What happens when you give eight college students their own private server? Shenanigans, mostly. Enjoy!


Rose (11:34 AM): Snowflake, take a look at this!

Snowflake (11:35 AM): Yes, Ruby, Zwei is adorable. But why are you sharing pictures when you're supposed to be in class?

Rose (11:35 AM): Biology got cancelled, bored now. Entertain me!

Rose (11:38 AM): Weiss?

Rose (11:42 AM): Snowflake

Bookie (11:44 AM): Good luck with that, I just saw her shut her phone off.

Bookie (11:44 AM): GDI Dragon stop changing my nickname!

Rose (11:45 AM): Lol

Luna (11:46 AM): I forget, why did we let Yang be the admin again?

Fast Sloth (11:47 AM): Because nobody else felt like dealing with tech support if the server messed up, iirc.

Dragon (11:48 AM): Actually it was supposed to be Weiss, but she lost a bet

Ninja (11:48 AM): What bet?

Dragon (11:49 AM): World Cup

Ninja (11:49 AM): Ah

Luna (11:50 AM): RIP

Fast Sloth (12:02 PM): Oh, Yang, need a favor.

Dragon (12:02 PM): Shoot.

Fast Sloth (12:03 PM) I want you to make me a NSFW room.

Dragon (12:04 PM): O.o

Rose (12:04 PM): I need an adult.

Fast Sloth (12:05 PM): You are an adult. But for real, would you?

Ninja (12:06 PM): I know what she's gonna put up, please don't.

Dragon (12:07 PM): Now I gotta! I'll set it up when I'm not on Mobile.

Fast Sloth (12:07 PM): Ty! Saucy pics inbound!


Luna (8:31 AM): Last night wound up being fun! Thanks for the idea of going to a club, Yang.

Dragon (8:33 AM): You went without me? Bastard!

Chocoholic (8:34 AM): You went to a club?

Luna (8:35 AM): Yeah, needed to de-stress from classes. Hit up this place called Junior's. Good time, met some nice people.

Chocoholic (8:37 AM): That does sound fun. How about we go together next time?

Luna (8:39 AM): Sure! These two girls invited me to meet them there next Saturday, anyways, so I'll introduce you. We'll have a blast.

Dragon (8:40 AM): Color me impressed

Chocoholic (8:40 AM): Two girls?

Luna. (8:41 AM): Mhm. Twins, actually.

Fast Sloth (8:43 AM): WHAT AND HOW.

Luna: (8:44 AM): TL;DR or full story?

Dragon (8:45 AM) Hit us with it.

Fast Sloth (8:45 AM): gimme!

Luna (8:49 AM): So I get there around 8. Not that busy, no line to get in, so I head straight to the dance floor and bopped along to a few songs. After that I sat at the bar, where this girl with black hair and a red dress was talking with the bartender.

Luna (8:52 AM): Correction, she was ranting at the bartender. She was pissed at her boyfriend (now ex) and kept shouting out "Fuck him, fuck that girl," etc. At first I was gonna ask her if she wanted to talk about it, but then I realized that she wasn't in the mood for any of my shenanigans. So, I slid the bartender five Lien when he came my way and told him to put it towards whatever drink she wanted, because she clearly needed it.

Chocoholic (8:54 AM): That was kind of you, even if alcohol doesn't really fix anything.

Luna (8:56 AM): true lol. Anyways, I get back to dancing, but before long another girl slid up next to me. She was wearing white instead of red, but her face looked exactly like the first girl.

Fast Sloth (8:57 AM): Ten Lien says you thought she'd changed clothes.

Luna (9:00 AM): Guilty. Girl #2 says she likes the way I dance, we get to chatting while we're on the floor. Turns out her name is Melanie, and her sister's name is Miltia. We must've danced/talked for, I dunno, a good thirty minutes? Sat back down at the bar next to Miltia, it turns out the Ex cheated on her with a girl named Emerald.

Dragon (9:01 AM): Oof

Fast Sloth (9:01 AM): Ouch

Luna (9:02 AM): Yep. Fast forward a little, I basically danced for another two hours with them. Miltia was cheered up, all were happy, and not only did they ask me to come back next weekend, they invited me to vacation with them. Apparently I was a hit lol.

Snowflake (9:04 AM): That seems awfully fast.

Luna (9:05 AM): That's what I thought, too. I politely declined the vacation, but did agree to come back and have fun with them.

Dragon (9:07 AM): Question

Luna (9:07 AM): Answer.

Dragon (9:09 AM): How exactly did they phrase the vacation thing?

Luna (9:10 AM): They asked me if I wanted to take a trip around the world.

Dragon (9:11 AM): Alrighty then.

Luna: (9:12 AM): Gotta head to work. Ttyl.

Bookie (9:22 AM): I wonder if twins really do have that phantom sensation thing.

Dragon (9:23 AM): I'll go check on Pyrrha.


Dragon (6:44 PM): Ninja never before have I been so disappointed in your gf.

Ninja (6:46 PM): I told you not to.

Snowflake (6:48 PM): What has Nora done now?

Dragon (6:49 PM): You checked out the NSFW channel?

Snowflake (6:50 PM): Of course not! And if she's done something wrong, it's your fault for encouraging that type of degeneracy.

Dragon (6:51 PM): Weiss, she has spent three days doing. Nothing. But posting syrup covered pancakes.

Snowflake (6:52 PM): I dread to think of what that euphemism stands for.

Ninja (6:54 PM): She's being literal. It's a variety of GIFs featuring pancakes being slowly covered in syrup.

Fast Sloth (6:55 PM): Sensually

Dragon (6:56 PM): Some of them are even perfect loops.

Snowflake (6:57 PM): …

Dragon (6:58 PM): Ruby saw that as a chance to start sharing her own crap, too. Rifles shooting in slow motion, power drills in factory lines…

Rose (7:00 PM): Come on, you loved seeing the flamethrower in 60 FPS!

Dragon (7:01 PM): it was awesome, but that's not the point.

Ninja (7:03 PM): And now Pyrrha's started linking some workout videos there.

Rose (7:04 PM): Chocoholic Nice glutes btw

Chocoholic (7:05 PM): Thank you .

Snowflake (7:07 PM): Why do I hang out with any of you?

Dragon (7:08 PM): Because you love us!

Snowflake (7:09 PM): I'm starting to have doubts.

Fast Sloth (7:11 PM): If I start linking videos of fish being cooked, do you think we could get Blake to chat more often?

Tuna Pounder (7:14 PM): Doubtful- Yang I swear to god.

Dragon (7:16 PM): You're welcome


Luna (11:34 AM): Oh my god I just got the world trip thing.

Rose (11:36 AM): Aren't you meeting them again tonight?!