After the incident yesterday Hank has made sure to keep an eye on him. Connor really hated that he did that, even though Hank had reassured him multiple times that he saved that android's life.
Not only were they about to do something bad to that Android, but there is no telling what that Android might've done to them, considering all the reports from when androids first started becoming deviants.
Even as smart as Connor was he still didn't know everything. Sometimes they got stuck on cases and didn't know how to continue it.

Unfortunately for them this was a missing Android case. A missing Traci. It seemed the bad things mostly happened to the Tracis and it was hard not to feel bad for them.

"So what do we know about the case?"
" A Traci, has gone missing after complaints from neighbors and by-passers were made."
"Anyone die? Were there signs of restraint?" Asked Hank.

" There were obvious signs of restraint, but as far as we know no one has died." Connor said.

"So we have no lead. Just a missing Traci, and some noises."

" I can analyze the area."
"Yeah, yeah. Just. Don't put anything in your mouth, please."
Connor smiled and nodded. He was most likely going to put some more in his mouth.

" Hold on, you might not have to."
Hank said. He pointed at a man who was in cuffs and being pushed into the cells, cussing at the cops very loudly.
It was the suspect that was in the reports. " You wanna interrogate him?"
Connor nodded once and started walking.
Connor knocked on the glass and the suspect looked up at him with terror filled eyes. " My name is Connor. What about you? What is your name?"

The man didn't answer and looked back down at the floor.
" Could you explain to me what occurred?"
" I don't know what the fuck happened, Okay?"
" You were there at the crime scene, correct?"

"Yeah I was. It's just. There was a black out. I heard some screams and banging around and then the lights came back on and the room was a mess and then people were gone." He cried.

"Was there anything in distinct that you heard them say?"

"No. Well, maybe. I heard them say, "put it in the back." And then that's when the lights came on."

" Were there any androids present at the time?"
"Yes, of course. It's the Eden Club."

"Have ever had any trouble in the past with androids and humans?"

He paused. "Yes. These men. They're all a big gang. They hate on androids and beat up on them. I don't know why I'm a suspect."

"Any information you can give us will help rest this case. Now can you tell me where they are usually located?"
" I guess the bar down in East End."
"I will do everything in my power possible to prove your innocence." Connor said and did a little bow as he walked away. This case was a little odd. It wasn't like any other case they've done before. He just felt like something bad was about to happen.
" Wanna head down there?"
Connor nodded and headed out the door not giving Hank enough time to grab his keys and head out with him.

Hank caught up with Connor and tapped his shoulder. "Connor! Hey! Wait up!" He shouted. Finally Connor stopped and turned around.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. I'm having that feeling again. That I want to move around and solve the case fast."

"You're excited?"
" I suppose so. I really want to help this victim."
" That's completely normal, Connor. I want to solve this case too."
Connor nodded and kept walking.


Connor and Hank pulled out their guns and tiptoed towards East End, which was an old barber shop that was nearly out of business. It was old and shabby, and was known for gang's hideouts. Hence why it was running out of business. It had the most complaints than any other business in town.

"I am able to trace the deviant's thirium."
"Well then go for it!" Hank whisper shouted. He stated what he was doing way too much.

So Connor followed the blue blood trail. It went a long way, but eventually it just stopped. On the ground, it just stopped. " It ends here." Connor said confused.

Hank sighed and went over to the trail and picked up the rug that was on the floor. Just as he though there was a hidden entrance and 2 huge locks and chains that surrounded the entrance.

"This is it." Hank said.
"How do we get the locks off?" Hank asked.

"Don't move motherfuckers!" A voice shouted from behind them.

Hank turned around hands up in the air and started talking.
"Hey listen. We are only here to save the Android now where the fuck is she?"

"The android? That piece of shit? Oh we killed that fucker." He laughed. He pointed the gun right at Hank's head.

" Open the fucking locks!" Hank shouted. "How about I just kill you right here. Right now." He hissed.

"You're name is Richard Berry. You've been imprisoned for 15 years without parole for freud and embezzlement. You lost your kid the court 2 years ago for child endangerment. I know a lot about you Mr. Berry. Even when I die, I will come back and I will tell them every piece of information that I have on you, so either you can let us go and let us take the Android or you can be imprisoned, again." Connor stated.

"But if I let you go you'll fucking snitch either way."

" I'm not going to turn you in, Mr. Berry. You're not my concern or my mission. You're also not the one who did this to the android are you?"
"No I didn't."

" Let us go and let us down there and we won't say a word." Connor said.

He put down his gun slowly and reached in his pocket and pulled out 2 keys. He walked very slow towards them both and reached his hand out
Connor had a sway with words no matter what he said people listened.

Connor reached out and grabbed the keys and in one swift movement he hit him in the head and knocked him out cold. Richard Berry lay there passed out on the ground. Connor bent down and unlocked the door, and jumped down into the cellar. Hank couldn't even keep up with Connor. He really was excited to help people.

It was dark and he could barely see but the smell. Thirium has a very distinct smell. It was strong which mean there was a lot of it.
"Hank? Can you find a light switch?"

"Hang on a minute I'm trying!" Hank yelled back.

Connor tried to move his way around and stumbled a little.
Eventually the lights turned on and in an instant, Connor's heart instantly dropped down to his feet. Right above his nailed to a wooden pole, was the Traci, cut severed, and thrirum leaking from every part of its body and on it's stomach was written, "emotionless bastard"
"Job stealer" "cunt" "Nothing"
It was horrific. She had been tortured in every way possible and even though they couldn't feel pain, in ones last moments before death they want to feel comfort from their loved ones and this android was mentally abuse until it died. Connor felt so horrible at this sight.

"This is aweful." Hank said. This made Hank's hungover stomach sick even worse.
"Jesus Christ." Hank said.

Connor just kept staring at the dead Traci. She could've been brought back, but it was absurd that anyone would do this to an innocent Android. She hasn't even done anything to them. It was sick, sadistic.

Hank started to untie the Android and ignored his sick feeling.

"Connor come on help me." But Connor didn't. He just stared at the Traci and said nothing.
"Connor?" Hank said. He moved closer to Connor and observed his face. It was almost as if he was in shock. "Connor, are you okay?" Hank shook him. Right there right before his eyes, he watched as a single tear slid down Connor's cheek followed by another and then one more. Connor was crying. This was the most human thing that he has done.

This was like the time Kamski had tested Connor to see if he could show empathy. When Hank had asked why he didn't shoot, it almost looked like Connor was gonna cry.

"Connor, don't cry." Connor's realized what Hank had just said. He was crying. He took his hand and wiped his tears off and stared at them. " This is what sad really is?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You'll be okay." Hank said, patting the back of his head.
"How could they do this?"

"I don't know, Connor. They just don't understand. Humans aren't very smart."
"She was innocent. She just-" Connor cut himself off.

"Look we can proove who did this and we can help her, and the person who's being accused of murder, okay?"
"What if that was me?" Connor asked.

"Then I would come down here guns blazing." Hank chuckled.
"Hank. Is anything ever gonna change?"
Hank took a minute to think, because he really didn't know the answer and he didn't want to give Connor false hope.
"I believe one day, maybe so. I don't know. I can't answer yes or no." Hank answered. Honestly he wished he could give Connor false hope. But his mind just wouldn't let him.

He really didn't think that one day the humans would come to terms with androids. A vast majority are okay with them, but then there are people like this. And everyday he couldn't help but wonder, what if this WAS Connor? What exactly would he do?

For now he did know, that he would be there for Connor whenever he needed him, and he would help him. He would protect him. Connor crying was proof of his improvement. It was the most beautiful thing he'd seen since his child had died.

THE END! Horrible I know. It's whatever. I can't do fanfiction. I might try and write a real book on here one day. I guess it's because it's hard writing how they think and trying to keep them in character. Oh well it's over now. One day I will improve. 3 3