Hello friends! I bring you my latest story idea, and I know I have other stories that deserve updates, but I really want to be able to create a story from scratch and make it into something wonderful. I'm not going to say how many chapters yet, but hopefully I can create enough content to fulfill my dreams. I hope you guys like it, and as always, reviews and constructive criticism are always welcome! Enjoy!

"We're keepers of the peace. Not soldiers."

Mace Windu's reminder stayed with him, long after the danger had passed. Although much could be said about the bluntness and no-nonsense attitude of the distinguished Jedi Master, the words held an important truth. Indeed, the Jedi were never meant to be dragged into a war- much less become the generals orchestrating it; Nonetheless, the galaxy had cried out for help and the Jedi Order was duty bound to answer.

Over time, as the war raged on and he had been launched into battle after battle, it was easy for him to see how many of the Jedi had lost sight of their ideals. At times, the tide of war swept him up and the idea of peace seemed so far away that it was easier to accept his role as General, rather than uphold his honor as a Jedi. Anakin Skywalker struggled with the balance often, and he knew his apprentice did too.

This exact dilemma was the reason why this mission was chosen for he and his Padawan, or so Master Kenobi had claimed. It was such a drastic change from all of the fighting and strategizing, it almost made Anakin's head spin. Politics weren't his particular cup of tea, as his sense of patience and empathy were sorely lacking. As a matter of fact he found them quite boring, considering that nobody seemed capable of agreement or even compromise. The bickering, selfishness and petty mind games of the politicians seemed insignificant and inferior, compared to the work he did to secure freedom for the galaxy. Regardless of his disdain for politics, he accepted the mission for two reasons: One, it would appease the Masters on the Jedi Council and save Obi-wan a trip to the Outer Rim. Two, it would give him a chance to spend some time with his wife, in secret and away from the front lines. Although he would never share his selfish connotations with his Padawan, however.

On his walk to their quarters, he had scripted the explanation he would give his apprentice that would be sincere, while catering to his wishes. He approached the door, punching in the passcode to allow him access, before stopping at the door of his Padawan's room. Holding the dossier in his hand, he hit the small square button on the bottom of door control panel. He heard the familiar chime within, alerting the occupant of the guest at their door. Moments later, the durasteel slid back into the wall, and in the doorway stood Ahsoka Tano.

"Hello Master," she said, bowing slightly. "What's up?"

"Hey Snips," he greeted her in the same friendly tone, holding up the dossier. "We have an assignment."

"Great," she said, her eyes wide in excitement and her lips pulled back into a smile. "What is it?"

"It's a diplomatic errand, of sorts," he explained, gesturing to the sofa to sit down. They both took their seats, Anakin handing her the dossier. "We're escorting senators to a dinner in two days."

"Where?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the datapad as she read.

"Bharati. They're in the middle of a civil war and peace negotiations are supposed to take place at this dinner."

"And let me guess, we're the protection detail?" Ahsoka questioned, humor in her voice. It seemed whenever a Senator needed to go somewhere, they had to have a Jedi escort. As if they were mere bodyguards they didn't have to pay.

"Sort of," He said, earning a raised eye-marking from his Padawan. "Chancellor Palpatine asked us to escort the Senators because it's a war zone. It's not a part of the republic as of yet, so we are the only ones with any jurisdiction. They can't send troopers."

"Well duh," she responded, setting the datapad on the table between them, "but doesn't this seem like overkill? I'm sure their normal bodyguards would be able to handle the job."

"There's a silver lining, promise. Master Yoda wants us to attend the dinner as representatives of the Jedi Order. To negotiate, offer solutions, and ensure the peace is reinstated."

"That's your silver lining?" Ahsoka asked, incredulously. Her master hated politics-she knew it, the Chancellor knew it, and the Jedi council was well aware of his disdain as well. She was curious how they had even talked him into accepting the mission, much less make him excited about it!

"Come on, we'll get to eat amazing food, visit a beautiful planet, and help the galaxy all at the same time. It won't be that bad." She snorted, rolling her eyes at his pitiful attempt to persuade her. She didn't need much persuasion anyways- being cooped up in the temple was starting to give her cabin fever.

"Well, since it sounds like I don't have much of a choice, I'm in. At least tell me we know the senators that we're escorting." Ahsoka hoped so. More often than not, senators walked around with an inflated ego and sense of self-satisfaction just because of their positions in the government, and treated those who worked for them as inferior-even the Jedi protecting them. If they were escorting Senator Amidala and her entourage, at least they knew they would be welcomed and respected.

"We do. Last I heard, it'll be Senator Amidala, Senator Organa, Senator Mothma, and Senator Farr." Ahsoka raised an eye marking at her master, noting the small smile on his face.

"What? I don't like these types of missions, but at least we won't be miserable with strangers." His joke was rewarded with a chuckle, and Ahsoka rose from the couch.

"Fair enough. I'm going to go grab a snack and head to the Archives."

"Sounds good. I'm going to go run some errands, but I'll be back in a little bit. Try not to get too bored without me." She only rolled her eyes at his smirk, hitting the button on the door panel. As the door shut behind her, Anakin headed to his own room to make a comm call, away from unwelcome ears-or montrals.


After two long, boring days had passed, Ahsoka sat on the edge of her bed, deciding which clothes to bring along. Her satchel sat empty and discarded on the floor as she rummaged through her dresser. She had done research on the planet of Bharati, and it was a fairly warm planet with cool nights. She assumed her and her master were supposed to 'dress up' for the dinner party, but she didn't really have any clothes that one would consider "fancy". She had all of her normal attire picked out, including her cloak, but she didn't want to stand out at the party… but she also had to wear something with an acceptable range of motion and ample room to discreetly stow her lightsabers. Sighing in frustration, Ahsoka grabbed her comm link and her speeder keys. Maybe Padme would have something that she could borrow.

Exiting her room, she crossed the small living space to the door of her master. She pressed the doorbell and heard the chime from inside. Moments passed, and she heard no sound from inside. She waited for a minute before trying again, yet still no response. She pressed the button on her comm link that would connect her to her master's, watching the small yellow circle pulse as it sought connection.

"General Skywalker." she heard him answer, rolling her eyes at the unnecessity of the professionalism. Had he bothered to look at his comm, he would have realized that it was only her.

"Hey master, are you in?"

"Hey Snips. No, I'm out and about at the moment. Why, what's up? Are you packed up for tomorrow?"

"Almost. The only problem is that I don't have any formal wear… I was considering heading over to Padme's to see if she has anything I can borrow." She waited a moment for his response.

"Good idea. Head on over, and I'll meet you there. I have some semantics that I'd like to discuss with Senator Amidala."

"Sounds good." With that, she ended the call and headed out to her speeder.


Anakin waited on the couch of Padme's apartment as she fished a couple of dresses out of the closet. Ahsoka had just hung up, and would be there in a few short minutes. Padme appeared from the other room, carrying an enormous armful of colorful fabric, setting it all on the couch beside him and beginning to lay them out nicely.

"So what are you going to wear, Ani? I don't think I've seen you formally undercover."

"I think I'll leave it a surprise." He said with a smirk, "But it won't matter what I'm wearing, all eyes will be on the most gorgeous woman in the room." He smiled as he saw her blush, partially hidden by her hair.

"As long as it won't call unnecessary attention," she said, smoothing the wrinkles out of the final dress. "I think most of these will be alright. This one," She said, holding up a dress, "is one of my favorites for these types of things."

"If I know Ahsoka, she'll want the least "glamorous" dress you've got… She's not exactly fond of fashion, unless it's tactical wear."

"That's why it's perfect," she said, straightening out the ends of it, "it has a few 'surprises'."

At that moment, the door chimed, and C-3PO hobbled to the room from the hallway. He opened the door to reveal Ahsoka, letting her in to the apartment.

"Ahsoka," Padme greeted her, pulling her into a hug, "so good to see you."

"You as well, Padme. Thank you so much for your help."

"Of course," she said, taking her hand and guiding her over to the sofa.

"Master," Ahsoka said, addressing Anakin on the couch, "looks like you beat me here."

"You snooze, you lose, my young Padawan." She rolled her eyes as Padme grabbed the first of the dresses.

"You've got lots of options to choose from, but these here are the most practical and least complicated. I figured that's what you would prefer?"

"Yes, thank you." She said, obviously relieved. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the dress on the far end of the couch, the same one Padme had shown to her master moments before her arrival. "I like this one. Would you mind if I borrowed it?"

"Of course not, but you're not leaving here with it until you try it on." Ahsoka looked to her master, looking quite amused.

"You heard the senator," he said, shrugging his shoulders. Ahsoka sighed and took the dress from her, heading into the refresher, defeated. A few minutes later, she emerged from the refresher wearing the dress. Padme was as loud as her master was silent, both looking intently at the girl. Ahsoka's montrals turned a dark shade of blue, indicating embarrassment, as Padme approached her and began making miniscule adjustments.

The dress was navy blue, made with a rich, textured fabric. It didn't have jewels, bangles, sparkles, or anything that would catch the light, but it didn't need them. The dress practically screamed "sophisticated grace" without distracting bling. It had a fitted neck, made of lace of the same color, with an open back and a small train that bunched up on the floor.

"Alright, now let me show you the exciting part," Padme said enthusiastically. "Lightsabers, please?" Ahsoka handed them to her, and felt their familiar weight attached to her waist. Where the dress picked up again in the small of her back, underneath the train, was a tactical belt that her lightsabers clipped onto. It was almost identical to where she hung her sabers normally, except hidden by the train of the dress. There was a small pocket of fabric in the front, just on her hip, that was attached at the top but loose at the bottom, sort of like a pocket, that concealed anything she might have kept there. Ahsoka examined herself in the mirror Padme held, noting that her sabers didn't bulge out and no matter how she moved or sat or twirled, they were concealed unless she moved the fabric out of the way intentionally. Everything was within a second's reach, but perfectly concealed.

"It's perfect, Padme… and it's such a pretty dress. Thank you so much for letting me borrow it."

"It looks so good on you, Ahsoka! Consider it yours."

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka questioned her.

"Absolutely. It's perfect for you. I have a million just like it. Now then, change back and get back to the temple. You two are going to need your sleep."


Hi everybody! Thanks for checking this out! Leave a review if you enjoyed the story!