I rewatched a lot of episodes yesterday, including 'Frame-Up' and 'Probie'. Those two episodes have about 500 scenes in total where Jenny and Gibbs could get together, but no, they never did. Jenny discussed her feelings for Gibbs with Mike, Gibbs discussed his feelings for Jenny with Mike and then it was too late, Jenny died (cue sobbing noises).

Anyway my dear NCIS nerds, that is what we have FanFiction for (although, it would be quite nice if the writers did make Jenny and Gibbs have a happy ending, even if it was just for a little while). So anyway, go ahead and enjoy this weird little one-shot that I wrote most of at 2230 last night.

PS- Have you guys seen the DVD cover for Season 15?? I squealed when I saw it and my little brother looked at me like I was completely crazy. Ah the things about being a geek.

Disclaimer- I do not own NCIS.

Enjoy people x

"You have to learn how to say no!"

"I did Jethro, or have you forgotten?"

Jenny Shepard was sat in her study, going over case files and the events of that day in her head. A lot had happened. One of the agents on her best agent's team had shot an undercover cop, and one thing led to another. She had argued with her ex-lover, who was her best agent, a lot as well. They had talked about Paris. Paris. A word that meant so much to Jenny. Where she fell in love with someone for the first time. That someone just so happened Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He had told her she needed to learn how to say no. She reminded him that she did say no. He asked her to return to the states with him, but she said no, so she left him with nothing but a Dear John letter in the cream coat he had given her.

It was a while before Jenny realized she was crying. She wiped the tears off her face and sat down with the case files. Jenny stood up suddenly before feeling the need to drive to her former lover's house. So she did. The NCIS director didn't bother knocking on the door and went straight in, as it was unlocked as usual. She walked down to the basement to where Gibbs was working on his boat.

"Come to check up on me Director?" He asked sarcastically.

"No. I need to tell you something" Jenny replied.

"Well so do I, Jen. But you can go first" Gibbs said.

"When we talked about Paris today, my regrets got bigger. I never wanted to leave you, it's just..." Jenny cut off, her eyes filling with tears.

"Just what Jen?" Gibbs replied softly.

"I got a call one week before I left you, saying if I didn't leave you then you would die. I loved you too much to go through that again. My Mother, Father and my sister were all dead, I could not lose another person I love" Jenny said, a tear rolling down her face as if it were a raindrop.

"You should've told me, Jen. I would've helped" Gibbs put his hand on her cheek and used his thumb to wipe away the tear.

"I know that now, I was just too young and stupid to figure that out" the redhead told him quietly.

"Jen, you're not stupid. We all make decisions, some better or worse than others. Yes, you hurt me when you left, but I forgave you a long time ago" Gibbs told her.

"You did?" She asked, surprised.

"I did"

Then he did something that neither he nor she expected. He kissed her. Jenny Shepard and Leroy Jethro Gibbs did get a happily ever after that day. They found each other.

Please review and have a look for any references!