Chapter Seven - Past Shadows


Noctis followed Safay along the familiar looking, long hallways with a feeling of dread in his stomach. Even after having gained ten years of maturity, which were spent in some serious self-reflection, even after his sacrifice and the peculiar death experience that followed after, Noctis couldn't help it, his instincts told him to keep watching his back for MT foes, who potentially could appear out of nowhere and attack him. He thought he had overcome all of that trauma. It was unbelievable how much his past experiences at Niflheim had colored his perception of his surroundings. Noctis knew that he could trust Safay, he understood that he was powerful enough to keep himself safe, regardless of the hidden dangers lurking inside the Solheim research facility. But then... why in the world couldn't he stop the jittery reaction from reaching the marrow of his bones? What was there to be afraid of?

"Are you still adamant about going into that cursed chamber?" asked Safay as they passed another gateway and walked deeper into lower parts of the basement.

"It's the only option we have to get some answers. You know we can't pass this chance up," Noctis replied.

The rigid stance in Safay's shoulders spoke volumes of the man's misgivings.

"Ravus, stop worrying about me. Everything will be fine."

Noctis' former rival sighed. "What about the other Astrals you mentioned? Are they on our side?" Safay asked, changing the topic.

"Right. Odin, one of the Astrals, told me they have come to aid Eos. They are six in number and originally not of this dimension. The Cabal intercepted their advent and captured them before they could reach us," Noctis said.

Safay stopped in his tracks to look at Noctis with a frown. "They were captured? How? To my understanding, the Astrals are invincible, their knowledge and power absolute."

Noctis slowed down and rubbed his forehead in search for the right words to convey. "According to Odin, apparently not. Out there exists an infinite plethora of universes, higher dimensions and densities; each one still unknown to us. The Astrals must have been captured by someone who has access to higher knowledge. By someone, who is powerful enough to restrain their overwhelming energies."

"The implication of that is quite disturbing. I knew the dark side would be powerful, but if the Cabal's knowledge exceeds ours to such an extent, what options do we have? Seems like they will always be a step ahead of us," Safay said.

"Not necessarily. I'm sure that the Astrals didn't expect the interception, else the Cabal wouldn't have succeeded that easily. According to Odin, these Astrals are more powerful than The Six. The moment our strategy to release those higher beings from their captivity is in place, the Cabal will be dust. Somehow, whoever is in charge must have anticipated their arrival from the start, hence the early intervention."

The High Commander looked intently into Noctis' eyes, a sudden realization striking the man. "And yet, against all the odds, here you are. The dark side didn't anticipate your arrival, did they?"

Noctis smiled slightly in response.

"You're dead set on forging a covenant with those powerful Astrals," Safay concluded.

At that, Noctis smile got only wider. He had forgotten how quick Ravus' mind worked. "As far as I can see, our side has the advantage of surprise in this battle. And this time, I'm prepared. I know what I'm doing. We'll forge an alliance with everyone courageous enough and willing to change the status quo. This will be another team effort to save Eos."

Safay gave Noctis a rare smile of his own and then said: "I should stay here, after all. Hiding in plain sight among the enemy. That's how I can gather more information and my assistance would be of a higher value to you."

"Absolutely out of question," Noctis said firmly. He touched the man's shoulder and squeezed it in a gesture of fondness. "You think, after everything you've been through last time, that I would condemn you to the same fate and let you down again? Not if I have anything to say about it. This time, we'll see this through; together, side by side. In unity, there's strength. Promise me you won't go after the Cabal all on your own."

Safay looked extremely touched by Noctis' words and exhaled sharply before turning away from him. The voice wavered a little as his former rival spoke. "All right. You have my word."

Noctis patted Safay on his upper arm and nudged the man to resume their path. "Thank you. Let's go, the chamber awaits us. This place gives me the creeps and only brings back bad memories."


Once they reached the laboratory, Noctis almost regretted wanting to get back inside the sensory deprivation chamber. The dark, murky mass of scourge behind the glass of the massive looking container called out for him and it looked just as inviting as a Malboro's kiss.

Noctis shuddered.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll pull you out of the chamber immediately," Safay said, standing a few feet away in his safety suit while monitoring the devices connected to the chamber.

Even though Ravus' close presence reassured Noctis and calmed his inner feelings of dread, he couldn't shake them away entirely. Some part of him has changed irrevocably. And it was exactly that foreign part in him that caused all those feelings of nausea and irrational fear to grow. In order to get more information about the Astrals exact whereabouts, Noctis had no other choice than to surrender to the Starscourge's calling.

He completely undressed and sat down on the small platform, which then ascended higher up and came to a stand above the opening of the container moments later. Noctis was surprised to find himself suddenly thrilled - instead of fearful. His body urged him to merge with the scourge; to become one with it. The calling from the otherworldly mass got so strong that he hastened with the placement of the breathing apparatus over his nose and then closed his eyes before diving in.


There was no one to greet him when Noctis' awareness arrived on the other plane of existence. However, he didn't find it as difficult as last time to adjust to the blinding light around him.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" Noctis asked, looking around the vastness of encompassing light in hopes someone would appear and answer to his presence.

It was only the long, white robe of light that appeared and enveloped his body for modesty reasons. "At least something," Noctis said to himself amused.

When nothing else happened, Noctis took his first step forward. With his purpose in the forefront of his mind, he walked in firm determination toward the endless, white horizon, all the while quietly listening and trusting in his intent and intuition to guide him to the right place.

And then, all of a sudden, his surroundings changed. The bright light slowly blurred into the most magnificent patterns of color, until everything came to a halt and the plane itself transformed into a painfully familiar looking place.

Noctis held his breath. He knew this place.

"Noctis," a soft, female voice called out and he turned around.

Shining soul crystals and delicate petals of sylleblossoms floated down from the sky. The field of the sweet smelling flowers extended as far as his eyes could reach and they caressed his naked feet as he made his way toward the beautiful woman waiting for him with her arms held wide open.

"Luna...," Noctis whispered, quickening his pace and not daring to blink his eyes even once in fear his beloved childhood friend would disappear again - like so many times she had in the past.

"Noctis! How good to see you!" Lunafreya smiled brightly and closed the last distance between them to envelop Noctis into a tight and loving hug.

Noctis returned the affectionate embrace and burrowed his face into her waving, long hair tenderly. Finally, they were able to be close to another. They stayed like this for a long while, just holding and feeling, and silently rejoicing in their temporary reunion.

Burning tears of sorrow and happiness mixed together as they fell down on Noctis' cheeks and he felt them soaking into his beloved white dress. It was such a strange feeling to have all his senses that focused and alert on every detail that were happening around him. This was beyond anything he had ever felt back when he was trapped in his physical body. Luna's ethereal glow, her gentle, warm and safe embrace, her elegant fragrance and graceful aura... For one little, short moment, Noctis wished he could stay with her like this forever. But he wasn't sure if she would allow that, not after he had let her down in the past...

"Shh... you're blaming yourself again," Luna said, stroking his hair fondly. She pushed him back a little to look up to his anguished looking face.

"Forgive me," Noctis whispered, his eyes closing because looking at her gentle smile hurt a lot. He didn't deserve that smile.

"Look at me," she said softly. Delicate fingers came up and Noctis felt how she dried his tears with her thumbs and tender strokes.

When he refused to open his eyes, her warm voice became laced with fierce love and compassion. "Silly... it's not my forgiveness you're looking for, it's your own. You already have mine, seeing as there's nothing to forgive; there never was."

More tears fought their way down, but Luna didn't let them escape. She leaned forward and gently kissed his tears away, one by one. By then, her unconditional love felt so overpowering that Noctis' sobbing became uncontrolled. His arms embraced his beloved one more time and he squeezed her more firmly to himself. He realized that he had had that emotional release long coming. And for once, he didn't struggle against it. Inside this sacred space he was safe to cry openly; Luna wouldn't judge.

His memories slowly trickled back and then Noctis understood that he didn't dwell in the afterlife. Phoenix, the powerful being that Odin had spoken of, had brought him back to life after his ethereal body had dissolved along with the ring of his ancestors. He was meeting Luna for the first time after his own death. He hadn't had the chance to heal and recuperate among the presence of his family and friends. No wonder his emotions were so raw, in such turmoil and out of control...

Luna gently pulled Noctis down with her as she sat down on the soft sylleblossom field and she cradled his trembling body comfortably against her. She watched him, quietly smiling and holding him close while her love permeated his very soul and provided a safe haven for him. These precious moments of serenity were wholly dedicated to him and she would give him all the support and all the time he would need to overcome his own shadows of his past...


Noctis had lost track of time. He had no idea how long he had been lying on that beautiful flower field, with his head resting cozily on Luna's soft lap. The painful bursts of emotional release had long since subsided and the tracks of his tears have disappeared.

He sighed blissfully. He hadn't felt that lighthearted and unburdened in a long time. Floating sylleblossom petals tickled his face and he felt almost blissed out from the powerful yet mild fragrance ensnaring his senses. In addition to the sheer tranquility of that mystical place, Luna's skillful fingers gently fondled his scalp and massaged his temples, accompanied by the occasional, soft caress of her hands against his face. It didn't hurt anymore to meet her lovely, light blue eyes. He looked up at her, eagerly memorizing her mature, dazzling appearance and he offered a genuine, peaceful smile of his own.

"Thank you," he said after awhile. He felt a little shy, now that she had seen him at his weakest. "I hadn't realized how many feelings of guilt I had been carrying along with me all this time. I think, I'm good now... never felt better, actually."

Luna looked delighted. "You are most welcome. I feel blessed that we were finally able to meet properly. My innermost wish has been fulfilled."

Noctis' face softened some more and he lifted his hand to caress her soft cheek. He propped himself up on his elbow, so he could get closer to her, and then, he tilted his head a little and pressed a chaste kiss on her full lips. Noctis then retreated, chuckling at his own, bold move and whispered to her, "Sorry, I just wanted to do that for a long time and-"

She silenced him and gently captured his lips again with her own. They shared a short, proper kiss, but it didn't take them long until they let go of each other. Both laughed softly at the sudden insight and they looked at another lovingly, sharing a mutual understanding after that second kiss.

"This... was never meant to be, am I right?" Noctis asked, feeling somewhat lost. He came to the realization that he loved Luna with every fiber of his being, only not in a romantic sense as he was lead to believe until now.

"It might not have been meant for us," she replied, placing another kiss on his forehead, "But this doesn't mean I love you any less."

Noctis laid down again and rested his head back on her lap. He took her delicate looking hands between his own and brought them down to his lips, kissing her soft skin. "I love you as well, Luna. Always."

"Always," she echoed, her smile never wavering.

He wanted to enjoy their pleasant solitude for much longer, but he knew he was here for another reason as well. "I've a notion, that you have something important to tell me. Now would be a good time as any," he teased playfully.

She laughed softly, surprised at his ability to see through her true motives. "Guilty as charged. Your intent was loud and clear, so I came to you to answer your questions."

Noctis sent her a grateful smile. "You have forged several covenants with Astrals before and you're the only one capable of teaching me the rites to achieve the same. How does it feel like? What do I need to learn?"

"You might be relieved to hear that you won't need to follow any ancient rites to receive the Astrals blessing. Although, their skills will provide you with a formidable challenge and they won't be as easy to conquer as Titan or Leviathan had been in the past. The mastery of their terrific powers is something you'll have to figure out on your own," she replied.

He frowned a little. "I see, it won't be easy then... And what about their location? Where are they held captive?"

Luna smiled mysteriously. "Why, in the future, of course."

"Huh?" Noctis asked, quite eloquently at that.

She touched the tip of his nose playfully. "At example, I'm sure you remember the Daurell Caverns, or the Costlemark Tower?"

Noctis stared at her nonplussed. "Yeah, but what does this have to do with anything?"

His beloved friend giggled. "And here I thought you've figured my motives out. Seems you're not as bright as I thought," she teased.

"Hey! How dare you question my genius brain," Noctis chuckled at Luna's audacity and tickled her in revenge.

She tried to avoid his playful attack, gasping and smiling at the same time. "What if I told you, that the Astrals can only be released by traveling back into the future?"

Noctis' hands froze in mid-air. "Wait, you are serious?"

Luna nodded her head.

"Do I... get the chance to see the world and the people that I love one more time?"

Her expression sobered quickly. "You are allowed to observe, but you're not allowed interacting with them. They belong to a different timeline and interfering with their lives would be considered infringement upon their free will."

Noctis looked down at their joined hands, a wistful smile gracing his lips. "That's more than I ever dared to hope. I just wish to see with my own eyes that my friends are well."

Luna closed her eyes, feeling her way into the timeline that they both have had in common in their former lives. She sighed softly and caressed Noctis' fingers to get his attention. "Out of all the people who are grateful toward you and think about you regularly, Ignis, Prompto and Gladio shine out the most; they are the ones who miss you and think about you the most."

He glanced up at her with wide eyes. "You can see them?"

"No, but I can feel their strong emotions and I'm aware of their thoughts..."

Noctis silently observed the flitting expressions on her graceful face, eager to know more. But instead, Luna opened her eyes and looked far into the distance. She seemed troubled by something she'd seen.

He wanted to know what was going on in her mind, but he wasn't sure it was his place to ask. So he inquired further about the Astrals. "You have given me two locations, Daurell Caverns and Costlemark Tower. Where are the others?"

Luna shook her head to clear her mind, focusing back on the present. "The others are at the Balouve Mine, Crestholm Channels, Tempering Grounds and Pitioss," she said softly.

Taking a deep breath, Noctis turned to his side and snuggled closer to the warmth of Luna's body. "I clearly remember Costlemark Tower having been a pain in the butt to clear. But Pitioss? Really?" he groaned pitifully.

He could hear her chuckling.

"At least, tell me which Astral is held captive at Pitioss?"

"Odin, the Reaver," Luna replied. "He's been waiting for you. I suggest you follow his call first."

Noctis sighed softly and then he stood up from the ground. He offered his hand to Luna and helped her up on her feet. "Thank you, Luna. I'd love to spend more time with you, but I feel my time has come to leave," he said, gently caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

She pulled him close and hugged him one last time. "It was my pleasure, Noctis. I'll keep watching over you. Don't be a stranger, you hear me?"

"I won't. I'm grateful for everything. See you soon...," Noctis whispered to her affectionately.

And just like that, the flower field blurred and the colors became darker and murkier, reminding Noctis again of the scourge, and he held tightly onto the lasting image of his dearest childhood friend until his awareness completely faded away...


When he came back to his senses, it took Noctis a minute or two to adjust to the physical plane.

"..itus, it's me. Get your team, I need you at the chamber! Noctis doesn't respond to the first aid I had administered!"

First aid? Noctis was confused by what he heard. What did Safay mean, and why was the man that agitated?

Noctis touched Safay's arm to show him that he's all right and was surprised by his hand becoming translucent and simply going through the man's body instead. "What in the world?!" he gasped, pulling his hand back as if having been severely burned.

"Vitus, where on Eos are you? I don't think I can keep Noctis alive any longer. I don't care what kind of rare specimen you're dissecting right now, get your arse down here! That's an order!"

Safay looked livid, bustling around the room and moving swiftly between the monitoring devices and the examination table where Noctis' body was lying.

Noctis' awareness switched and then he watched his own, unconscious body from above the room completely fascinated. So this is what a near-death experience felt like. No wonder Safay couldn't hear nor see him. He was phased out from the man's reality, floating somewhere between the third dimension and the Astral plane. These were good news, his physical body was still alive - albeit barely.

"Eos, your skin feels so cold. Stay alive, please," Safay said, leaning over Noctis' body and stroking his forehead, face and chest gently with a warm, damp towel. The man's hands were shaking. "We have many curatives in stock. That's why I'll be in the next room, looking for something that might be of help to you. I won't be long. Hold on a little longer. The doctors and scientists will come to your aid at any moment now..."

Touched by Safay's consideration and care, Noctis floated down next to his friend. He tried to reassure Safay that everything was okay. Noctis could feel how his material body bravely fought to stay alive and he trusted in his own will and strength not to leave this world prematurely.

When Safay left the room, something else got Noctis' attention. Someone with the same magical signature as his own was getting closer to the laboratory. Noctis' unconscious body, the daehuman part of him, could feel that. And the daehuman became thrilled the closer that person got to him. It was the same sensation that he had felt before he dived into the mass full of scourge. Was this other person a daehuman, like himself? Why did he look forward to meet this person that much?

All of a sudden, a myriad of people in safety suits burst through the entrance, and then everyone started talking all at once. Some took an immediate position around Noctis and others stopped to look at the monitoring devices, giving orders according to the information they have gained. The doctors around him placed their medical equipment on the empty space at the table, connecting his arm to an IV drip and giving him various shots to boost his functions and keep him alive. They conversed in a language that was unknown to Noctis while the people checked the pulse on his body, prodded everywhere, cleaned him up and then waited for further instructions.

Another group of people joined them shortly after and that's when Noctis' awareness was pulled back to one special person in particular.


The daehuman part of him was absolutely elated. This must have been the person Noctis had been looking forward to meet again.

Why was the man even here? Had Ardyn come to his rescue? The thought pleased Noctis more than he was ready to admit to himself. He felt relieved to see the man was well.

"What are you fools doing? Get the hell away from him!"

Noctis watched Ardyn forcefully pushing his way toward his unconscious body. The man looked fierce and, dare Noctis think it, strikingly handsome, in those simple looking, black clothes. The thin fabric of Ardyn's button-down shirt clung to the man's body almost like a second skin and that didn't leave much to his imagination. He couldn't help but wonder why the man didn't dress like that in the first place? Ardyn could certainly learn a thing or two from Gladio, were those two to ever meet, Noctis decided. He found it funny, how and where his thoughts would wander off once he was out of his physical body. Being temporarily freed from the shackles of his body and the defensive walls which came along with it, Noctis guessed his energy body's priorities were understandable. In this ethereal state, he could completely separate this version of Ardyn from the evil one from the future timeline. He could clearly see the potential which this version of the man possessed. And Noctis liked what he saw right now

The daehuman inside him yearned for this man's closeness.

So Noctis found himself floating closer to Ardyn and observed the man's silent interaction with his physical body from above. The look in Ardyn's eyes could only be described as deeply affectionate and Noctis was taken aback by what he saw. Trembling hands traced Noctis' face as if he were a cherished treasure that had to be handled with utmost care.

Did Ardyn harbor feelings of attraction toward him? If so, when did that happen? Noctis felt his ethereal body flush with heat when he realized that the previous flirting attempts from Ardyn must have been genuine. Noctis felt flustered and shy and honestly didn't know how to handle that sudden insight.

Ardyn's expression turned more and more fierce and determined the longer the man was by his side. "Get out," Ardyn said to the people in the room. "I want everyone to get the hell out!"

How curious, Noctis thought. Why would Ardyn send all these people away?

After they were left all alone, Noctis watched Ardyn lean in and connecting their energy vortexes together. Healing light flowed from the place where their foreheads touched, flowing further down to the area of his throat and then staying and focusing on his heart. Besides using potions for healing purposes, Noctis has never had any experience in the healing arts. From the outside of his body, he could clearly follow the glowing light of healing as it magnified beautifully and spread quickly along the weak meridians of his material body. Seeing Ardyn's powerful healing magic at work was truly a sight to behold...

His observation and thoughts were interrupted by a sudden flare of unbearable heat of pleasure and Noctis had a strong urge to get back inside his physical body. He was weak against the forceful pull upon his umbilical cord of energy. Sexual arousal interpenetrated his ethereal senses and it was so intense that he found himself moaning, resulting in his consciousness waking up in an instant, his wide opened eyes staring up at Ardyn's handsome and completely focused face with open wonder. His body burned, hungered, yearned, and at that point, Noctis didn't care about his defensive walls any longer. For once, he didn't want to think about the past he had once shared with this man, this was a new beginning. He wanted to bask in this new experience. So his arms came up all on their own and he pulled Ardyn close and kissed him. Noctis gained confidence when Ardyn returned his shy kisses and he groaned in pleasure, tilting his head and opening his lips to deepen the connection between them.

Kissing the man above him was a revelation of its own kind. Luna's kiss earlier, even though it had felt nice, hadn't made his toes curl like that, nor did it made him desire more of the same. The arousal from the searing heat that Ardyn and himself shared became too much and kissing the man didn't even seem close enough to quench the molten heat growing inside of him. So he took matters into his own hands and pushed them underneath Ardyn's thin shirt. The feeling of warm, soft skin felt thrilling and Noctis eagerly explored, stroke and caressed every inch within his reach. Well defined yet lean muscles flexed underneath the palm of his restless hands and Ardyn's sensuous sounding moan was so damn satisfying to hear.

By then, Noctis needed more of Ardyn. So he used his chance and invited the man into further impassioned tongue-kisses, his mind blank with blinding pleasure while he pulled on the body above him to lay down on top. With that, Noctis surrendered fully to the demands of his five senses, pushing up his pelvis to feel more of the man's searing heat against his own. Ardyn's focus finally seemed to snap and Noctis melted underneath the man's fervent hands into a puddle of pure, unadulterated lust. They writhed like teenagers and groaned and kissed and caressed each another fervently. The tasty, salty tang of fresh sweat mixing with their saliva, as they continued to pleasure each other, was madly addicting. The wondrous feelings of ecstasy fueled their mutual desire, until everything became too much, too intense and too perfect.



Moments later, Ardyn made sure not to crush Noctis with his weight, panting heavily and smiling softly at his now sensual object of his ever growing affection. Noctis returned his smile, albeit more shyly, and he gave themselves a few minutes to calm down from the erotic rush their mysterious connection had been responsible for.

Ardyn took advantage of their solitude and eagerly took in the beauty of the younger man under him. Gone was the unkempt fluff of beard; enticing, flushed cheeks were glowing on pale skin and those red lips - stimulated into fullness by their previous shared kisses - fought simultaneously for his attention. Noctis had a natural charm and a radiant allure, by which Ardyn was entirely and helplessly ensnared. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't escape that man's impressive amount of magnetism and charisma.

"Who are you really...?" he whispered to himself, tracing and worshipping Noctis' soft lips with his finger tips in slow, tantalizing circles. He felt tempted to lean in and sample another taste of those full lips one last time before he called Vitus and his team back inside, but the panic in those wide, gorgeous blue eyes made him falter.

"Ravus! No!"

Searing pain hit him like a lightning bolt and the heavy punch that followed after tumbled his body like a powerless doll against the far wall. Ardyn had hit his head hard at the impact with the unforgiving surface of metal and he groaned painfully, overcome by dizziness and nausea. A hot stream of fresh blood trickled down the side of his face. Whoever this man was, he wasn't someone easy to deal with.

"How in The Six' name did you find this place? Did you think you could just walk in there and end Noctis' life without any resistance?"

Ardyn tried opening his eyes to see who this man was. Did the aggressor work here? Was he somebody high-ranking? Noctis seemed to know this man. Blurry shapes of black and gold came closer, and this time, he dodged the kick that was aimed at his stomach.

"You can't escape my wrath. I couldn't care any less about the two thousand years of your exile. You deserve eternal hell fire," the man spat.

Ardyn dodged another attack and used the short time that he had to heal himself.

"You are beyond evil. A vicious, calculative and twisted bastard. You are responsible for killing my mother, you have murdered my sister in cold blood and you have made Noctis' life a living hell! What else do you want?"

Exile? Eternal hell fire? What in the world was this man talking about? He didn't murder anyone, lest made Noctis' life a living hell. Ardyn was sure he would remember would he have been responsible for such atrocious deeds.

Right when the aggressor raised a sword against him, Noctis appeared between them and parried the attack. "That's enough, Ravus. Calm down, this version of Ardyn is on our side," the younger man said.

"Noctis, have you taken leave of your senses? Look at him, this king of deamons has destroyed everything you ever held dear! Don't tell me you have already forgiven his sins," Ravus' hissed furiously, the man's eyes pleading with Noctis to get aside.

"I have forgiven yours, Ravus," said Noctis softly.

At that, the other man's unbridled anger seemed to deflate.

Both men shared intent looks full of meaning. If Ardyn wouldn't know it better, he would say the men could read each others minds. Ardyn seemed safe, for now. His head pounded viciously with pain, his breathing was ragged, but he mustered up his last shreds of dignity to complete the healing process.

Vitus and his entourage gatecrashed the frivolous festivities and Ardyn decided this was the time when all this madness would come to an end.

"Why don't we all sit down, preferably with a cup of delicious tea in our hands, and discuss our issues in a calm manner, like all grow men do?" he asked.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him.

And Ardyn savored the attention.

To be continued.