Author's Note:

Alright, so I've never written a Harry/Draco before, I'm sort of scared that this one will get too cliché, but…

So, it's set in the seventh year, we get it from Draco's point of view, and it's based on the song Figure.09 from Linkin Park's newest album, Meteora (Lyrics are in their own chapter at the end of the story).

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. They all belong to J. K. Rowling. The only thing I own, is the plot line (and I'm not even sure if I own that…^_^)

Well, go on! Read the chapter, why don't you?

^_^ Rei-Chan

Chapter One:

Draco Malfoy heard somebody enter the library, and looked up from his book, as he was prone to doing these days. The green eyes of the tall, raven-haired boy who'd just entered scanned the room through round glasses. Draco watched as the seventeen-year-old moved across the floor and sat down in a corner with his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Potter! thought Draco. He scowled at the three friends, who seemed to be involved in a nice discussion on what to do for the weekend they'd be spending in Hogsmade. He sighed and stared down into his book, trying, and failing to concentrate. Why should he care what the loathsome, four-eyed, mudblood-loving idiot would be doing for the weekend, anyway? He was such an arrogant little prick…

But that's not how you really feel, argued another voice in his head. You don't think he's loathsome or arrogant. No, you like ---

Shut up! snarled Draco at the voice in his head. He tried to focus again, but with little success. Draco stood up, and his two bodyguards stood up along with him. He told them to stay, and they sat down and went on with their studies (all though probably to no avail. Their lack of brain cells had a tendency to prevent that).

Draco exited the library. Being in the same room as Potter was unbearable. He was such a stupid, brainless, fucked up…

No. Draco knew in his heart that wasn't how he felt. The truth was that, no matter how much he tried to fight it, Potter was… gorgeous. Draco shuddered. That was a thought he'd rather not admit to. However, it was the truth. At first, Draco had just started noticing him. The way he moved, the way he talked, the way he smiled… Then he started watching every move Potter made. Soon he saw him in every thought he had. He dreamed of him at night… Dreams he really shouldn't be having.

Draco exited through the huge oak front doors into the solitary grounds. The evening was chilly and crystal clear, as it often is in late October. He pulled his cloak around him and stared out across the lake. The water was cold and grey, and looked almost solid, like lead. He sighed. When was it he'd started having these feelings? He couldn't really tell… Oh, yes, he could. It was after the last Quidditch match last year. Gryffindor had flattened them as usual. When the game was over, Potter walked up to him.

"Good game!" he said, and offered Draco his hand to shake. Potter's eyes were glittering. Draco scowled. He didn't take the hand.

Draco still regretted it. Potter had shrugged, wiping the sweat off his face. He turned, running his fingers through his hair. And it was at that moment Draco realised that he was attracted to Harry Potter.

Which was awful! For who could possibly be a worse match? Except perhaps Pansy Parkinson… She was way too arrogant for a girl…

Soon Draco had found his thoughts had words attached to them. He liked Potter.

"I like Potter…" he said quietly. Then he burst out laughing. "I… I like Potter?" he gasped between laughs. "I like Potter… How about that?"


"I like Potter…" muttered Draco as he entered into the Entrance Hall. "Hah! That's ridiculous. I like Potter?!"

He started off towards the dungeons, and wasn't really paying attention to where he was going when he bumped into someone.

"Watch it, Malfoy!" snared the voice of Harry Potter. Draco froze in his steps. Had he heard him? He turned around slowly to find himself face to face with his worst enemy and greatest object of attraction. Happy Potter was glaring at him.

Draco quickly put on his trademark smirk. "Well, hello to you too, Potter," he said, trying to put as much venom as possibly into the name. "Is that the way you usually greet people you meet?"

"Oh no," said Potter. "I save that privilege for you, Malfoy." Draco rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

"You gonna go join your two big, strong lovers for a threesome?" said Potter. This was where Draco would've usually reached for his wand. But instead he kept going, quickening his pace slightly.

"What's the matter, Ferret-boy?" said Potter. "Scared to face me?"

Draco quickened his pace yet again. He heard Potter say something else, but he didn't hear what because at that moment, he broke into a run. He rushed down the corridor to the dungeons. When he was sure no one was around, he stopped. Leaning up against the wall of the dungeon, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. It was so horrible, hearing those insults from the one person he thought of the most. How could that be? How could he care so much?

He never cried. It was some sort of unspoken rule, that Malfoys never cried. This wasn't sadness… It was frustration. A boy doesn't cry when someone hits him. He doesn't cry when someone teases him. Girls do that. But boys don't cry unless someone says something that really gets to them. Draco had experienced that when he was really angry, sometimes tears would stain his face. But this was different. Because, yes, he was scared to face Potter. This was just one out of a million things that could make him feel this way, coming from Potter. He used to think nothing could get to him, he was untouchable… But apparently that wasn't quite right. When someone he liked hurt him like this… That was when he had to cry. Had it been anyone else, then…

Draco slid to the floor, tears streaming from his eyes. "Stop it…" he whispered between sobs. "Stop it!" he shouted. "Just… just stop this stupid behaviour! You're a fucking Slytherin! You're a Malfoy!" But he was still crying. Even as he hit himself across the face, he was crying. In the end he let his head drop and he rested it in his hands, hot, angry and silent tears pouring from his eyes.

"Malfoy?" said a voice. Draco looked up and met emerald eyes. Potter!

Author's Note:

You like? Okay, so I know it's really short and all, but I couldn't think of anything more to write for this chapter. Plus I love cliffhangers! Anyway, if you like it, or just want to tell me how much it sucked, please click the review button. The more reviews I get, the more fun I'll have updating! And if you've written something similar and think I'm stealing… Please don't sue!

^_^ Rei-Chan