One-Shot Parade!
Story 5: RWBY Shots
(No pairings)
An exhausted sigh escaped Ruby's mouth as she was walking down the halls of Beacon. The reason for her lack of energy was the amount of work that had been piling on her shoulders from the moment she had entered Beacon and become a team leader. While most would think that being the leader of a team in one of the greatest Huntsman academies in the world would be something to be happy about, the redhead saw it differently. Unlike the other members of her team, she had additional responsibilities and work, along with her regular schoolwork. Not to mention, because she had skipped two years, the young team leader had even more work on top of all that as well.
Thanks to her position as team leader, Ruby had the duty of looking after her own team in many ways. She needed to make sure all of her teammates were doing well on their schoolwork and that they worked well together. The scythe-wielder needed to solve whatever issues and conflicts came between her team's members, and had to make sure they all got along. There were also some extra assignments and other work that Ruby needed to accomplish, such as tests of her leadership skills and tactical skills. If she were to have bad scores in these tests and other assignments, there was the possibility that she would lose her status as team leader, which the redhead didn't want to happen. Add to all of this also all the work that came from Ruby having to do for the two years she had skipped, and one could easily understand why she was so tired.
However, as she was walking towards her team's dorm, someone suddenly called her name. Ruby turned around to see Glynda Goodwitch walking towards her at a fast pace. It seemed like the teacher had something important to discuss with her.
"Ms. Rose, can I have a moment of your time?" the teacher asked. "There is something important I need to discuss with you."
"Of course, Professor Goodwitch," Ruby answered. "Is something wrong?"
"Oh, it's nothing terrible, just something that should be looked over," Glynda answered. "As you know, since you are the leader of your team, you have some additional responsibilities among your normal work related to school. One of these things is looking after your team's well being."
"I know, professor. I have done everything I could to make sure that things between my teammates are fine," the redhead said and let out a sigh. "You have no idea how many times I've been forced to step between Weiss and Yang in order to break up their fights. Not only have I lost count of those times, but I also nearly got stung by Weiss' sword last time."
"That's... good to hear, I suppose," the blonde witch said, somewhat disturbed by what her student apparently had to go through in order to keep her team together. "However, that is only a part of looking after your team. The matter I wished to discuss with you is actually about something else."
"Really? What might that be?" Ruby asked.
"You see, as part of our work, we have to look through the files on our students and check their backgrounds. This involves possible criminal history, reports on their behavior and medical records," Glynda explained. "While we went over your team, we didn't find anything wrong, except for a small problem regarding your three teammates."
"I hope it's nothing too bad," the young team leader said with worry in her voice. "What was the problem?"
Instead of answering, the teacher handed her student some papers. Ruby looked over them and soon found out what Glynda was most likely talking about.
"You have got to be kidding me..."
Meanwhile in team RWBY's dorm, the three older girls of the team were caught in the middle of an argument. The argument was over what they should do for their next "team day," where they would be hanging out together as a team. Yang's idea was for them to go to the arcade and play some games, while Weiss wanted to go to the opera, as she felt the team needed some culture once in a while. Blake, on the other hand, didn't care which was chosen, as it didn't matter to her at all. Right now, she just wanted her two teammates to be quiet, so she could read in peace.
"Weiss, nobody wants to go to some dumb opera! They're boring!" the blonde said angrily. "The arcade is a way better place for us to bond, as we will all have fun playing some great games!"
"First, operas aren't either dumb or boring! And second, arcades are only suited for absolute idiots!" the heiress argued back. "Honestly, it would do you some good to try something high-class for once! Maybe you could get a good influence from it!"
"What is that supposed to mean!?"
"Try figuring it out yourself!"
"I honestly don't care what you choose, just shut up already!" Blake yelled at her two teammates. "Can't you two see I'm trying to read here!?"
Before the arguing could continue, the door to the room was opened with Ruby stepping inside. The three older girls immediately turned to look at their team leader, hoping that the younger girl could finally solve the situation in a way they liked.
"Rubes, Rubes, you gotta listen to me!" Yang whined at her little sister. "Weiss is being all mean again! She says that we should go to a boring opera for our team day and that I'm dumb! Tell her that none of that's true and that we are going to the arcade!"
"Actually, Ruby, I think this team could use some culture for once!" Weiss said. "Since you are our leader, you have to realize the importance of having your subordinates come in contact with some actual culture every now and then!"
"Ruby, I honestly don't care what we choose, just have those two stop making so much noise already!" Blake yelled. "As a fellow lover of books, you can probably understand how important it is to have some silence while you read!"
The redheaded team leader let out a frustrated sigh. It seemed like she was in for another struggle with her team, and she hadn't even brought up the issue Goodwitch had bought to her attention.
"Actually, I have something important I need to do with you all," Ruby said, catching the attention and curiosity of her teammates. "I need you all for a special assignment."
"Ooh! An assignment? Are we going to be killing some Grimm?" Yang asked, already excited over the possibility of getting to fight something.
"Well... Not really," the young team leader said. "However,I do need all of you for it, so could you three follow me?"
The three older girls looked at each other in confusion, wondering what the younger girl needed them for. However, since it was Ruby, they doubted that it was anything all that bad, so they simply followed her without a question.
Ruby led her team through the halls of Beacon towards her destination. While Weiss and Yang weren't paying too much attention, Blake was looking around, hoping to find out where they were going. Eventually, they ended up in the infirmary of the school.
"Ruby, what are we doing here? Do they need some extra staff or something?" Blake asked.
"Not exactly. Could you guys wait for a second here? I need to go inform the staff that we are here," the redhead said before quickly making her way to the receptionist. She then whispered to the young woman, "I brought them here. Be ready to lock the door once I get them in the room."
The receptionist gave a nod to Ruby, and the young team leader then started to lead her team again. The group of girls eventually went inside one of the rooms in the infirmary, where a female doctor was sitting on a chair, waiting for them.
"Ah, Ms. Rose, I've been expecting you and your team!" the doctor said as she got up from her seat and went to introduce herself. "I am Dr. Victoria and I have something rather important to talk about with you all."
The girls of team RWBY greeted Victoria and introduced themselves. As they did this, someone locked the door to the room from the outside, but only Ruby and Blake noticed this.
"What is going on here?" Blake asked in a slightly nervous voice, a bit freaked out by the door being locked. "Ruby, what are you planning to do with us?"
"Blake, calm down. What's the matter with you?" Weiss asked, somewhat disturbed by the way the cat faunus was acting. "We are in Beacon's infirmary. I doubt we have anything to worry about."
"Yeah! This is Rubes we are talking about here!" Yang added. "She's practically innocence personified! There's no way she could be planning anything bad to us!"
"Like Yang said, I am not planning anything bad to any of you," Ruby said. "Although, I am a bit worried over how well you will take what is about to happen."
"...Huh? What do you mean by that?" the blonde girl asked out of confusion.
"Allow me to explain," Victoria suddenly said. "The reason why you three were brought here was because we have been looking through your medical records. While everything seems to be fine for the most part, there was one thing missing from you three."
"And what is that?" Weiss asked with a hint of nervousness.
"All members of team RWBY, with the exception of Ms. Rose, have not had one of their vaccinations that was supposed to be given to you before graduating from schools like Signal," the doctor answered while pulling out a syringe full of some liquid. "Now, how about we get this done? Who's going first?"
There was a moment of complete silence, as the WBY stared at the doctor with wide eyes. Ruby was about to call out to her teammates, when suddenly all hell broke loose.
In an instant, Yang dashed to the door and tried to desperately open it. Weiss grabbed a chair and stood her ground, threatening anyone from coming closer to her. And as the two girls were having their panic attacks, they were screaming like crazy. Luckily, Ruby had called the staff in the infirmary and had them make some preparations, such as enforcing the door with Dust, making it so sturdy that even Yang was unable to break it. The three older girls were now completely locked in the room with no escape.
The only person of the WBY who wasn't screaming or running around was Blake, who simply stood completely still, like she was frozen. However, it was obvious that the cat faunus wasn't calm, as her eyes were still as wide as possible and her face was pale.
"Blake?" Ruby called out to her teammate while taking careful steps towards the still girl. "Would you be so kind as to be the first one to-?"
Before the redhead's question could be finished, the raven-haired girl suddenly jumped up on top of a cabinet, like the same way she tried to avoid Zwei. Blake was also hissing angrily and glaring at her teammate from her higher position.
"Don't you dare come close to me, Ruby Rose!" the cat faunus yelled while hissing. "I won't let you put a single needle in me!"
The leader of team RWBY let out a deep sigh. She had been fearing this, but had hoped that Yang would have been the only one to cause trouble. Ruby still remembered the last time her sister had been forced to take an injection. The poor doctor in charge of the whole thing had ended up with a broken nose, three cracked ribs and a black eye. It seemed like the redhead had been right to assume her other two teammates would act in a similar manner.
"Seriously, they are supposed to be the older ones. They can face Grimm of all things, yet a single needle scares them? This is sad," Ruby said to herself before steeling her resolve. Her teammates would be getting their shots and nothing would stop that. "Alright, you three, are you going to take your shots like good girls or is this going to be difficult?"
"NO, RUBES! NOOOOOO!" Yang screamed as she struggled with the door in the hopes of escaping. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US! IT'S INHUMANE AND CRUEL!"
"DON'T YOU DARE TAKE EVEN ONE STEP CLOSER TO ME!" Weiss yelled while swinging the chair in her hands around wildly. "I swear, if you bring even one needle anywhere near me, I will have all the lawyers working for my family coming for you! SO DON'T TRY YOUR LUCK!"
Ruby glanced at Blake who was still "hiding" on the cabinet she had climbed onto. Upon noticing her team leader's look, the raven-haired girl let out another angry hiss.
"Alright, since none of you are going to act like adults, I have no choice but to play dirty!" Ruby said angrily and walked up to a computer that was on the doctor's desk. She turned the monitor a bit so it was facing Weiss, before telling her partner, "Weiss, you might want to see something."
"And what might that be!?" the heiress asked angrily, still ready to hit someone with the chair she was holding. "Let me just tell you one thing first, if it's another needle, I am NOT interested!"
"Did you know that this room has a couple of cameras in it?" the redhead simply asked and started to click on things that were on the computer. "And that they have been recording us this entire time?"
"Huh? What are you getting at?" Weiss asked. "Why should I be concerned about any of that?"
"Perhaps because THIS has now been recorded," Ruby answered and stepped away from the monitor, letting the white-haired girl see a video of herself and the way she had been acting. "It would be a shame if this video were to fall into the wrong hands, like the media or your family."
Weiss' eyes went wide. "You wouldn't dare..."
"Oh, believe me, I would. Do you want to bet on that?"
The heiress' eyes were switching between the video and the needle Victoria was holding. On one hand, she REALLY didn't want to take the needle, but she also couldn't let that video of herself spread around. If her father or sister saw it, she would never be able to escape the shame. Not to mention, if the media got a hold of it, her reputation would be ruined forever.
"FINE!" Weiss suddenly screamed and threw down the chair. "I'll take your damn needle! Just don't let anybody else see that video!"
"I knew you would see reason eventually," Ruby said with a smirk. "Now just come here, so the good doctor can give you your medicine."
With her head hanging low, the white-haired girl walked up to the doctor, rolled up her sleeve and presented her bare arm to the woman. With a kind smile on her face, Victoria gave the injection to Weiss, who soon began to cry a bit from getting stung.
"You're a really good girl, Weiss," Ruby said in a bit of a patronizing way, causing her partner to glare at her with teary eyes. "Now then, who is next? How about Blake?"
"How about never Blake!?" the cat faunus hissed angrily. "You're not getting a single needle anywhere close to me!"
"That's pretty much what Weiss just said and look at how that turned out," the redhead said with a smirk, as she started to dig through her pockets for something. "I have my ways of getting you to take the needle. Just watch."
After finding what she looking for in her pockets, Ruby pulled out a laser pointer and started to shine the red light on the floor. She also moved it around a bit, hoping to catch her teammate's attention. Much to the scythe-wielder's delight, Blake's eyes were glued on the red dot the laser pointer had made.
"Y-Y-Your schemes won't work on me!" the cat faunus said, but anybody could tell that her resolve was obviously breaking. She couldn't stop staring at the red dot for even a second. "I-I'm better than that! I... I won't break! I'll... I'll show you..."
Suddenly, Blake lunged from her hiding spot and right onto the red dot on the floor. The raven-haired girl had a victorious smile on her face over catching her prey, but that smile soon faded. Before Blake managed to realize the mistake she had just made, Ruby had jumped on top of her, holding the older girl's body down.
"Now! Give her the shot!" the team leader yelled to the doctor, who quickly ran up to the two girls with a syringe in hand.
"GET OFF ME! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I WON'T-!" Blake screamed as she struggled, but was unable to stop Victoria from putting the needle into her arm. "OW!"
With the injection given to the cat faunus, Ruby got off from her teammate, leaving her crying on the floor and holding the place the needle had pierced.
"Two down, one to go," the redhead said to herself and turned her attention to Yang. "How about it, sis? Are you willing to be the big girl of the group?"
"NOOOO! I DON'T WANNA! I DON'T WANNA!" the blonde screamed as she continued to struggle with the door. "I DON'T WANT A NEEDLE! I DON'T WANT IT!"
Seeing how her older sister was acting caused Ruby to let out a deep sigh. This was going to be the toughest one out of the three. Luckily, she had a plan.
Hearing footsteps approaching from behind, Yang turned around with fists at the ready, prepared to fight the doctor. However, she was shocked to see Ruby walking towards her with the syringe and not the actual doctor.
"R-Rubes? What do you think you're doing?" the brawler asked. "Why are you holding that horrible needle?"
"Because I am the only one that can apparently give it to you," the scythe-wielder answered. "You're willing to beat up anyone that tries to give you your shots, with the exception of me. Or are you so scared of needles that you're even willing to hurt your own sister in order to avoid them?"
Yang's resolve was quickly beginning to crumble. Ruby was absolutely correct in what she had just said. While the blonde wasn't afraid at all to hurt anyone that was trying to harm her, her little sister was an obvious exception. There was no way she could ever bring herself to harm Ruby, even if it meant she would get a needle.
With her fighting spirit crushed, Yang fell down to her knees and began to cry like a little baby, allowing Ruby to hand the syringe to Victoria, who then was able to give the shot to the crying girl.
Now that her whole team had gotten their shots, the young team leader only had one more thing to do. While her three teammates were still crying and rubbing the spots on their arms that had been pierced with the needle, Ruby began to dig through her pockets for something.
"Alright, since you all were such big girls, I believe I should reward you three!" the redhead said happily and pulled out three lollipops. "Here you go! There's one for each of you!"
The three older girls of team RWBY were NOT happy.
"You expect us to be satisfied with candy!?" Weiss asked angrily with tears still falling from her eyes.
"You just committed the worst betrayal possible on your whole team! A little treat like that won't make up for it!" Blake yelled, still crying as well.
"And those tactics you used were just underhanded and mean!" Yang added while crying like the other two girls.
"What? You guys don't want your lollipops? And here I thought that you would appreciate to have at least something good after a bad experience," Ruby said with a smirk, not hurt by her teammates' comments at all. "But if you guys are sure you don't want them, I guess I'll just have them for myself."
The three older girls kept glaring at their team leader with tearful eyes, still upset over the shots they got. However, without saying a word, the three girls each took one of the lollipops and walked out of the doctor's room. During that, Ruby just kept smirking. Not only had she fulfilled her duty as a team leader, but she had also managed to show that despite being younger than her teammates, she could actually be more mature than them.
Some time later, the WBY were sitting at a bench at Beacon's front yard, trying to enjoy their lollipops. Unfortunately, it was proving to be hard to enjoy the sugary treats, as the recent events at the infirmary were still fresh on their minds.
"I still can't believe Ruby would do something like that to us," Weiss grumbled while sucking her lollipop.
"Yeah. That was really dirty of her," Yang said in agreement with her teammate. "I thought she was better than that."
"I just wish there was something we could do to get back at her," Blake said.
Little did the three girls know that their method of revenge against their team leader had just noticed them and was heading towards them at a high speed.
"CANDY!" came the loud scream of Nora, shocking the three older girls of RWBY. Quickly following the scream, the ginger girl was soon standing in front of the trio, looking at them with wide eyes of excitement. "WHERE DID YOU GUYS GET CANDY!?"
After managing to get out of their shock, the WBY looked at each other. They then all got evil smirks on their faces, as they realized how they could use their friend.
"We got them from Ruby," Yang answered. "She has quite a bunch of them. I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you one."
Without saying another word, Nora quickly ran past the three girls in the search for the redheaded team leader. It didn't take long until a certain sound told the WBY that the hammer-wielder had found her.
"GODDAMMIT NORA! I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE CANDY! LET ME GO!" Ruby could be heard yelling from within Beacon.
"LIES! I KNOW YOU HAVE IT! AND YOU WON'T BE GETTING AWAY UNTIL I HAVE IT!" Nora yelled with an insane laughter following behind.
"That was evil, Yang," Blake said with a smirk on her face.
"You may call it evil, but I call it justice," Yang said in response, also smirking.
The three girls continued to enjoy their treats, happy to hear the sounds of Ruby trying to get away from Nora in the background.
Author's notes: I was originally going to have this be a part of Notice Me, Ruby!, but I thought that it didn't fit in the story all that well. So instead, I decided to make it it's own one-shot.
The idea came from the old joke of characters being afraid of needles, even when they aren't little children. I thought that it would be funny, if Ruby had to get her teammates get shots, but they would be against it.
Until next time.
RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.