Disclaimer: Don't own any of these shows, and never will. Sucks, but oh well. On with the show.
A civil war.
A world in ruins.
An unsuspecting planet.
A new battleground.
In 1984, Earth discovered that they were not alone in the universe. During the Pre-Historic Age, a race of sentient mechanical life-forms from the planet Cybertron crash-landed on the still-primitive Earth, and had secretly been asleep under the planet's crust, only to be awakened by an erupting volcano. Upon awakening, two groups made their mark on the world for over the next thirty-plus years.
The Autobots and the Decepticons.
However, something has changed. One year ago, the Cybertronians disappeared off the face of the earth after the destruction of Jasper, Nevada; a place where Autobot and Decepticon sightings were frequent on a weekly basis. Based on reports from the U.S. Military Department, a small earthquake had been triggered in the region that the town was in, and the resulting impact had resulted in the entire town being demolished in the process with hundreds killed.
Only a quarter of the town's population had survived.
Like all tragedies, the media latched onto it and tried to milk it to every last drop before moving on to the next tragedy. As time moved on, people just put the incident of Jasper behind them and tried to focus on the future while ignoring everything about it. Including the lack of Autobots and Decepticons in the months following Jasper's destruction.
But alas, all good things must come to an end.
It was a typical day in New York City; the streets were bustling with crowds of people – whether they'd be tourists, or local residents – the roads were densely crowded thanks to rush hour, and there just seemed to be a rush of energy to everyone in the Big Apple.
A small crowd of people waited patiently for the traffic light to hit red, and when it did, they started to make their way over to the next street when out of the blue, a large green-purple dump truck comes barreling around the corner and almost runs over the crowd of pedestrians without hesitation. As others stop to stare at this in shock and confusion, some notices several other vehicles quietly drive up next to the dump truck with the same type of paint job.
And all without a driver inside.
"Watch where you're going!" A man screamed, pounding the door of the dump truck with both fists and his face as red as a tomato. "You're gonna kill somebody! You—Hey!" The man fell back on his ass, while staring in awe as the dump truck started to transform into what seemed to be mechanical limbs before slowly rising up to reveal what it truly was to the now gathering crowd around it.
A Transformer.
Behind the dump truck, the other vehicles had transformed as well into giant, bi-pedal robots of the same color and built, indicating that they're all part of a team of some kind. But no one in the crowd took notice of the purple symbol emblazoned on their front chest. A menacing icon of purple.
These Transformers were Decepticons.
And still, no one noticed.
"Are they walking around?! That's awesome!"
"Is this a movie thing? What movie is this?"
"Holy…! Dude, get a photo of this! Get a photo!"
"Man, this ain't right…"
Amidst the crowd of people, a teenage boy of Asian descent, black hair with green streaks, and a bright-red jacket was sizing up the giant robots with an odd look in his eye. After a moment of observation, his eyes fell upon the robots' chests, and his eyes went wide with horror. Running past the crowd, not bothering to apologize to the people he pissed off by pushing by them, he ran into an alleyway and said only two words,
Back with the crowd, one of the giant robots with a red visor for eyes and a faceplate for a mouth stepped forward with its arms stretched out in a placating manner. "Human creatures of Earth, we come in peace. We come to you to preach the message of unity, co-operation, and goodwill between our races."
He smiled under his faceplate, while his squad-mates started chuckling behind him. "Ours is a message of kindness."
As soon as he finished speaking, the leader pulled out a blaster that he kept on his person and fired into the crowd, killing dozens in a single blast. All at once, the others started to do the same, unleashing hell onto the now screaming and fleeing humans with cackles of maniacal glee. Whether incinerated by the blasts or stomped on by the Decepticons, the humans stood no chance against these instruments of destruction.
"Man, these humans are so weak!" Bonecrusher exclaimed, kicking away a wailing police car with ease. "Even the things they build are so soft, no wonder those Autobots tried defending a race of primitive hippies."
"Yeah well, look on the bright side," Mixmaster commented, destroying a nearby store with a single shot from his blaster. "Those Autobots aren't around to protect them anymore, so who's gonna stop us from having some fun now?!"
Mixmaster turned around, and was thrown back by a force that rivalled that of a punch from Optimus Prime. While the Constructicon was laid out on the ground, clutching his damaged cheek, the others turned their attention to the angry-looking red-winged creature giving them a stare that could make melt steel if it could.
The American Dragon, Jake Long, sneered at the Decepticons before saying, "Do you have any idea how many people you just killed now?"
Silence, before Hook snobbishly replied, "Like a lot."
Jake's eyes bulged in anger, before he took in a deep breath and let loose a wave of fire that hit Hook straight in the face. While it did no significant damage to him overall, it scorched his facial paint and forced him to take several steps back. The others raised their guns, aiming right at the enraged dragon.
"NOT ONE DEATH HERE WILL GO UNAVENGED, YOU BASTARDS! NOT ONE!" He roared, before he soared towards Scrapper, who narrowly dodged the meta-human and fired at his retreating back. Jake did the same with the blast, though he winced slightly as he felt the tip of his scaly skin melt under the shot's plasma exterior.
He locked eyes with Long Haul, who was charging at the dragon at a rapid pace, and charged right towards the Constructicon as well. Long Haul threw out a right hook, and Jake merely swooped right under it and his legs, before rising up and landing a mean double-ax blow on the back of the Decepticon's head, knocking him off-balance.
Jake turned around just in time to see a purple hand flying towards him, before he found himself flying through several buildings and landing in the middle of an intersection. The dragon-boy moaned in pain, his body aching in pain and blackness slowly gathering in the corners of his eyes while people were screaming all around him.
Back on the streets, Scrapper coldly looked at the holes he made while his men slowly picked themselves back up from the attack. Despite his victory, the Decepticon found no pleasure in it; He and his men were overwhelmed by the strange human, who had been taken down by a surprise attack, something that they all hated. To them, a surprise attack was a cowardly tactic used by warriors of Starscream's caliber. And anyone similar to Starscream deserved to be ejected into a black hole immediately.
Speaking of Starscream…
"Flyboys are here." Bonecrusher muttered, glaring at the squadron of Seekers laying waste to a nearby region of humans, led by a red-white-and-blue jet that screamed as loudly as its bi-pedal form.
"C'mon," Scrapper grunted, kicking over a building in frustration. "We got a job to finished, and dammit, that's what we're gonna do."
Meanwhile, in the City of Manhatten, a group of fighter jets was laying waste to entire blocks of the city with perpetual ease with missiles, EMPs, and even bursts of acid rain. After a short while, three lone jets broke from the group and began transforming mid-air, skidding along the ground once completed and started to open fire on various crowds of people.
They were the three main Seekers of the Decepticon Army; Thundercracker and Skywarp, the Twin Terrors of the Decepticon Seekers, and Starscream, Air Commander and Second-in-Command of the Decepticon Army.
"Look at them run!" Starscream crowed, blasting apart a nearby restaurant, killing dozens in the process. "Our very presence fills them with terror!"
Skywarp chuckled behind him, "You wanna see terror, wait 'til Megatron gets here."
That had about the opposite effect on Starscream, as per usual. "MEGATRON?" he exclaimed, making a fist at the Seeker, who cowered behind his blue double. In his rage, Starscream began shooting at anything in his sights, picturing them to be the Decepticon leader himself. "Fear! Terror! I am the Master of these things, not-"
A sharp intake from his subordinates made him swivel around, and equally tremble in fear at the sight of him. Standing at approximately 32 ft tall with a silver scheme to his body, coupled with purple trims and spiked shoulders and pointed helmet, and a large arm cannon strapped onto his body stood the Decepticon Leader himself, Megatron.
Swallowing what little pride he had inside his spark, Starscream stepped forward and started groveling before his master's feet like a dog. "It's not often we see you on the front lines so early, my liege… a pleasure. As you can see, our plan is working perfectly. The destruction of this—"
"'Destruction'?" Megatron queried in his low, gravelly voice. Taking a few steps forward, his optics locked onto a nearby skyscraper and aimed his fusion cannon straight at the base of it. "As always, Starscream, you talk big…" He pulled the trigger, and fired.
With a single shot, the skyscraper was brought down to the streets, killing all those who were still inside the building, along with anyone else hiding out on the ruined streets that the Decepticons was wrecking havoc on.
Megatron walked away, not bothering to look at the others, who stared at their leader's handiworks with looks of shock. "When everything about you is small."
The carnage continued, with thousands of humans being ruthlessly slaughtered by the extra-terrestrial villains without mercy. Not even the might of both the National Guard and the U.S. Army could make a dent in the Decepticons' rampage across the Island of Manhattan. Eventually, a small group of them convened at the heart of Times Square, taking a brief respite while the rest of their forces laid waste to New York around them.
"ATTENTION, LORD MEGATRON. HOSTILE AIRCRAFT APPROACHING. ORIGIN, SOUTH BY SOUTHEAST." Soundwave, the most loyal member of the Decepticon Army, addressed his leader, who stared in the direction that his minion described to him. Using his scanners, he could make out a small group of human aircraft heading in their way.
"Finally," he said with a dark smile.
Starscream was equally as excited. "Decepticons! Transform and rise up!"
"HALT!" Megatron shouted, throwing out a hand to stop the Seekers from taking off. "Belay that order, let them come themselves." Ignoring Starscream's squawks of protest, Megatron smirked at the fighters that were approaching. "Soundwave, if you would be so kind?"
As soon as they got close enough, the jet fighters let loose a plethora of missiles that sailed towards the Decepticons, who stood there unflinchingly as the missiles grew ever so closer. Suddenly, the missiles trajectory switched to anywhere but the Decepticons, slamming into the buildings, streets, and even back at the fighters themselves.
And the Decepticons never budged an inch.
Megatron laughed, as the fighters then switched from missiles to their 20 mil cannons, the bullets bouncing off their hard exterior. "Decepticons, the humans had their chance, now it is our turn! TEAR THEM APART!"
At once, the Seekers took off towards the humans, tearing into the group of fighters with no mercy. In the span of a few seconds, the humans had lost half of their pilots and began to retreat from the battlefield only to be stopped by the ground-bound Decepticons, who picked off the fleeing humans.
One particular fighter received a scoring blow on its right wing, causing it to spin out of control while the pilot desperately wrestles for control inside the cockpit. With a heavy heart, he realized that there was no way to stop and simply closed his eyes in acceptance, sending a final farewell to his beloved wife when-
Jolting in his seat, his jaw dropped in shock at the sight of a badly-wounded red dragon struggling to stop the fighter from crashing into the streets below. Realizing that he might have a chance of living, the pilot grasped the yoke and pulled back on it, helping the dragon (Something he still couldn't fathom, even more than giant killer robots!) stop his jet.
A minute later, and after much screaming and sweat poured from every gland of his body, the pilot heaved a sigh of relief as the dragon lowered his jet to the ground. He was alive.
Unstrapping himself and hopping out of his ruined fighter (Taking a moment to lament the ruined old girl), he turned his attention to the dragon who struggled to stay awake. "You! Ho-how did you-"
"Dragon strength," the dragon mumbled, laying itself flat on the ground. "Comes with the whole package… any questions you have have to be put on hold, Imma pass out now."
The dragon's head lolled to the side, and it stopped moving. For a moment, the pilot feared that the dragon had died when suddenly, it disappeared in a ball of flame and took on the form of… a boy?! Dumbfounded, the pilot tentatively approached the unconscious kid and pressed two fingers up against his neck, searching for a pulse until he found one, albeit very weak.
Heaving a sigh of relief, the pilot looked all around him for any signs of giant robots or magical dragons, until he found none. It was only him, the boy, and the ruins of the city around him. Letting out another sigh, he picked up the wounded boy, wincing at the nasty wounds and bruises on his face and body, before jogging away from the burning city.
All across the United States, news footage of the invasion in New York City was being broadcasted live across all networks, showcasing the horror and devastation wrought upon the Big Apple by the merciless invaders.
As the numbers of the dead started pouring in, and the chaos began to violently rise within the hour, the people began reacting badly to this. Riots across the country began breaking out in cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, and even in Washington D.C. itself. President Keller, seeing this, was forced enact martial law in these cities with the National Guard putting down these riots through acts of force that left many dead.
And throughout all this, the people who has dealt with situations of this caliber (Whether it be with the paranormal, meta-humans, supervillains, etc.) began taking productive measures to either defend their homes, or started heading towards New York to help fight against the Decepticons.
But there was one question on everyone's mind, even the violent ones who continued to riot in the streets; If the Decepticons was here on Earth, then where is Optimus Prime and the Autobots?
Cybertron, the birthplace of the Transformers.
Once a thriving and peaceful world, the planet is now a barren husk of a planet with decaying cities haunted by the sparks of the millions who have died in the eons of warfare between the Autobots and Decepticons. And now, it is the new hiding spot for the Autobots after The Incident that happened less than a stellar cycle ago.
In the ruins of Iacon, Kup – the training instructor for the Autobots – walked through rows of dejected and tired Autobots with a somber look and a data-packet clutched tightly in his hands. What was on it is what put the grizzled veteran in a bad mood. It was Hot Rod's report on activities happening on Earth, and the thing that stood out in the report was that Megatron had finally decided to attack, targeting the city of New York and levelling it in the process.
After maneuvering his way through the labyrinth of the old capital building, Kup found the bot he was looking for; Ultra Magnus, the acting commander of the Autobots.
Without a word, he handed the data-packet over to the weary veteran, who took it with a face that matched his posture. A few nano-klicks later, Magnus's face went from weariness, to shock, then anger, to out-right fury before he launched at the wall with a loud bellow and stormed out of the room without another word.
And Kup said nothing throughout the whole ordeal. He merely sighed, placing a hand up to his head and rubbing it slowly to provide some level of comfort, but ultimately found none. He took a look inside the room Ultra Magnus was standing out of, and felt another wave of regret threaten to overload his spark chamber.
I wish you were here with us, old friend, Kup sadly though, turning around and slowly walking away. We could really use your guidance right about now.
In the room behind him, the beaten, damaged, and offline form of Optimus Prime said nothing as the medics around him continued to work on rebuilding the gaping wound around his chest-area.