Currently I'm doing something similar with the t.v. show Gilmore Girls. But I am almost finished with that story, and right now I'm having a bit of writer's block. So, I've been having this idea in my head for quite awhile, so I figured I'd try it out. I hope you guys stay kind and give it a chance. I really appreciate your reviews and your honesty. So, please, tell me what you think, and if I should continue. Thanks!
Once Upon A Time…
In the Enchanted Forest…
Prince Charming, having heard news that Snow White has been under a curse by the evil queen, raced through the forest in hopes of it not being true, to see his love. As he approaches where Snow White lays in the glass coffin, surrounded by her friends, the dwarves; his breath shuddered.
"Open it." He demands.
"It's no use. She's gone." One of the dwarves says, sadly.
Prince Charming slowly bends down, unable to take his eyes off Snow. "At least let me say goodbye." He begs.
The dwarves slowly remove the glass, uncovering a sleeping Snow. Prince Charming looks her over, unable to control his emotions as he bends down and lays a gentle kiss upon her lips. Suddenly, a whooshing sound is heard as the wind picks up around them, circling the land, bringing it back to life. Snow White's eyes open and she lets out a gasp. Prince Charming's smile widens as he looks at Snow in disbelief and, yet, relief. "You." She pants as she stares lovingly into Prince Charming's blue eyes. She reaches up, gently stroking his cheek. "You found me." She smiles.
"Did you ever doubt I would?" He asks, helping Snow sit up.
"Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me a pause."
"Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you." He assures her.
"Do you promise?"
They now stand before each other surrounded by their family and friends as they vow their love for one another.
"I do." Prince Charming grins as he and Snow White stare mesmerized by one another.
"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?" The clergy asks.
"I do." Snow answers certainly.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
The entire kingdom cheers and applause for their king and queen, but they are soon interrupted by the rattling of the doors, causing them all to gasp as the doors fly open and they watch as the evil queen interrupts with a small sneer on her face as she stares unpleasantly at Snow White and Prince Charming. "Sorry I'm late." She begins walking towards toward them, using her magic to throw anyone across the room who tries to stand in her way.
"It's the Queen! Run!" One of the dwarves' shout.
Snow White grabs her husband's sword and points it towards the evil queen. "She's not a queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch."
Prince Charming sets his hand on top of his wife's, slowly setting the sword down. "No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level." He says, calmly. "There's no need. You're wasting your time. You've already lost, and I will not let you ruin this wedding."
"Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything." The evil queen chuckles. "On the contrary, dear. I've come to give you a gift."
"We want nothing from you." Snow glares.
"But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day, - " She grimaces. " – for tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows. Now I make mine. Soon everything you love, everything all of you love will be taken from you forever, and out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, - " She threatens evilly to Snow White. " – if it is the last thing I do."
As calm as Prince Charming was trying to be for his kingdom, the threat towards his wife was enough to send him over the edge. "Hey!" He shouts angrily not only causing Snow White to jump slightly from his voice, but the evil queen turns back around somewhat surprised. Prince Charming throws the sword towards the evil queen, but she disappears in a cloud of purple smoke before it can hit her.
"Avia, your sister is here." A woman appears into a room that is filled with beds of all sizes and kids of all ages.
A thirteen-year-old, brown haired, green-eyed girl looks up from the book she is reading.
Avia steps outside where her 21-year-old sister is sitting at one of the benches waiting for her. Though, they looked quite different, they also looked quite the same. The oldest with blonde hair but shared the same eyes as her little sister. One quite tall, but the youngest quite small for her age due to complications from when she was born. Avia's smile widens for the first time that day as she runs to her sister. "Emma!"
"Hey, kid." Emma smiles as she holds her sister tight. "I'm sorry I'm late."
Avia shakes her head, pulling away, but keeping close. "You're here now." She looks down at the tight red dress and black heels Emma is wearing. "Work or date?" She asks, narrowing her eyes knowingly at her sister.
Emma smirks. "What do you think?"
Avia chuckles. "Work."
Emma strokes her sister's cheek lovingly before grabbing the bag that she brought with her. "I got you something." Emma takes out a cupcake from the bag and sets it in front of Avia. They do this every year. No matter where Avia is, Emma always brings her a cupcake and they either spend the day together or find some sort of way to be with one another on each other's birthday, no matter what tries to get into their way. But, as Avia stares sadly down at the cupcake, she couldn't help but feel like this time would be the last. Emma frowns noticing her sister's long face. "Avia?"
"I'm leaving tomorrow, Emma." Avia says as she continues staring down at the cupcake, but now with tears forming in her eyes.
"What?" Emma asks, her eyes widening slightly. "Lucy didn't tell me."
Avia finally looks up at her big sister as her tears finally fall. "It's two hours away."
"What?" Emma exasperates.
"Emma, what if I never see you again? What if this is the last time we will be together for my birthday?" Avia panics.
Emma quickly gets away from her own thoughts and focuses back on her sister. "Hey. Hey." She says, resting her hand soothingly onto Avia's back. "You can't think that way, okay? They can never take you away from me, okay?"
"Except they did. I went a whole year without seeing you, remember? What if it's like that again? I can't go through that again. I'm not strong enough."
Emma sighs. "That was my fault. I was an idiot. But I promise nothing like that will ever happen again."
"You know I hate promises." Avia glares.
Emma bends slightly, making sure her sister is looking into her own green eyes. "Have I ever lied to you?" Avia shakes her head. "And I never will. Now, what do you know about this place?"
Avia shrugs as she looks down sadly at her hands. "I don't know. After Lucy told me it's two hours away I sort of tuned her out after that." Emma nods, understanding. When Emma was in the system, there were many times that she and Avia would be separated. But, Emma never let it last longer than a few hours. She'd find out where her sister was placed, and she'd sneak out of the home she was in and find a way to Avia. Both were hurt in many different ways at each home, but both became one another's saviors. It didn't matter where the social workers would find them, they were together and that's all that mattered.
Then, Emma aged out of the system – leaving Avia. Emma set out to find a job immediately, but during that time she got herself into some trouble which caused her to be sent away for a year, making the process, once she got out, that much harder to take care of Avia. But three years later, Emma proved them all wrong and was now at a place in her life that surprised even herself considering…
She, ironically, became a bails-bondman – woman, she got a place of her own, and to anyone it would be a better placement than any of the homes she and Avia had ever lived in. But, sadly, because of her past, the process of getting Avia permanently was hard. She was still seen as untrustworthy and incapable of taking care of a thirteen-year-old. But every day she continued to fight. And she will continue to fight until Avia is safely with her.
Emma wraps her arms around Avia's small frame, pulling her close while Avia rests her head onto her arms as she looks at the cupcake in front of her. "I'm going to figure this out, Avia." Emma grabs a lighter and lights a flame onto the single candle that is place inside the cupcake. "Now, make a wish."
Avia closes her eyes and blows out the candle.
Avia is in the vehicle the following morning, staring out of the window. It had felt like they had been driving for hours, but it had only been an hour and a half. An hour and a half of silence, as least for one of them. Lucy had barely stopped talking since they left, Avia having no interest in any sort of conversation. Her mind only thinking about leaving Emma, yet again, but this time they were further from each other than they ever been. And, now, Avia was being placed in yet another home in yet another town and going to yet another school where she will once again be stared at and forever be titled as an orphan.
"Avia, did you hear me?" Lucy calls out, nudging Avia slightly to get her attention.
Avia breaks her eyes away from the trees passing by and looks at Lucy. "What?"
"We're almost there." Lucy repeats. "I figured I'd tell you about where you are going before we arrive."
Avia sighs, rolling her eyes. "Why does it matter? They're all the same."
Since becoming Avia's social worker a couple of years ago, Lucy had fell for the girl. And she was an ongoing advocate for the two sisters. She wanted them together just as much as they wanted to be, but Lucy could only do so much. Emma was grateful for Lucy, though, because when she couldn't watch out for Avia, Emma knew that Lucy would be there. "This one seems different, Avia."
"And why's that?" Avia asks, distrustfully.
"This woman lives on her own. And, from the many times I've spoken to her, she seems really nice, Avia. She's really excited to have you."
Avia looks confused. "How did she even find out about me?" She asks, finding this whole placement a bit odd, especially since it's two hours away.
"From my understanding she's been looking for more in her life and someone suggested to her that she should take in a child."
"And it's me she chose?" Avia asks in disbelief, pointing at herself.
"Yes." Lucy smirks. "Even after all the horrible things I said about you, she still wanted you." She teases making Avia rolls her eyes. "I think this will be good for you, Avia."
Avia exhales, turning back to the window. "I just want Emma."
Lucy looks sadly at the girl beside her. "I know you do, but – "
"It's never going to happen." Avia interrupts.
Lucy narrows her eyes. "That's not what I was going to say."
Avia shrugs. "You didn't have to." She says, quietly.
Thirty minutes later, they pass a sign welcoming them to Storybrooke. The name's a bit curious, but it caused attention to Avia. So, she sat up in her seat and took interest in seeing where she was going to be living for the short time. Short time. Avia could be positive about this placement if she really let herself, but no other placement proved to ever be long-term, so she was going to treat this like any other so called home.
Lucy parks the car on the side of a building that looked to be a bookstore. Avia raises her eyebrows inquisitively at Lucy. "There's apartments above." Lucy tells her as she gets out of the car to greet the woman who walks out of the building holding a wide smile onto her face. Avia takes a moment to study the woman. She's petite, but obviously taller than her own small frame – everyone is. She has a brunette pixie cut hairstyle and seemed to really have herself put together. But to Avia, everyone comes with a disguise. "And this is our Avia." Lucy introduces as Avia gets out of the car with her bag and stands in front of Lucy while the woman smiles down at her.
"Hi, Avia. I'm Mary Margaret Blanchard. You may call me Mary Margaret, though. I'm really excited that you're here." Mary Margaret says.
"Hi." Avia says, shyly.
"How about we get the rest of your things and head upstairs. I live above the bookstore." Mary Margaret starts to walk to the car, but Avia's once quiet voice startles Mary Margaret to stop.
"This is it." Avia shows Mary Margaret her bag. "I travel light."
Lucy exchanges a sad smile towards Mary Margaret. "Well, we're going to have to change that." Mary Margaret says, kindly. "Shall we?" She gestures towards the building as she walks inside.
Lucy, however, had to push a reluctant Avia to follow.
They walk inside the apartment and even though it's small, Avia was amazed at how nice it is. Mary Margaret has good taste. Most of the furniture is an off-white color, but it's rustic looking and nicer than what she had lived in before. "It's not much, but it's home." Mary Margaret tells them. "My room is right over here." She points to the room that is on the other side, near the kitchen. "The living room, obviously. And, Avia, your room is upstairs. It's small, but – "
"I'm sure it's fine." Avia interrupts.
Mary Margaret nods. "Well, let's go up." She begins walking upstairs while Lucy nudges Avia which Avia knew she was just telling her to be nice. They walk upstairs, following Mary Margaret and Avia was surprised at how nice the room is. She even has her own bathroom. "It's not much, but – "
"I have my own room." Avia says quietly in awe. She didn't mean for the adults to hear, but they did, looking sadly down at the girl.
"I wasn't sure what you liked, but I tried my best to decorate it with the essentials you may want or need." Avia looks at the desk that has notebooks and pens and pencils on top. A simple tall mirror in the corner of the room, and a beautiful purple and white bedspread on a full size bed. Avia had nothing like this before, and the only thought she had was wishing Emma was here to see it. "We can go shopping for whatever you like later, if you want."
"This is great." Lucy assures her. "Isn't it great, Avia?"
Avia takes a moment to look away from the bed and to the adults who are looking at her with hope in their eyes. "It's great." Avia assures Mary Margaret sincerely.
Mary Margaret smiles broadly. "I'm glad you like it."
"Mary Margaret, I have some paperwork out in the car that needs to be signed. Would you like to walk with me?" Lucy asks. Avia knew that Lucy just wanted a chance to explain how damaged she is to Mary Margaret – to prepare her for what she's getting into, even if Lucy would never admit to doing that.
"We'll be right back, Avia." Lucy says as Avia just nods. The adults walk back downstairs and Avia drops her bag onto the bed, sitting down next to it, taking in her new surroundings.
"I just want to make sure you understand what you are getting into." Lucy begins as soon as they step outside.
Mary Margaret furrows her brows quizzically. "Should I be worried?"
Lucy sighs, shaking her head. "Avia is just a special kid. She's stubborn, funny, sarcastic, and, sadly, has been through more than kids her age should have. She'll be distant with you and will only expect the worse."
"How should I handle this? What do I do?" Mary Margaret asks apprehensively.
Lucy shrugs. "Just be there. Right now, she is really missing her sister. Those two have only been this far apart one other time, and I truly believe it scarred Avia."
Mary Margaret looks surprised. "She has a sister?"
Lucy nods. "Emma. She's 21 and has been trying, since she got out of the system, to get custody of Avia. But due to some unfortunate events, it's been tough."
"Emma." Mary Margaret ponders. "Will she – "
"I know what you're about to ask." Lucy quickly interrupts. "Emma is harmless. She just wants to be with her sister just as much, but she'd never do anything that would disrupt the process of getting Avia."
"May I ask what happened? How did they end up in the system?" Mary Margaret asks. "Where are their parents?"
Lucy sighs. "It's a sad story, actually. Emma was eight and Avia was just a newborn when they were found in the middle of nowhere on the side of a freeway." Mary Margaret gasps quietly. "Emma was holding Avia tightly in her arms when they were brought into the hospital. It was almost impossible for them to convince her to let Avia go so that they could check her. Ever since, they've been inseparable. Emma has a great job now and a place to live and all either of them both want is to be together, but the system is tricky and is only proving to them that it can't be trusted." Lucy exhales, looking Mary Margaret deeply into her green eyes. "Mary Margaret, I really feel like this will be good for Avia. She needs a good home. She and her sister have been in some really crummy ones." Lucy could see that Mary Margaret was about to ask a question that she was expecting. "I wish it was my place to tell you about those homes, but I couldn't betray Avia like that, or Emma. Maybe she will eventually open up to you, maybe not. But all she really needs right now is a good home, and she really needs another person who won't give up on her."
"I won't." Mary Margaret says all too quickly.
Lucy just smiles softly at Mary Margaret's kindness. "Good. She's tough, but I believe you can get through to her if you really try. Now, don't be surprised if Emma shows up."
"So, she knows where Avia is at?" Even though Mary Margaret didn't want to split the sisters up, she also couldn't help but worry that one morning she'll wake up and Avia won't be there even if Emma's supposedly harmless.
Lucy shakes her head. "Not that I'm aware of. She hasn't asked, but those two…" Lucy laughs lightly. "They always find each other."
Enchanted Forest…
Snow is standing outside her balcony, watching her little girl's blonde waves blow through the wind as she runs around down below. Charming walks out, smiling down at his little girl, but his smile fades when he sees the somber look on his wife's face.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
Snow rubs her protruding pregnant belly, glancing at her husband. "Nothing."
"You're thinking about what the queen said again, aren't you?" He asks, knowingly. Snow sighs, looking back down at their beautiful daughter who they can hear laughing as she plays with the dwarves. "Snow, please. I can't keep having this conversation. You have to let it go." Charming grabs his wife's hands, forcing her to look at him. "We're about to have a baby."
Snow pulls away, walking back inside her bedroom. "I haven't had a restful night since Emma was born."
"You haven't had a restful night since our wedding." Charming corrects her, disapprovingly. "And that's what she wants, to get in your head, but they're only words." He stresses as he follows Snow to the crib they have set up for the arrival of their second child. "She can't hurt us."
Snow glares up at her husband. "She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her. You have no idea of what she's capable."
Charming sighs. "What can I do to ease your mind?"
"Let me talk… to him."
"Him? You don't mean – "
"I do." Snow interrupts.
"No." Charming quickly disagrees. "No, no. It's too dangerous."
"He sees the future."
"There's a reason he's locked up."
"Can you promise me that our children will be safe?" Snow asks, desperately. "Can you guarantee it?" Charming sighs, knowing he can't. "Because he can."
"Alright." Charming finally gives in, though he didn't like it. "For our children."
Lucy is kneeling in front of Avia while she sits on the bed looking down at Lucy with anticipation. She's been through this many, many times, but each time seemed to be harder. Ever since Lucy had entered hers and Emma's life, she had been a Godsend. She's the only social worker who hasn't tried to keep the sister's apart – trying her best to find the best placement for Avia that wouldn't take her away from her sister. Unfortunately, this time, she had no choice. It was the best placement she could find for Avia, even though it's two hours away. But no other homes close had ever proven good enough. And, quite frankly, Lucy was tired of picking Avia up from a hospital or police station. So, she had to do what's right for the girl.
"I won't be far." Lucy says.
Avia shakes her head. "You're two hours away." She scoffs.
"And I won't hesitate to drive here if you need me." Lucy assures her.
"What about Emma?" Avia asks, unsteadily.
"If she calls, I'll give her this number. I promise." Avia narrows her eyes at the woman. "I know you hate promises but try to trust me." Lucy exhales knowing she isn't going to get anything else out of the girl. So, she hugs Avia tightly before standing back up. "And, please, be nice. This could be good if you let it." Avia just stares at the woman. "Bye, Avia." Avia watches Lucy walk down the stairs.
"Bye." She whispers sadly.
Lucy walks downstairs where Mary Margaret is standing near the stairs. "She's all yours." Lucy smiles softly at the young woman.
"I can do this." Mary Margaret says sounding as if she was convincing herself more than Lucy.
Lucy squeezes her hand, reassuringly. "You can do this. Call if you need anything. Anything at all."
Mary Margaret nods gratefully. "I will. Thank you."
"No. Thank you." Lucy smiles as she walks out of the apartment.
Mary Margaret closes the door, leaning back as she lets out a long sigh as she looks up at the loft a thirteen-year-old girl now resides in.
The Enchanted Forest…
"When we reach the cell, stay out of the light, and whatever you do, do not let him know your name." A guard lays out the rules to Snow White and Prince Charming for their safety as they walk through the dark dungeon. "If he knows your name, he will have power over you. Rumplestiltskin." The guard calls out to the prisoner. "Rumplestiltskin! I have a question for you."
They stop far away from the cell, but close enough to hear. "No, you don't." A voice says through the cell bars. "They do – Snow White and Prince Charming." Rumplestiltskin mocks as he falls from the cell bars and onto the ground, looking at the two who have their faces covered by the robes they are wearing. But, ignoring the rules that were given to them, the two look up surprised by the disgusting, slightly green creature who looked similar to a crocodile's skin. Rumple laughs eerily. "You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes." Charming and Snow do as they are told and walk close to the cell both looking bewildered. "That's much better." He cackles.
"We've come to ask you about the – "
"Yes, yes!" Rumple shouts, interrupting Charming. "I know why you're here. You want to know about the queen's threat."
"Tell us what you know!" Snow demands.
"Ooh. Tense, aren't we? Fear not, for I can ease your mind, but it's gonna cost you something in return."
"No." Charming refuses. "This is a waste of time."
Snow ignores her husband and walks closer to the cell. "What do you want?"
"Oh. The name of your unborn child?" Rumple sneers.
"Absolutely not." Charming scowls, stepping to the side of his wife, protectively.
"Deal." Snow quickly accepts. "What do you know?"
Rumple smiles proudly. "The queen has created a powerful curse, and it's coming. Soon you'll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse, for your prison, all of our prisons will be time, for time will stop, and we will be trapped someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us, while we suffer for all eternity, while the queen celebrates, victorious at last! No more happy endings."
"What can we do?" Snow asks urgently.
"We can't do anything."
"Who can?"
"Your first born – " Charming and Snow feel as if their hearts just dropped into their stomachs at the mention of their Emma. " – and that little thing growing inside your belly." Rumple reaches to touch Snow's stomach, but he's is stopped by Charming's knife hitting his hand. Rumple inhales deeply, pulling away.
"Next time I cut it off." Charming warns.
"Your first born is the savior, but the infant is the key to saving us all. Our only hope." Rumple says, glaring at Charming. "Get the children to safety." This time turning to Snow. "They will find you, and the final battle will begin!" Rumple laughs while Snow stares at him feeling all the emotions. Why her children? Why her babies?
"I've heard enough." Charming says, pulling a horrified Snow away from the imp. "We're leaving."
Rumple continues to laugh as the two walk away. "Hey! You! We made a deal!" He shouts, angrily. "I want her name! We had a deal! I need her name! Her name!"
"Her?" Charming turns around, confused. "It's a boy."
"Missy. Missy, you know I'm right. Tell me." Rumple says calmly as Snow stops. "What's her name?"
Snow sighs, closing her eyes, unwillingly turning back to look at Rumple. "Avia. Her name is Avia." Snow finally walks away, Charming following closely behind.
"Avia." Rumplestiltskin smiles fondly. "Emma and Avia."
Mary Margaret walks up the stairs to Avia's room and knocks lightly on the door frame peeking inside to find Avia still sitting on the bed next to her bag. The girl looked so small for her age. If Mary Margaret didn't already know she would have thought Avia was much younger than thirteen.
"Hey. You haven't started unpacking." She notices.
Avia looks down at her bag then back at Mary Margaret. "Um. Maybe later."
Mary Margaret simply nods, not wanting to push any further. "Well, it's close to dinner. I was thinking maybe we could go out to eat. Usually I'd cook, but I was thinking for your first night here we should go out, show you around. There's a diner down the street that's really good."
"Sure." Avia stands up, putting her jacket on.
"Great. Let's go."
The Enchanted Forest…
"I say we fight!" Charming slams his fist down onto the round table that seats his wife, knights, the dwarves, Geppetto, Red, and Granny.
"Fighting is a bad idea." Charming looks down at Jiminy Cricket who is standing beside him, but on the table. "Giving in to one's dark side never accomplishes anything."
"And how many wars has a clear conscience won?" Charming asks. "We need to take the queen out before she can inflict her curse."
"Can we even trust Rumplestiltskin?" Doc asks
"I've sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the queen's plan. This is going to happen, unless we do something."
"There's no point." Snow says, tiredly. "The future is written."
"No. I refuse to believe that. Good can't just lose."
"Maybe it can."
Charming turns to his wife who looks absolutely defeated. "No. No. Not if we have each other. If you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our children. Emma will be the savior."
"And Avia is the key to something unknown." Snow says tearfully.
"Mommy? Daddy?" A little voice comes from the opening of the room. Snow and Charming quickly look up at the sound of their daughter's voice.
"Emma?" Snow exhales.
Emma runs to her parents – her governess chasing after. "I tried to stop her."
Snow pulls Emma into her arms. "It's okay. She can stay." Snow sits her daughter onto her lap, patting her hair soothingly as she places a gentle kiss to her temple. The governess nods before exiting the room. "Charming?" Snow looks fearfully up at her husband who looks down at his wife and child.
"I wanted to be with you." Emma's small voice says as she leans into Snow's embrace.
But before either Snow or Charming could say anything, another interruption occurs causing Charming to stand, ready to fight. "What the hell is this?" He asks as the guards pull in a large tree trunk into the room while the Blue Fairy flies ahead.
"Our only hope of saving your children." Blue answers Charming.
"A tree?" Grumpy questions bitterly. "Our fate rests on a tree? Let's get back to the fighting thing."
"The tree is enchanted." Blue clarifies. "If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse." Snow looks at Blue with pure hope in her eyes while she holds Emma close while the others look around in disbelief. "Geppetto, can you build such a thing?"
Geppetto nods, patting his son on the head who is sitting on the floor playing with his toys. "Me and my boy – we can do it." He assures them confidently.
"This will work." Blue says to Snow and Charming. "We all must have faith." Snow grabs Charming hand as they stare at each other with more hope than they ever had before. "There is, however, a catch. The enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits, and this tree can protect only two."
And that's when all hope that they once had for that short milli-second soon dissipated at the realization that they will not be able to be together.
Mary Margaret and Avia walk into Granny's Diner. It's usually very busy during dinner hours, but Avia was grateful to see that not many people were there. She could take the stares coming at her while they were walking down the street but having them stare while she ate – no.
"And this is Granny's." Mary Margaret smiles.
"Is this the only place to eat around here?" Avia asks.
"Oh, no." Mary Margaret chuckles. "But it's the best place to eat." They sit down at one of the booths just as a woman who was very tall and could use a little more clothing walks over with their menus.
"Welcome, ladies. Who do we have here?" She asks, smiling down at Avia who gives her a soft smile back before glancing down at the table avoiding their stares.
"Ruby, this is Avia. She is who I will be fostering." Mary Margaret says cheerfully. Avia wondered how long her excitement was going to last. For some it only lasted until they were away from the public eye and then their true selves come out. "Avia, this is Ruby. This is her grandmother's diner."
"Hi." Avia says kindly.
"Hey, Avia. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Mary Margaret can't seem to get away from this place. The food is that good." Ruby teases.
Mary Margaret rolls her eyes. "Hm. I think maybe it's the company."
Ruby laughs softly. "What would you two like to start with?"
Mary Margaret eyes Avia carefully who is looking at the menu. "Um. How about two hot chocolates with – "
" - extra whipped cream and cinnamon." Ruby rolls her eyes. "I know."
Avia looks quizzically up at Mary Margaret. "Do you like hot chocolate, Avia? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed. It's just – "
"It's all Mary Margaret drinks around here." Ruby finishes.
"Uh. No, I do." Avia nods. "Thanks."
"I'll be right back." Ruby walks away.
"How did you know I like hot chocolate with cinnamon?" Avia asks Mary Margaret. She's never heard of anyone else who likes hot chocolate with cinnamon and whipped cream except for Emma.
Mary Margaret shrugs. "Well, I didn't. But I'm glad I assumed since you apparently do."
"I've only ever drink it with my sister." Avia says, sadly. Mary Margaret ached for the girl. Her sister is the only family she knows of and she couldn't be with her.
"Emma, right?" Mary Margaret asks seeing an opportunity to get to know Avia more. Avia nods. "I would love to know more about her."
"Why?" Avia furrows her brows in confusion. No one had ever cared to know about herself or her sister.
"Because she's important to you."
Avia wasn't sure why. But the look Mary Margaret was giving her at that moment was not something she had ever seen in anyone except from her sister. But if she learned anything from Emma, no matter how trustworthy these people may seem, they are far from it. Both girls had to learn that the hard way. So, her walls that were slowly crumbling down were quickly put back up. "Um. She's my sister. She's my best friend." Avia shrugs. "She's the only family that I know."
Mary Margaret nods, her heart breaking for the girl in front of her. But before she could ask another question, Ruby steps up, setting their hot chocolates down on the table. "So, ladies, have we decided?"
"Avia, are you allergic to anything?" Mary Margaret asks cautiously.
"Just deathly allergic to peanuts and strawberries." Avia tells them.
Mary Margaret is surprised by the new information. "I'm allergic to strawberries as well."
"Well, then I guess I'm safe then." Avia shrugs.
"I'll make a mental note." Ruby promises.
"So, what are you thinking, Miss. Avia? Any favorite foods?" Mary Margaret wonders.
Avia shrugs. "I'm not that picky." She looks up at Ruby. "What would you recommend?"
Ruby smiles. "Wow. I've never been asked that before."
Avia hands Ruby the menu. "Then I'll take whatever you want to bring."
"Alright then. Great. Mary Margaret?"
Mary Margaret grins towards the girl as she hands Ruby her menu as well. "You know what, same for me. Surprise us, Ruby."
"I'll be right back then." Ruby walks away leaving the two alone again.
"So, deathly allergic to peanuts?" Mary Margaret questions with worry glistening in her eyes. "Does that mean you have experience?"
Avia sighs. "Yeah. When I was five."
"What happened?"
"Um. One of the other foster kids knew I was allergic to peanuts and purposely snuck it into my sandwich." Mary Margaret gasps quietly. "Thank God Emma was placed in the same home. She was thirteen. I immediately started gasping for air. Our stupid foster parents, at the time, were too drunk to care. So, Emma grabbed one of the bikes and put me in the basket in the front and she brought me to the hospital." Avia explains.
"Oh, my – Avia."
"It's safe to say we were placed in another home the next day. If it wasn't for Emma, then I wouldn't be alive today."
"Okay." Mary Margaret exhales. "No peanuts or strawberries for you."
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Avia asks nearly causing Mary Margaret to choke on her hot chocolate.
"Um. No." Mary Margaret says looking rather embarrassed by the question though she wasn't sure why.
"Never married?"
"So, you're just a single woman, living alone, who decided to take in a kid?"
"Seems that way." Mary Margaret grins.
"That's a little insane." Avia says honestly. That's one thing she's never had any trouble with – honesty. Although Emma was one to keep it all inside, they both shared similar personalities when it came to sarcasm. But Avia was too honest for her own good which usually got her in trouble.
"I like a challenge."
Avia exhales heavily. "Well, you're getting it."
"I don't mind." Mary Margaret smirks.
Ruby walks back with their food. "Alright, here we go." She sets grilled cheeses down in front of them.
Mary Margaret raises an eyebrow up at her friend. "Grilled cheese?" She asks, amused.
"It's our best." Ruby smiles with a shrug.
"Grilled cheese is my favorite." Avia chuckles.
"See." Ruby nudges her best friend. "I did good. Enjoy." She winks at Avia before walking away.
Avia takes a bite of the grilled cheese. "Oh, my gosh. She was right. Try it!" She urges Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret rolls her eyes playfully before taking a bite of her own grilled cheese. Her eyes widen when she realizes how good it really is. "See. Told ya." Avia says before taking another bite of her own grilled cheese. "So, have you always lived here?"
Mary Margaret thinks for a moment. "Um. Yes, I don't remember living anywhere else."
"Have you traveled anywhere?"
Mary Margaret thinks again. "Come to think of it, no. I don't believe I've ever left Storybrooke."
Avia kinks her eyebrow. "Never? I'm in the system and I at least traveled."
"Well, I guess I never had or felt the need to."
"So, Avia, how do you enjoy school?"
Avia shrugs. "It's there. I go. I don't really enjoy it. But I make good grades, I guess."
"That's good. We have a great junior high here. I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could go shopping for some school clothes and supplies."
"Oh, uh, you don't have to do that." She hated when people felt the need to buy her stuff, especially since she wasn't sure how long she was even going to be staying there.
"I insist." Mary Margaret says giving her a look to not argue. "Every girl needs options. And, you, my dear, need options. It's only right. Consider it a late birthday gift."
Avia sighs. "I guess. Sure. Thanks."
"Great!" Mary Margaret smiles excitingly.
The Enchanted Forest…
Snow was overlooking the balcony thinking about everything the Blue Fairy told them. She didn't want her family to be split apart. She didn't want to lose her husband. She turns towards the bedroom where Charming is sitting with Emma on his lap, reading a book silently.
"I don't want to do this." Snow says with panic in her voice as she walks into the room, grabbing Charming's attention.
Charming exhales, gently lifting Emma off his lap and onto the chair before meeting his wife. "It has to be you." He tells her tenderly.
"We're not leaving you." Snow refuses as tears begin to form in her eyes at the thought.
Charming quickly grabs his wife and moves them away from Emma. "It's the only way." He says as he leans his forehead against his wife's who was trying desperately not to break down, but she was failing miserably. "You'll go in there with Emma, and you'll be safe from the curse. I got faith. You will save me, as I did you." Snow caresses her husband's face before kissing him longingly on the lips until she suddenly pulls away. Charming could see pain stricken on Snow's face. "What is it?"
"Mommy?" Emma looks up sensing something was wrong.
Snow gasps, grabbing her stomach. "The baby. She's coming."
Outside, on the balcony of the castle, Grumpy and Sleepy are keeping watch when Grumpy sees a purple cloud in the distance, making its way towards them. "Look!" Birds begin to cry as they fly away from it while thunder bellows loudly from above. "The curse!" Grumpy shouts. "It's here!" He rings the bell.
The present…
Back in Boston, Emma follows Lucy into her office. "Why wasn't I notified?" Emma asks angrily.
"Avia told you she was leaving when you came to see her." Lucy reminds Emma.
Emma narrows her eye at the social worker. "You know that's not what I am talking about. I should have known before she even knew. I could have prepared her."
"I promise she is in good hands. This place seems different."
Emma shakes her head, peeved. "We were told that through every foster home we stepped in and they weren't. She must be terrified."
"Emma, I promise. This woman really seems different."
"Woman?" Emma scowls. "Just a woman?"
"Yes." Lucy nods. "It's just her and Avia."
"Where are they?" Emma demands to know.
Lucy sighs, knowing Emma was never going to leave until she got an answer. "She's in – "
"Lucy?" Another social worker grabs Lucy's attention from outside.
Emma rolls her eyes in annoyance. "One sec, Em." Lucy walks out leaving Emma alone.
Emma could hear the two talking outside, so instead of waiting she decided to take matters into her own hands. She quickly walks behind the desk and is grateful to find Avia's folder sitting right on the desk. She opens it and quickly looks through,finally finding what she is looking for.
Avia wished she could say that sleep came easy for her that night, but it didn't. Her mind was racing. She missed Emma. All she wanted was to call Emma. She wanted to tell her where she is and that Mary Margaret seemed nice, but that she should be proud because she isn't letting her guard completely down, even if she wanted to. But Avia, too, remembers that they have been burned by too many people that deemed themselves trustworthy. She wasn't going to let it happen again, no matter how nice the person seems to be.
"What do you think about this?" Mary Margaret asks Avia while she holds up a sundress.
The morning came fast even with little sleep, but Avia woke up and was surprised at the breakfast spread Mary Margaret had prepared for her. No one had ever made her breakfast like that before. Avia wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to it. But as soon as they were finished eating, they were off to a clothing store.
Now, Avia was standing with multiple clothing in her hands while she stood behind Mary Margaret watching as she rummaged through the racks. Shopping was never enjoyable to Avia even if she didn't do it often. Emma would try to take her shopping, but being as they both didn't enjoy it, they would end up in a coffee shop, shopping online instead.
Avia scrunches her face up. "Uh."
"Avia, it matches your eyes." Mary Margaret says in awe as she holds the dress up to Avia's small frame.
"I don't do dresses. I'm more of a jeans, leggings, combat boots kind of girl." She says, looking down at what she was currently wearing.
Mary Margaret shakes her head. "Fine. But I'm still getting a couple just in case."
"Be my guest." Avia shrugs, not willing to argue.
"Alright. Let's go try this on." Mary Margaret ushers Avia to the dressing room.
"You mean you want me to try on all of this?" Avia raises her brows in dismay.
"Well, we have to make sure they fit. Now, go on." Avia groans, but she makes her way into the dressing room. "I'll be right here if you need any help."
"Great. Thanks." Avia says, sarcastically.
"So?" Mary Margaret asks after a few moments.
"Um." Avia opens the door revealing the new jeans. Mary Margaret frowns, studying the jeans on the very petite girl. She twirls Avia around to get a better look. "I may vomit all that amazing food I ate this morning if you continue to twirl me."
Mary Margaret stops her. "Sorry." She apologizes, amused. "Well, Miss. Avia, I believe we may need a smaller size."
"Does it go smaller than a 2?" Avia asks, unsure.
Mary Margaret chuckles. "Yes. They'll be long, but I can hem them. Just as long as they fit you around the waist."
"Cool, I guess." Avia walks back into the dressing room.
"And, I was actually thinking maybe I should buy you those protein shakes." Mary Margaret suggests.
"What?" Avia groans. "No. Please. Those are for little kids. I had to drink those when I was little, and they are disgusting."
"Avia, you're thirteen and you're the size of a ten year-old. That's not healthy, sweetheart."
"You sound like my sister." Mary Margaret could hear the disgruntle from inside the dressing room and couldn't help but laugh lightly to herself. This girl was growing on her and it's only the second day.
"Thanks again, by the way." Avia says they sit in the vehicle on their way back to the apartment.
Mary Margaret smiles. "Avia, you don't need to keep thanking me. I'm happy to do it." They pull up to the apartment, and Mary Margaret furrows her brows when she sees a blonde woman walk out of her apartment building. "Hm. I wonder who that is."
Avia looks up and her eyes widen when she sees who it is. As soon as the car stops Avia jumps out of the car. "Emma!" She yells. Emma turns and smiles when she sees her sister. Avia runs right into Emma's awaiting arms.
"Hey, kid." Emma says, hugging her sister close, relieved to have her back in her arms.
"You found me." Avia whispers into Emma's shoulder.
"Did you ever doubt I would?"
Avia pulls away, happiness glistening from her eyes as she looks at her big sister. "Maybe a little." She laughs.
Emma stands back up, keeping her arms around her sister, though, as Mary Margaret walks up carrying the shopping bags. "So, you're Emma." Mary Margaret says in awe. Something about Emma seemed familiar.
Emma nods. "I am. And, you are – "
"Mary Margaret." Mary Margaret raises her hand up for Emma to shake.
"Nice to meet you." Emma grabs Mary Margaret's hand, but they quickly pull apart as if something had shocked them.
"Oh, sorry."
Emma waves. "Don't worry about it."
"Emma, Mary Margaret took me shopping." Avia tells her.
"Really?" Emma raises her brows, surprised. "You hate shopping."
Mary Margaret grins. "Oh, she told me. Numerous times."
"She bought me dresses." Avia grimaces.
Emma laughs caressing her sister's cheek lovingly. Mary Margaret couldn't help but watch the interaction between the two. She could see the love between them. It was undeniable. "Oh, I'm sorry." Emma frowns sarcastically.
"Right? Can I show my sister the clothes?" Avia asks Mary Margaret.
"Of course. Let's head up to the apartment." Mary Margaret tells them as she leads the way up.
The Enchanted Forest…
Snow White's screams could be heard from all the lands as she lay in bed ready to give birth to her second child.
"No! I can't…" She cries out. "…have this baby now."
"Doc, please help me." Charming pleads as he holds his wife. "It's gonna be okay." Charming assures his wife. "The wardrobes almost finished. Just hold on."
"Emma. Where's Emma?" Snow panics.
Charming looks around the room before finally spotting his daughter standing in the corner, holding her blanket close to her chest as she watches with tearful eyes. "Emma." Charming calls out. "Come over here, sweetheart." Snow screams out scaring Emma even more. Emma quickly shakes her head. "She's scared." Charming whispers to Snow.
"Emma, baby, come see Mommy." Snow calls out to her daughter. "Please, baby. I'm okay." Emma slowly walks up, climbing in front of her father. Snow caresses her daughter's cheek before she lets out another scream.
"Mommy!" Emma shouts.
Geppetto runs in. "It's ready."
"It's too late." Doc says, stopping Charming from picking up Snow. "We can't move her. Push, Snow."
Moments later light cries are heard from inside the room. Avia is bundled up in an almost identical blanket as Emma's except hers is green instead of purple with her own name below. She's wrapped into Snow's arms as they all, including Emma, look down at her, mesmerized, the curse shortly forgotten.
"The wardrobe." Snow remembers. "It only takes two."
Suddenly sounds of men screaming and swords clashing are heard. Snow quickly grabs Emma under her other arm, holding her close. "Then our plan has failed." Charming says. "At least we're together."
"No. You have to take them. Take the baby and Emma to the wardrobe."
"Are you out of your mind?" Charming scowls at his wife.
"No. It's the only way. You must send them."
"No, no, no, no. You don't know what you're saying."
"No, I do. We have to believe that they'll come back for us." Charming was unable to hold his tears in as he looks down at his girls. "We have to give them their best chance."
"Mommy?" Emma questions. She may just be eight-years-old, but she could sense when something was wrong with her parents. "Daddy?"
Snow and Charming look up at their oldest who is looking back at them with frightened eyes. "Emma, - " Snow gently pushes the stray hairs our of her daughter's beautiful face. "Daddy and I need you to take care of your little sister. Okay, baby?"
"Mommy, no." Emma cries. "You have to take care of her."
"And I wish that I could, my darling, but right now we need you more than ever, okay? Your sister needs you." Snow stresses.
"No. You have to come, too. Please, Mommy!" Emma begs.
Snow pulls her daughter into a tight embrace. "I love you so much, Emma. Be my brave girl, okay?" It was killing Snow to have to say goodbye to her daughters. She kisses Emma longingly on her cheek, trying her best to hide her tears. She then turns to Avia. "Goodbye, Avia." She kisses Avia gently on the forehead before reluctantly handing her over to Charming.
Emma jumps into Snow's arms, wrapping her tiny arms around her neck. "No. Mommy!"
Snow couldn't say anything, though. She didn't want to stop her daughter. She wanted to be with her just as much as Emma needed her to be, maybe even more. Charming swiftly grabs Emma into his arms. "Hold on, Emma."
Emma wraps her arms and legs tightly around her father while he carries Avia close in one arm and grabbing his sword in the other. "No! Mommy! Mommy!" Emma screams, reaching for Snow as Charming walks out of the room.
Snow was unable to contain herself any longer as she loudly sobs in the pain of losing her family.
Charming steps out into the great hall with Emma still wrapped around him and Avia in one arm as he comes face to face with the evil queen's army. "Hold tight, baby." He whispers to Emma before charging at the two men. It was if he was dancing as he swiftly moved in between twisting and turning as his sword clashed with theirs. But he's taken off guard when one of the men's swords connects with his chest, nearly hitting Emma and Avia.
"Daddy!" Emma screeches.
And with one swift move, Charming connects his sword into the man, stumbling slightly as he makes his way into the other room. "Are you okay, Emma?" Emma doesn't say anything, though. But Charming can feel her little head move up and down against his neck. He makes his way into the nursery where the wardrobe is and quickly sets Emma inside before placing Avia into her tiny arms.
"Daddy, don't leave. Please." Emma cries.
Charming kisses Emma on her cheek and then Avia's. "Find us." He exhales before quickly closing the wardrobe before anyone has time to step in and stop him.
Two more of the evil queen's men walk in, but as much as Charming tried to fight them, he was too weak. One of their swords find their way into his side, immediately causing Charming to fall to the floor. He watches as one of the men pry open the wardrobe. When it opens a small smile escapes before it all goes black.
Emma walks downstairs from the loft to find Mary Margaret in the kitchen making coffee.
"Coffee?" Mary Margaret offers with a smile.
Emma nods, gratefully. "Thanks. I've been up since early this morning." She grabs the coffee mug from Mary Margaret as they both sit down at the counter. "Hey, thanks for buying her all those clothes and supplies for school. You really didn't have to do that. I would have – "
Mary Margaret puts her hand up to stop Emma. "Don't worry about it. I was happy to."
"As many schools as she's been in you would think she'd have enough supplies to last until she graduates, but unfortunately the system only lets you take so much when you move from home to home." Emma explains.
Mary Margaret frowns. "That's terrible."
Emma nods, agreeing. "Now, if you can get her in a dress, please take pictures." She grins.
Mary Margaret chuckles. "Well, you never know when she might need them."
"She's grateful, regardless. We both are."
"Well, speaking of school." Mary Margaret glances upstairs.
Emma follows her gaze. "Oh, if you're worried about Avia hearing anything, don't worry about that. I found her snooping in on one of my conversations one time and I promise you that's the last time she'll ever snoop around again. At least in my conversations. She's putting away those clothes anyway."
"I was just wondering how she is in school. I was going to ask her, but I didn't want to seem like I was prying."
Emma nods, understanding. And just like Avia, Emma for some reason felt comfortable around this woman. She seemed oddly familiar, but Emma didn't want to allow this woman to break down her walls so easily. She'd only give her what was needed. "She's a smart kid." Emma answers. "She's crazy about missing any assignments which I constantly tease her about." Mary Margaret chuckles. "But, she's good." Emma assures her. "A bit bored, but she's good."
"And her social setting? How is she with other kids?"
"She doesn't trust them. But, then again, Avia doesn't trust anyone."
"Except for you." Mary Margaret points out.
Emma nods. "Yeah. I'm an exception. I've been in her life ever since she was born."
"Yes." Mary Margaret sighs. "Lucy told me what happened. I can't even imagine how you were feeling. How you're still feeling."
"Um. Honestly, I don't even remember much anymore. It's as if my memory has been erased." Emma tells her.
"So, you don't even remember your family?"
"If you mean the people who dropped my sister and I off in the middle of woods near a freeway, then no. And, maybe that's a good thing. For my sake and theirs. My main focus is Avia and keeping her straight and doing what's right for her. Look, Mary Margaret, you seem like a well-put together woman. Maybe you'll be even good for Avia. But, word of advice, don't expect too much."
"Because she wants to be with you." Mary Margaret assumes.
"Avia just wants a home. I am trying my best to provide her that, but the system is still out to get me. If she could find a home here, I would love that for her."
"Would you, though? You wouldn't be with her."
Emma smiles softly. "I'll always be with her. We're sisters. That's not something you can easily take away. But, like I said, you seem nice; and I hope that you are."
"I am." Mary Margaret says without a doubt.
Emma stands up. "Prove it."
She grabs her jacket just as Avia runs downstairs. "You're leaving?" She glares at her big sister.
"I was just coming up to tell you."
"But you're leaving me. Again."
Mary Margaret wasn't sure how many times her heart could break as she continued to watch the girl in front of her continue to be disappointed. She just wants her sister. "I'm not leaving you, Avia." Emma assures her sister, rubbing her arms soothingly. "Now, get that angry look off your face. I got a room at the bed and breakfast down the road. I was going to go get settled."
"The bed and breakfast is nice." Mary Margaret says. "It's owned by Granny." She says more towards Avia who simply nods before looking back at Emma.
"I'm not going anywhere." Emma smiles before planting a kiss on top of Avia's head.
Avia grabs Emma's hand, forcing her to look back at her. "Promise?"
Emma taps Avia's chin. "I promise."
Avia watches in defeat as Emma walks out of the apartment. Mary Margaret steps up behind Avia, resting her hands on top of Avia's shoulders feeling her slightly tense from her touch. "She'll come back. Until then, how would you like to help me with dinner?"
Avia furrows her brows up at Mary Margaret. "I'm not very good at cooking. I can burn water."
Mary Margaret laughs. "I'll teach you. Come on." She maneuvers Avia to the kitchen.
The Enchanted Forest…
Snow comes stumbling into the nursery and is shocked to find her husband unconscious on the floor, bleeding. "No." She exasperates. "No!" She cries out with each step she takes closer to Charming before falling next to him, cradling his head, desperate for him to wake up. "No. Please come back to me." She whispers. She kisses him in hopes of waking him up, but it's no use.
"Oh, don't worry, dear." The evil queen walks in with a satisfactory smile plastered on her face. "In a few moments, you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him."
"Why did you do this?"
"Because this is my happy ending." She glares evilly. The guards walk in. "The children?"
"Gone." One of the men answers. "They were in the wardrobe, and then they were gone. Nowhere to be found."
"Where are they?" She asks, glaring down at Snow White.
Snow simply smiles. "They got away. You're going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win."
"We'll see about that." The evil queen laughs evilly just as the purple cloud breaks through the nursery.
"Where are we going?" Snow asks.
"Somewhere horrible. Absolutely horrible." The purple cloud breaks the glass and begins to engulf the room. "A place where the only happy ending will be mine."
Mary Margaret walks up to Avia's bedroom and peeks inside. She couldn't help but smile when she finds Avia sitting on the floor, her bag sitting beside her. She watches Avia take a deep breath as if she is talking herself into doing something she's always been unsure of. And then, a wide smile forms on Mary Margaret as she watches Avia pull open a drawer and begins to unpack her bag.
The following morning, Avia walks downstairs in one of the outfits Mary Margaret bought for her. As she makes her way to sit on a stool, Mary Margaret takes sight of her and smiles at how beautiful she looks. Though, she's beautiful with or without the new clothing.
"Are you ready for your last first day of junior high?" Mary Margaret asks excitingly as she pours Avia a glass of orange juice.
"I already had one of those, Mary Margaret." Avia tells her.
"Yes, but not at this school."
"And maybe at another also. But, to answer your question, I'm neutral." Avia shrugs as she digs into the pancakes that are placed in front of her. "This looks great. Thanks."
Mary Margaret leans on the counter. "I found something I think you may like." Avia watches Mary Margaret slide over a large leather bound book titled Once Upon A Time. "I found it this morning when I was cleaning out my closet."
Avia kinks her eyebrow. "Um. A fairytale book? Don't you think I'm a little old for those?"
"Well, from what I can tell it doesn't seem like your everyday ordinary fairytales. Something feels different about this book."
"Where did you even get it?" Avia begins to flip through it.
"I'm not sure. It just showed up. Almost like it was – "
"Magic?" Avia chuckles.
"Yeah." Mary Margaret says in all seriousness.
"Uh. Okay. You're officially freaking me out. Why would you think I would be interested in this anyway?"
Mary Margaret shrugs. "Well, Avia, no offense – "
"Okay, usually when someone says, 'no offense' it usually means it's offensive." Avia interrupts.
Mary Margaret continues anyway, ignoring Avia's sarcasm. "You just seem very jaded – closed off from this world. And I completely understand why you and your sister may be. You also have every right to be. I'm not sure how long you'll be with me, but if I can give you any glimpse of any kind of hope that this world is good. That you are enough. That you matter. Then I have done my job."
Avia was taken aback by Mary Margaret's bluntness. She didn't believe she even had it in her. "And this book?"
"This book, Avia, is filled with hope. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing."
As tears threaten to fall from her green eyes as she looks at Mary Margaret's, she quickly looks away and back down at the leather bound book, tracing her fingers across it. No one had ever spoken to her like that before except for Emma. But Emma felt the same way she did about this world. A stranger, let alone a foster parent, has never told her that she's enough. That she matters. That she can have her happy ending. But could Avia really believe that?
Mary Margaret and Avia, who has the fairytale book tucked under arm, cross the street where Emma is waiting for them in front of the junior high school.
"Emma." Avia hugs her sister.
Emma laughs. "When are you going to stopped being so relieved when you see me."
"Whenever I get used to seeing you every day."
"What you got there?" Emma points to the book.
Avia looks down, shaking her head, amused. "Something Mary Margaret gave me to make it easier for me to get beat up on."
Mary Margaret shakes her head, rolling her eyes. "Not funny."
"It's a book." Avia chuckles. "Help me put it in my bag."
She hands the book to Emma who puts it in her backpack. "Once Upon A time. Interesting." Emma says.
"Avia, my class gets out an hour after yours. So, Emma is going to pick you up, okay?" Mary Margaret tells her.
"Awesome!" Avia and Emma high-five.
"Seriously, though, thanks for letting me do this." Emma says sincerely to Mary Margaret.
"Your sisters. Who am I to take that away?" Mary Margaret smiles. "See you later, sweetheart." Mary Margaret caresses Avia's cheek gently. "Have a great day."
"Thanks." Avia waves as Mary Margaret walks away. "Walk me inside?"
"Don't I always?" Emma rolls her eyes, playfully, throwing her arm around her sister as they head to the entrance.
Little did they know, Regina, the evil queen, a.k.a. the mayor of Storybrooke is watching them from across the street. A man known as Mr. Gold in this land, but in the enchanted forest he is known as Rumplestiltskin, steps up onto the side of Regina. "Sisters." He grins. "How lovely."
Regina glares at him, and catches the clock tower above, after thirteen years, finally move forward.