Instagram fail

"Hey angel, come here a second, would you?"

Aziraphale, who was making himself hot cocoa, raised his head. "In a second, my dear," he said as he put a spoon on his cup. He walked to the couch and sat next to the angel, who was holding his phone and seemed rather focused on whatever he was doing.

"Alright, so, as you now know, I invented selfies," Crowley said, proudly.

"Yes, no need to remind me. Would have been nice to know before that whole Snapchat thing or however it's called."

"Care to tell me how that would have made things different then?" Crowley asked.

"It wouldn't have had changed anything, but at least I would have known it had to do with your demonic deeds."

"I invented selfies, not the stupid apps humans use to take them," Crowley paused, slightly annoyed by the assumption. "Anyways, this is why I told you to come," he said, as he showed him his phone. "I honestly don't know why it took me so long to have an account here, look." Crowley showed Aziraphale the home menu of Instagram. He had only been there for about half an hour but he had already found and followed Anathema, Newt and Adam and also put as his profile picture a photo of him and Aziraphale.

"What am I supposed to be looking at? Why did you even bring up selfies?" He took a sip of his cocoa.

"Hang on! I'm getting there! Alright, so unlike Snapchat, you can post pictures here and they won't disappear in 24 hours, see?" He showed the angel Anathema's profile, which now included pictures of her with Newt in her cottage. "You can post those 24 hours pictures, which are called stories and photos people can see at any given point," he explained. "How about we do that?" Crowley asked, giving Aziraphale a warm smile.

"Do what? Go to Anathema's and take a photo with her and Newt to post it?"

"You know that's not what I mean," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Then what do you mean, love?" Aziraphale asked, pretending to not be following. He wanted Crowley to tell him exactly what he wanted, he knew he was too proud to do that.

"Oh, don't make me say it," Crowley begged. Aziraphale raised an eyebrow. "Alright. How about we use this account to, I don't know, post pictures of us every now and then?" He shrugged.

"What for?" He took another sip while staring at Crowley.

"Stop it angel! You just want me to say that-"

"That you what?" Aziraphale insisted.

"That I love taking photos of you and I want the world to see them!" He finally said.

"Was it that hard to admit aloud?" Aziraphale asked with a smile on his face. "I like the idea, Crowley, let's do it. It's silly, but why not?"

"Really?" He asked excitedly and gave the angel a quick kiss on the lips, who happily responded to it. "So what do you say about posting a story right now? Of you drinking hot cocoa."

"No! Why must it be a picture of me?" Aziraphale complained.

"Then what about a video? Of me saying you're drinking hot cocoa."

"Wouldn't that ruin it? If I knew you were recording me, it wouldn't have the same effect as if I were caught by surprise."

"So you do know how it works Aziraphale!" Crowley mocked him.

"I know enough my dear."

"Fine, then what about we post a picture and put some stupid hashtags and all that?" Crowley suggested. He could have done all done all that without consulting Aziraphale, and he considered doing it, but he was curious about where this could head if he told the angel. Besides, he was going to find out sooner or later. "Oh! What about posting a picture and a short video for the stories?"

It was Aziraphale's turn to roll his eyes. Crowley took that as a "yes" and started recording the video. The angel had thought of something then.

"Hey there! It's Crowley here and Aziraphale, drinking his cocoa," he said as he pointed to Aziraphale, who only stared at the camera while sipping his cup. He flipped the camera and continued, and Aziraphale took advantage of that to put his plan in motion. "As you can see, we're at Aziraphale's bookshop and here we have-."

Silence. Crowley stopped recoding, and turned towards Aziraphale, who had just given him a soft kiss on his cheek.

"What was that about?" He asked, trying to hide his smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I was recording something!" Crowley complained.

"Yes, and I kissed you. I think there is no mystery on what either of us were doing," he said calmly. Crowley did not seem to be responding. "Go on dear, keep doing your thing."

"Was this your way of telling me to stop and let you drink in peace?"

"Interpret it as you wish."

"No, no, no, angel, you're not getting away with this."

"I'm not?"

"NO", Crowley said. "This is about what you said earlier, isn't it?" Crowley knew which game the angel was playing but he was not having it, not this time.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Okay then, I'll just go on with my thing," he was decided to try to record another story.

"Now you're going to make me beg, aren't you?"

"Beg? That's holy," Crowley said, nearly in a whisper as he got closer to Aziraphale.

"I believe we've settled that you're not entirely evil, my sweet demon," he said and kissed Crowley. A tender kiss, accompanied by a caressing touch on Crowley's cheek.

The kiss did not last long, since Crowley ended up wrapping his arms around Aziraphale and placing his head on his chest. The angel moved his free hand up and down Crowley's back, giving him the warm the demon lacked.

"Are we not going to the park then? It's getting late" Aziraphale asked.

"So now you do know that's what I was talking about!"

Aziraphale laughed. His laugh lighted up Crowley's world. He could stay on that position until the end of times, listening to the angel's peaceful breathing and having his scent so near him.

"Let's stay like this for a while. Then I'll post a pic on the account because you interrupted me earlier and then we'll go," Crowley replied with his eyes closed.

"Alright dear," said Aziraphale, and closed his eyes as well.

They fell asleep, holding onto each other. They did not make it to the park that day, and the picture would be posted several hours later. Aziraphale's hot cocoa cooled.