Kirishima watched in horror as Bakugou began to descend towards the ground. The distance between them grew larger by the second, yet he could only see his hand reached out and the blurry image of Bakugou as he continued falling.

We, failed?, he thought as his vision shook.

They tumbled onto the rooftop roughly, finally rolling to a stop. Without hesitation, Kirishima practically threw his body up to standing and ran towards the edge of the rooftop. His eyes quickly scanned over the group. Both villains and heroes surrounded the area.


There he was. Limp, unconscious, and so unaware of the happenings around him. Kirishima's eyes flickered to those around Bakugou. They knew he was there alright, he growled, watching as the villain's eyes would briefly flicker towards the explosive boy as they continued fighting off the heroes. Without a moment to waste, Kirishima threw his leg over the edge, ready to jump down to the ground and go through anyone who tried to keep him away from his best friend.

All the sudden, a hand clasped on his shoulder and roughly pulled him from the edge. Kirishima flipped his body around, anger coursing through his veins.

Midoriya's panicked face greeted him, and he felt his face drop the furious glare that had occupied it. He shook the hand off his shoulder and took a breath before speaking.

"Midoriya, why are you-"

"No!" Midoriya interrupted, placing both of his hands on Kirishima's shoulders. His grip slowly became tight as he continued to speak. "You don't just get to jump down and try to save Kacchan! We had our chance, and it didn't work!"

Confusion, fear, and anger began to fuel Kirishima.

"That's it? You're giving up now?" His chest heaved as he almost gasped out the words. "He is laying down there! Alone, unprotected. And, and you just want to throw in the towel and leave him!"

An array of emotions passed through Midoriya's face, Iida now making himself present in the background, at a loss for words. Midoriya seemed to waver in what to say, yet his grip on Kirishima did not loosen.

Finally, in what felt like an eternity for Kirishima, but was only a few seconds at most, Midoriya took a deep breath and spoke.

"Kirishima…" he said, looking over Kirishima as if trying to see Bakugou's body lying on the ground so close, yet so far. "We are not giving up on Kacchan, but we can't do anything anymore."

He sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides and his eyes float down towards the ground.

"If we go down there, and try to get him… I'm not sure how it will turn out. We will get in the way of the other heroes that are down there, thus distracting them, possibly not getting to him or we might not make it to him at all." Midoriya then looked up into Kirishima's eyes and sighed seeing the way his eyes were foggy with tears visible in the corners of his eyes, not yet fallen.

"They will get him", he said firmly, a fire lighting in his eyes.

Kirishima let a small, watery smile fill his face as he blinked the tears out of his eyes. Nodding his head, he said, "Yeah you're right, Bakugou isn't weak!"

Iida joined them on the edge of the roof overlooking the ongoing battle below them. Not much had changed in the few minutes that had passed, yet there was one difference.

Bakugou had woken up.

Each of the three UA students gripped the edge of the roof tightly as they watched the scene. Bakugou had slowly twitched, each of his limbs moving slightly. His eyes flickered and confusion set in. As quickly as the confusion came, it left, and in its wake was determination and focus.

Bakugou shot up to standing, immediately going into a defense position as he surveyed the area. He was surrounded by both heroes and villains all engaged in their own battles, not aware he was up and moving.

He began to dart forward, moving around each of the heroes and villains, not engaging only running.

Weak, he thought as he continued forward. I should be fighting, not running.

But he knew that this was a time to flee not fight. He was no match with all of these pros fighting, he would just get in the way. The only way to not be a burden would be to escape the area and wait til the fighting died down.

Almost there, he thought as he watched the edge of the crater come into his vision. A smirk came upon his face.

Just as he crossed the line from the edge of the crater and the normal ground, Bakugou was roughly pulled back, and fell to the ground.

He quickly rolled over and stood up to face the whole who pulled him back. Fear struck him as he was face to face with All for One.

They continued to stare each other down, the fighting around them becoming silent to the two of them.

"Boy", All for One said, looking at Bakugou up and down with a passive face.

Silence filled the area for only a moment before Bakugou replied, "What do you want with me, huh?" As he gained more confidence with each word, he added onto the end saying, "Piece of shit."

All for One let out a mirthless laugh in response, taking a step forward towards Bakugou, to which he took a step back. Both continued to stare at each other, not noticing the fighting dying down as both heroes and villains slowly started to observe the exchange.

All for One let out a small sigh which only Bakugou could hear before saying, "Bakugou, don't resist. You are a part of Tomura's plan, so there is no need to resist. Come quietly and all of this can stop." He turned his body slightly as if looking towards some of the fights that continued behind him.

Bakugou let his eyes wonder as he watched some of the pros he had grown up watching fight the villains. Fighting to get me, he thought. I can't give up now. Just got to stall a little bit longer til one of the heroes can come by.

"Stop this? HA!" he laughed, yet his eyes never left All for One. "YOU ALL CAUSED THIS! You started this when you thought you could kidnap me and get away with it."

Bakugou took a breath in to refocus himself, knowing that All for One wasn't going to stop trying to take him.

Finally, the familiar voice of All Might blessed his ears saying, "YOUNG BAKUGOU, I AM COMING FOR YOU!"

All Might ran from his spot across the battlefield, moving faster before most of the villains could react.

Though Bakugou's eye caught the slight nod of the head that All for One did before hell broke loose.

All of the sudden misty bitch appeared in front of All for One reaching out to grab at Bakugou. He quickly darted to the side to avoid the hand but was met with the face of Dabi smirking. Dabi lunged towards Bakugou, meeting him blow for blow as Bakugou tried to both defend himself and escape the villains that seemingly appeared out of nowhere surrounding him.

His arms were grabbed and pulled behind him as he tried to attack Dabi again and he was once again pulled back. He struggled against the hands holding him, not even trying to see who it is. As he saw misty approach, he saw All Might's figure so close, yet not close enough.

Most of the villains quickly made their way through the warp gate, until it was just Bakugou, the villain restraining him, and All for One left.

Bakugou locked his slightly blurry eyes with All Might, frustration and fear clear in them. As he was pulled into the warp, he yelled out, "THEY CAN'T BEAT YOU ALL-", and he was cut off as his body went through the gate.

All Might stared in shock as his tired body raced to try and past through the gate. The last words he heard before it closed before his eyes were All for One muttering to him, "Seems that you are too late again, All Might."