Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does. This story was made for fun, and not for cash. (How unfortunate.)

Well, I'm back with a new chapter! Hopefully, you enjoy it! Also, my responses to reviews will be at the bottom!

The Cherry Aroma of Love & Celebrations

Lucy gently woke up to the sight of the sun sending its light through her window, and she turned to her left while keeping her arms under the covers. Lucy softly wrapped her arms around Cana's waist while kindly smiling, glad that they enjoyed another night of sleeping together, and Lucy felt really happy to rest with her lovely girlfriend after they finished that job in the Kazehana Woods. Receiving all of that reward money was nice, but Lucy's head slightly pounded from the two tall bottles of alcohol that she drank with Cana. The chocolate-flavored liquor tasted great to the girls, especially after the delicious steaks that they had for dinner.

Lucy chose to nicely giggle while letting her hands move slightly down towards the zipper of the red capri pants that Cana wore, and the birds that were outside of her apartment began chirping cutely. As Lucy attempted to move her hands towards Cana's hips for the purpose of rubbing them, she watched the brown-haired woman let out a soft groan while turning to just rest on her back. Lucy started to rub Cana's hips in a gentle manner while her hands moved upward to feel her tan skin that was quite smooth, and Lucy's cheeks slightly blushed pink from seeing Cana wake up.

Cana opened her eyes to see that it was morning, which prompted her to sit up in the bed, and noticing that Lucy's hands were on her hips merely caused Cana to give her a soft smile. She elicited a yawn while raising her arms above her head, and Cana watched Lucy take her hands off of her hips. She proceeded to get on top of her, giggling at how Lucy was possibly trying to make things get hot on this nice morning, and Cana gave a gentle kiss to Lucy's forehead. She let her fingers through Lucy's beautiful blonde hair, and Cana loved how they got to rest nicely together.

The pink comforter felt warm to Lucy and Cana, just like how their love had a great amount of warmth to it, and the two girls blushed at each other with feelings of bliss in their eyes. Lucy looked at Cana to see that she wore her favorite blue bra that covered her large breasts, and she really liked seeing her in that outfit. Cana liked how Lucy had gone to bed while wearing a yellow T-shirt with a lime green miniskirt to match, and Lucy actually bought those clothes before returning to her apartment with Cana. They left their torn clothes in Cana's dorm room, and she would dispose of them later. As Cana lifted the comforter off of herself and Lucy, she smiled while having a nice thought.

"After we finish taking our hot showers, Lucy, would you like to get a cherry pie with me?" Cana asked Lucy in a sweet tone while smiling, thinking that they could start their day with something sugary again.

Lucy replied to her in a happy tone, looking quite delighted, "Cherry pie would be wonderful, Cana! We should buy two pies, and that will help us both love their cherry flavor to a high degree!"

Cana responded nicely, before sounding more calm, "After we eat our pies, then we'll go to the guild and see what jobs are on the board. Also, I wonder if you noticed that Natsu seems busy."

Lucy simply thought that Natsu was taking jobs for himself and Happy to have more food at their house, but Cana had seen Natsu going into a store that sold festivities while she walked back to the apartment with Lucy. Cana started to wonder if one of the lesser known members was wanting something exciting to be done for their birthday, but the wielder of Card Magic also found it somewhat strange that Mira wasn't talking about juicy gossip that involved birthdays. If someone was having that type of celebration, Mira would've been happy to tell that news to everyone in Fairy Tail.

As Cana started to wonder if Natsu was planning to announce that he secretly found love with a girl, she got off of Lucy and just smiled at her while thinking that they could congratulate him about it today at the guild. Lucy watched Cana get out of the bed for the purpose of standing next to her, and Lucy chose to also get out of bed because of how she needed some food to eat. She cutely giggled while thinking aloud about how the guild members must've really desired to have a proper celebration in Fairy Tail for their victory in the Grand Magic Games, since they sadly had to celebrate their defeats at Bar Sun on the tournament's first day, and Lucy thought that Natsu really wanted to help the planner out with the party.

Lucy took a few steps towards the bathroom door, before stretching in front of Cana, and Lucy thought about how she had enjoyed some great jobs with her lover. Lucy bent over to touch her toes while recalling the day where she and Cana were covered from head to toe in warm honey, and Lucy sighed happily while feeling like a shower with wetness would remind her of how Cana pleasured her while the honey beautifully dripped. Cana got to see Lucy's lacy panties that were black, and she gently slapped her large butt with her right hand.

As Cana got to hear Lucy sigh happily, she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone knocking three times on the front door. Lucy stood up straight while looking curious about who would want to see her, and she walked through the doorway to the living room with Cana while hoping that Erza was not back for revenge. Lucy heard the person knock two more times, before they surprisingly giggled, and she headed to the front door with a somewhat relaxed look on her face while trying to make her blush fade away. Cana chose to sit on the couch while Lucy unlocked the front door, and the person who stood outside Lucy's apartment was Lisanna.

"Morning, Lucy! Sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but you totally need to come to the guild today! It's something really important, and Natsu really needs you to hear it!" Lisanna told the Celestial Spirit Wizard with a happy smile on her face, before giggling from excitement.

Lucy replied nicely with a soft smile on her face, still thinking about breakfast, "Well, Lisanna, I have to take a shower. After that, I'll get pies with Cana for our breakfast. Even though Natsu has his announcement, I hope he won't mind if I show up later."

"He's actually expecting you and Cana to both come, Lucy. You can show up later together, too, and he'll say something really great." Lisanna explained to Lucy in a kind manner while joy was still in her cute blue eyes.

Before Cana could ask about the situation, Lisanna ran off in the direction that would lead her to the Fairy Tail guild. She probably didn't want to reveal all of the information about Natsu's news to Lucy and Cana, as it wouldn't seem amazing for them to hear it from him later, and Lucy started to have curiosity in her cocoa brown eyes. She proceeded to close the front door while wondering if Natsu was going to tell everyone that he was now dating Lisanna, and Lucy wondered if the fact that they recently went out on several jobs together caused them to start dating.

It seemed fun to assume that Natsu wanted to announce something good for his love life or the guild, but Lucy's smile began to become more carefree while telling herself that she just needed patience. Natsu could simply be announcing that he gained Makarov's approval to take an S-Class job, and he'd probably want all of his friends in the guild to see him go off on an elite mission. As Lucy walked back to her bathroom to take a shower, she let out a cute giggle from Cana openly wondering in a teasing manner if Natsu would announce that he finished his job of escorting a princess to Magnolia Town. If that princess was a classy girl, then Cana hoped that Natsu would show her where the best bars in Magnolia were located.

One hour later, at the Fairy Tail guild...

After taking showers and eating the delicious cherry pies that they purchased from a nearby bakery, Lucy and Cana walked up the grey steps of the staircase that led to Fairy Tail's entrance doors. The girls hastily went up the stairs while hoping that Natsu didn't accidentally reveal his announcement already, and they would definitely be happy for him. Lucy and Cana held hands while reaching the entrance doors of the guild, ready to go in together again for the job that they would take today, and Lucy watched Cana push open one of the doors with her right hand.

The girls proceeded to walk into the guild that was surprisingly in darkness, not even having a single light turned on while curtains appeared to be covering the windows, and Lucy looked quite curious at how the light from the right door that was open let her see that some people were staying in the shadows, which was quite weird to her, and Lucy became just as stunned as Cana to see the door behind them be closed. The girls gasped in a stunned manner while they were now in darkness, hearing the footsteps of two people move towards them, and Lucy could faintly see someone going to the nearest light switch.

"Happy Cherry Love Day, Lucy and Cana!" The other guild members exclaimed to the girls with nice smiles on their faces, some of them even coming out from underneath the tables while Gray turned on the light in the guildhall.

Lucy asked Natsu while she comically looked stunned, not caring that Mira used a green confetti popper near her to make several streamers and pieces of confetti be on her, "Wait, Natsu, what's going on? Did someone in Fiore officially make this be a holiday, or is this your announcement?"

The fire dragon slayer explained to her with a goofy grin on his face while standing at the front of the crowd, before chuckling in a pleased manner, "There's not really an announcement, Lucy! I just told Lisanna to tell you that, since it would make you and Cana come to your party! You two are a great couple, and we did all this for you! There's tons of food, alcohol, and even a cake!"

Cana asked Wendy in a surprised tone, after watching the younger girl use the green confetti popper in her right hand to make streamers and confetti rain down, "You all planned to have this party, and didn't even tell us?"

Wendy smiled nicely while telling Cana that Natsu wanted to throw this great party for them, as he felt like it was the guild's way of showing the girls that everyone was accepting of their romantic relationship, and Natsu was one of their biggest supporters. Cana shifted her violet eyes to a white banner that was hung above the bar while cute red bows were on it, and there were also pink hearts painted on to the banner. There were also some cherries painted on to the banner, and the message that wished happiness for the two females had been made in purple paint.

Lucy's shocked reaction ceased, and she simply giggled happily while feeling like this party would totally be enjoyable. She and Cana could smell the various foods that were on the tables, ranging from sesame dumplings on sticks to sushi, and Gray even made some of the restaurants bring plates of hot wings for people to enjoy. He also secretly thought Lucy's romance with Cana was quite hot and spicy, so Gray deemed hot wings to be an appropriate choice. Rice balls were also on some of the plates, but there was definitely more food for Lucy and Cana to enjoy.

Several plates of hot fudge cookies were situated on a table that was on the left side of the guild, and one table even had plates of chocolate brownies on it. There were also some blueberry cupcakes that had topped with cute swirls of blue icing, and the girls could thank Juvia for including those treats on the menu. She actually got the recipe from Mirenu on the day that Mira whipped Erza, and Mirenu gave her that recipe as compensation for not being able to attend the party. She had to deal with matters concerning Erza, and the blue-haired mistress would make sure that they had a nice time together.

As Lucy walked over to the table that had some sweet chocolate cookies, Cana noticed that only bottles of cherry-flavored alcohol were on the counter. That was really a nice way for Natsu and the others to show their support, but Cana proceeded to walk towards the bar while noticing something about the cake that was on the left edge of the counter. The white cake was quite large while it was also in the flavor of vanilla, but the glass case had been placed on the back counter that was behind the bar. Cana noticed that something was poking out from behind the cake, and she slowly walked around it to see that a blue jewelry box was trying to be hidden behind it. There was also an emerald green jewelry box behind that one, but Cana chose to pick up the blue one with her right hand. She softly smiled while putting it behind her back, and the fact that this party was for her and Lucy caused the brown-haired girl to feel like she needed to make an announcement. As Cana loudly cleared her throat, everyone turned to face her.

"Lucy, we've had many fun adventures together. When you convinced me not to quit the guild and volunteered to be my partner for the S-Class trial, that's when we started to have a bond. We've been good friends for a long time now, and I've always loved flirting with you. I took you home after you passed out, we shared our first kiss in a cafe, we became girlfriends on a rainy day, and I haven't forgotten our wonderful dates. Lucy, our chemistry has grown to such a blissful level and I want to make more happy memories with you." Cana announced to Lucy while smiling, her cheeks blushing pink as they locked eyes.

Lucy asked Cana in a curious tone while walking up to the counter, calmness in her eyes, "I also want us to make more memories together, Cana, but why is one hand behind your back?"

Cana responded with a very nice question while smiling at Lucy, before getting down on her left knee as the stellar mage came closer to her, "Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?"

Upon seeing Cana bring her arm out from behind her back to let the jewelry box be seen, Lucy could only blush more while putting her hands over her mouth. She watched Cana open the jewelry box to reveal that it contained a light blue ring that was topped with a sapphire gem, and that was the Sapphire Jewel of Happiness. Lucy kept her hands over her mouth while hiding her smile from Cana and the other guild members, and she couldn't believe that this was happening. Even though Lucy was stunned to see the engagement ring, she slowly lowered her hands while nodding at Cana in an approving manner.

That prompted Cana to happily stand up, and she took the ring out of the box with her left hand. She proceeded to place it on the ring finger of Lucy's hand, really liking how it looked quite nice, and Cana liked hearing Lucy giggle in a cute manner from how the ring nicely fit her finger. As Lucy continued to look at the ring, Cana walked back towards the green jewelry box that contained a surprise that was just as nice. Cana put the blue box down on the counter, and she picked up the green box to open it. When Cana popped open the box, she was quite stunned to see the light green ring that had an emerald on top of it.

The ring was quite beautiful, and it was known as the Emerald Jewel of Luck. Cana took the ring out of the jewelry box, and she held the lovely piece of jewelry in her right hand before putting the light green ring on the ring finger of her right hand. She turned to face Lucy while cutely making the shape of a heart with her hands, and Cana was simply telling her girlfriend that she would also love being married to her later on. Cana would not have cared if Lucy noticed the rings before she did, as that would've just meant that Lucy would be the one to propose, and she was quite happy that they were now officially engaged.

Before could celebrate with a nice slice of cake, Lucy took a few steps towards her and gave the alcohol-loving woman a wonderful kiss on the lips. Lucy blushed while making their kiss last for fifteen seconds, loving how Cana returned the kiss, and Lucy was glad that her relationship with Cana evolved to this great level. She soon broke the kiss, and Lucy smiled at Cana in a very caring manner while thinking that she repaid her for that nice kiss on the forehead. The two girls were certainly surprised by all the trouble that Natsu went through for them to have a special day, and they decided to thank him by deciding to spend four or five hours at their party before taking any jobs.

Three hours later, at the Lavender Curse guild...

Erza crawled on four legs while being beside Mirenu, feeling exhausted from a job that they recently completed in the Poison Woods, and Mirenu only chose to help Erza on this job because of how there was some business that she had to handle at the Lavender Curse guild. Mirenu may have been proud of Juvia for handling the S-Class mission that involved retrieving a mage who was captured by the wizards of Lavender Curse, but Mirenu did tell Juvia on one of their previous lunch dates about how Lavender Curse's mistress contacted her for the purpose of filing a complaint about what had occurred.

The guild of Lavender Curse appeared to be a purple building that was made from bricks while two arched glass windows were on both sides of the wooden entrance doors that were orchid purple, and the guild's left and right sides were topped by two small roofs. As Mirenu and Erza currently stood outside the guild, she noticed two stone statues that had been at the end of this hidden route in the woods. The guild was actually west of where Lucy and Cana fought against Darcy, but the fact that mages of Lavender Curse frequently used Poison Magic on this route made it be a road that wasn't taken quite often by Mizu Galleon's wizards or mages from other towns.

Mirenu pushed open the doors with her hands to see that the guildhall of Lavender Curse looked quite elegant with its royal purple carpet complimenting the amethyst purple walls, and Mirenu noticed that two purple flames eerily floated on white podiums to make the guild look sinister. She merely scoffed at how the bar area was in the top-left corner of the room, and several of the mages were in the library or in their dorm rooms. Five wizards from Lavender Curse sat down at a brown table that was nearby, but seeing the mighty Erza Scarlet on her knees beside Mirenu made them be stunned.

Erza allowed her brown eyes to look at a purple throne that was at the back of this guildhall, and she started to look somewhat nervous from seeing a woman sitting on that throne in a sultry manner. That lady wore a purple bodysuit that was skin-tight, along with violet gloves, and she also wore high-heeled boots that were knee-high while they were lavender. The woman who sat down on the throne also had long purple hair with shorter layers of it being close to her face, and she also had a fringe hairstyle. She let her violet eyes glance straight at Mirenu, and the woman started to look displeased from seeing her.

"Mirenu, what the hell do you want? Are you here to finally give me compensation for losing Darcy, who was one of my best mages?" The guild mistress asked in an irked tone, before creating a flame in her right hand.

Mirenu responded calmly while starting to look bored, before folding her arms, "Shizuru Yosuga, I'm simply here to tell you that I don't see any reason for my guild to give you compensation. After all, my assistant Juvia brought along two girls who made sure that Darcy was dead. Those Fairy Tail mages were only helping her handle a job for me, and Fairy Tail even gave me one of their members to have as a servant."

Erza stated nicely while looking up at Mirenu, blushing light pink, "I'm your servant forever, Mistress Mirenu. Your kisses make me be glad to no longer be in Fairy Tail, and I'm glad that you were with me in the woods."

Shizuru let her eyes shift to Erza, recognizing her as the girl who beat Minerva in the Grand Magic Games, and the sight of her now being in shackles caused Shizuru to start giggling in a rude manner. The ironic part about Erza beating Minerva was that the girl who was now Mirenu's servant ended up appearing in Lavender Curse on the day after Minerva stopped being a sexual servant to Shizuru. and the purple-haired mistress loved seeing how there was darkness in Minerva's heart. She liked how Minerva was vicious on the jobs that she took, and Shizuru thought that Erza was now a lesser dog than Minerva.

She soon saw Mirenu smirk at Erza while she ordered her to go get the reward, and Shizuru had her legs resting on the right arm of her throne while watching Erza walk towards her. As Erza walked towards the chair with a nice smile on her face, Shizuru simply got up from it and went behind the chair to get a brown bag that contained the money. Erza watched her pick up the bag with her left hand, but Shizuru surprisingly threw the bag of seventy-thousand jewels towards Mirenu. She didn't want that woman to spend another minute in her guild, especially since they weren't on good terms.

Erza was about to run towards Shizuru for not handing her the money, but seeing that purple flame in her right hand caused Erza to close her eyes while she began to tremble in a nervous manner. Shizuru looked curious about why Erza became terrified of purple fire, and she decided to put more magical power into her flame for it to grow larger. That caused Erza to hastily step back towards Mirenu while trying to hide the fact that her body was trembling, and seeing Shizuru's eyes change to a fiercer look caused Erza to hug Mirenu tightly while being afraid.

Mirenu broke the hug, and she simply gazed into Erza's brown eyes while she recalled something interesting. Juvia and Gray informed Mirenu on their lunch date about how Cana gave Erza a merciless beating in the Fairy Tail guild for humiliating Lucy over the fact that she was a lesbian, and Cana supposedly made her flames be dangerous enough for Erza to feel like she went to hell. Mirenu certainly didn't approve of Erza's actions, and she felt that it would be good to take Erza out of Lavender Curse while informing her of some news.

Mirenu told Erza while walking out of the guild with the bag of money in her right hand, smiling as her servant was beside her, "By the way, my dear Erza, Juvia told me how her guild was having an engagement party for Lucy and Cana. Juvia is a great assistant, especially in bed, but I declined her invitation. It would've been nice to go with you as my date, but you get to miss out on the fun because you got kicked out of Fairy Tail."

Erza responded in a calm manner while stepping on to the marshy ground with Mirenu, looking down at her sky blue lacy bra and sky blue lacy panties, "Miss Mirenu, I'm willing to admit that I'm just as evil as Minerva. You can even see me as a witch, too."

Mirenu replied to Erza in a teasing tone while groping her large butt with her left hand, "You were definitely acting like a horrible witch in Fairy Tail, Erza, but now you're my bitch. In fact, let's get you a swimsuit like the one Minerva wore in the Grand Magic Games. It'll help you be an attractive barmaid on hot days, and you can charge the girls high prices for alcohol."

The thought of being in a scarlet red variation of Minerva's swimsuit made Erza's cheeks blush deep pink, and she crawled on her arms and legs while sweating at how that swimsuit might make her boobs look pretty big. The fantasy of being on a beach while Mirenu put sunscreen on every part of her body caused Erza to nearly feel wet, and she let her hands gently touch the black dog collar that was now around her neck. Erza didn't even try to get it off, as it was a gift that she received from Mirenu, and she felt that her life of servitude to Mirenu was better than being in Fairy Tail with people who had the nerve to celebrate Lucy being engaged to Cana.

Erza looked up at Mirenu, who simply wore an orange bra with orange booty shorts that matched her black high-heeled shoes, and Erza wondered if being a lesbian like Mirenu would help her regain the title of being an S-Class mage. Erza could only take those difficult jobs with someone who did have that title in Mirenu's guild, and she smiled while thinking that Mirenu would someday give her that title. However, Mirenu smiled at Erza in a sultry way while believing that having her as a servant was more fun than having her as an elite mage. After all, she liked how Erza seemed disappointed at this recent job of destroying weeds in the woods. That was almost as fun as telling her how Lucy and Cana were having a party, but Mirenu decided that she'd let Erza deal with the misfortune of not being in Fairy Tail for next year's Grand Magic Games or any other special days that would come up.

One month later, in the Fairy Tail guild...

Being engaged to each other didn't majorly change anything between Lucy and Cana in their romantic relationship, and they still went out on jobs together in the next month that occurred after their engagement party. They had also gone out on more fun dates while even having more steamy nights together in Cana's dorm room, but being engaged did make Lucy think about when she and Cana would want their wedding to occur. They ultimately decided to have their wedding at the end of August, since that month was when Cana's father would be back in Magnolia, and Lucy also wanted the wedding to have the lovely feeling of summer's warmth.

Everyone in the guild helped them with preparing the wedding, such as how Mira helped Lucy pick out her wedding dress, and Juvia asked Mirenu to come to Magnolia for the purpose of helping Cana pick out a nice tuxedo for women. Natsu and Lisanna saved up enough money to have a white wedding altar in front of a large tree that was behind the guild, and Gray ordered all of the food for the reception that would occur after the wedding. Wendy chose the cake that would be cut at the reception, and Mira ultimately decided that she would be the priestess at the wedding.

Cana currently walked down the white carpet that led up to the front of the altar while her father was by her side, and Gildarts Clive happily smiled at how his daughter was getting married. When Cana broke the news to him last week about how she was marrying Lucy, he had simply assumed that she blushed more at girls in the past while drinking because of how she wanted to be a lesbian. Gildarts even comically held Cana in a bridal-style manner in the previous week while calmly telling Lucy to always protect his precious daughter and be the clingiest lover, but Cana comically demanded him to put her down while Lucy kindly promised to take good care of her.

Cana got to see the other guild members sitting down in white chairs while the bridesmaids were seated in the front row, and the white carpet was lined with bowls of red roses that sent their lovely aroma into the air. Cana walked all the way up to the altar, liking its small staircase of five steps, and she proceeded to stand on the left side of the altar before Gildarts went to go sit in his seat. As Cana glanced behind her for a moment to see that Gray would act as the ring bearer, Mirajane happily announced that Lucy finally came all the way from her apartment to be at this wedding. Cana turned her head towards the audience to see Happy and Carla carrying Lucy while she was in her white wedding dress, and Cana tried to hide her pink blushing cheeks with her hands. She watched the Exceeds carry Lucy to start of the white carpet, and Natsu got up from his nearby seat with the bouquet of red roses that she would hold in her hands. Natsu wore a red tuxedo while happily smiling at Lucy, and he simply escorted her to the altar. The fire dragon slayer was quite proud of Lucy for deciding to get married, and he quickly guided her to the other end of the carpet while she smiled with happiness in her eyes.

Mira announced to everyone in a happy tone, standing behind a white podium while Lucy went up the stairs to stand on the right side of the altar, "Hello, everyone! We're gladly gathered here to witness the marriage of Cana Alberona and Lucy Heartfilia, and they're such a cute couple! Before we get to the two important questions, though, I wonder if either one of these beautiful girls has any vows to say."

Cana told Lucy in a kind tone while her blush started to fade, smiling as she thought about their relationship, "When we first got to know each other, Lucy, I really liked how you were so determined to be my partner for the S-Class trial. You convinced me to stay in Fairy Tail, and we became good friends. I did make some flirty moves towards you, and they were playful. However, that night where we drank cherry-flavored alcohol is where our bond started to grow. You helped me be a more caring person, and things only got better when had our first kiss and started dating. I'll always love you, even when times are bad, and having so many good memories with you makes me happy. I promise to be the best wife you've ever had, and I promise that our life together will be beautiful like cherry blossoms. You're more than just my best friend, Lucy Heartfilia."

Lucy replied to Cana with tears of happiness slightly welling up in her eyes, really loving every word in that speech, "Cana, you're also more than just my best friend. When I went to the bar after failing that job for Team Natsu, fate made you be there for me. When I was fearful and timid, you showed me how to be more confident and stand up for myself. You also taught me how to have more fun in life, and you taught me that there was nothing wrong with being flirty. Without you, I wouldn't be the person who I am today. I promise that our life together will be filled with joy, and I'll always support you like how my spirits support me. I love you, Cana Alberona, and you're like the cherry that makes a vanilla milkshake be amazing. You're like my other half, and I'm glad to be marrying you."

Their vows to each other comically made Mirajane want to start crying, as she thought that those speeches were so beautiful to hear, and she also liked how the girls didn't even seem like they needed note cards to read off of. Mira was about to ask those two important questions to Cana and Lucy, but she smiled while proceeding to think about how their romance led up to this moment. Mira recalled how she scolded Cana for abandoning that night shift, but not leaving the bar would've probably prevented Cana and Lucy from building their chemistry to where it could be romantic.

Mira looked at the white dress that Lucy wore, liking how its tail wasn't too long, and the fact that it showed off a good amount of cleavage made her feel quite glad that Lucy agreed to wear the dress. As Mira stood behind the podium, she pointed at Gray with the index finger of her left hand while maintaining her nice smile. The ice-making wizard walked towards Cana while holding a cherry red cushion that had two rings on it, and he chuckled while holding the cushion with his left hand. He proceeded to stand in front of Cana while silently pointing at a royal purple ring that had an amethyst jewel on top of it, and he confidently smiled while hoping she'd choose that one.

After seeing Cana smile nicely at the purple ring and put it on the ring finger of her left hand, Gray walked towards Lucy to show her the pink ring that remained on the cushion. The piece of bubblegum pink jewelry was topped by a gem that was pearl pink, and Gray actually bought those rings from a jeweler last week with help from Natsu. He watched Lucy start to gaze in awe at the ring, and Gray put it on the ring finger of her right hand for her to now own that fine piece of jewelry. Gray went down the altar's stairs to go to his seat that was in between Juvia and Mirenu, but he did take a moment to smile while looking back at the sight of his friends admiring their new wedding rings.

Cana and Lucy took some steps towards each other while Mirajane cleared her throat, and the two girls blushed at each other while feeling their hearts beat with bliss. They also felt somewhat nervous to have an important kiss with all of Fairy Tail's guild members and some guests from Magnolia Town watching them, but their love for each other was strong enough to where they wanted to be together forever. Lucy and Cana romantically looked into each other's eyes while believing that they would always have happiness in their lives, and Mira could see the two girls were ready for their epic kiss.

Mirajane looked at Cana with a cheerful smile on her face, and she asked her in a kind tone before giggling, "Cana, do you take Lucy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Cana replied with a happy smile on her face, her cheeks blushing more pink, "I do take Lucy as my wife, Mirajane."

Mira asked Lucy with satisfaction in her blue eyes, glad to see her blushing, "Lucy, do you take Cana to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Lucy responded kindly while keeping her focus on Cana, "Yes, Mira. I do."

Before Mira could officially announce them as wife and wife, Cana and Lucy proceeded to share a kiss while closing their eyes. They both felt passion in this kiss while being glad to now be married, and Mira decided to announce that they were now officially wives. That caused all of the guild members to stand up for the purpose of giving the girls an applause, and the bridesmaids cheered happily. Juvia wore a strapless dark blue dress while she was in the front row with Levy and Lisanna, but she seemed to be the most eager about wanting to catch the bouquet at the wedding reception that would occur later.

Cana pulled Lucy into a happy hug, before proceeding to carry her down the aisle in a bridal-style manner, and Cana looked down at her lover with a sense of delight in her eyes. She was simply taking Lucy back to the Fairy Tail guild for the reception, but an interesting thought soon entered Cana's mind. She gently put Lucy down on the green grass while watching her stand up, and Cana walked back to the altar with a nice smile on her face. She surprised Gray, who unconsciously took off his brown tuxedo shirt to be in his brown pants, and even Wendy wondered if Cana left something at the altar.

Mirajane watched Cana walk back up to the altar while her nice smile turned into a teasing smirk, and the oldest Strauss sibling hoped that Cana wasn't coming back to the altar for the purpose of groping her large breasts. Mirajane wore a maroon dress that was strapless while she proceeded to cover her chest area with her arm, and she really hoped that Cana wasn't coming back to rub it in that she was now married to Lucy. Even though Mira did her best to suppress any romantic feelings that she would have for a woman who was now officially married, she would never intend to put herself in a love triangle.

Lucy also wondered why Cana was going up the stairs to be up at the altar with Mirajane, and she blushed while hoping that Cana would ask Mira if they could bite from opposite ends of a cherry to enjoy the delicious fruit that made them start feeling attraction towards each other. Lucy soon felt the wind make a breeze that blew the back of her dress upward, causing her to blush more, and she bent forward while making her white dress cover up the panties that she wore underneath it without any shorts. Lucy made her eyes focus on Cana again, but she only got to see the back of her head.

"Mira, if you're free later, can you help me with something nice?" Cana asked her in a calm tone while blushing, before twiddling her thumbs at the mental image of what she wanted to do.

Mirajane asked Cana while curiously blinking her eyes and not expecting the question, "What do you need me for, Cana? Do I need to give you dancing tips for the reception or something?"

Cana told Mira in a very soft whisper to where only Wendy could clearly hear this, blushing as she went around to the podium to be right next to Mira, "Would you mind using your Darkness Magic on me in the storeroom later, after I get nude? Mira, will you use dark magic to temporarily give me that rock-hard feeling for Lucy?"

At that moment, Mira's face became cherry red with blush while she nodded in agreement to make Cana feel satisfied. Mira used a certain spell of Darkness Magic on herself in the storeroom sometimes to temporarily make herself have a different body part for pleasure, and it always seemed to feel really good when she thought about Lucy. Mira would gladly help Cana with this favor in the storeroom, and she would lock the door to keep anyone from intruding on them. However, she started to smile and sweat while nicely telling Cana that they could do it after the dances that would occur at the reception. Cana was satisfied with that, but she turned around to see Wendy copy Mira's habit of making her face turn red from hearing that Cana would be nude.

Later that evening, at Fairy Hills...

Lucy laid down on the brown comforter that was on Cana's bed, feeling somewhat tired from eating food and dancing with her friends at the reception, and she also liked getting to slow dance with Cana. Lucy may not have been as graceful as her mother, but she still danced well enough with Cana for it to seem romantic. Lucy also let Cana share a dance with Gildarts, who still wore his armor and dark blue pants that matched his grey boots, and Gildarts was satisfied enough with that dance to where he'd buy the girls whatever they wanted as wedding gifts.

Cana had simply asked for alcohol from the nearest store in Magnolia, and Gildarts ended up getting her a pink bottle of alcohol that had a red bow on its left side. That bottle was currently on the brown table in Cana's dorm room while it was next to the two cherry flambes that Lucy took from the guildhall, and she simply waited for Cana to come in. She moved her left hand around to her back for the purpose of gently pulling down the zipper of the wedding dress, and Lucy let her feet slip out of the dark blue flat shoes that felt comfortable to her feet.

Lucy thought about how the reception was as nice as the engagement party, as all of her favorite foods were on all of the tables while the guildhall was nicely decorated, and the only big difference was that she had to throw the bouquet that had been in her hands. Lucy ended up throwing the bouquet high in the air, and she got to witness an interesting sight. Juvia almost caught the bouquet, but she tripped over her left foot and fell to the ground. The bouquet of roses ended up in Lisanna's hands, and Mira's younger sister merely blushed pink from how the red flowers went well with her light blue dress that had blue lacy trim.

As Lucy pulled the zipper of her dress down even further, she saw Cana come in with a happy smile on her face while a red rectangular box of cherry chocolates was in her hands. She set the box down on the table, placing it next to the flambes, and Cana turned her head to see Lucy getting out of the white wedding dress. She felt like it would be good to tell Lucy that she just finished getting a nice surprise from Mirajane, but saving that for a little bit later was probably a good idea. Cana simply wiggled her feet out of the black dress shoes that Juvia purchased for her, and she also decided to unbutton her blue pants.

"Lucy, I'm so glad that we're married now. This is a new experience in our lives, and it feels exciting." Cana told her in a calm tone while smiling, before blowing a kiss with her right hand.

Lucy replied nicely with feelings of bliss in her eyes, letting that blown kiss reach her lips, "We've been through so much together, Cana, and I love being your wife. Taking your last name will be nice, and I'll probably live here with you."

Cana told Lucy in a teasing tone while giving her a flirtatious look, "Your place is bigger, though, and I wouldn't want us to be cramped in here. We need space, especially for the bed."

As Cana imagined herself sleeping with Lucy, she felt her desires for pleasure make their way down into her pants. Lucy watched Cana walk towards her while she seemed like it was somewhat difficult to move, and recalling how Lucy massaged her body only caused Cana to blush light pink while she felt something become harder in her pants. Cana watched Lucy get on all fours to crawl towards her, and Cana didn't mind how Lucy unzipped her pants to help them be ready for their lovemaking that would occur on their wedding night.

Cana let her pants drop the floor while she lifted the blue tuxedo over her head, and she simply threw it down on to the carpet for Lucy to see her orange bra. The Celestial Spirit Wizard also got to see that Cana wore orange panties while she noticed they were somewhat larger than the ones she usually wore, and they were in the size that was worn by Mirajane and Erza. Mira actually bought that underwear for Cana an hour ago, as it was large enough to make her new appendage not be easily noticeable, and Cana loved how it felt quite nice.

Lucy watched Cana be in her bra and panties while blushing, which caused her to bring the zipper of her white dress all the way down, and Lucy pulled the dress down to her hips. She managed to make it reach her legs, before wiggling them out of it, and Lucy moved the dresser off of the bed with her left leg. She proceeded to exhale some soft breaths against the front of Cana's panties, causing her to blush more, and hearing Cana let out a sigh of pleasure caused Lucy to smile in a way that was quite sultry. She used her left hand to touch the lining of Cana's orange panties, and the index finger of her left hand tugged on to Cana's underwear.

Lucy raised her head to see Cana's brown hair surrounding something that definitely wasn't her sacred area, which caused her to let go of Cana's panties for a moment, but Lucy wouldn't scream at her. The stellar mage began to make her lips form a smile while noticing that no one gave them any condoms for wedding gifts, and Lucy got off of the bed to walk up to Cana. She started to give her a flirtatious smirk while watching her lover's face turn red from how Lucy opened her panties, and Lucy decided to whisper something that would probably get Cana feeling wet.

"Cana, do you want to get me pregnant with that new part of yours? I'm guessing that it's temporary, but do you want me to give sweetness to it?" Lucy asked Cana in a soft whisper that sounded sweet, lightly placing her left hand on Cana's right hip.

That prompted Cana to reply in a somewhat flustered manner, blushing more as she turned to face Lucy, "Well, we did get steamy in the wilds like animals. You can pleasure me, Lucy, but it's only good for the first climax."

Lucy responded with a nice smile on her face, whispering while she gently rested her head on Cana's right shoulder, "That must've been why you spoke with Mira today, honey. Even if you did tell me, I wouldn't mind. Cana, the thought of having you inside of me is so wonderful."

Cana felt Lucy give a soft kiss to her left cheek, and that caused her to giggle while she liked how Lucy was being more flirtatious without the alcohol. Cana decided to pick up the pink bottle of liquor, though, and she chugged down at least half of the alcohol at a quick rate. The taste of that cherry-flavored alcohol was always quite good to Cana, especially since it was an expensive brand that she initially drank because of Lucy buying it as a gift, and Cana handed the bottle to her wife while loving the potency of the alcoholic drink.

Lucy proceeded to drink down the rest of the alcohol in several gulps, enjoying the delicious cherry taste, and she loved how the strong cherry aroma entered her nostrils. It had also entered Cana's nose, before filling up the dorm room, and this was the alcohol that was meant for lovers to drink together. Lucy decided to let herself succumb to the alcohol, and she got in front of Cana to give a sweet kiss to the left side of her neck while putting the empty bottle back on the table. She got to hear the older woman elicit a loving sigh of pleasure, but Lucy saw Cana turn around to aggressively push her on to the bed with her large rump. Lucy ended up landing on the bed while loving how her butt felt soft enough for it to sink into the mattress, and she watched Cana crawl on to the bed. Both of the girls blushed, and they felt like tonight would be as good as their upcoming honeymoon.

(Note: This part contains lemon.)

Cana crawled up to Lucy, and she pulled down her lover's white panties for the purpose of seeing the lovely blonde field of hair that was around her pussy. Cana pulled those panties all the way down to Lucy's toes, before throwing them on the floor, and the alcohol-loving woman watched Lucy used her hands to unhook the lacy bra that protected her large breasts. As Lucy dropped it on the floor, she watched Cana continue to blush while removing her orange panties. When Lucy saw her lover's new surprise, her eyes twinkled as she licked her lips.

Cana's pussy was temporarily replaced with a thick cock that appeared to be erect, and Lucy believed that it was nine inches in length. Lucy even got to see that Cana had a pair of balls underneath her cock, and she simply sighed happily while crawling upwards to get out from underneath Cana. When Lucy's head reached the pillow, she proceeded to get on all fours while seeing Cana get on her knees. Lucy blushed while giving a gentle suck to Cana's erection, which caused her to elicit a moan of pleasure, and Lucy felt Cana's hands stroke her hair while she had her mouth on the cock.

Lucy made her mouth come off of Cana's cock with a nice pop, before she licked the left and right sides of it, and Cana moaned more while Lucy's licks felt just as good as masturbating. Cana's cock felt hard, but the alcohol that she drank caused it to start shrinking by a few inches. Cana thought about her love for Lucy while letting her tongue give soothing licks to her cock, and Cana moved her hands down to Lucy's large breasts. She proceeded to massage her left breast, causing Lucy to gasp in pleasure while blushing, and Cana wanted to dominate her tonight.

She pushed Lucy down with her hands, before getting on top of her to where their legs were touching, and the alcohol made Cana's eyes turn pink while she giggled romantically. Cana proceeded to push her wet cock down into Lucy, liking how all of their fingering sessions made that lovely area not be too tight, and Cana got to see Lucy clench her teeth from how the large cock went inside of her. She did her best to not scream, but Lucy decided to let out a loving moan while feeling Cana's penis enter her body. As it became wet from touching her walls that dripped with some juices, Lucy smiled as she looked up at her lover.

"Just let it happen, Cana. Have fun inside of me while we're in love." Lucy told her in a loving tone while her eyes became pink, her body starting to feel so good.

Cana replied in a flirtatious manner while smirking, before pushing it in further, "I'll love being inside you, Lucy, but you can tell me to stop if this starts to hurt."

"Your cock is so big, but I love it. Ahhhhhhh... Keep it in there, Cana." Lucy told her with sweetness in her eyes, before moaning and relaxing her body.

Cana started to gently thrust her cock down into Lucy's pussy, pumping it in and out of her while slowly going deeper into her, and Lucy felt her breasts be rubbed by Cana's warm hands. She used her own hands to untie the knot that kept Cana's breasts behind their constraints, and Lucy still had enough to throw the bra on the floor after loosening it. She proceeded to relax while Cana continued with her soft thrusts, but Lucy did elicit moans of pleasure from how Cana's hands massaged her nipples. The rubbing felt so soothing to Lucy, especially when Cana caressed her nipples to get them erect.

The pleasure caused Cana to thrust somewhat faster while she began to grope Lucy's breasts for support, loving how they were quite soft, and her faster thrusts pushed past some of Lucy's walls while the pleasure also made her erect cock get longer. Lucy let out some more loud moans while moving her hips, and she wrapped her legs around Cana's waist as her hands massaged her lover's warm back. Cana sighed happily from the pleasure, and she loved being so close to Lucy. Cana ceased with groping Lucy's breasts for a moment, and she decided to start rubbing her legs.

Lucy moaned in ecstasy from Cana's fast thrusts while her head rested against the pillows, and she smiled with love from how Cana's cock went deeper into her pussy. Lucy let her legs slowly slide down Cana's back, and she could feel the hard penis getting even bigger while it was inside of her. Cana grunted while making Lucy feel another thrust that was filled with her love, and Lucy started to sweat while Cana's balls smacked against the blonde hair that was around her pussy. Lucy blushed hot pink, letting her hips move in rhythm with Cana's thrusts, and she was enjoying this.

Cana looked down at Lucy with a flirty smile while continuing to thrust into her, pushing through walls, and Cana closed her eyes as she proceeded to give Lucy a passionate kiss on the lips. Lucy blushed while kissing back, doing it passionately with some softness for her kiss to feel submissive against Cana's dominance, and she moved her legs to where they were gently under Cana's legs again. Lucy made her hands touch Cana's brown hair, loving how it was so soft while it smelled nice, but she felt good about making her hands go down to Cana's ass.

"Lucy, massage my ass. It felt so good when you did it the first time." Cana told her in a loving manner, after breaking the kiss.

Lucy responded with a romantic smile on her face, before slightly raising her head, "Cana, I'll be glad to pleasure you."

Cana soon felt Lucy's hands stroke her ass in a sultry manner, and she enjoyed how Lucy caressed her butt. Lucy got to feel Cana's smooth skin, smiling at how her large booty had some softness to it, and Cana started to moan from how Lucy gave two little pinches to her left ass cheek. Cana moaned more while moving her boobs forward to where they swayed over Lucy's face, and Lucy managed to raise her head up more for the purpose of sucking on her wife's left nipple. Lucy gently sucked on Cana's nipple, feeling joy from its good taste, and Cana responded to that with another rough thrust inside Lucy's pussy.

Lucy's mouth came off of Cana's nipple while she started to feel quite wet, and she moaned from how Cana started to speed up her thrusts. Lucy and Cana imagined themselves together in a pink void while the thrusts made them both feel pleasure, the cherry aroma smelling so good, and Cana's next push was one that made Lucy bite down on her lower lip. Cana's cock rammed through the wall that was in front of her hymen, and the large cock was now pressed against Lucy's cherry. Cana grunted while pushing against it, breaking Lucy's hymen, and she soon heard Lucy let out a pleasured moan that Juvia could hear in her nearby dorm room while she was getting wet with Mirenu.

Some tears came from Lucy's eyes because of the pain, and that prompted Cana to stop thrusting. She looked concerned from seeing Lucy in pain, and Cana moved her left hand down to Lucy's stomach while asking if she was okay. As some blood dripped out of Lucy's sacred area, Cana looked down at her while letting the pleasure make her body get hot like a cherry flambe. She bit down on her lower lip while reaching her climax, and Cana made her hot seed come out in a large orgasm that went into Lucy's womb. Upon releasing her orgasm, however, Cana's erection started to shrink to where she could easily get it out of Lucy's pussy.

Lucy proceeded to have her own orgasm that was quite large, and her juices covered Cana from head to toe while she moaned in tremendous pleasure. As Lucy's head fell back to be on the soft pillow, she could feel that her stomach was swelled up because of Cana's juices. She let out a nice sigh that was filled with some exhaustion, and Lucy looked up at the ceiling while Cana saw her cock vanish in a white puff of smoke that was small. After a few seconds, Cana got to see her pussy again and it was surrounded by her lovely field of brown hair. Cana felt tired, and she ended up falling on top of her tired lover. Both of the girls started to look at each other with happy smiles, and they shared a soft kiss before falling asleep on the bed together.

Five years later... (Epilogue)

The romance between Lucy and Cana was blissful enough to where Cana eventually decided to leave Fairy Hills for the sake of living with her wife, and Lucy ended up leaving her apartment in Magnolia Town. She moved to the town of Nagisa with Cana, and they bought a large house in that town with all of the cash that they saved up from jobs. The girls were not only in a love that brought them riches and happiness, but their feelings of love and determination also helped them become stronger mages in the Fairy Tail guild.

Cana asked her father to train her in hand-to-hand combat, since she didn't want always rely on the effects of Card Magic, and training with Gildarts in the year after getting married allowed Cana to become a proficient hand-to-hand combatant who was quite fearsome with martial arts. She even strengthened her punches to where one hit could knock out any dark mages who tried to attack her, and Cana eventually became an S-Class mage in the year of X796. The brown-haired woman ended up defeating Gildarts with Fairy Glitter, and she mastered that move to where it could be used seven times in a row while she'd still have some magical power left in her body.

Lucy trained hard with her Celestial Spirit Magic to where she didn't always have to rely on her keys, and she became a great celestial mage who could use several high-level spells. Lucy even managed to use the spell called Celestial Falling Stars as the finishing move in a rematch that she had with Minerva in the most vicious year of the Grand Magic Games, which was X796, and she even hit the sandy ground that was right next to Minerva's left temple as a way of showing her that Fairy Tail was more merciful than arrogant. Even though Minerva went back to Lavender Curse when it was a legal guild, she still couldn't beat Fairy Tail's wizards.

Cana and Lucy were currently in the living room of their new home that had a brown wooden floor with pink walls to match, and Lucy wore a black T-shirt with some red jeans to match. These clothes were in a larger size than what she wore in the past, due to how she retained some weight from giving birth four years ago in X792, and her hips were somewhat wider while her breasts were bigger than Cana's. She sat down on the green couch, and Lucy was sitting next to her four-year old daughter named Michelle Alberona. Michelle had blonde hair that was long and styled like Cana's while she had Lucy's cocoa brown eyes, and she wore a light blue dress with light blue flat shoes to match. She also had Cana's tan skin, too.

"Wow, Mommy! That's a really great story of how you and my other Mommy fell in love and married each other!" Michelle told Lucy in a happy tone while having a cute smile on her face, happy to hear that tale on her fourth birthday.

Lucy replied nicely to her daughter while grinning happily, blushing at how it felt like she met Cana yesterday, "Thanks, Michelle! Cana and I will always be in love with each other, and our love is what created the best daughter in Fiore."

Michelle asked Lucy while suddenly looking curious about something in that long story, blinking her brown eyes, "Mommy, but what happened to that mean lady named Erza?"

Lucy's left eye twitched for a moment while she looked shocked, hoping that Michelle wouldn't ask that question, and Lucy simply decided to not answer that question. She had heard something about Erza in X794, and the scarlet-haired mage supposedly stumbled upon a secret in Lavender Curse when she wanted to confront Minerva over a flyer that was sent to Mizu Galleon while it asked for Mirenu's presence. Lucy visited Mirenu once in X795 to return a spell book on Water Magic that helped her combine powers with Aquarius, and she only caught a glimpse of a purple-haired woman who had violet skin. That woman was in black shackles and white lingerie with white stockings while Mirenu got to see her new violet eyes before Lucy had that chance to see how the former Fairy Tail mage accepted the purple flames of malice onto her soul. Erza remained as Mirenu's loyal servant while she had been tricked by Minerva into saying to the altar of purple flames in Lavender Curse how she wanted the power to make Minerva Orlando not look down on her, but making her own body become a witch's husk with her soul taken over by lustful thoughts of being submissive certainly made Erza be a sight for Minerva to evilly laugh at during the guild's dark ritual that involved making a new member be bathed in purple flames to receive their powerful dark magic. Mirenu, however, was happy to have a fully obedient witch be her bitch who also acted as a lapdog. Not only did Erza pleasure her, but Mirenu loved making her possessed servant be the guild whore as Erza's ultimate karma for how she was evil enough to do cruel things in the past.

As Michelle heard her mother nicely ask her if she would go see Mirajane, who was her godmother, Cana came from the kitchen to be in the living room. She wore a dark green midriff shirt with dark green capri pants to match, and Cana placed the pink bottle of cherry-flavored alcohol down on the brown coffee table. She walked over to Michelle and nicely hugged her, liking how she'd get to celebrate her birthday today, and Cana actually planned on giving her some vanilla cake tonight. Since it was currently morning, though, Michelle could have some pancakes that were topped with her favorite cherry syrup.

Cana soon broke the hug while smiling about how Juvia just finished telling her via Communications Lacrima Crystal about how she'd visit the happy family tomorrow, and Juvia would also bring Gray along. Cana walked over to Lucy while mouthing some words about how Juvia would be in Sorcerer Magazine for technically being the strongest S-Class wizard in Mizu Galleon, and she'd be featured in a photo shoot with Mirenu on the private beach of Magnolia. Lucy was quite happy for her friend, but her own life was certainly filled with happiness.

Lucy thought about how that fateful night at the bar with Cana really made her life better, and she was glad to be married to such a beautiful woman. They were even featured in Sorcerer Magazine in X791, but that was only because Jenny Realight spotted them on their honeymoon that took place on an island that had similarities with the Leafia Wilds. As Lucy got off of the couch to open the bottle of alcohol, Michelle decided to get up and gently tug on the right side of her pants that actually had an open birthday gift in the right pocket. That caught Lucy's attention, and she smiled at her daughter.

"Michelle, this is our morning present to you. This is a deck of cards that has spells on Celestial Spirit Magic, but don't use them carelessly. I would've given you my keys, but Cana wanted you to have a nice tribute from something that she helped me handle before you were born." Lucy explained to Michelle in a calm manner, taking the deck of golden cards out of her pocket.

Michelle replied joyously while accepting the deck of cards from her mother, delight entering her eyes, "Thank you, Mama and Mommy! I love you both, and I'll also learn Wind Magic from Miss Wendy tomorrow! Mommy Lucy, thanks for letting me see her epic battle with Miss Kazumi yesterday in the Fairy Tail guild! It was awesome, Mama Cana!"

Cana leaned down to look at her daughter's eyes, before cutely saying, "Not as awesome as when your mommy and I fought against her, and her husband is also powerful. Anyway, Michelle, go play with your godmother who lives nearby. Lucy Alberona and I have to enjoy our special drink alone, and we have to revisit that maid cafe for a cake that we once saw there as maids."

As Michelle cutely decided to run out the door and go past the sight of Natsu proposing to Lisanna near the house, Lucy and Cana sat back down on the couch with happy smiles on their faces. The two women giggled cutely at each other while thinking how it was good to be mothers, and they were quite proud of the life that they shared together. Lucy blissfully looked into Cana's beautiful violet eyes, before giving her a nice kiss on the lips, and both women felt their cheeks become warm while they blushed in a light shade of pink.

Some golden rays of sunlight came through the windows while they nicely shined on the females, and some rays of light even made the bottle appear to be brighter. Cana was glad to not only be sharing this drink with her wife and lover, but she'd be sharing it with her best friend. Lucy would also be glad to enjoy this drink, not minding that it wasn't the Cherry Passion brand with potent effects, but she'd love sharing this drink with Cana. As Lucy watched her pick up the bottle and open it, Cana smiled at how she learned to appreciate this flavor of alcohol for the rest of her life. After all, the night where she first decided to share it with someone made Cana really enjoy the company of the celestial mage and the cherry aroma.

How was the final chapter? Did you like it? Sorry if some things weren't perfect, by the way. This story was great for me to write, read, and I loved every week of writing it! Lucy and Cana had a pretty amazing journey from being casual friends to being lovers who ended up happily married together, and the other plots worked out pretty well! I initially thought of this story focusing on Lucy with Mirajane, since she's the main barmaid, but taking this route was also okay. I don't know when I'll update again or what to write next, but this story is now complete!

Now, to the reviews!

OBSERVER01 nli: Once again, thank you so much!

Arno: He certainly appeared, my friend.

Guest: It was my first time writing a lemon where a girl has a cock, but I hope it was decent to you.

Jun-K: Nice to see you again, my friend! I'm glad that this is your favorite story. I'll think about your request, and I'll watch Sakura Wars when I have time to see if I feel like writing about those characters.

LuLu: I'm glad that you liked seeing Erza get more comeuppance, my friend. Lucy and Cana definitely got to have a daughter, and her name is Michelle. I actually chose that, based on the second chapter where Lucy thought she was sleeping in bed with a doll.