Draco slamed in to Harry with sutch force that Harry whined lodely. The blonde one knew exactly what Harry liked, after being together for a year with incredible sex almost every night, Draco knew what spot to hit for Harry to let out a sinfull moan.
In, out, in, out, in, out. Draco fucked deep, hard and fast. Even faster than Lightning MC queen!
"P-Please, Draco!"
Harry begged while moaning.
"What love? Please don't stop? Please harder? Please more? Or perhaps please let me come?"
Draco teased playfully. He'd allways tease Harry when he had the chance. He could not help it! The grate Harry Potter on his knees begging to come while having a big, wet cock pounding him in to the bed.
"Please let me come!"
Harry schouted as one of Dracos thusts hit his G-spot very rough.
As Draco wrapped his hand around Harrys cock he beugined to jerk it off gentily but passioneutly. Harry moanes filled the room as he was toled to come. And so he did... All over Dracos hand... That was so hot... Draco could not holed back his own reales as he came deep inside Harrys ass.
He cased a quick cleaning spell, and they both were clean again. He pulled out of Harry to lay beside him. His head hit the pillow in seconds, then he loveingly pulled Harry to his chest and wrapped his arm arouned Harrys waist. Nuzzeling (?) in the crough of Harrys neck i sighed in sadesfaction.
"That one is on the top ten list, right?"
Harry asked tierdly.
"Defenetly, love."
Draco responded softly.
"I love you, Draco."
Harry yawned before he fell in to a peasfull slumber, lulled by Dracos heart beat.
"I love you too, Harry."
Draco said as he smiled, before falling asleap with his lovely boyfriend. Had you asked Draco about love five years ago, he'd laugh in your face! Ask him now... He'd say he loved love, and Harry too. Nothing was more perfect than his Harry. Harrys love was a drug to Draco, he could never get tierd of that. Never. Oh, no one could fuck Harry better than Malfoy, that's for shure, so buz off.
End :3