jungle for someone to have found her so soon. As Shanti looked up to see who it was, her eyes met with the hypnotic colors of Kaa's spiraling eyes.
"Might I be of sssome… assissssstancssssse?" the snake cooed to his helpless prey.
A faint feeling of resisting was washed away as the hypnotic spirals flooded Shanti's mind. Her grip on her skirt was failing as her body began to feel limp.
"Are you looooosst, little one?" Kaa chided the girl, swaying gently from side in a sensually hypnotic display.
Shanti's look of shock slowly melted away into a warm, senseless grin. It was too beautiful to look away. Too enchanting to think about anything else. As the young woman's eyes quickly began to reflect the cascading spirals of the python hovering over her, her skirt slipped from her fingers and fell to the jungle floor, revealing a dark brown loincloth she had made from an old rag. It was only a moment before the serpent realized what he had interrupted.
"Oooooh. Don't let me ssssstop you, my sssssweet," Kaa hissed with carnal delight. "Ssssstrip away your clothesssss."
A grand smile slowly spread across Shanti's lips as she reached for the hem of her shirt. Lifting the garment slowly over her head, Shanti pulled the thin fabric away, revealing her large, beautiful breasts, held up by a modest bra she had fashioned from thin vines and large leaves.
Kaa eyed the young woman's succulent globes with erotic intent.
"You want to sssstay in the jungle, don't you, mancub? To be free of man'sssss world?"
Shanti could not answer, lost in the enchantment of the serpent's colorful eyes.
"To be truly free of man'sssss world, you mussst ssshhow yourssssself… asss nature made you," Kaa hissed, a sinful smile creeping across his face. "Sssstrip."
Shanti's mind was already slipping away. Any command from the python, she could not resist. Her hands slowly found their way to the leaves that covered her bust, and lifted up. As the girl slowly pulled the greenery away, her perfect, round breasts cascaded down in all their natural beauty. As Kaa leaned in slowly, Shanti shivered as the snake's warm tongue flicked over one of her nipples. Slowly, Kaa's tail slipped into her loincloth from behind, rubbing between her butt cheeks as the tip reached around below to delicately circle her clit. Shanti gasped in delight, and began to tremble at the feeling.
"Yesssss, mancub…" Kaa hissed, his forked tongue flicking across the girl's cheek. "Ssssstay with me, and I can show you a world of eternal blissssss."
Through the haze of hypnosis, Shanti nodded slowly.
Kaa grinned at this display of submission. The girl knew who her master was now. The tip of his tail sensually slithered up from within the girl's loincloth, and began to coil around her waist.
"Trusssst in me… jussst in me…" Kaa began to sing.
As the hypnotic spirals in his eyes kept her busy, the girl was helpless to resist as her arms were pinned to her sides under his powerful coils.
"Watch my eyesssss… and trusssst in me…"
Slowly wrapping around the girl's body, higher and higher his tail went, caressing her form and dancing across her skin.
"You can moan… sssscream and ssshhout…"
Shanti's skin was on fire as the scaly flesh rubbed against her, brushing against her sensitive flesh, and stimulating every pleasure zone in her body.
"Knowing yooou'll… sssssoon give out…"
The coil cupping her bottom under her loincloth had grown so large that the hem of her last garment burst. The tattered rag fell to the ground as the mass of scaly muscle continued to wrap around and around the helpless girl.
"Ssssslip into ssssilent ssssslumber…"
As she followed along with the python's movements, Shanti's eyelids grew heavy. She struggled to let the beautiful spirals keep pouring in.
"Sssssail on a sssssilver missssst…"
Kaa sang as his tail draped over the girl's shoulders, slowly circling her neck.
"Ssssslowly and surely, your sssensesss will ceasssse…"
A shallow 'ulp' escaped Shanti's lips as the serpent's tail tugged snuggly around her neck.
"to ressissssst…"
Kaa paused, and let silence fill the air as the helpless girl was completely wrapped in his powerful coils, save for her slender legs, which even now began to fall limp. As his coils tightened around the girl, her perfect breasts popped out, pressed between the coils covering her chest. Kaa grinned at his prize, to helpless and entranced to resist him, or any sinful though he put in her head.
Shanti's feet were slowly lifted off the ground, putting all her weight on the coil that she straddled as the python reeled her up into the tree.
Kaa went up through the tree after his prize, but the leaves obscured his sight. He simply couldn't bear the wait, and hurried up the tree as fast as he could.
When they finally came face-to-face again, Kaa could barely contain his pride at his latest catch… until he noticed the girl's sexual juices already running down her leg…
"Assss you wish, mancub," Kaa spoke with a sinful grin.
Shanti felt the coil under her body begin to slip away, exposing her soaking mount to the cool jungle breeze. She shivered at the stimulation, wondering what could be better then this. She would soon find out, as Kaa's powerful coils slid into position, bringing his hot, raging hemipenes right under the girl's wanting pussy. Then, all at once and with no warning, he thrust her down on his twin poles, ramming them all the way inside her.
Even with the python's hypnosis silencing her, Shanti could not contain her screams of sheer sexual pleasure. Sweat began to bead on her exposed skin as the hot organs pulsed inside her. Her entire body trembled as she adjusted to the unimaginable girth spreading her virgin lips.
Just when Shanti thought it couldn't possibly get any more pleasurable, the python began to repeat the maneuver, lifting her up and thrusting his twin cocks in and out of her, as hard and as deep as he possibly could. Slowly at first, the snake built up to a steady rhythm as he rammed himself inside her.
Kaa's coils slowly grew tighter around her, but Shanti felt only the pleasure. As the python's tail constricted around her neck again, Shanti's breasts were freed to bounce, slapping against either coil with every thrust.
Her body was shaking as she was consumed with pleasure, drool escaping the corner of her mouth. Shanti was slipping away, willingly allowing herself to be consumed by the pleasure, to become Kaa's fuck toy for life. That was all she wanted now.
Kaa felt himself growing close. This tight young girl would make a fine slave for his carnal urges. Oh, the pleasures he could reap of her; his slave of the flesh to groom as he pleased. But that was for another night. With one final, powerful thrust, Kaa met his release.
Shanti felt her mind break as the python's hot fluid shot into her. This is what Kaa had promised her. This burning pleasure, this eternal bliss was all for her, and she would never want anything else for as long as she lived. Shanti shuddered as the python pumped more and more of his hot cum deep into her womb, her body racked with indescribably pleasure.
Kaa felt his climax drawing to a close, and pulled his hemipenes out of the girl's full womb for one last contraction, spilling his seed onto her face, marking her as his own.
The musk of sexual odor filled the air as the two lay panting, gasping for breath. Kaa moved in close to admire his prize. In body and mind, the girl belonged to him, now. There was not a doubt in his mind. Still, it just felt right to finish.
"Trusssst in me… Jusssst in me…" Kaa sang softly as he flicked his cum off the girl's cheek with his tail.
"Ssshhut your eyessss… Trussst in me…"
As Shanti obeyed, she felt the coils shift all around her, taking her to another part of the tree.
"You can ssssleep… ssssafe and ssssound…" her master sang as the coils around her slowly released their grasp. Shanti 's limp body slipped out of her cocoon of scaly muscle, and comfortably into a bed of coils that wrapped and writhed sinuously all around her.
"Knowing I… Am arooouunnd…" Kaa hissed to the girl as she sank into his embrace, leaving only her head above the sea of coils sprawled out across the tree.
Shanti slept quietly in her master's warm embrace. Her body was a ruin. Her mind was gone. Now, she lived for only the pleasure that Kaa could bring. What semblance of her mind that remained was racked with anticipation at what pleasures the morning would bring.
The girl was so far under his spell that there was not a single muscle in her body that wasn't fully under the python's control. Her young form was completely limp, thoroughly at her master's mercy.
"The jungle is not a sssssafe place for a cub like you," Kaa cooed as he stroked his slave's dark hair. "What if a tiger had found you?"