Steph pulled into the parking garage at RangeMan, parked in "her" spot and got Rex's cage out of the passenger seat. She carried it over to the elevator and giving a small wave to the camera, pushed the button for the control room. Once the doors opened, there was a small cheer of "Bomber". She chuckled and headed over to Hal's office. Knocking on the door at the same time as turning the knob, she went inside.

"Hey Hal, thanks for watching Rex for a few days for me." "Not a problem Steph. I like the little guy. Bring him out to the monitor station and we'll get him set up." Steph followed Hal out on the floor and together, they made a home for Rex and his cage at the monitor station. Once settled, Steph filled his water bottle and handed Hal the bag of hamster snacks. A few of the guys came over and rubbed a finger down his back and dropped treats in his food dish. He now had raisins, carrot chunks, sunflower seeds, as well as his hamster snacks.

They were all watching Rex shove all of the treats in his cheeks when the elevator opened and a sea of black came onto the floor. Ranger looked at Steph and smiled. "Hey Babe, what's up?" She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. Lester leaned over and presented his cheek to her so laughing, she kissed him as well. Bobby pushed Lester out of the way and he also got a kiss. Ranger slapped both of them in the back of the head and pushed them away. Steph laughed and said, "I was just dropping Rex off for a few days. I'm going out of town and Hal said he'd take care of him." Ranger looked at her surprised that he didn't know that she was heading out of town. "Where are you going Babe?"

"Well, I've been saving up for quite a while for this weekend. I'm heading out of town to spend time with my two favorite guys." Ranger slammed his blank face on and said curtly, "Well, have a good trip" and turned and walked to his office and slammed the door shut. Steph looked at him with a shocked look on her face. "What the hell?" Bobby and Lester didn't say anything and just looked at her. Finally Bobby said, "Steph, you just told Ranger you were going out of town to meet two guys. How do you think you would feel if he told you he was going away to meet two women?" Steph looked at him dumbfounded before she started laughing. Once she started, she couldn't stop. Finally a few minutes later, she wiped the tears off her face that had fallen in all of her laughing. Lester and Bobby just stared at her. She looked at them and shaking her head said, "Follow me."

She headed to Ranger's office and didn't bother to knock. She threw open the door and said, "What the hell is your problem?" "Babe, you told me you were going away to spend the weekend with two men. How do you think that makes me feel? I thought things were going nicely between us and we were headed in a direction that we both wanted, but now you're spending the weekend with two men." Steph just shook her head at him and started laughing again. Ranger looked at Lester and Bobby, both of whom were shaking their heads at her. Finally, she plopped down on the couch in the office and said, "Carlos, I'm not spending the weekend with two men. I'm finally doing something that I've wanted to do for years but never had the money to do". She paused and looking at him said, "I'm going to Vermont to the Ben and Jerry's factory and doing the Flavor Fanatic Experience. I get to take a factory tour, work with an employee and help have ice cream. Not to mention all of the tasting I get to do. I'm making a weekend of it, driving up and staying over a couple days and then driving home." She looked between Ranger, Lester and Bobby, but none of them was saying anything. "Guys? I'm spending the weekend with Ben and Jerry, the ice cream guys? I don't even know if they are there, but their ice cream will be and that's all I care about."

Finally Lester started laughing. He pointed to Ranger and said, "You thought she was going out with two guys? She's going to go eat ice cream." Bobby chuckled a little too and then finally Ranger smiled. "Babe." She sighed and said, "Well, now that that's taken care of, I think I'll be going. I have about a 6 hour drive ahead of me and I want to make a few stops along the way to see different sights. I'll be back sometime on Sunday evening and will come by to pick up Rex." She headed for the door and before she could get it open, Ranger grabbed her and spun her into his arms and claimed her lips with his. They kissed long enough for Lester to clear his throat. Ranger shot him a glare and said, "Don't you have your own office?" Lester pouted and then snapped his fingers. "I have a great idea." Ranger and Bobby both groaned, but Lester continued. "I think we should all go with you. I like ice cream and have never seen how it's made and besides, it's been a long time since I've been out of Trenton for something other than work." Bobby agreed and then looked at Steph. "Steph, honey, do you mind if Lester and I come with you? We both have the weekend off so we wouldn't be missing any work." Steph laughed and said, "Well, if your boss says it's okay with him, then it's okay with me." The guys looked at Ranger with sad, puppy dog faces and together, they said, "Please boss?" Ranger shook his head at them and then looked at Steph. "If you let Dipsy and Doodle go with you, can I go too?" She smiled and pulled him in for another kiss. Bobby looked at Lester and said, "I think that's a yes. Let's go pack! Steph, we'll be back in about 15 minutes." They both left the office and Ranger pulled back from her. Tucking a stray curl behind her ear, he said, "Are you really okay with this? I can tell the guys to stay here if you don't want them." She shook her head, "No, I think it will be fun and I want you to go too. I was going to ask you to come with me, but didn't think you'd be interested." "Babe, I'm always interested in spending time with you. I'll go pack a bag quick and then be back down in a few minutes. Can you go tell Tank that I'm going with you?" She agreed and he headed upstairs.