If I have to flash my scissors at another skeezy dude I swear I'm gonna-

"Jadelyn West"

Jade stopped dead in her tracks, turning sharply to find a young woman leering at her from a dark doorway.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" Jade snarled, already reaching for her scissors again. The woman was a wolf, no doubt, and a pretty powerful Alpha at that.

"I've been expecting you," she said with a sly smile. "I have the answers you seek."

Jade considered walking away. This lady was giving off some seriously creepy vibes with her white hair and knowing blue eyes and she was already on edge from her midnight prowl through the sketchier side of town. But she couldn't go on like this. Vega would be around pretty much every day of her life for the next two years and she would not be avoided. Jade sighed, sheathing her scissors.

"Alright then. Do I get to know the name of my murderer before we go in?"

The woman cocked her head and looked her over, as if deciding if Jade was worth the time. "You may call me, Lami."

With that, the woman turned on her heel and disappeared through the door that was suddenly open behind her.

"Oooookay then. Guess we're doing this." Jade sighed to herself before marching in with as much confidence as she could muster.

Inside turned out to be much nicer than she had assumed it would be.

"Coffee?" Lami called from a small kitchen area next to the door. "What am I saying, of course. Black with two sugars, right?" Jade tried to muster up the will to say no but couldn't quite manage it once the smell hit her nose. "Go ahead and sit at the table, this will be ready in a moment," Lami said cheerily. God, this woman was as perky as Vega when she wasn't being creepy as hell.

Once the coffee was served Lami became all business again. "You have a problem," she said seriously. Jade took a hearty swig of her coffee, relishing the way it burned slightly and thought of how to frame her strange circumstance. "I might have met my...mate," the word felt like acid coming from her lips, "but she's human. Completely human." As she finished speaking she reached for her coffee again only to find that Lami had gone as pale as any caramel colored person could. California tan for the win. "That is..." she started, looking as terrified as most people looked when Jade pulled her scissors on them, "indeed a problem." For a moment the room was silent as Lami appeared to be lost in her thoughts, but Jade had never been known for her virtue of patience. "You wanna tell me what the fuck you mean?" Lami pursed her lips in annoyance before sighing and standing up. "Come with me."

It was obvious that the room they entered was taking up the main part of the house. It probably used to be two rooms or maybe even three. And lining every wall and on every shelf taking up most of the open area of the room were books: from ancient looking tomes to what she was pretty sure was the Twilight series. "Damn, you don't go out much, do you?" Jade quipped, unwilling to admit that she was impressed. Lami didn't respond, instead furiously running her hands along the spines of the oldest looking books in the room. "It's here, it's got to be here..." she muttered to herself. Jade was just starting to get a better look at a padlocked book when Lami's victory cry scared the crap out of her. "I've got it! It's here!" Jade rolled her eyes at the exuberance. This woman was totally insane and for that to be coming from Jade of all people...

She followed the strange woman clutching an absolutely enormous tome to a small desk tucked away unnoticed in the corner of the room and tried not to fidget too much while Lami gently turned page after page. After page, after page... "Well?" Jade snapped. Lami jumped a little before glaring over her shoulder and running a hand through her hair. "It should be here, but I can't seem to find it," she said with a deep frown. "What exactly should be there?" Jade asked, annoyed at the vague answers she kept getting. Lami looked at her like she was stupid before sighing and seeming to age 50 years in a moment.

"The prophesy. The one where you cause the end of the world."