Hey! I'm back, this one takes place after 'The living mummies of Toth-Ra' much like 'First Night' I can't remember if anyone's actually done this before, but if they have this is my spin on it.

Basically – what would Louie's brothers say if they found out he tried to sacrifice himself to Toth-Ra?

I do not own Ducktales 2017 – or 1987 for that matter – or any associated characters now you mention it. I own nothing basically.

If there was one thing Louie Duck hated more than hot dogs it was being alone. When you've grown up with your brothers practically glued to your side all your life you get very used to them actually being there.

Which was why he was now panicking because now he was in a pyramid being chased by Toth-Ra , of all mummies, and his brothers were nowhere to be seen and he couldn't for the life of him find the exit. All in all it was going great.

Suddenly a wall appeared in front of him, causing him to stop pretty sharpish in order to avoid breaking his beak. He turned round to be met with the living mummy grinning down at him from, what seemed to him, a great height.

Louie heard himself begging. "No! Please, go away! I don't want to be your servant!"

The mummy advanced on him. As its bright red glowing eyes seemed to fill his vision, Louie screamed. "NO! P-please go away! I-i'm sorry! I'm sorry! HELP! HUEY! DEWEY! P-PLEASE!"

The mummy had a sinister smile on its face, and it opened its mouth and spoke for the first time ever. "Louie!"

Louie was shaking. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The mummy descended on him and, grabbing his shoulders, shook him yelling. "Louie! Louie, wake up! Louie!"

Louie's eyes shot open and the first thing he saw were two dark figures standing over him. With a yell of alarm he instantly threw the covers over his head and lay in the pitch black shaking.

"Louie. You're alright, Louie, can you hear me?" A voice said, and he felt the blankets being tugged, which just made the youngest triplet cling to them even more. Wait – blankets? There weren't any blankets in a tomb surely?

"Louie, can you hear me?" He heard Huey say again.

Just as Louie was about to stick his head out the blanket, he heard a bang and re-thought the idea.

"Where are they?" He heard Webby growl, loudly.

It was Dewey's voice he heard next. "Webby, where did you get a sword from?"

There was a pause, and he heard Webby saying, brightly. "My granny gave it me for my tenth birthday. It's kind of a family tradition"

"What to get a sword when you're ten?"

"Well yeah-"

"Webby." Huey cut in. "We're fine, Louie's just having a nightmare. We're trying to get him calmed down and - no offence – but you swinging that thing around isn't going to help."

"O-oh, well. Anything I can do to help?"

"Well – er – in the nicest way possible - leave."

There was a pause, and Louie, trying to get his own heartbeat back to normal, could imagine the look on Webby's face. "Oh."

"It's just a sibling thing." He heard Dewey say kindly.

"Oh yeah! Cause - I knew that…. Bye!" Louie heard the door shut and then there was silence.

"Louie? Are you alright?" Huey asked, for the third time that night.

Said brother took his head out the covers, hugging them tightly to his chest. "Yeah…"

Dewey snorted. "Yeah, you sounded it."

"What was I doing?"

Seeing Louie was confused as well as upset, Dewey sat down on his brother's right side, Huey doing the same on the left. "W-el-l. You were going 'No!' 'Go Away!' and 'Leave me alone!' Sound familiar?"

"Don't forget, the ever favourite - 'I don't want to be your servant!'" Huey added.

Dewey clicked his fingers. "That to. So…what the heck was that all about? I mean, obviously it was a nightmare, we'd got that far, but…"

"Toth-Ra." Louie said quietly, scrunching in on himself.

Huey and Dewey looked at each other, nodding silently. Truth be told, they had been expecting something like this.

Huey put an arm round his youngest brothers shoulders and hugged him close. Louie in turn wrapped his arms round Huey's middle.

Dewey sighed and gently patted Louie's leg. "You wanna talk about it?"

A pause, then Louie nodded.

"Go on then."

Their brother opened his beak, before closing it again. Louie looked at the floor, then gave a shaky laugh. "God, Webby's right. I am a screw-up."

Huey and Dewey both blinked. "What? She said that?" They said, together.

"Not exactly, but she spent the whole time accusing me of 'pulling a Louie' Which is true, before you get on her case. I was."

"What actually happened?" Huey asked, determined to get the facts.

"Well, what we told you. Except with a bit more arguing. Actually a lot more arguing." Another pause and then. "Aaannnddd I may have kinda tried to sacrificemyselftoToth-ra."

Another pause. Then. "What!?" The older brothers said together. "When!?"

Louie sighed and wringed his hands. Might as well get it over with. So he nervously explained what had happened when he was being chased by Toth-Ra, and how Webby saved him, ending with. "So see, she's fine."

Huey waved a hand, impatiently. "Forget Webby! You tried to sacrifice yourself to Toth-Ra!? Why!?"

"Cos I was scared! I was scared and I didn't know what to do-"

"So you thought sacrificing yourself was the answer!?"

"Oh give me a break, Hubert! I panicked!"

Huey was about to argue further when Dewey grabbed Louie's hand and said, slowly. "When we realised, you and Webby had gone missing …we were all panicking. Like majorly. Obviously for different reasons, but for me and Huey because you're our younger brother, and we love you and that will never change. When Amunet told us that…well I can't remember exactly what she said, but I know it wasn't good, me and Huey nearly lost it completely. And then when we saw you being chased by TothRa I think both our stomach dropped through the floor, right, Huey?"

Huey nodded.

"And – I don't know what went on with you and Webby in there, but I do know she's only known you about six weeks, which is hardly any time at all. Yes, you may 'pull a Louie' as she calls it frequently, but that can be helpful at time. Rarely, but it can be. The main thing - and the point I'm trying to say - is forget what she said, we're your brothers - your triplet brothers in fact - and we're the ones who'll love you forever and we're the ones that'll always be by your side." Dewey took a breath, before going in for the home run. "And if you, god forbid, had been made into a servant by Toth-Ra you'd had had the entire duck family as well as Launchpad, Webby and Beakley looking for you. And we'd have found you instantly because we'd had had Uncle Gladstone with us, so basically you have nothing to worry about, okay?"

He looked at Louie who, smiling slightly, nodded. "Wow, er. Thanks, Dewey. I love you to." With that he hugged his immediate older brother. "And you to, Huey." He added, quickly.

"And I love the pair of you weirdoes." Huey said, fondly, then checked the time. "Okay, cute as this is, it's quarter past two in the morning. We need to get back to sleep. You're alright now, Louie, yes?"

He got a thumbs up in reply.

"Brilliant. We're above you if you need us. Night, bro." They followed up the heart to heart with a three-way hug before going to bed, Dewey fist bumping Louie before he left. "Love ya bro."

"Love you to. Both of you" Louie sighed before pulling the covers up and going back to sleep – this time nightmare free.