A.N. Ok so I am trying a new idea about how to write a story. Instead of hand writing out most of the story and having an outline of all the plot points, then trying to type it all out and getting bored with everything and quitting. I am making it up as I go and not writing anything solid out beforehand. So, we will see how this would work out. I am writing this crossover because I love the idea of a recovering tired harry with more skills then the books have given him, and a closer look at some of the emotions that the Naruto group normally shows. I wish there was more of these kinds of crossovers out there. Just a heads up I love, Sneaking around Konoha, Sphere of Influence, and Once a wizard, Always a Shinobi so you might see some ideas from those stories. It's not that I am trying to copy them, I just like certain ways they have done things and I put my own spin on their original idea. I strongly recommad everyone reads the above stories if they have not already because they are some of the best in this crossover, I think anyway lol. I do not know if there will be a pairing per say or just friendship and family type relationships. Although I kind of like the idea of kakashi flirting endlessly with some people his age to annoy them so there might be slash and het flirting.

I made some changes based on a guest review who pointed out i was spelling zabuza wrong, that my paragraphs where long, and i did not seperate different POV's. Thanks for the review Heart!

Kakashi closed his eye and thought, "Ah shit, that was not a real hunter nin. That means Zabuza is still alive and that fake hunter nin was most likely his partner." As that thought processed though Kakashi tired and overworked brain he started to fall over and as him body finally hit the cold damp ground his mind finally turned off and all his senses faded into blackness. He never noticed his genin team and their client run towards him with mixed expressions of awe and worried.

Harry was not sure how exactly his luck worked. On one hand people said he was very unlucky after all there was that whole business with Voldemort coming after him all of his life and killing his family. On the other hand, he managed to not only stay alive though all of the attacks and but also gained his amazing friends Ron and Hermione, and a surrogate family in the Weasleys and Teddy. This group of people where the only reason he managed to not only live though his childhood ordeals but also stay sane and happy during his school years.

As he shushed a crying Teddy, he looked out over a lake with two adults in strange clothing were fighting on it. Harry was debating on weather this interesting development would fall under his good or his bad luck. After all it was not every day when a stranded wizard with his year and half old godson end up in a seemingly non-magical village with an Asian influence, but the geography was all wrong for any of the Asian countries that Harry knew about.

Thankfully one of the many little charms Hermione made him learn was a translation charm so he could speak to the locals. Unfortunately, he found the charm does not translate the written word so he knew that he was going to need to still learn the language eventually if he needed to do research on how to get home.

Harry watched the two men fight and what he saw made him rethink the non- magical part of this area. The two clearly had some sort of extra abilities that were helping them not only stand on top of the water but also to make the lake water follow their commands and go against the laws of nature.

Teddys breathing started to slow down in to a calm steady rhythm, as harry watched the man with what looked like bandages wrapped all around his head, arms, and legs carrying what looked it be a massively oversized cleaver type sword, got hit with two silver thin needles in the throat. He unconsciously tightened his grip on Teddy as he watched what appeared to be the swordsmen death. As the white-haired man went to check the neck of the swordsmen, for what Harry assumed was his pulse, he debating on what to do.

For all he knew these strange magic users could be his answer for getting back home, but could he take the chance that they will not kill him and Teddy before he even got close? As he debated his choices he saw that there was a teenager standing in a tree above the swordsmen body.

The teenager was wearing the strangest mask with swirling red lines and a dark tight-fitting shirt and pants combo that would almost let the teenager blend into the shadows behind him. The white-haired man got up form checking the swordsman and was talking to the teenage as the teenage jumped down and grabbed ahold of the swordsman and disappeared in to thin air.

Harry did not see any thing to explain the disappearance, they were no sound, no smoke, he did not grab a portkey, or made any movements to that would ease Harrys confusion.

While Harry was debating this mystery and finding that he had more questions then answers he noticed three more children, all in that awkward stage of not being a young child, but also not a teenager, and one much older man gather around that strange white-haired man.

The man was covering up his eye with what looked like some sort of metal plated head band. After the man covered his eye he smiles at the group surrounding him and fainted, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

Harry decided enough was enough and he needed answers and he was not going to get any by standing around watching strange people do impossible things unless he took a risk and talked to them. He could always apparate away with Teddy if this group of people turned out to be more dangerous then he could handle. He did not think so, he had a good feeling about the group and he trusted his instincts. They have not failed him to much before.

He started to walk over to the group, as he cleared a glade of trees one of the children, a dark hair child with grabbed something form his pack around his leg and held it up. Harry saw it was some type of long, thin knife with a wrapped handle and a ring around the dull end. At the dark hair child movement, the other two children looked up to see what was happening and saw Harry walking over to their location. The blond hair child with the orangest jump suit known to mankind jumped forward and yelled over to Harry,

"Who are you? Are you with Zabuza? Are you a ninja? Where are you from? What are you holding? Is that a baby?" At the list of questions Harry started to chuckled but started to answer the blond boy anyway.

"My name is Harry Potter, or I guess you guys would say it as Potter, Harry. Was Zabuza the swordsman who was play acting a mummy? If so, then no I am not with him. I am not a ninja, what ever that means. I am from a place very far away form here called England, Surry to be more accurate. This is Teddy, and he is my godson. He is pretty young but not a baby per say more like a toddler. Wave hello Teddy."

Harry finished as he looked down at the boy in his arms. The toddler did so making the other blond and pink hair children smile and relax. The dark-haired child who was still holding the strange knife slowly lowered it and started to put it away as the blond child started to speak again.

"Ohhhh" he started drawing the sound out, "Ok, my name is Naruto and this is my team! This is Sakura and Sasuke." Pointing at first to the pink haired girl and then to the dark hair boy. "We are team 7 from Konoha led by our jonin sensei Hatake Kakashi." At this proclamation all three children looked down at the white hair man still laying on the ground, unmoving except for small chest movement when he was breathing. As Naruto looked at the now named Kakashi he ran over to the man and kneeled down to get closer then yelled,

"Wake up Kakashi-sensei! There is no time for you to be lazy! We still need to complete the mission!"

Sakura put her head in her hands for a second before hitting Naruto,

"You Baka, sensei is not taking a nap, he is unconscious!" At this exclamation Naruto went to rub his head and replied back,

"He he, sorry Sakura- chan." Harry was trying not to laugh at this point as he lowered Teddy to the ground so he could walk the rest of the way over to the group now that Harry was not as worried about having to make a fast exit. The older man came forward to introduce himself as the three children started arguing amongst themselves.

"Hello, my name is Tazuna. I am a Master bridge- builder and I hired this ninja team from Konoha to help me get home safety."

"Oh," Harry said in interest, "I have heard of you! I have only been in wave for about a week now but it seems like the only good thing happening around here is you and your bridge, and the hope people have for the future the bridge could bring." Tazuna looked a weird mixture of embarrassed and proud. At Harry's statement Naruto pipped up,

"So, wait, you're not just an old drunk! Wow I did not think anything you said was true old man!"

"You Baka!" Sakura hit him in back of the head again, Harry could tell that was something that happened a lot in the groups day to day routine. "Why else would Tazuna have so many missing nin come after him if he was making everything up!"

"He he, Sakura your right!" Naruto smiled and stated as he bent over to pick Kakashi up. "Well, last person to Tazuna house has to do all the chores!" As he started to walk away with Kakashi in a fire mans carry over his shoulder Tazuna spoke up,

"Umm, Naruto, my house is in the other direction." Naruto went to smile and rub the back of his head as he laughed and almost dropped Kakashi.

"Well then Tazuna, why don't you lead the way for us then?" As the team started to walk down the dirt road in the right direction this time Harry called out,

"Do you guys mind if we join you?" At this Sasuke started to look suspiciously at Harry and he almost grunted out,

"Why?" Harry smiled sheepishly and said, "Well I am kind a lost with no way to get back home and I believe your sensei here might have an idea about how Teddy and I can get back home, or at least where I can go to find answers. Plus, I do know something about healing so I could help him recover faster before we take off to our next stop."

"Fine," Sasuke grunted out, "But we will be watching you, so do not think that you can harm Kakashi-sensei."

"No worries, I just want some answers and his is my best shot. So, it is in my best interest to get him healed up and recovering as quickly as possible after all." Harry answered with his best disarming, you can trust me, smile. At this Sasuke rolled his eyes, turned around and joined back up with his group and started to walk down the road with his hands in his pockets. He turned his head back just a little so Harry could just barely see the corner of his eye and said,

"Well, are you coming or not?"