Valued Pet

Disclaimer: I don't own LoZ SS.


'Link signing'

Ghirahim watched the sky child. It had been a month since Demise won. Most of the sky children were locked up or turned to servants until they proved they were loyal. Link had been made a servant. Despite being the chosen hero he had yet to fight back. He truly confused the demon lord/sword.

He expected a fight from the blonde. Instead the boy did as his master and himself ordered. He did what the other demon lord and lady's ordered. Not once did he complain. It was a mystery to Ghirahim.

"Are you watching the ex-hero again?" A deep sinister voice broke through his thoughts."

"Yes." He turned and looked at his master.


"He isn't fighting. He seems content to be a servant."

"I see you point."

"It is strange and worrisome."

"Your wondering what he is planning." His master said.


"Do you have someone watching him?"


"Have they seen anything?"

"No nothing. He does what he is told and then goes back to his room when the day is over."

"Those idiots must have missed something. No way would the chosen hero not fight."

"Those were my thoughts."

"If you want something done you have to do it yourself apparently. We'll just have to watch him. Put up some surveillance in his room."

"Of course your majesty."