Narrator: It was a beautiful, peaceful summer morning on Sodor and Thomas was delivering some trucks to Vicarstown. But, he was feeling bored.

Thomas: I'll feel much better after I deliver these trucks and I need to see how Percy's getting on.

Narrator: Thomas finally arrived at the last station on Sodor and he puffed away to Knapford Goods Yard.

Thomas: What a lovely day! It's bright and sunny and everyone on Sodor seems happy. Don't days like this make you feel like... Bursting into song?

James: Somebody has to be the favourite,

The one that everybody wants to see,

Thomas: James!!

James: Somebody has to be better than the rest,

Somebody has to be so good that they're the best,

Somebody has to be the favourite,

Somebody has to be me! Here's James! Hohohoho!

Thomas: Again with this, James?

James: Sorry, Thomas. I can't help myself. What's the matter, Thomas? You aren't usually this sad.

Thomas: I guess I just miss Lady.

James: Don't worry, Thomas. She'll come back. Eventually! Now, where was I? Oh yeah! Sometimes you have to blow your whistle,

To let the other engines know you're near. Sometimes you have to make a racket and to shout, in order to ensure that they're not left in any doubt,

Somebody has to be the favourite, say hello! The favourite is here!

Thomas: (sighs)

Narrator: Thomas was feeling very sad. He also had a crush on Lady but was too shy to admit it, the only engine he had told about it was Percy.

(Part 2 will begin from this point onwards, see ya later!)