Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural and its characters or storylines.

Rated T for language and violence. May be switched to Rated M in later chapter.

Skylar Evans moved her thumb along the small red mark on her thigh. It burned bright against her skin as she sat with her legs crossed against the floor of the living room, a fire blazing bright in the hearth. The mark was a hideous reminder of what she was, what she was destined to be, and whom she was destined to be with. A single tear slid from her left eye and she let it fall…fall onto the mark that had planned out her entire future before she was even born.

But she wasn't the only one who was cursed to go through life with the crimson blemish. Dean Winchester had one just like it.

The Winchesters were hunters; so were the Evan's.

Skylar told herself that if she ignored hunters, if she ignored all of the monsters that went bump in the night; that it would go away on its own. There was no reason why she couldn't live a normal life, marry a normal man, and have children without worrying about bringing them up in a dangerous and evil world.

But the reality was far different than her fantasy.

She could hear the raised voices coming from the kitchen. They were arguing…screaming.

"She's sixteen years old! Why don't you take a shot at being a father for once and stop trying to shove her off on me!"

"Her mother died when she was six years old and I have done nothing but put my life on hold to raise her. I had to stop hunting because there is no other family to take her in if I got killed."

"Looking for the father of the year award, Ike? Bite me," Dean said in a snarky tone, dripping with venom. "You didn't stop hunting. Not even close."

"But I'm not free to go anywhere I want the way you and Sam are."

"For God's sake! She's not a baby anymore. Pack up that shitty minivan and go hunt!"

"It's not that easy."

"It is that easy. No one told you to have a kid. And besides…Sam and I don't travel for shits and giggles. We have a job to do and we do it. Simple."

"Well, then. If it's so simple, then one more on the road won't be a problem, will it?"

Skylar had had enough. She jumped up and bolted, slamming the front door hard behind her. She had always been everyone's burden. The only person in her entire life that didn't treat her like some kind of plague had been her mother, and she was killed by a gin over ten years ago.

The cold air hit her bare arms and legs hard, making her instantly regret her decision to come outside before grabbing her jacket. It was too late to turn around now.


The sound of Dean Winchester's yell drifted to her, his loud deep voice making her wince at the bite behind his bark.

"Sky!" he called again.

She picked up the pace, walking down the sidewalk. She wasn't sure where she was going, but gaining distance was her only option at the moment. Otherwise, she might scream, kick, throw a tantrum, or worse…cry. She would not cry in front of her father, and definitely not Dean.

"Skylar Grace!" he yelled while pounding on the hood of his '67 Chevy Impala. If he struck Baby, he was pissed. "Get your ass back here!"

She continued walking, knowing that she would have to deal with the repercussions later, but right now, distance was the only thing she craved.


Dean Winchester watched Skylar walk down the street. He was half tempted to go after her, while another part of him wanted her to walk away and cool down.

Ike Evans was a complete jack ass that always treated his daughter like a second class citizen. No affection. No appreciation.

And while Dean was little better, he made sure to come around every few months to simply check up on her and buy them both massive bacon cheeseburgers at Don's Diner (extra bacon, of course). Those burgers were freaking amazing.

Ever since she was born, he had been branded with this mark on his hipbone that nearly glowed red. Try explaining that to hookups and attempting to pass it off as a birthmark. Hunters were paired off with one another in order to keep the blood line strong. Breeding with a regular civilian weakened the hunt and put the world in danger. His own mother, Mary, had denied her lineage and married his father. Except John had turned out to be one of the best hunters that ever lived. In the end, it had all worked out…or maybe it was a curse rather than a blessing.

But the whole "betrothed" aspect of these fucking marks were pointless. Hunters didn't breed anymore. Marriages from these marks were carried out from tradition and obligation. No one was crazy enough to actually bring a child into this evil world where real monsters roamed the earth. Eventually, hunters would be extinct and the world would die. It was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

It was only a matter of time.

Dean reluctantly walked back to the house slowly, taking one last glance down the street just in time to see Skylar storm around the corner.

This wasn't just a pop in to check up on his "child fiancé," "child bride,"…whatever the hell she was. There was actually a job in this town. Girls were disappearing, and after putting Sammy on the case, he discovered a man by the name of Richard Dobbs who died in the exact location where the disappearances had taken place. Sixty years ago, Dobbs had been accused of having some sick obsession with teenage girls, hiding their bodies until they died of malnourishment or asphyxiation, and then mutilated their bodies.

Sick fuck.

It sounded like their kind of case, and he just hoped it wasn't another case like the Bender's where it turned out to be humans. Human's man.

Humans were psychos. And despite Dobbs having been human at one point, Dean would much rather deal with the ghost persona now.

But watching Skylar take off made him nervous. She was kind of this spooks type, and while she was trained, she was a far cry from being Buffy.

She hit like a girl…something he knew about first hand. She didn't appreciate his sense of humor or derogatory comments.

She was a little spit fire, but her mouth was more likely to get her into trouble rather than keep her from it.


Dean jumped into his car and sped down the street, not letting up on the accelerator until Skylar came into view.