Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Oh wow, a lemon setup, how un-fucking-creative."

Yes, yes, can you all blame me? Besides, I'm sure some of you are having a good time screaming in your heads that I'm not doing some things that should be done, but why should I really worry?

Now then, a few rules for this lemon series:

1. No gays (yaoi), lesbian (yuri), bisexual, transgender, futanari, queer, LGBTQ+, or non-binary characters, unless they are secondary. The reason of this is because my main story has this already so I want something that doesn't have the group, ok? I ain't no homopho, no bipho, no tranpho, no LGBTQ+pho, no non-binarepho, and no other kind of pho.

2. The one-shots will come out whenever the hell I get them done. This may take a week or a month, but it will get done, but pretty slowly.

3. I encourage original characters, not required, but just encouraged.


It was an early May when the temperature was fair, the winds were clean, and the air was fresh, and the best part, we got the pool up and running. Alright, fine, that's actually the downside of owning a pool and wanting to go swim in it. The pool we had wasn't too bad, well, we screwed up this year unlike the other ones. And I'll explain how. You see, earlier in April, my parents thought to drain the pool and refill it so it would require less work later on since we could just dump in whatever chemicals were needed. You'd think we'd be ok right, no of course not. Then it was raining, and soon we had other things to do and we found that our pool became green. It's May and we still have to get the pool up and going.

Now, I forgot to introduce myself, not that anyone would really give a damn, I'm Fredrick Cortes, I'm 17 years old, I'm white, and I'm going to get this pool up and going whether I need to kick my ass out of bed myself, or get an alarm clock. Alright, not the greatest introduction. Um, let's see, I got brown hair in a decent style, I'm 5' 5", and I'm currently getting up.

Yes, I am. I just woke up from the day after those damn end of the year tests. We homeschool, but it's still the same setup. The only difference is, is that I had to go to the library to get my test done since the computers at home were having there internet redone, or was redone. Right now I got internet so I'm set, but right now, I need to get up.

I opened my eyes seeing my room, my computer, my Xbox, and then everything else. I pulled off the covers and stretched myself, yawning and cracking my neck. After that, I jumped out of bed and grabbed my shorts on the floor, put them on, and went straight out to go get some breakfast. I walked out of my room, down the hallway, then down the stairs, and into the downstairs hallway, and then strolled on in into the kitchen.

The kitchen was pretty big seeing as it had a table that could seat seven people on it, plus counter in the middle, and the stove that was close to the entrance to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, got two out the egg carton, three eggs, and put away the carton, and closed the fridge door. I put the eggs on the counter and went around the counter to get the bottle of olive oil. Then I took out the frying pan form the dish drainer and put it on the stove, turned on the heat, poured in the oil, and waited for the oil to become fluid.

As I waited, my father came into the kitchen greeting, "Morning Fred."

I nodded, "Morning dad."

"Hopefully you got something to do."

"Yeah, I'm going to get that pool cleaned up."

"Good idea, God only knows what's in there."

"It can't be that bad, it's only been a month."

"Fred, you'll be surprised what the hell could appear in something that hasn't been touched in a week, let alone a month."


"Also, I'll be going out for a few hours to help your older brother with something. He said that his truck has an alternator issue and he needs help."

Yeah, my father is a car mechanic, it has its perks. I asked, "So I'm staying here alone?"

"Well your brother said he wanted to have the truck fixed as soon as possible, and your mother said she'll be going out to run a lot of errands. Well, she must've gone out early since she wasn't in bed."

I looked out the window in the driveway and saw that her car was gone. I said, "Yeah, her car is gone."

My father nodded, "Well, I'm gonna go. Try not to cause too much trouble."

I gave my father a nod of acknowledgment and he left out the door. I put my focus back on the pan as the oil was a very quick liquid, so I took an egg, cracked it, put it in, and a loud sizzle appeared. I did this for the next two eggs, and let them sizzle away. I went to the bread box and pulled out the whole white bread, opened it, tore off a big chunk that should be enough for the three eggs, and grabbed a plate from the dish drainer. This is what I'll be eating until we run out of bread, eggs, both, or something better comes along.

Once the eggs were cooked through, I took them out and onto the plate, and then walked over to the table, with the bread in my hand I also grabbed, and put it down. I went back to the counter to get a fork, and came back and ate my quick breakfast. I ate quickly because I wanted to get this pool cleaned up.

After I was done, I put the dish in the sink, went back upstairs, and got my shoes on. Then I thought that I wouldn't really need them since I might fall in the water. Instead, I grabbed my IPod Nano and headphones, and went out of the room down stairs. I opened up the doors to the back and walked to where the pool was. It was a light green, but it wasn't visible to about 4-5 feet deep.

My father built the pool about 10 years ago and put in the whole system. He was pretty damn good with these kind of mechanics. Alright, the pool took two years to build, but in the end we got it running well. But right now it was in no condition to be ran through the machine until I fish out any kind of animals in the water, if any.

I walked over to the shed and got the fishing net, which extended 12 feet deep which was only a foot off from the actual depth of the deep section, and walked back over to the pool to begin my search. Now, I started with the top layer for frogs, possible leaves, since we do live a tree infested area, and branches. After that, I began to dive the net into the deep part, and… what the? The net was at the bottom, solid, smooth concrete, but the net pushed against something heavy. I pushed harder, but since it did nothing, I said, "Alright, let's try this differently."

I plugged in my headphones, turned on my IPod, and played "Gangsta's Paradise" as I then took the net and push it down on something. Then whatever it was pushed and pulled on the net as if there was someone taunting with me. I mumbled, "Damn little…"

Then the net got pulled down as I nearly fell into the water, but was still able to get a couple drops on me. I got up as the net went slowly up, so I grabbed it and pulled the rest of it out. There wasn't anything in it, so what the hell could it be? Ok, I then told the pool, "Ok, whoever is there, I have a good knowledge of memes and movie lines, watch me whoop your ass. I'll be back."

Yeah, let's do this terminator style. I went into the shed, put my headphones and IPod there, and pulled out my father's .12 gauge. I told myself, "I'm sure he won't mind."

Another beauty of living where we live, very few people, and good gun rights. I walked back to the pool and loaded in a slug and said, "You want to play, ok then…"

And in my best impression of Al Pacino, "Say hello to my dad's little friend."

I blasted the bullet into the pool laughing slightly manically as the bullet went in. I yelled, "How ya like that?"

I got my response as a huge gush of water went right at me in my face. I was flung backwards, hitting my butt on the ground and the gun getting flown out of my hands. I went and got the gun, then walked back to the pool as I asked, "Ok whatever you are, I'll make sure to kick your ass!"

I loaded in another slug, oh the heck with it, I loaded in however many slugs I could and aimed at the water, "How many slugs can ya take?"

Then out of the water comes this pink tongue like rope as it grabs the gun and pulls it into the murky water. Oh crap. I ran off that deck faster than a deer from a hunter as explosions came out of the water which was whatever the hell was down there was firing the trigger. Then a jet of water flung the gun out of the pool, and to top it off the gun now had the barrel blown off. Whatever the hell is down there is going to make me get yelled at by my father.

Ok then, I put the gun aside and yelled, "Ok, thing, since you won't come out, I'm coming in!"

Another beauty of being secluded is that people can't think you're crazy. I went back into the house and to my room, and from there I went through the clothes drawers, trying to find my swimsuit. It wasn't anything fancy, only black shorts. I took off my clothes and stripped own naked, then put on the swimsuit and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the utensil drawer, something that could kill anything with one stab. I was about to go out, but then realized I needed my goggles, so I ran back up, got my goggles, back down, and now was ready to go kill that damn thing.

Outside, I saw that the gun was missing. Whatever it was must came out and took it, since I also saw footprints on the concrete. The weird thing about the footprints was that they were webbed; either this thing was a fish or a frog. Heh, yeah right, what frog walks on two legs? Can't be a fish like on Star Trek, so what the hell was it? I just got to the steps and dived in, despite the green, smelling, murky water, and swam under to find this thing.

Well, the shallow part wasn't going to show anything since it's only three feet deep. Once it started to get deeper and deeper, I swam underwater in hopes to find this thing and get rid of it. So far all I saw was cloudy water, nothing, and virtually no indication of a fish or frog. I swam up for water, and…

I felt a metal piece go to my neck as it dragged me down. It must've been whatever it was as I couldn't see anything, but get the feeling it wasn't anything I've seen before. I tried to fight back but whatever it was dragged me down to the bottom of the deep section, my breath running low, with the shotgun being pressed against my neck. I took my knife and sliced the thing in the leg as it would sting like hell for a skin cut. It worked as it let go of the shotgun, I then darted up, and made it up to the surface, breathing in huge breaths of air. I swam over to the steps, but then I felt my suit get pulled off as now I was naked. I got to the steps and looked over to see that my suit is gone and I still had my knife luckily. I yelled, "What's wrong? Only got my suit and gun?"

Then the gun came flying of the pool and jabbed into the dirt as I didn't see my trunks come out from the water. I got out and now was ready to kick this thing's ass with the only thing I know can work. I ran back in the house and up into my father's room as I knew he had a .22 pistol in here. I went through his drawers and found his .22 and three bullets. Now, I think one bullet will be enough to scare out the little nuisance.

I walked out of the room, down the stairs, and back out, only to see that the gun was gone again. Well, it ain't going anywhere this time. I yelled, "Alright, this is your final warning, either get out or I blow your brains out! So with that in mind ya feeling lucky punk?"

Something was a'movin' as I saw a figure on ground level. Then when it got to the shallow part, it looked like a huge frog. I was surprised and asked myself, "What kind of frog is that?"

Then it came on out as… no… fucking… way. That's impossible… th-that's impossible. When it came out… it was one of those Pokémon… from that show… that's not possible. They don't exists, h-how could one be in our pool? It was one of those, ninja things, damn I forgot the name, uh, let's see, um, I forgot. I laid the gun on the floor as the Pokémon kept its stare at me, wondering if I was going to do anything or just stand there. It stayed in its spot as I raised hands, "S-sorry, I thought it was something else."

It just snapped, "Greninja, Gre!"

That's what the damn Pokémon was called, a Greninja! And to make it embarrassing and better/worse, it was a female one. Ok, rocky start, I found a Pokémon in our pool and it ain't too happy. I asked her, "Listen, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused. I didn't know I had a Pokémon livin' in my pool. I guess I could let you come inside my house as a way to say sorry."

She stood there, but slowly came to the steps and walked on out. I looked at her and she was honestly pretty good lookin' for something that tried to drown me. But when I looked at her eyes, I noticed that the yellow parts were instead blue. Huh, interesting. I said, "Well, come on, my parents won't be home in a few hours so might as well have some time."

She followed in as I grabbed up the pistol, then I saw her stop as she thought I was going to do something. I reassured her, "Calm down, I'm gonna put it away."

She didn't seem too persuaded, but she slowly came along into my house. I got in and looked behind to see her looking about. I told her, "Now, I'm putting this away and getting clothes on. I don't like to walk around naked *especially in front of a girl*."

Even though it wasn't a human, I still felt uncomfortable being naked period, let along in the presence of a female. I went upstairs and took off my goggles, then put away my father's gun, and then out of frickin' nowhere the Greninja girl just appeared right in front of the hallway. I said, "Sorry, I just put away my father's gun. You don't need to see it anymore, but I need to get changed."

I just went passed her as she just stood there for a bit and I got to my room. I went down and… what the hell? She just appeared and knocked my underwear and clothes out of my hands. I asked, "Look, I know I tried shooting you, but is that the reason you have to be that mean?"

She looked to me and shook her head, "Nin."

What the hell going through that Pokémon's mind? Alright, let me sit down and mark down today's events. I went to clean the pool, blew up the barrel of my dad's shotgun, nearly drowned… wait. I looked to her and asked, "Um, how's that cut?"

She looked down on her leg as she said, "Greninja."

"It's fine?"

She nodded as I returned to my list. So, nearly drowned, then stripped naked, then I find out I got a Pokémon living in my pool, and now I'm sitting in my room, still naked, with a that Pokémon beside me. Well, I guess there wasn't too much but to either sit there until I can put some clothes on, or my parents come home. I asked her, "Can I really get my clothes on?"

She shook her head as I asked, "Why?"

All she did was give me a serious look. I asked again, "You want me like this?"

Then she nodded and sat down. I had a scary thought as she wanted to… uhhhh, let's not go that far, maybe there's another reason… like to ridicule me. I just sat there, then I asked, "Can I at least go on my Xbox?"

The frog girl just shrugged as I got to at least do something. I went over and turned on my Xbox, then grabbed the controller and turned on the TV screen. I first loaded up my world and spawned right in front of my house. It was a decent Minecraft house that had the usual setup of a chest, bed, furnace, crafting table, the structure made of oak wood, and got the lighting from the torches. I went out of the house and into the mine tunnel I made about a year ago. The mines were more or less empty since I've gone through them so many times that there wasn't even coal in here.

After the trip of just roaming around, I got back to the surface of the world and went over to my pasture. I built the landscape more like our home here, even the pool. I was getting into it, but she wasn't interested one bit. Oh well. I got to the animal pen and had the usual pigs, sheep, cows, such and such, and said, "Alright, let's get a few."

I went in and killed some of the animals, and there the girl asked as if I was killing someone, "Greninja Greninja?"

I chuckled, "Calm down, it's a game."

There were still a few of the animals left, so I went and bred them and made little ones… uh-oh. I did that and I looked to her as she was looking a little different. That wasn't a good sign and I said, "Ok, now to go to the…"

Then without warning, she got up and turned off the game. I asked, "What the heck? The least you could've done was give me a warning?"

The damn Pokémon was acting as weird as me on alcohol, which thankfully my father never found out, and she was just doing things by her own will. I asked her, "Why are you acting like this, hmm? I let you come on in my house, I let you in here, I didn't put a bullet in your head, and now you think you're king of the house?"

She got up again and this time closed the door. I now got up and said, "Hey, what the hell…"

She locked it and looked back to me as she had a look in her blue eyes. Uh-uh, oh no, hell no! I ain't going to get it on with a frog thank you very much. I calmly said, "Hey, I'm sorry I went and got a little angry there, but could you please just back away from the door?"

She wasn't moving as she then said, almost sing-song, "Grenin, Greninja."

I still couldn't get where she was going, but she walked up to me and pushed me on my bed. This was getting a little uncomfortable as I asked, "What are you…"

Then she got on top of me as I went wide eyed in fear yelling, "Whoa, whoa, I'm not a Pokémon!"

She didn't care as she just whispered, "Ninja."

I tried to push her off, but she pushed back and we were fighting; only she kept her eyes on me as I was trying to get her off. Then she put her face closer as her tongue moved off and then… she kissed me. I'm being kissed by a frickin' frog! I continued trying to push her off as she just held the kiss to me. Once she broke it, I wasn't changed a bit. Then she looked at me and asked, "Greninja?"

I said, "I ain't a Pokémon, get off!"

It almost look like she had her heart bust as she quietly questioned, "Gre?"

Then before I could say anything, she ran off the bed, and went out the door, after unlocking it, leaving me along in the room. I guess it finally got to her. I then put on my clothes as I finally could get on with life, but maybe I should go apologize for that. I opened the door and…

*Shotgun fire* Oh no… no, no, no, NO, NO! She didn't go do what I think she did, oh my God. I ran down the steps and sped outside trying to find where that shot was from. I looked around, worried that I just caused someone to go kill themselves. I went around the pool, then by the shed, then I found the tip of the shotgun right around the corner of the house. I ran there…

I was tackled to the ground by the Greninja as she had a smug smile on her face, apparently fooling me and on top of me. I asked, "Was it necessary for me to think you killed yourself?"

She nodded as she planted another kiss. I pushed her back saying, "Look, I get you like me, but I'm not a Pokémon. Around here, people frown at things I like."

She crossed her arms and asked, "Grenin, Greninja?"

"And I can't understand a damn word you say."

She just sighed as I said, "Look, let's go inside and try to get this cleared up. I'm sure there's a way to fix this."

She didn't move as she bent down and said, almost like a threat, "Gre… nin… ja."

Damn, is it this hard to have a Pokémon? I said, "Look, what do you want?"

She pointed to herself, then to me, and then hugged me as I asked, "You want to be with me?"

She nodded. I asked her, "So, what's wrong?"

All she did was look up and point to herself, then used two fingers which I can tell means small. Small her? I asked, "Small you?"

She shook her head as I asked, "Let's go to my room and maybe we could sort this out."

Now she was starting to warm up as she got off me. I got up and now put a good question, "Could I give you a name so I don't have to call you by your Pokémon name?"

She looked at me strange, but nodded afterwards. What would go well with a frog? Hmm… haven't had anything to name… ooh, I have one. I asked, "How about Lily?"

She nodded to it as now I have my own Greninja. This day is getting better, and my parents will be having a long talk, and I mean long. We went back in and to my room, only for me to get out a notebook and a pen, then I asked, "So, what were you trying to tell me?"

Lily ignored the pen and paper and was looking instead at a Pokémon card I had. It was a slightly torn Froakie card… oh… I asked Lily, "You… want… a Froakie?"

She looked to me and nodded. "A-as in, both of us…"

Lily nodded once more. Oh this is going to be a long day. I put the supplies back on the desk and said, "Lily, what am I going to do? If my parents actually see that I'm having a relationship with a frog, do you want to see what their reaction would be? What everyone else would think?"

She obviously didn't care and went to me and said, "Greninja."

Oh God, help me please. I said, "O-ok, look, I still think this is a bad idea…"

And she went in for another kiss. I broke it but sighed, "Well, I guess you'll be persistent until you get what you want."

Lily nodded. Ok, here goes one long trip to hell for me. I said, "Alright, I guess we could… try?"

Then she jumped on me as she hugged the life out of me, thinking I just came back from the dead. I said, "Calm down, there's no need to make it dramatic."

Honestly, I don't think she was listening. She pushed me on the bed again and tried to take off my shirt. I told her, "Look, I'll take off my clothes by myself if that's what you want. I'm still slightly embarrassed by it."

She waved her hand off as it meaning that I'll be fine. I sat up and took my shirt off, then I took my pants off, and this left me my underwear. She pointed at it and down to the floor. I was still worried of it and said, "O-ok."

I pulled off my underwear and then she pushed me back on the bed and looked at me as her blue eyes shimmered a bit, then she moved down and licked over my member as the feeling was a little pleasant, but the slimy feeling was a little too much. She then pressed her whole mouth over it and began sucking on it. Oh God, this was good. You know what, to hell with that I'm gonna be having sex with a Pokémon, could be worse like an animal.

She continued on sucking on it as it got officially erect. The pleasure I was getting was pretty damn good as she kept this up. Lily sped up a bit as I was starting to feel my penis get that feeling of ready to blow. I told her, "Careful… it's coming closer."

Instead she went faster and, oh my God! That was one hell of an orgasm, well my first one at least since I learned this crap, as whatever I had went into her mouth. The semen just was leaking from her mouth down my penis and Lily just swallowed whatever was left in her mouth. I asked her, slightly out of breath, "Maybe…we should… have a break."

She didn't listen and told me, "Grenin."

Come on girl, can't I just have a bit of rest? She then climbed on me and positioned herself over and inserted herself on me. I felt something hit the tip and then bust as I also saw Lily's face let a tear. She was a virgin so she must've busted her hymen. I asked, "You ok?"

She nodded and we continued. Lily started bobbing again and it was a weird feeling to feel what the inside of a vagina feels like, but despite that, it felt great. As she bobbed, I heard her breaths become heavier and heavier. I was in a similar way to as my breathing was getting harder and faster as she was constantly increasing the pace. I told her, "It's… ok… don't… rush…"

Lily still wasn't listening as she kept on bouncing on my penis. I told her, "C-care…full."

She was bobbing on faster as the pleasure increased and she was really losing it. Her tongue scarf just unraveled as it went onto my face as her face was showing that she enjoyed a lot. Then I felt that feeling again as I yelled, "Lily!"

I ejaculated into her as she moaned out loud in pleasure, then collapsed on my body as now my day, and possibly my life, was finished. I just had sex with a Pokémon and now I was going to get screamed at by my parents. Maybe they won't find out. She moved off my member as she went up and kissed me. It was the only time being disgusting because I think I tasted my own semen. Pretending that didn't happen, I asked her, "Well, you satisfied now?"

She smiled at me and nodded. Well, great, maybe it won't be too bad. After our sex, I cleaned everything up so this way if anyone enters they won't smell anything or see anything that indicated I went and did something with Lily. After that, I went back to the pool and worked on it.

This is actually more of a benefit for Lily since she just swam through it and found nothing floating about, so now I just dumped in the right amounts of chlorine and made sure the machine was running so it got through. After the time of then having Lily fish out all the bullets that may be in the pool and me having to clean up around the place, we got the pool finished for today and then at the end of the day, I heard my father's car come up. I jumped as I told myself, "How can I explain I got a Pokémon here?"

I looked to Lily as she was confused. I told her, "My father's here. I can try to explain to him, but I think it'd be better if you just come along so I can explain it easier."

Lily nodded and we went into the house. I heard my father call, "Fred!"

Lily looked at me as I whispered, "Yeah, my name's Fred, or Fredrick."

We continued and before we entered the kitchen, I told Lily, "Stay here until I call you."

She nodded and I walked in. My father looked to me as I entered and smiled, "Ah, there you are. How's the pool?"

"It's going good. There was one thing floating around, but it's out of there."

"Huh, what was it?"

"A frog."

"Heh, figures. I'd expect that."

"How's the car doing?"

"Your brother's car needs some extra working tomorrow. Luckily he don't need it fixed until three days from now so he's lucky."

"Well, at least at he'll be set by tomorrow. Um, also dad, another thing about the pool."

My father gave me a disappointed face saying, "Don't tell me the machine's busted."

"No, no, everything's working fine."

"So what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, but I got a friend from the pool."

"A friend? From the pool? You're telling me you got that frog you found?"

"Well, dad, you see, it's not exactly a frog."

Now I just confused my dad as he asked me, "Then what the hell is it?"

I said, "Lily, you better get in here."

Lily walked on in as my father's eyes doubled as he looked at the Pokémon. He asked, "Fred, did you find a canister of Russian uranium by any chance?"

I explained, "No, this is how she is supposed to look."


"You know the Pokémon cartoons I watched as a kid?"


"Well, this is a Pokémon, standing right here."

He looked over Lily as he asked, "This is some kind joke, it has to be."

"I ain't dad, she can prove it."

Lily nodded, "Greninja Greninja."

Dad just backed away from her back to the counter and asked, "And what are you going to do with her?"

I shrugged, "She can stay here."

"And exactly where can we stick her? The pool, I assume, is probably filled with chemicals by now and we got enough rooms for you, me, and your mother, and then you got the other rooms that aren't made for sleepin' in. And if you add the basement and attic, we got no rooms to stick your frog friend in. I got an idea, why don't you put her in one of them balls they used on that show?"

I said, "I found her at the bottom of the pool, probably just sitting there."

"Well, there's no place for her to sleep."

"What about in my brother's old room?"

"Your mother wants it as a storage room. Speaking of which, how will you explain her about her?"

I looked to Lily and said, "One step at a time?"

He walked out of the kitchen to the stair way, "Well, I'm gonna be upstairs on the computer trying to find a couple parts. Don't cause any trouble."

"Ok dad."

He went up as I said, "Well, at least he's not against having you here entirely."

Lily just smiled as she put her arm behind my back. I decided to have my new "wife" stay down for a bit as she could get used to the house down here. I showed her around the rest of the house, the basement, including my father's tool shop down there, and then I went to the TV. After the day passed on, well, my mother arrived. Now, how was she gonna react to Lily, I don't know.

Lily entered the living room as I heard the door open and my mother saying, "I'm home."

I told Lily, "Don't show yourself just yet."

My father came down the steps saying, "Hey dear, you better check what Fred got."

Thanks a lot dad. My mother asked, "What does Fred have?"

"You ask him."

My mother came into the living room, "Fred, what's your father talking about?"

I took in a deep breath, "Ok, don't freak out, but, Lily."

Lily came out as my mother's eyes shot up and yelled, "There's a giant frog in the house!"

Lily looked at me funny as I said, "What?"

My mother asked, "What is that doing here?"

"It's a she, and she's not technically a frog."

"What are you talking about, look at it."

"Yes, but it's not a frog. It's actually a Pokémon."

MY mother then laughed as she asked, "Pokémon? Fred, Pokémon are cartoons."

Lily looked at me funny as I said, "You don't believe me?"

"It's a frog Fred, now put it back in the pool or somewhere else."

Lily protested, "Greninja Greninja!"

That caught my mother's attention as I asked, "Now you believe me?"

Mom just went up and said, "Maybe I should get a reporter on this…"

"Mom, no."


"Hold on, Lily is my friend here. I ain't going to let her become a Broadway show. Besides, you do realize they could claim her as dangerous?"

"Yes, but she can't stay here."

"Says who?"

My father said, "You need a place for her to stay in Fred, every room is taken."

"She can stay in my room."

Both parents looked at each other in suspicion as I held a straight face. I shrugged and then went into the kitchen to get dinner ready. There was leftovers from yesterday being chicken tenders, but what can I feed to Lily? I looked through the fridge and found thought that fruits and vegetables would probably be good enough to hold her off.

I tossed her the food as she caught them one by one. After I warmed up my food and ate it afterwards, it was only around 7:30 PM on the stove. We were both done with our food, but my parents usually ate later on so that could get us out of here for a bit. I asked Lily, "Since it's still daylight, wanna go out and do something?"

Lily gave me a certain smile and nodded as I whispered, "I don't want to risk it."

She crossed her arms giving me a "do I really care?" look. I sighed, "Ok, ok, but only if my parents say we can."

I called out, "Hey is it alright if I go out for a while?"

My father called back, "As long as you don't get into trouble."


I looked back to Lily, "We can go."

She gave me a cheerful smile and we left out of the kitchen. We left out the house as I asked, "There is a peaceful area we could go if you want. Ain't no lake, but it has no other people."

Lily nodded, "Greninja!"

And we just took the long walk to an area in the forest. Alright, it's more of a forest/plain mix but I referred to it as a forest. It was a loosely packed forest and I knew there were very few, if not any, people that came here in general, but at night, or the evening, there was literally nobody here. As we walked on through, Lily asked, "Greninja ninja?"

I told her, "Don't worry, we're getting a bit deeper into the woods so nobody will hear us."

I wanted to take that precaution because the last thing I want to be seen with is having sex with a frog. I mean, that is already going to throw me into jail or have me get attacked by every kind of religion that exists, my family and everyone else. But, my thought trail ended as we got to the middle of the forest. We stopped under a tree as this looked a bit cliché. I asked, "Under a tree?"

Lily nodded as I shrugged seeing how could this go wrong. Then Lily pushed me as I crashed onto the leafy ground and she hopped on me. I told her, "Calm down, let me get undressed."

She laid there waiting for me to get all my clothes off, and I did. Then she hopped back on me and started to grind her crotch on mine. I could feel her vagina rub on my penis as she was already starting to get a bit wet. Once I became erect, she pushed down and let out a gasp of pleasure. I asked, "Feels better without the boundary?"

She nodded and began to bob. The pleasure I was getting wasn't too much, so I pulled a sneak move and flipped her over and began to speed up as she was definitely getting it better than where we were. After a bit of time, we were finally hitting our climaxes as she put her webbed hand to my mouth as she assumed I would've told her about what was about tooaahhhh!

Well, no point of telling her. We both had our orgasms as it seemed she got what wanted. And we just laid there for a bit, kissed a bit, and enjoyed the time we now have before having to go back to the house.

(Six years later)

Well, time passed on and so much has happened. I got into college and was currently finishing up my degree for the last year. Now, nobody cares for my degree except my parents and my future job, so I'll skip that and explain everything else. Lily and I are now parents. Yep, she had an egg. And to top it off, she had a second one. Now, the first one was an easy get away with my parents, but thankfully we had the second one in college. Yeah, sounds weird, but it's true. Now, we have a Frogaider and a Froakie as two kids, one boy, one girl, Calvin and Amy.

College made me and Lily celebrities as it wasn't every day that a guy walks on in with a two Pokémon, real Pokémon, and says, "Look what I found last year!"

Next problem was the fact that, which I knew would've appeared, girls tried to hit on me, but Lily pushed them off, or I pushed them off, or both of us did. It got annoying after a bit, but then everyone thinks I'm a loser because I don't got a girlfriend. Really? Well, not to be a snobby ass but, while I'm getting a good job, got a family, and you're stuck having to switch through girlfriends and wives like a stack of dollar bills, let's see who's the real loser.

But, honestly, nobody has discovered this little secret, and besides, I wouldn't give a damn. And before I go, one thing I'd like to say, college has proved a benefit to all four of us because Lily, Calvin, and Amy can actually talk like people. Yep, clear, fluent English, just like that Meowth from the cartoon. And that's me and family, saying goodbye.

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