Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.
Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.
Bella is actually Goddess Islanzadi the wife of the God Apollo. She is the Goddess of Earth, Life, Time, Infinity, Warfare Strategy, Fairness, Thoughts, Ideas, Memory, Secrets, Whispers, Paths, Crossroads, and Destinies and Jasper is married to Hestia and is the God of Emotions, Battles, Combat, Weapons, Strategy, Justice, Powers and Demigods …
Author's Note: New Moon didn't happen but they still discovered the wolves
Chapter .1.
Bella was passing as was her habit when she wasn't in the middle of battle. She knew her family where in battle with her father Kronos and Typhon she was worried.
The only reason she wasn't in battle at the moment was the fact she had been 'grounded' for ten years without her powers you see she was a Goddess daughter of Kronos and Rhea she was the twin to Hades and Zeus's older sister. She was Islanzadi Goddess of Earth, Life, Time, Infinity, Warfare Strategy, Fairness, Thoughts, Ideas, Memory, Secrets, Whispers, Paths, Crossroads, and Destinies and she was the wife to Apollo who was her nephew which to anyone but gods and demigods would be weird. But gods didn't share DNA. So it didn't matter.
Now she was stuck on the sidelines as her children and family went to war.
She and Apollo had an open relationship which they could sleep around as immortal love was everlasting and mortal love was fleeting.
She had been sent to Renee who was a daughter of hers and then Charlie a son of Nemesis. Where she decided to watch the vampires and see if they could be redeemed and deserved Elysium when the time came. That's the thing the vampires thought they had forever but SHE had forever. She decided to experiment on Edward since all other vampires where mated. But he was too controlling for her tastes. He was the son of Hecate. And he believed she was fragile if only he knew the others were alright but Alice her was demanding for her shopping trips and playing 'Bella Barbie' which annoyed Bella to now end. She would have to be less controlling. Alice was the daughter of her husband Apollo and Aphrodite which she still had to get Aphrodite back for.
Rosalie was a bitch but Bella could understand why because of her past. Rosalie still had hope to get into Elysium. Rosalie was the daughter of Aphrodite and Hephaestus but she like the others didn't know she had been a godling.
Emmett was great he was the son of Hermes and he was great to hang around with. Esme was the daughter of Demeter and Esme was nothing like her mother.
Carlisle had defiantly earnt their way there he was also the son of her husband.
Jasper still bet himself for what happened with Maria he didn't know he was the son of Athena and Zeus. His destiny he had to go to Maria to make him the strong man today he still had time to build his strength that he was meant to get. He was actually made a god and married to Hestia. Jasper was the only one that knew who she was. Jasper was the God of Emotions, Battles, Combat, Weapons, Strategy, Justice, Powers and Demigods. He had an open marriage with Hestia too. Even though Hestia never had children. Jasper's name was Jaspid in Olympus. Jasper was also testing Alice but he was getting sick of her too. Jasper had been punished for longer as he had down a few things to start a war so he was set to stay on earth for 200 years but he had, a break about 18 years ago for 4 years.
Bella and Jasper had been defending the Roman Camp which her name was Tempas. Now she was waiting on word from Camp Half-Blood and her husband. Jasper was waiting with her.
Suddenly a rainbow appears and Chiron was seen.
"What is going on? How many casualties? Is Apollo alright? What happened? How is Nico? Percy? Annabeth? Thalia?" Bella asks
Jasper gets her calm.
"Please tell us Chiron", Jasper says calmly
"Lady Islanzadi, Lord Jasid are casualties were serve but Hades arrives in time to help. Luke died a hero as you said he would Lady Islanzadi. We are healing the wounded Camp Half Blood is in one piece and Ares's children came through also like you said they would. Lord Poseidon arrived in time to help with Typhon. Hades arrived in time to deal with Kronos army. Percy Jackson also saved Olympus with Luke getting ride of Kronos back to Tartarus. Apollo is alright in fact he will be picking you up in the clearing in 30 minutes. Lord Zeus wishes to speak with both of you", Chiron says
"We will be there", Bella says
The connection cuts off.
"Edward and Alice are outside. They are going to be difficult", Jasper whispers
"Well Edward will give us a lift", Bella says
"If you say", Jasper says
"Bella! Where have you been?" Edward says
"Jasper where have you been? I couldn't see you! Or Bella!" Alice says
"Just take us to the Baseball clearing", Bella says walking past them with Jasper and into the Volvo
"Bella we are going to Carlisle", Edward says
"Take us to the Baseball clearing now Edward! I NEED to be there", Bella says
"So do I", Jasper says
Edward drives them and Bella was nervous Jasper sends waves of calm at her. Alice and Edward kept looking at each other not knowing what to do but drive to the Baseball clearing. They arrive but Edward had locked the doors.
"Let me out now Edward!" Bella says
"Or I will rip the doors off", Jasper threatens
Edward unlocks the door and both Jasper and Bella hurry out and into the clearing. Jacob was there in wolf form.
"So why is this urgent?" Alice asks
"We are meeting friends here", Jasper says
"Well they aren't here so much for urgent", Edward says, "Bella come on you will catch a cold out here"
"Leave Edward, Alice. Because Jasper and I aren't", Bella says
"I am not leaving you with Jasper he will bite you. I don't even know how he got into your home!" Edward says
"How dare you think I will drain Bella. I never will", Jasper says
"Jas stop it", Bella says hand on his chest, "Why are you here Jacob?"
"He is worried about you. You disappeared for a week and Charlie didn't tell us anything", Edward translates
"I don't need to tell you everything", Bella says
Suddenly a boy falls out of the shadows. Bella and Jasper run to his aid.
"Nico you alright?" Bella asks
"I just shadow travelled the country I will be. Chiron said you both were worried. The war went as best as it could", Nico says shrugging
"We were involved in a war of our own in Los Angeles", Bella says and Nico knows her reason
"Bella you need to see Carlisle there had been no war. And that boy smells like death", Edward says backing her away
"Let me go", Bella says ripping her arm from his grasp with Jasper's help
"Vampires huh?" Nico asks
Edward and Alice snarl at Nico for somehow knowing of them. Nico just smirks.
"Stop it. Edward, Alice, Jacob leave", Bella says as the sun was coming up
"No", Edward and Alice says
"Here they come", Nico says
"Close your eyes!" Bella yells
Everyone closes their eyes and when they open a van was parked on the lawn. Edward and Alice had backed up to the trees. Teens get out. And Bella and Jasper hug them.
"Are you all alright?" Bella asks them
"We will live. I am sorry Bella but Michael Yew and Lee Fletcher died in the war and Opal Humphreys and Jamie Carter", Percy says
"How is HE taking it?" Bella asks trying to get in her mind two of her children had passed
"He is ok he is prepping to meet you", Thalia says
"Sophia and Nathen Right died as well", Annabeth says to Jasper
"They are in Elysium now", Jasper says sadly
That is when Apollo comes out. And Bella throws herself into his arms and kisses him soundly.
"My love I have missed you", Bella says
"I have missed you too Islanzadi", Apollo says kissing her back pouring how much he missed her into one kiss
"Alice and Edward are gone we should go they are probably getting the rest of the family", Jasper says
"Lets get out of here", Bella says and Apollo helps her into the van
The others follow. Apollo starts up the van again with Bella holding his hand as they flow to Camp Half-Blood and dropping everyone off before Apollo take Jasper and Bella to Olympus.
They could see all the damage that had been done.
"It is worse then I thought", Bella says
"It will be rebuilt", Jasper says to his Aunt
Apollo holds Bella's hand he had really missed her.
They make there way to the throne room and the 11 Olympians were waiting. Apollo smiles and goes to his full height and takes his throne.
"Islanzadi, Jaspid it has come to our attention you two helped to defend Camp Jupitar as they matched to war. As such we have decided to end your punishments. Jaspid come forward to get back your powers", Zeus booms
Jasper goes up.
"Jaspid we the council of the Olympians return you to Godhood and give you back your powers and title as Lord Jaspid God of Emotions, Battles, Combat, Weapons, Strategy, Justice, Powers and Demigods husband of Hestia", Zeus booms and power flows back into Jasper and he was once again Jaspid. Jaspid had long blonde hair and eyes that were changing colours.
Jaspid goes to Hestia and kisses her soundly.
"I missed you", Hestia says
"Me too my love", Jaspid says
"Islanzadi come forward", Zeus booms
Bella comes forward more then ready to get her powers back and her name.
"Islanzadi we the Council of the Olympians return you Godhood and give you back your powers and title as Lady Islanzadi Goddess of Earth, Life, Time, Infinity, Warfare Strategy, Fairness, Thoughts, Ideas, Memory, Secrets, Whispers, Paths, Crossroads, and Destinies. Wife of Apollo!" Zeus booms
Bella changes into Islanzadi her hair becomes long black with turquoise, gold, silver, and blue strips in it and her eyes change to turquoise with gold flecks. How on earth was she ever that plain girl Bella Swan?...
Treaty Line…
"That is what we saw Carlisle she when we this guy that a car just appeared. They talked about a war. Someone had kidnapped my Bella", Edward says
"And my Jazzy", Alice whines, "He got in the van too. And it was not up to standards"
"Bella shouted at us to close are eyes and we did and then the van was there. Plus that kid that smelled like death", Jacob says grudgingly helping
"We will have a decision this afternoon I will call the Denali's to help us find Bella and Jasper. We will do it at our house and you are allowed to cross the treaty line", Carlisle says
"Thank you Dr Cullen we will be there in 4 hours", Sam says, "To see if this is a threat"
"4 hours then", Carlisle agrees
They go their separate ways.
"Anything could happen to Bella in that time", Edward whines
"And Jasper", Alice says
"He could drink her dry by then. He doesn't have the self control", Edward says
"You both will have to wait we need backup", Carlisle says
Carlisle contacts the Denali's for help…
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)