Veronica Komori

I groaned as I leant back against the window, tired not to mention bored as anything .Sitting across from me was my older sister Yui, who unlike me was quite content with the fact that our adoptive father had literally kicked us out of his home.

Work over seas my ass.

I wasn't that affected since I wasn't really living with them in the first place , having ditched the church when I was nine. But I hadn't expected the oh so special and faithful follower of God Seiji Komori to abandon his dutiful daughter as well. Well guess you can't judge a priest by his bible.

Anyways I groaned painfully again. Why did I have to go his 'distant but beloved' relatives. I wasn't even considered his daughter anymore and he sure as he'll wasn't my daddy. As for the 'distant' relatives for he knows they could be the sadistic rapists.

Ah the joys of life.

My older but much more naive sister chuckled at my torment and patted my head in a way she thought was comforting but only further agitated me,as it only served to reminded me of a certain obnoxious priest.

I shifted , recoiling from her delicate touch not because of the intentions of being rude,but because I was not very fond of physical touch. It seemed that she understood for once and smiled tenderly at me.

It was pathetic smiles like these that only deigned to make my already hard life harder. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister... but anyone sane can observe and say that my sister is prone to being a naive scatterbrain at times.

A lovable naive scatterbrain.

Hmm...that sounds better.

"Oh Ronnie! Isn't it great father sent us to meet our relatives" Yui exclaimed in a very small voice. Did I mention you're not supposed to be loud back at church?

"Yeah... isn't it..."

I drawled out in sarcasm. Yui however being the scatterbrain she is didn't notice and clapped her hands together excitedly.

"It's going to be great with them! I omder if their priests? I hope father will get his work done quickly so he can join us later! Though I wonder why father never spoke of them before..."

Yui said...something but by that time I had tuned our my sister's voice,as I didn't want to reply in,anyway that would result in her getting hurt. She was very sensitive regarding the priest AKA her darling daddy. However the second last comment nearly blew me up.Gee'd think something like this would be suspicious; since when has the church job ever offered overseas work? Last I checked, priests stuck to their churches like blood sucking leeches.

No offense.

But my ever so amazing sister never thought about it and just happily packed her bags as soon as she heard the news. At least that's what I imagined it. I, on the other hand threw a fit; punched a few nuns; ran away to the circus.(just kidding) and still ended up in the same boat as Yui.

I still don't know why that priest was so determined to send me with Yui. Last I checked I wasn't living with them. I was only his daughter in surname. And I am happy to say in nothing else.

I must have fallen asleep somewhere during my musings as the next thing my ears heard was Yui's soft yet shrill voice calling my name and one of her dainty hands shaking me awake.

"Ronnie? We're here..."

"Five more minutes Nana..."

I heard a giggle and the absurdity of someone laughing at me compelled me to open eyes, my violet orbs shining. Unfortunately instead of Nana (my heraldess caretaker) waking me up for a steaming cup of hot chocolate in my house twas only Yui as she stood in front of me as I sat in the fancy limousine.

As soon as Yui saw my open eyes she turned away fixing her hair and clothing after she stepped out of the extravagant car while I grumbled profanities under my breath that, if heard would have resulted in a fainted Yui and a boat load of nuns.

Slinging my duffle bag over my shoulder, my messy brown hair tangled and...Well messy, I stepped out of the limo, glad to finally stretchy limbs after a five hour long drive.

Oh if I had known the duration of the drive , I probably would've come prepared. Preferably with a bucket load of chips and coke for the ride.

My eyes scanned the area and I groaned as soon as I saw the old fashioned Victorian designed mansion in front of me.

'What are these people?Aristocrats?'

Hey don't judge me...For me it's comfort before style. Sadly not many people agree with my psychology. The living definition was standing in front of me literally drooling over the lavish over stuffy decorations on the 'mansion'

Tch, more like castle.

I wouldn't be lying if I said I looked around for a glimpse of Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately the devoted lovers were nowhere to be seen and I sighed in disappointment. Oh well... perhaps the duo only meet in the secrecy of night.

Worry not my distressed Capulet and Montague, your fairy godRonnie is here.

While I snooped around searching for my godchildren I failed to notice the steady raindrops pouring until my sister let out a shriek and ran towards the mansion abandoning me and a truck load of suitcases behind.

Gee sis feeling the love.

Even more so when I realized more than half the luggage was Yui's .Heck even the limo was gone. So much for the five star service. By the time I had reached the large oaken door, my sister had already entered the mansion, leaving me entirely drenched. Typical of her, it wasn't very polite to enter a creepy dark mansion in your own. Especially if there was a chance of sadistic rapists living there.

She should've taken me with her.

Oh well...She did what she had to do. I stripped out of my wet over jacket and my boots, opting not to anger the residents with a wet floor. That is, if anyone lived here. My inhuman senses told me that this mansion was indeed not empty at all.

Which made getting to Yui even more urgent.

A familiar scream confirm my suspicions and I bolted towards the pitiful sounds, leaving all the luggage behind. First priority, Yui.

Kicking open a door showed me , a frantic Yui laying her head on the chest of a very handsome redhead .And judging by the fangs in his mouth I was sure he wasn't quite human.

Just like me.

I walked slowly to my desperate sister as she gasped, her eyes wide as she stated at the redhead.

"Oh my god Ronnie he isn't breathing!"

I just stated at her in a deadpan.

'Well duh...'

"Help me Ronnie! He's so cold!"

I raised my eyebrows before turning around about to leave.

" 'Kay I'll get the shovel..."

A little shuffling told me our 'dead' host wasn't actually sleeping or 'dead' as my sister thought. Judging by how his cheeks slightly puffed out , I could easily tell he was restraining laughter. This made me smile for some reason as satisfaction bloomed on my heart.

Yui seemed to mistake my smile for something else entirely as her eyes widened in realization and she snapped her fingers.

"Oh right! I should the ambulance! Thanks Ronnie !"

"Um sis..."

However any words of mine were lost as the redheaded man on the couch seemed to bore from Yui's niavety and snatched her phone out of her hands stopping only to cast the old pink phone a disgusted glance.

Can't blame him.

"Tch, don't you know it's rude to wake some one up especially when it isn't your house?"

Yui let out a shriek that could rival a fangirl's and I mentally applauded my sister. To let out a scream like that...Well she must have been really scared.

Mister Redhead must have thought the same for her gave her a fleeting impressed look which she failed to see before morphing his expression to a glare.

"Oh my god, you're alive!" She shrieked making me flinch. Where did the church teachings go?

As Mister Redhead looked down at himself in a deadpan, I answered to Yui for the both of us.

"Well duh sis..."

Mister Redhead gave me an appreciative nod before turning his attention to my wailing sister. He didn't deign words necessary for he pulled my sister underneath him on the couch almost immediately.

Diabolical 3

Veronica Komori

"W-what are you doing?"

"What does it look like Pancake? I'm gonna take you!"

My sister gasped in reply. Okay time to stop the show. I ran over to my sister's aid and pulled the perverted redhead off my sister successfully throwing him back on his butt on the ground. Okay I might've used a teensy meensy little inhuman strength I threw him off Yui.

Hey don't blame me!. He's a vampire, I wouldn't know how much strength I needed. Hopefully no one noticed.

I helped my older sister up as she thanked me. See? It was times like these that made people wonder how in blazes Yui was three years older than me. Even her IQ was that of a eleven year-old's.

As for the red haired vampiric gentleman in front of us, I wondered when she would figure out his true identity. Anyways, the dude opened his mouth , clearly pissed off about not havin his snack. Gosh, he looks like a 5-year-old who didn't get his sweets.However he was unable to say anything thankfully, as a guy in a immaculate black suit stepped out of the shadows behind him making him flinch as he stood up.

"Ayato, what is the meaning of this? Take such frivolous activities to your private room; this is a room for greeting guests!"

He said structuring me groan internally.

Seemed like we had a stuck up host. A host who also seemed inhuman due to his abnormally pale skin.

But Yui, my oh so sweet and naive Yui jumped at the chance as her knight in shining black suit arrived to her rescue. Or so she thought. She ran over to the poor soul and literally clung to his leg like a leech.

"Please help me!"

Ouch, where'd I go?

"Tch , damn not you Reiji!" Ayato grumbled at Reiji , I presume.

Meanwhile Reiji looked at my sister as she was dog poop on his perfectly polished black shoes.

"And just who might you be?" He asked Yui coldly as he regarded her pitifully state. Sorry Yui, but that's the ugly truth. Before my sister could say anything else to worsen our already bad situation seeing as I sensed six vampires in the household and I couldn't hold them all off together even with my... capabilities; I stepped forward with a serious look plastered on my face and bowed respectfully towards the guy in front of me.

When there's a butler like dude in front of you better act polite or be sorry later on.

It's usually the butler who are the sadist; HAVE you seen how they discipline people? Sorry but I don't need a ruler on my hand. .it yet anyways. And couple that with a vampire sadistic butler and you've got yourself a whole new problem.


"Good Afternoon kind Sir, I apologize for the commotion caused by my sister. She easily gets excited. Kindly forgive her actions, this will not happen again. My name is Veronica Komori and this is my older sister Yui. We were directed to live here by Yui's father for a certain period of time until further notice."

" is nice to see SOMEONE has proper manners here unlike a certain someone" Reiji paused just to glare at Yui. Poor Yui, he is scary. " However, I shall accept your apology although a certain someone should have done it herself; also unfortunately I was not informed of this therefore, Ayato! What is the meaning of this?"

Reiji directed his last words towards Ayato with a cold glare who in turn scoffed arrogantly and turned his head away carelessly, clicking his tongue loudly.

"What?I didn't know that Pancake and Girly boy were coming!"

"Girly boy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What? It suits you! I can't tell if you're a girl or not!" He spat at me defensively.

I only rolled my eyes in response not deeming him important enough to receive my attention any longer. Tch, you'd think vampires would be more interesting. Meanwhile my sister Yui gasped and gulped until her brain finally processed what Ayato said fully.

"Excuse me? D-did you call me Pancake?"

"No sis, he just called you Poptart" With that comment I turned away from a gaping Yui and a laughing Ayato to a stoic Reiji who had been observing us quietly.

"Sir, It is odd that you were not informed about our arrival since Yui's father had convinced us otherwise... I would suggest that we investigate this situation properly, if you please"

Reiji seemed to snap out of his daze and nodded formally at me accepting my suggestion.

"Yes Miss Komori this seems like an acceptable choice since this certainly seems suspicious. If you would kindly follow me we shall further discuss this issue in the living room"

"Very well sir" I nodded at the butler wannabe and walked back to my sister laying a hand comfortingly on her slender back. Without a word I took her hand and pulled her up gently leading her over to Reiji as he turned around and walked away at a brisk pace with Ayato following him with an irritable look on his young face.

Leaning over to my sister, I whispered soft nothings into her ear assuring her that all was right.

"Tis fine Yui...calm down...I know you're shocked but just trust me okay? Everything's gonna be fine..."

I trailed off not quite believing my own words. Yui on the other hand seemed quite content with my words and so with a comforting squeeze on her hand I left her and walked ahead over to Reiji who tilted his head to acknowledge my presence.

"So Miss Komori why don't you tell us more about your arri-"

He was cut off dramatically when a pathetic attempt at a seductive voice called out to us. Tracing the voice over to the top of the stairs, I saw a young man who seemed like Ayato's twin safe for a few differences. Also he wore a fedora hat in an attempt to look cool. Needless to say I was not impressed.

"Fufu~ I thought I smelled two sweet human girls in here"

In a flash he appeared beside me and proceeded to bring his tongue to my cheek. Although it seemed as he was not successful for my hand proceeded to collide with his face as I pushed him back.

Surprised but otherwise undeterred he turned his attention to my poor sister as he teleported beside her. I could see the question in her eyes about his seeming apparition.

When will the girl learn.

He licked her neck successfully eliciting scandalized gasp from her as he groaned approvingly. "Fufu~ Kanato look, she's so sweet..."

In an instant , I felt another presence near Yui which turned out to be an overgrown man-child holding a teddy bear in his arms. With a quick glance, he appeared to look similar to Ayato as well although he had purple hair and lavender eyes , making me believe that the three were probably either triplets or sons of the same mother at the very least.

Kanato grinned creepily at my sister which she failed to notice before he leaned in and proceeded to lick her cheek. Yui helped once more as she felt Kanato's tongue but was unable to pull back as Mr.Pervert held her shoulders. Beside me, Ayato clenched his fists in annoyance.

Rolling my eyes, I cast Reiji a reapproachful look to which he cleared his throat before speaking sternly.

"Laito! Kanato! Don't you think it's rude to act like this with ladies you have just acquainted with?"

"Fufu~Reiji we were just having a little fun..."

"I bet the blonde will look really pretty as a doll..."

Reiji opened his mouth to retort once more when Ayato's annoying voice cut him.

"Oi! Get your hands off them! They belong to Ore-sama"

That's it , Imma show these bastards who's boss.

"Oh really, Oreo-sama?"

Once he saw the visible deadly aura surrounding me, he knew to shut his mouth. He even disregarded the fact that I had named him after a cookie brand. I had a feeling if it weren't for the cold glare I bestowed upon them along with Ayato, his brothers would have taken full advantage of it. Reiji seemed to give an approving grumble to this development, then realized it wasn't very proper and shut up, opting to give me an approving nod instead.

I gave him one of my million dollar smiles before turning back to the frozen group as Reiji spoke up.

"Well now that that is settled-"

And he was cut off again. Poor Reiji, I feel so bad for him, today isn't his day. And judging by that permanent look on his face, it seems no day is his day.

"Tch,Lame, I'm so tired of hearing you refer to yourself in third tense"

A harsh voice called out. I located it to a dark corner in the room but due to the low lighting was unable to identify the silhouette's features. Funny how Ayato looked for him in the exact opposite direction.

"Damn you Subaru! I know it's you, show yourself!"

And lo and behold the devil appeared our of the shadows, startling everyone; glaring at us, or more specifically my sister Yui as she had let out a shrill scream at his arrival.

"How dare you interrupt my sleep?"

Drama queen

The intruder seemed to be a teenager probably a year or two older than me, with snow white hair and crimson eyes. He would've been quite handsome I'd it weren't for the permanent glare etched on his face.

And this guy here-yes this guy, was named after a car.

Great, just great.

"H-how did you get in here?" Yui stammered.

The car guy seemed to find this offensive and he took out his anger on a poor unsuspecting wall. Okay, nickname changes to the Hot Headed Car Guy.

"My question FIRST!"

Needless to say, the last word was said while inflicting great pain upon the poor wall.


Poor Yui couldn't even form a proper sentence. Behind me, Reiji muttered something about deplorable manners. Deciding to be a good sister, I walked over to You and slung an arm around her comfortingly as I glared at Hothead Car Guy.

He glared back.

"Dude come on, don't you know it's rude to shout at people? Especially at a girl! What do you know? She might be your future wife! Not a good first impression dude not a good first impression. And tell me what'd that wall ever do to you?"

I sassed him perfectly.

Which resulted in a laughing mess of the three men beside Yui and Reiji suppressing a smile while Yui just looked plain confused. Subaru gave me a harsh glare but didn't say anything else. He looked away but not before I saw a small blush rise on his cheeks.

" little Subaru embarrassed? So cute" I cooed.

Needless to say, that statement resulted in a harder blush and him turning away completely. Meanwhile the other three brother seemed to be in cloud nine.

"Tch, S-Shut up you mortal!"

And that statement resulted in confirming the fact that these men were indeed not humans but blood sucking perverted and arrogant mosquitos. Just looking at Subaru's temper made me wonder of he was on his Lady Week of the month.

" noisy..."

A voice called out. Our attention was then turned to a sleeping blonde on a couch at the far end of the room. Even though it seemed impossible, the disgusted look on Reiji's face deepened even more so as he scooped at the newest arrival.

"Aah, so the deadbeat makes his entrance!"

Mr. Deadbeat made the effort to reveal only one strikingly blue eye, as it focused on Yui and came to linger on me. I thought I saw something flash in his eyes or eye for that matter before it returned to it's sleepy state. He yawned and commenced his retort.

"Hmm...are you the ones that man was talking about?"

Wow, way to change the subject.

However, Reiji seemed to be distracted by Mr.Deadbeat's simple but annoyingly common trick as he furrowed one immaculate brow as he looked on.

"And just what do you mean by that you lousy deadbeat?"


"Too much work..."

I was pretty sure I heard a snore after that. However the teddy bear man-child seemed to agree with Reiji as he pushed his way past the others and pretty much yelled at the lazy blonde. Quite hypocritical of me though for even I had my moments. It was one of the things that aided in being the reason of me being cast out of the church.

Something told me the blonde in front of me had a similar story.

Meanwhile though...

"Don't 'too much work me'! Answer the question!"

The others seemed to agree as they all stared at him. Even I had to admit I was curious since last I checked, Priests certainly did not affiliate with 'unholy demonic beings' as they put it.

However the soft snoring of Mr. Lazy Ass was the only contribution on his self to the conversation. Beside me Yui could not help but sweat drop.

Sighing , I took matters into my own amazing, jaw breaking hands. Tip toeing over to Lazy Ass's place on the couch with exactly half a dozen eyes on my back, I crouch down in front of him. He seemed to be aware of my presence for he opened one gorgeous blue eye and stared at me before deeming me unworthy of his time and he turned his head away going back to sleep.

I was offended.

Seriously offended. Bit hypocritical of me since it was usually the nuns in my place with mind being on the couch. Now I know how they felt. And that somewhat lightened my mood. Soon I resorted to poking his side experimentally occasionally poking his face.

After a few minutes of impressive restraint on his count of course, he finally groaned and opened his eyes. Oh what I'd give to have those eyes.

Great, now I'm fangirling on a pair of eyes.

What is wrong with me?

"So troublesome..."

Anyways, Lazy Ass groaned this under his breath. I don't think he meant for me to hear it but when I did a large grin stretched upon my face.

"Bet I'm not as trouble some as the others back there" I whispered conspiratorily.

A hint of a smile in turn stretched on his face and his eyes crinkled by half a centimetre. I don't think he meant for me see that either but who cares.


In victory I leaned back and stood up as he cleared his throat and spoke loudly as if it were a true pain to do so.

"That man called to inform me that two sacrificial brides will be arriving."

"And you thought not to inform me of this?" Reiji said coldly.

"Oh and they aren't to be killed" he continued.

Lazy Ass,just groaned and went back to sleep his favour for me complete. Not before he shot me a conspiratory smirk.

Ooh, someone's a bad boy.

Meanwhile Reiji had clapped his hands together triumphantly as if he had solved the mystery.

"Well, It seems that there are no misunderstanding although they could have been avoided in the first place" He sent Lazy Ass a deadly glare. "Let me introduce ourselves as it is only proper to do so."

Yui squeaked something that everyone disregarded while I nodded to Reiji.

"A good idea for I am still unfamiliar with a few gentlemen mainly Mr.Lazy Ass and Pervert Supreme.Kindly introduce us for I do not find it proper to address them as such"

"Ooh~ Little Kitty is ferocious alright"

I gave Reiji a look in turn which said 'See?'. Reiji seemed to understand for he continued.

"I understand your concerns Miss Komori and therefore although you seemed to be familiar with the names of the majority, I shall still introduce you to them just for the sake of your deplorable sister"

Yui let out a squeak of protest beside me but I just nodded. Reiji seemed like the ones that were not to be angered. So it was best that I agreed with him if I wanted to secure the safety of both myself and Yui.

"Very well, that deadbeat over there is the eldest Sakamaki known as Shu, I myself am the second eldest Reiji Sakamaki."

I nodded politely at them and Reiji continued with half a smirk.

Then come the triplets Ayato, Kanato and Laito-"

"You both belong to Ore-sama..."

"Fufu~we're going have lots of fun together..."

"I can imagine you as dolls..."

Reiji pointed them out as they made their statements. Guess I was right about them being siblings. But other than that, that was just plain creepy. I shuddered internally in disgust at their hungry expressions. I going to have a lot of problems with these three.

Meanwhile Reiji rambled on.

"And this is the youngest Sakamaki, Subaru"

Yup, he's still Hot headed Car Guy for me. He gave a menacing glare which I returned with genuine smile. Or at least what I hoped was a genuine smile. Nevertheless, Subaru was taken a back and his glare dissolved into a look of shock before he realized everyone was looking at him and wiped the look off his face with an irritated 'Tch'

No matter,

Ronnie 1 Car Guy 0

Turning my attention to Reiji after that I listened as he set down some rules. However, this time Yui cut him off. Big mistake.

Something told me Reiji wasn't going to be very patient with interruptions that weren't made by his brothers. I gulped as the scene unfolded in front of me.

"I-I'm sorry, but I wasn't told of anything about a bride a-and I-I think we should go Or at least call our father to confirm it, Right Ronnie?."

Pulling up my features into an amused look , I replied to Yui.

"Whhaaat? Do we have to? I'm having the time of my life here! I've never been so amused in my entire history of existence!"

After witnessing the adorable point on my lips and the childish look plastered on my face, Yui decided I wasn't going to be of any help.

Why would I ?

That priest sent us here probably to get rid of us, I wasn't going back to him no matter what. Even if I had to face half a dozen bloodthirsty vampires.

Hmm...I wonder when Yui figures that out.

She took a step back as the males sized her up. Mainly the triplets and she fumbled for her phone only to realize it was in the clutches of Ayato who held it over her head mockingly.

"My phone! Hey give it back!"

After a few minutes of Catch the Phone, Subaru snatched it out of Ayato's grasp.

Oh no.

Yui of course, my dear lovable stupid sister didn't get it.

"Oh thank you..."

That ended up in a shriek that made me cover my ears. How am I not deaf by now?

Meanwhile Subaru crushed it with the strength of only one hand right in front of Yui. You'd think a normal person wouldn't be able to crush a piece of metal so easily but Yui was much more focused on the fact that her precious phone was in pieces.

"W-Why would you do that?!"

Yui exclaimed.

Subaru's crimson eyes darkened to nearly black as Yui yelled at him.

Okay, time to end this. This has gone to far. I don't want an annihilated sister.

Correction don't need one.

As the respectable gentlemen on room sized my sister up, slipped past them and my sister with my back to her protectively.

"Now now gentlemen let's not get hasty-"

I began slowly , my eyes trained on the curled fist that belonged to Subaru as he staked forward.

However all my effort went down the drain when I heard a crash. Turning around I saw Yui on the ground with a bleeding scratch on her knee. Suddenly the air tensed and a stiffling silence overcame the room. Yui gasped and she pointed behind me fearfully. Turning around I came to witness six pairs of glowing eyes as they stared hungrily at the blood on my sister's knee. They growled showing off their long fangs.

To be honest I was kind of impressed that Yui hadn't fainted by now. older sister's growing up!


Finally she figured it out! She certainly is growing up! However that all went down the drain when she pulled out her prized silver cross and pointed it at them.

"Don't worry Ronnie I'll keep you safe! Be gone foul demons"

Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

The room erupted into snickers and chuckling. I had no part in it, however I gave my sister a soft smile and walked over to her slowly as she heard Reiji's explanation of how it was completely useless. Shu said something as well but I didn't hear it for I was to busy aiding my sister as she stood up. Unwrapping a small bandage around my wrist I tied it on knee to stop the bleeding.

I chuckled as Yui stared at them in disbelief.

"C'mon Yui, if any of that had been true then my entire life at the church would have been literal he'll; not that it wasn't of course"

Fear entered my older sister's eyes as I felt six pairs of curious drilling the back of my head. She looked at me as if I had grown an extra head and committed fornication with a dog and shook her head.

"R-Ronnie...A-Are you one of them too?"

Cautiously, I looked deep into her eyes all form of humor and amusement gone as I uttered my next words.

"Maybe, why'd you think I ran away?"

I crouched in front of my sister as betrayal entered her eyes and recoiled from my touch. Stuttering and scrambling she turned and ran out of the room not looking back once at her little sister who she had abandoned with a group of hungry vampires.

And it was then and there, after three long years of blissful ignorance and the effort to heal and forget, that I had my heart broken once again.