As I started home to lay Abby down for a nap, she squealed when she saw the field of flowers across from our house "Auntie Wosiee," she point, "fowerssss!" she was squirming to get down.

"Okay dear, we will play for a minute," I said… I don't think I will ever be able to say no to her. It's just something about her...She was crawling and giggling, waving around a buttercup. I laughed.

I was crouching down not too far from her when she tried to stand up, a little unsteady at first but she was able to take a couple of steps towards me and held the buttercup out "Auntie Wosie, It for youuuuu!" She exclaimed before losing her balance and landing in my lap. I scooped her up "Thank you darling, it is almost as beautiful as you." I said as I kissed her cheek, causing her to giggle and hug my neck.

As I walked up the steps I looked around me and noticed the beauty that I was surrounded by; the tall grass swaying in the breeze, the flowers dancing, and the birds swirling around one another. I sighed with content and walked through my door.

I sat Abby on the couch, "Okay baby girl, it's time for you to take a nap." I cooed. Her eyes fluttered as she drifted into slumber. I put pillows all around her so she couldn't roll off and started straightening up the house before Elizabeth arrived and put on some tea.

It had been about an hour and Abby was stirring around so I picked her up, changed her diaper and set her down on the floor. I went and grabbed some of the toys I had picked up for her at the mercantile. I guess I went a little overboard, because I noticed out of all of the toys we had she was just focused on one in particular… A small wooden horse.

She would make the cutest sounds pretending to be the horse running through the meadows. She handed me another one of them and we pretended to chase each other around and around, giggling and babbling to one another. In that moment I forgot all of my sorrows and was at peace with my life. I may not have been able to see or hold my daughter but God gave me sweet Abby as a reminder that life is precious and to remind me that I am ready to be a mother and I am not alone.

Forgetting that I was in deep thoughts, I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a knock at the door. It must be Elizabeth..

I scooped Abby up and she was babbling and I was encouraging her and said "Oh, really?" I made my way to the door with her on my hip, "Hello, Elizabeth!"

"Hi!" she laughed.

"Mama!" Abby reached for her and I handed her over.

"Hello, baby girl!" she took her and kissed her cheek, "Were you behaved for Auntie Rosie today?"

"She was an absolute angel, Elizabeth, so much in fact that I have felt better today than I have the past month!" My eyes lit up.

She smiled, "I'm so glad!"

I opened the door more and stepped aside, "Come on in, Elizabeth, would you like some tea?" I asked.

"I'd love some, thank you." she smiled and walked in past me. There were toys strewn about the room, "Well, you two seemed to have an entertaining day,"

I closed the door and walked up next to her, looking at the living room, "We sure have," I sighed "I just wish we could have had more time." I looked down at the floor somewhat upset.

"There's tomorrow at her party,"she said, "And the day after, and after that." she laughed, "We live right next door."

I looked at her, today has been my best day that I've had in a long time.. Tell her that, "Well, with Jack just recently regaining his memory, I was wondering if you'd like some alone time and I would really enjoy Miss Abby's company tonight," I cooed the last part.

I could tell she was taken aback by my request, "I… well… We haven't had any alone time, no, but we've been spending time as a family, the three of us… but it has been a long time…" I could see her pondering the thought.

"Oh, please, please Elizabeth," I begged.

"I don't want to impose, Rosemary. To leave Abby as your responsibility just so Jack and I can be alone?"

"Lee and I already discussed keeping her tonight when Abby and I brought him his lunch this afternoon. We would love nothing more than to spend more time with our precious niece."

I really wanted this, and I really needed this.

"If you're sure about it." she took a breath, "I trust you and Lee. If at any point she gets to be too much, please come and get us."

I smiled from ear to ear, "Thank you so much!" I jumped up and down, and practically knocking her over with a hug. "I'm sure she will be perfect," I reassured.

"She likes for you to think that," she said as Abby grabbed for her earring, "Exhibit A. Honey, no. Don't touch, mommy wants to keep her ears intact, please." she moved her hand away but Abby just grabbed for her hair instead. She heaved a sigh and untangled her daughter's fingers from her hair. "You said something about tea before?" she asked.

I nodded, "Right. Sit." I replied, walking to retrieve the kettle, and she obeyed, " So what are you going to do tonight since you will be baby-free?" I smirked.

She ignored my smirk though, "Probably sleep. Go to bed early." she shrugged, Abby still attempting to grab her hair so she twisted it up into a quick bun.

I turned to her, a hand on my hip and gave her a look, "Elizabeth. Really," I glared. " Tell the truth." Now looking at her with both hands on my hips.

She rolled her eyes, "I can't confirm, nor deny anything Rosemary," I still stared daggers into her, "But as you've always said, these walls are paper thin, so you'll be the first to know, won't you?"

With that being said, I didn't let her stay a minute later and rushed her out the door so I could plan my night with Abby. I started cooking dinner, battering up the steak. It's been a long time since I've made it. Lee will be very happy. Once I got the steak in the pan I started cutting up my potatoes and putting seasonings here and there. I looked at Abby playing with her horse and said "Abby, dear, do you like mashed potatoes?"

"Taaaytoessss!" she squealed.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I giggled.

Lee walked through the door, "Why hello beautiful!" he exclaimed.

"Hi Sweetheart," I said.

"I was talking to Abby, Sweetheart."

I turned around after putting the steaks in a plate, the hot pan still in my hand "Leland Coulter!" He was almost right behind me holding Abby, looking at me with his eyes about as big as the wheels of stagecoach. I laughed and wiped the pan out and put it back on the stove. "Honey, what's wrong?" I said.

He shook the shocked look off of his face. "Sorry Sweetheart," he gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "I see Elizabeth took you up on our offer." he said with excitement in his voice.

I don't know who was happier about Abby staying, Lee or myself. "You're just in time for dinner, I made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans."

"It all looks delicious, Thank you," he smiled at me and gave me that look, the one I fell in love with the day I met him.

I was feeding Abby at first and then Lee chimed in, "Sweetheart, I'll feed Abby, you need to eat too."

"Are you sure you're up for that challenge?" I laughed.

"Of course!" He said.

"Okay," I gave him her plate. "Abby eat good for Uncle Lee, please."

She clapped and giggled.

"Okay Miss Abby," he said "here's a bite" he cooed.

How could this man be even more beautiful now than I already thought he was. He's going to be such a great father. I can not wait to have his children. We are definitely going to talk after Abby goes to bed.

"That was such a good bite, Honey!" he praised. "Would you like to try and hold the spoon?"

"Mhmmm!" she clapped and held her hands out.

"Okay, here you go," he was placing the spoon in her hand with the potatoes on it, "this is how you hold it. He had his hands over hers and moving her fingers just right so it would be steady. "Another bite, ready? I'll help you with this one." she brought the spoon to her mouth and cheerfully ate the potatoes. "Wonderful!" he said, clapping his hands, "YAY ABBY!"

I clapped my hands in agreement "Good job babygirl!"

"M..mmoreee peeeeaseeee," she babbled.

"Okay, here you go," Lee handed her another spoonful to eat on her own.

She looked at me and giggled.

Lee caught my eye again with a look that stared into my soul and made me feel at peace and my heart was so overwhelmed at the thought of having our own little family. He smiled and about that time I heard a splat and Abby's potatoes were all over his face and shirt. I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. He flinched back and started laughing, "Okay Miss Abby I think it's time Auntie Rosie gave you a bath and get ready for bed, what do you say?"

"Oootayyy!" she giggled as I picked her up to take her upstairs.

I had just put Abby to bed and walked downstairs to find Lee finishing up the dishes and had already cleaned up the kitchen. I didn't let him know I was downstairs, but made my way to the living room to pick up Abby's toys. Just as I finished, I stood up and felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me to him.

"You're amazing, you know." He kissed my neck and sent chills down my body.

"Lee," I hesitated and faced towards him, "I…"

He looked at me and caressed my cheek. "I know." He kissed my forehead.

I took a deep breath, "Today made me realize a dream I never really wanted until I met you. Spending the day taking care of Abby has helped me so much more than I could have imagined. Lee, I would really love to try for another child."

"R..Really?' he stammered. "Are you sure you're going to be okay with this?"

"Yes, Dear, I am absolutely sure. God will be in control and no matter what happens I trust that He will take care of us."

"As do I," he said.

This was surprising coming from him due to him not really having much religious background. I felt tears forming in my eyes and looked up at his beautiful eyes, "You have no idea how much that means to me," I said shakily.

"I do, Honey, that is why I have been praying since before the day we got married, because I knew it was important to you. He who puts God first will always feel at peace. I would like for us to pray."

"O..Okay." I said.

"Lord, I pray that You would watch over us and guide us for Your plans in our life are Your decision, alone. No matter what happens please help us keep our eyes fixed on You, and be reminded that even though we will go through hard times, You will help us through and thank You for our sweet Evie, we will cherish her and delight in the fact that she is watching over us and that she is protected by You. Now forever we will say It is well with my soul. Amen." He wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at me. "I love you, ."

I laughed anxiously "And I you, my Sweetheart."

I knew Elizabeth would be coming over soon to pick Abby up for her party but I just didn't have it in me to wake her. She was such an angel and just then as if she were reading my mind, I heard a knock at the door .

"Perfect timing, she should be up from her nap any minute now." I whispered and stepped aside, gesturing for her to come in.

She stepped inside and I could she was delighted to see Abby . "How long has she been asleep?" she asked.

I looked at the clock, "Just about an hour, now?"

"I hope she was well behaved." she said.

"Elizabeth, she's an angel. She was absolutely perfect the whole time she was here." I assured her. "I honestly can't thank you enough for letting her stay with Lee and me. It definitely was something we needed to discuss and see how we felt. And it helps that we absolutely adore her."

"That makes me so happy." she said, "I'm glad she was able to help you not only with you talking with Lee, but also with what you told me yesterday."

"She really did. I'm still upset about it, naturally. More than words can express, but she's definitely lightened my mood."

"Mama," Abby had woken up and was reaching toward Elizabeth with her little hands.

"Hello, my love." she went over and picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"She knows her mama's voice." I smiled, "You should go and get her ready, the party will be starting soon." I smiled.

"You're right," she said, "Thank you so much again, Rosemary for watching her."

"Always, Elizabeth. It's a pleasure." I smiled.

Abby shifted in her arms, leaning toward me and reached for me.

"Maybe I won't be leaving," she laughed.

She handed Abby over to me and I held her, "Yes, little darling?"

Abby gave one of her baby kisses to my cheek, "Aunty Wosie," she said with a three toothed smile.

Tears formed in my eyes as I handed Abby back to Elizabeth. "I'll see you in a little bit, baby girl." I said.

"See you later, Rosemary," she said to giving me a one armed hug and she nodded.

She and Abby left. I knew I would see Abby shortly but I already missed her.

When we arrived at the party I hugged and greeted everyone and my favorite, and the guest of honor, Abby Rose. I went to find Jack who was already talking to Lee.

"Hello, Jack!" I hugged him.

"Rosemary, I'm glad you could make it. How are you feeling?" He asked sounding concerned.

"I'm doing much better, thank you, I would like to talk to you later after the party, if I may?"

He nodded, "Yes of course. I hope everything is alright," his Mountie instinct showing, not faltering even after all that's happened to him.

"It will be soon. We could use some prayer in the meantime. We will talk after the party." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Always, Rosemary." he smiled and Looked at Lee, "Thank you both again for watching Abby yesterday and this morning. It was a lot of help."

"It was our pleasure, Jack, really." I said beaming. "Well.. There is actually something on my mind.." I trailed off and looked nervously at my loving husband who gave me a nod of approval, placing a hand on the small of my back for support. "You remember when I was in the infirmary a few months ago?"

His face fell and became serious, "I do, yes."

"Well, I didn't exactly have influenza.." I turned away from the crowd but still facing Jack where he could see me. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes and Lee was now rubbing my back and listening intently.

Jack looked down and back up at me, "Elizabeth and I figured that, but we didn't want to intrude."

"Thank you," I continued, "I..umm.. Well I found out that I had been pregnant and had a miscarriage.." I said looking down at the floor in disappointment.

"Oh, Rosie… Lee," he looked between the two of us. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine how devastated you must feel."

"I had a really hard time and still continue to have my bad days as well. I was really depressed and that is why none of you ever saw me. Then, yesterday at the dress shop, when Elizabeth stopped by to check on me I just couldn't hold it back any longer. The depression was eating away at me. I didn't feel deserving of anything and I felt like a failure but when I saw Abby again, everything changed." I said as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Which brings us to our next subject." Lee said. "When we were watching Abby, Rosie and I talked about it and we would really love to try again to have another child. Abby has brought us closer together and we just absolutely adore her!"

His eyes lit up, "Really? Good! That's exciting!" he smiled. "I'm glad Abby could do that for you two."

We all smiled and laughed and made our way back to where Abby was opening presents. I looked all around us at every person. I can't help but to think about how blessed we are with all of these people here that love and care about us. Jack and Elizabeth really are the best friends we ever could've asked for. Thank you, Lord for our family.

A few months later, Lee and I were finishing up our dinner at Abigail's, and she approached us with two plates of our favorite dessert, chocolate cherry cake. Something was different though. It smelled absolutely repulsive and even the thought of putting it anywhere near my mouth made me nauseous. Lee looked increasingly nervous, because he noticed I had gone ghost pale. I gripped the table and I could feel myself getting sick, so I took off running outside. I could hear Lee worriedly saying, "Rosie, Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Lee rushed to my side as a wiped my mouth and covered it, now worried about what just happened. "Honey , what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just got so ill over the thought of the cake.. And you know how much I love cake," I pouted.

He stroked my cheek, "Rosie, you're burning up. Let's get you away from this rain, it will make you worse."

"Okay," I said half-heartedly.

Abigail was waiting for us and Lee kindly gesturing for her to take the cake back as he sat me down on the couch.

"Rosemary I brought you a cool towel for your forehead." she placed it on my head.

"Thank you," I said.

"Is there something wrong with my cake? I know you usually don't turn it down, plus it's your favorite.."

"If I knew why, Abigail, don't you think I would say something!" I snapped.

Abigail nodded and walked away looking hurt.

I started to cry and looked at Lee, "I don't know what's wrong with me," I sobbed.

"Shhh, it's okay," he soothed, "It's probably almost time for your cycle. Let's go home and go to bed. I noticed you haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Lee thought to himself. Maybe something IS wrong.. She never tells me I'm right.

The next morning I shot out of bed with the most gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach, Oh no, not again I can't be getting sick. I grabbed the bed pan and ran out of the room careful to not wake Lee. I couldn't stop vomiting, I felt so light headed. I guess my effort to not wake Lee didn't work, as he came up behind me and held my hair back with one hand and was rubbing my back with the other.

"Rosie, I think you should go see Carson today just to make sure you aren't getting a virus," he said concerned.

I finally caught my breath and looked at him with my tear-filled eyes and nodded with agreement.

Later that morning we arrived at the infirmary, Carson and Faith were finishing up their breakfast and greeted us, "Hello Mr. and ! What brings you in today?"

I looked at Lee and he nodded at me. "I haven't been sleeping well lately and I've been getting sick the past couple of days…"

Faith looked at Carson and nodded in agreement. Carson motioned Lee over to him and Faith and I went over to the triage area.

"So altogether, how long have you been feeling sick?" she asked.

"A few weeks, but it intensified last night and this morning to where I was actually vomiting and almost couldn't stop."

"Okay, I see" she scribbled in her notebook. "And when was the first day of your last cycle?"

My cycle… Oh goodness. "I remembered I never had it last month and just thought I was stressed," I hesitated, "but I have been having cramping like usual and the pain is sometimes worse. I have also been light headed and having hot flashes."

"Okay Rosemary, I think I know what's going on." she smiled.

"O..okay," I said, confused about her smiling.

"Rosemary, you're not sick. You're just pregnant," she giggled.

"A..Are you sure?" I asked. I couldn't help but smile. I thought about it and remembered when we took a trip to New York last month to take our minds off of everything. And it worked really well.

We saw "Romeo and Juliet" on Broadway and the portrayal of Juliet was so magnificent. The actress was involved I almost forgot it was a play and was hanging on her every word. Even now when I think about it I am moved to tears. Oh how I miss the theatre! Although, If Juliet were smart enough she would not have killed herself, she should have just waited for Romeo. Don't even get me started on pitiful Romeo…

After the play we went for a walk through Central Park and the view was so beautiful under all the stars and dim lamps. It was just the perfect evening.

Lee stopped walking when we reached the center of the Gapstow Bridge over the pond. He turned and looked at me.

"Rosemary Coulter, you are so beautiful," He said as he placed his hands on the small of my back pulling me in for a kiss. I don't know if it was the show or just being away, just the two of us, but the passion is the air was overwhelming.

I felt the heat rise to my face as our lips entwined. Lee pulled away slowly, my chin in his hands and we looked in each other's eyes, "We can keep walking or we can go back to the condo. Your call, sweetheart." he smiled. Not a grin, not an ear to ear beam, but a soft, loving smile that I fell in love with.

We practically ran, chasing each other and laughing like two school children who had a crush on one another. I knew he was a faster runner but he let me run ahead of him and when he caught up to me we were right by the front door of our condo. He wrapped his arms around my torso from behind me, moved my hair and was nipping at my neck.

I turned to face him knowing that I was blushing and said "Darling I think it's time we go to bed," I teased, winking at him before I grabbed his hand and led him inside.

"Rosemary," Faith said, "Are you okay?" she asked, placing a cool towel on my head. "You passed out for a brief moment. It's normal for your body to adjust this way to your new hormones that are going crazy because of the baby." she said reassuringly.

"Oh I'm feeling better now," I said. "Thank you so much, Faith," I said. "Oh and would you mind keeping this between us for now until I talk to Lee and The Thornton's?"

"Of course," she winked. "It will be our secret."

Lee and I were heading back home and went to get Abby. Jack had asked us to watch her while he and Elizabeth went on a special date for their two year anniversary. I felt like Lee knew more than he was telling me but I just let it go.

I laid Abby down for a nap and went upstairs to talk to Lee. I took a deep breath "Lee, Sweetheart," I said, "We need to talk about how my visit at the infirmary went."

Looking a little frightened, he spoke up "Honey what's the matter?"

"Well Faith and I talked and she told me that I will be sick for a while.."

"W...What? Why?" he said now looking confused.

"I'm pregnant, Lee." I said with tears filling my eyes.

"That's wonderful!" He said picking me up. He kissed me and then touched my stomach. He got down on his knees and looked up at me and kissed my belly. I am the luckiest woman in the world.

About an hour later Lee and I were sitting at the table and decided to have dinner at Abigail's to celebrate and tell everyone the news, since Jack and Elizabeth would already be there. Abby started to stir from her nap so I picked her up and she hugged me "Auntie Wosie, I woove ouuu!"

I couldn't help but smile as Lee and I walked hand in hand to the cafe, giddy about this new adventure we were about to take as husband and wife. Finally becoming Mommy and Daddy.

Lee, Abby and I all walked in, hearing the last bit of Abigail's comment, "Oh, you showed her the house already?" Lee asked, "I thought you were waiting until the day of your anniversary."

"I was going to, but I couldn't wait." Jack smiled and took Elizabeth's hand across the table.

"Mama!" Abby said from my arms and reached for Elizabeth. She let go of Jack's hand and took her.

She kissed her cheek, "Hi baby,"

"What house?" Abigail asked.

"Jack had construction started on our house," Elizabeth said happily.

"On the hill?" she asked.

"Yup," Lee said smiling, "Our lumber has been perfect for the project. Ow!" he held his arm.

"Leland Coulter, you never told me that Jack decided to start building!" I scolded.

"I had everyone on a need-to-know." Jack put his hand up, "That was all me,"

Lee looked at Abigail, pointing at her, "Wait, you were talking about the house?"

Abigail shook her head, "No,"

"Then what-?" Lee furrowed his brow.

"I'm pregnant," She said, smiling from ear to ear.

I grabbed onto Lee's sleeve, "Well I guess that makes two of us!"

Everyone's attention turned to me, and even Lee's.

"Rosemary… you're?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, Elizabeth, I'm pregnant!" I grabbed Lee's hand. He leaned over and kissed my temple.

"Oh, Rosemary! Lee! That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you two!" she stood up and held Abby in one arm and hugged us both with the other.

Jack stood up and did the same, "Congratulations you two. Lee, we'll have double the cigars." he joked, but Elizabeth elbowed him. "What?" it's completely feasible." he laughed.

Lee chuckled "Congratulations are in order for the both of us, Jack, I do agree. Let's get the Bourbon."

I pinched his arm again, "Leland Coulter!" I scolded, scrunching up my face.

"Ow! You know? We don't need to take this abuse." Lee said.

"I agree," Jack said.

"Now, now, how about all of you sit and relax. It's been big days for all of you." Abigail said. "I'll get you anything you want. On the house."

Elizabeth went to put Abby in a high chair, "Abigail, that isn't necessary," she said.

"Please, it's a congratulations from me." She smiled. We all nodded, knowing better than to argue with Abigail of all people. "Now, what would you like,"

Elizabeth spoke up, "Anything but coffee,"

"Anything but sweets," I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Well, that narrows it down to a lot," Abigail said and we gave her our orders.