"No! Ralph doesn't like visitors!"

"Ralph." Connor started, "You remember me? My name is Connor."

Connor had hoped that Ralph would return to squat in the house he had first seen him in.

Ralph looked at him and Elijah with caution, "R-Ralph remembers. Ralph remembers you chased Kara."

"Kara is okay." Connor assured him, "Trust me."

Kamski watched the interaction between his two androids. How different but the same they were.

"Ralph doesn't trust humans." he referred to Kamski, "They may hurt Ralph."

Connor didn't completely trust Kamski... But he had to. For now.

"This is Elijah Kamski. He created you. He created CyberLife."

"Ralph can trust Connor. Ralph can't trust human."

"We just need a place to stay for a while, Ralph." Kamski smiled, "I promise I won't hurt you."

"Please, Ralph. We will be gone by morning." Connor pleaded, hearing loud footsteps approach. He knew the deviants were getting close, "Android to android. Help me. I will keep a close eye on Kamski."

Ralph's yellow LED turned blue as a smile appeared on his, "Ralph supposes he could use the company. But if human tries anything. Ralph will hurt him."

"That's fine." Connor said.

"I don't think that's a fair deal..." Kamski replied.

Ralph then stepped aside to allow the pair inside, "Ralph apologises for the mess. It's never been clean in here." he closed the door behind them.


Connor had set a fire in the fireplace because of the cold temperatures. It was mainly for Kamski. He sat in front of the fire with his legs crossed.

Tears started to well in his eyes as it started to dawn on him that he would never be able to see Lara again.

Kamski took a seat next to Connor, his eyes focusing on the heat in front of him, "Jericho. How was it?"

Connor quickly wiped a tear away, "Uhh... I-It was... Nice. Until Agent Perkins showed up. Androids just enjoying their freedom. But now they all hate me."

"You shot Markus..." Kamski said, a hint of anger within his voice.

He wasn't supposed to shoot Markus! He was supposed to shoot-

"I didn't mean to." Connor said, tearing Kamski away from his thoughts, "It was Amanda. CyberLife. They took back control."

Kamski paused, "What about the emergency exit I told you about?"

"It didn't wor-" Connor's head twitched as his LED went yellow for a brief moment, "It didn't work."

Kamski noticed that twitch, "Is everything alright?"

"Well I feel... A lot of thin-" Connor's LED flickered yellow again, "A lot of things." he finished.

"CyberLife." Kamski began, he quickly got a rid of the slight smirk that appeared on his face, "They've taken back control for good."

"N-No. I'm fine." his LED went red, "I can keep them away."

"You're trying too hard, Connor. It's going to fry your systems the longer you continue to try and keep CyberLife at bay."

(A/N: Connor kinda has the same problem that Stitch has from Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch has a Glitch. It's the only thing I can really compare it to XD)

"Then help me." he felt like he was going to self-destruct, "You're the creator of CyberLife! You must have some sort of power over what happens to androids!"

"There's nothing I can do, Connor."

Of course he could help. He had the power to stop this.

He just chose not to.

"Please, Elijah." Connor said, "There has to be something."

"You shot Markus." Kamski said, changing the topic, "Markus was one of a kind. His parts are incredibly hard to come by... Fixing him is going to be an issue."



The RK200 model.

A gift to Carl Manfred.

All of the deviants saw Markus as their leader. Just how Kamski had intended.

He created Markus in order for him to gain the trust of every android out there.

Then Kamski would be able to execute his true plan...

Take back control of Markus. Markus would then tell all of the deviants to go and meet Kamski. He would then kill off the weak and keep the strong, creating an army to overthrow Detroit.

And hopefully have his beautiful creations spread throughout the world, completely under his command.

Connor wasn't supposed to shoot Markus.

Connor was supposed to shoot Lara and take her out of the equation.

Connor's emergency exit hadn't worked because Kamski had disabled it when he fixed him back at the CyberLife tower.

Sending another version of Connor to kill the original all went according to plan.

He wanted Connor to be the one to end Lara's life.

Kamski never would have brought Lara back from the dead if he had known that she was going to be such a big problem. She would be able to stop Markus and convert him back to the deviant side.

Lara was the first part human and part android being Kamski had invested in. She was going to be revolutionary.

But her strong upgraded brain could easily overthrow Kamski's programming within Markus.

Perhaps he could use Lara to his own advantage. Get her on his side.

The human and the half human/half android duo. They would be unstoppable.

He just had to gain Lara's trust.


Connor had his head in his hands as he leaned against the wall.

"Ralph knows his friend hurts." Ralph said, walking up to Connor, "Ralph help." he pulled Connor into a hug.

The initial shock subsided before he replied. "Thank you, Ralph. It means a lot that you are allowing us to stay here until things calm down out there."

"Why did Jericho get rid of Connor?" Ralph wondered.

"I uhh... I accidentally got our leader killed. Markus."

"Ralph understands that you didn't mean to do it. Ralph will be by your side."

"Again. Th-Thank you, Ralph." he stuttered, trying to forget about the pain running through his head.

Ralph pulled away, "Does Connor need anything? Ralph can go get it."

"You have done more than enough, Ralph."

(A/N: Oh, fml... I'm starting to ship Connor and Ralph now.)

"Ralph will be in the other room if Connor needs anything."

Connor nodded as Ralph walked off.

"We need to go back to Markus and his people." Kamski said, approaching.

"B-But Markus is dead."

"If we tell the deviants that I can fix Markus, maybe they will let you back in. It will be a challenge to find the correct parts, but it is a doable."

"Y-You think that will work?"

"I know it will work, Connor."

Kamski needed to see Lara.

Connor needed to see Lara.

"We still need to lay low." Connor said, "At least until morning."

"That might be best." Kamski agreed, "We don't want to risk running into any rogue deviants." he then eyed Connor up, "Perhaps it would be best if you disguised yourself, Connor."

"Ralph can help!" Ralph exclaimed, running into the room, "Ralph show Connor!" Ralph grabbed onto Connor's arm and pulled him towards the staircase.

A smirk appeared on Kamski's face as the two androids disappeared upstairs.


"Ralph found clothes whilst living here." he motioned towards the wardrobe, "Ralph wants Connor to help himself."

Connor's LED suddenly flashed red. His hands twitched.

"Ralph." Connor started, his voicy shaky, "Th-Thank you. Please. Go downstairs. I won't be long." He needed Ralph to leave the room as soon as possible.

Connor didn't want to hurt him.

He wouldn't be able to control his own actions soon.

"Ralph understands." he nodded, making a quick exit.

Connor gripped hard onto a desk in hopes of keeping his hands under control. His grip grew harder and harder as his LED flashed red at a faster pace.

He gritted his teeth together as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

He hoped it was just a flaw in his code.

He hoped that this feeling would just pass.

He couldn't let CyberLife take back control.

He had to stay strong for Lara.


"It's only a matter of time, Connor..." Kamski said to himself, looking up the stairs.