Here's something new I've been working on for a couple of months. I don't know why, but writing has been hard. I have ten chapters written and will be posting one a week. I am estimating this will be about 15 chapters. Chapter 9 will fully explain the title, although it will become somewhat apparent before then, although it takes a bit of to get there. I'm rating this T because there's no outright smut. Let me know if you think the rating isn't correct. Hope you enjoy. Reviews appreciated as always.
Chapter 1 – Post Battle
After the Battle of Hogwarts, all the surviving combatants drifted. The castle was in near ruins and so many had been lost. Everyone had nightmares. The media was everywhere, begging for stories, intruding on broken lives.
The 'Golden Trio' was dubbed from the beginning and Harry, Ron, and Hermione hated it. They stayed at the castle with a few others for a couple of days. Molly, Arthur, and George went to live by Fred's bedside at St. Mungo's. He had been close to death, but battled back. To save his life in the heat of battle, both his legs were amputated, but he lived. Ginny stayed at the castle, unsure of where to go. Charlie went with Bill and Fleur to their cottage. Percy of course had to help put the Ministry back together. Those who stayed in the castle spread out wherever. The portraits hung wide and no access was barred.
The day after the battle Harry wandered around the entire grounds of Hogwarts. No one asked, but he took notes of what he saw, what needed to be fixed. It was something to keep busy and he enjoyed the time alone.
Back at the castle, Ron and Hermione were dealing with not being alone. After their fateful kiss, they had gone to bed together immediately after the battle. They needed the closeness, the comfort. It was nice and not bad for a first time, but Hermione realized it wasn't what she wanted right then. They slept in the next morning and then at lunch, Kingsley sent Percy with a portkey to Australia for immediately after the memorial. Ron was waiting when Hermione returned from her meeting with Kingsley, and they would have one more night together, but she made her intentions clear that she wasn't ready to be tied down and would be in Australia for the summer at least. Ron thought he should be upset, but he wasn't overly much. He had thought Hermione was what he wanted, but now he wasn't sure what he wanted at all.
That first day saw others drift apart. Neville was a hero in his own right and Padma and Parvati had comforted him through the night. It was welcome, but like others, they knew it was a gesture of friendship and comfort. Neville returned to the quiet of Longbottom house after and was left to bury his thoughts in his greenhouse.
Susan and Hannah emerged from a Hufflepuff prefect room later in the day as well. They did not want the solitude that others sought and returned to Hannah's home.
When Harry returned to the castle from his walk shortly before dinner, he handed his notes to Professor Flitwick without a word. The small wizard accepted them with a nod. He was about to say something, but desisted when he saw the vacant look in Harry's eyes. Harry proceeded to dinner and sat next to Ron at a table that dwindled in number. He didn't taste much and staggered off on his own to wander the castle interior after. That night Harry returned early to the prefect room he had claimed and lay in bed, contemplating what to do next. He wished he could connect to his friends, but he didn't know what to say. Hermione had worried about leaving so soon after, but he had encouraged her. If she had any chance of getting her parents back, he of all people should understand.
As Harry's thoughts drifted, trying to formalize a plan, he heard the creak of a door and grabbed his wand. Instantly alert, he peered around the semi-dark room.
"Harry…it's just me."
Harry sighed at the sound of Ginny's voice. He had only talked to her briefly a couple of times. She was worried for Fred and grieving as much as anyone, but he couldn't find the right words to say. He once had thought that he would pursue their relationship again as soon as this mess was done, but that was months ago…a lifetime ago. He remained quiet as he sat on the edge of bed with only a minor lumos cast to light the room as Ginny walked toward him.
"H…Harry, why won't you talk to me? I'm here for you."
"It's not you Gin. I just…need space."
"What about us? I thought when this was all done…we'd be together. Do you still care about me?"
"Gin…yes I care. I just don't think I'm in a good place right now to be with you…to be with anyone. You should move on."
Ginny stood, staring at him with pain in her eyes and Harry hated himself for causing it. Did he really not want to be with her? He wasn't sure and that was the problem. He wasn't sure of anything. If he didn't know what to do for himself, how could he get involved with someone else? They stared at each other for a minute and Ginny choked back a sob.
"Fine. I guess I have to accept that. You know I waited for you Harry. This last year at school was hell. Neville endured the most, leading the DA. I admired him a lot and I was tempted to give myself to him, but I was waiting…for you."
"Merlin Gin, that's a hell of a guilt trip. Look, I can't do this. I need some time on my own. You need to find someone else. Neville's a great guy and I'd understand if you want to be with him."
"But I don't! Harry, I still want you. I'll accept that you can't be with me and need your space when we leave, but can I have one night? Please Harry…"
Harry sighed and looked into her deep brown eyes. They were brimming with tears and he sighed. He couldn't deny her and he reached to take her in his arms.
"One night Gin. Then I need to get away for a while. We all need to move on."
Ginny nodded and looked up at him. He took the offering and kissed her tenderly. Soon old memories drifted by as the kiss deepened and hands wandered. Harry was more than ready, but made himself pause before things went too far.
"Gin…are you really sure? I've never done this."
"What? But Hermione…you've been together for almost a year."
Harry sighed. Apparently his only recently self-acknowledged feelings for his best friend weren't missed by others. He didn't reply, just shook his head at Ginny. She leaned up to kiss him and smiled.
"Good, then we can learn together."
Harry looked at her, surprised, and Ginny just smiled at him.
"I told you I was waiting for you Harry."
Harry groaned and kissed her deeply as they moved together and gave themselves completely to each other.
The following morning, Harry came to slowly and realized who was in his bed. He suppressed a groan, wondering if he really should have conceded. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it, but Ginny deserved better. His movements caused her to gradually wake and she stretched languidly as she smiled at him. Harry brushed a lock of hair off her face and looked at her seriously.
"Gin, last night was wonderful, thank you. I do care, but I just can't commit. We have the memorial in a while and then I'm leaving to figure some things out. I don't know where yet. You deserve more. Go find Neville, or whoever, as long as they treat you well."
Harry climbed out of the bed and went to shower without turning around to look at her, leaving Ginny curled up in a ball, breathing the scent of sweaty sheets laced with sex. The night had been wonderful, but she also wasn't sure what she wanted. Technically she was still underage for a few months, not that she felt like it. Oh well, they had the battle memorial in a couple of hours for everyone who was lost. Each family would have private graveside services, but the memorial was for the masses and everyone who had fought and lived would be there. She cast a quick cleaning charm, dressed, and left to find a shower of her own.
A short distance away, Hermione and Ron had also departed their bed to find separate showers. The memorial was in two hours and her portkey left in five hours, giving her enough time after to collect a few things and withdraw some money.
Three and a half hours later, the memorial concluded. It had been hard and painful as they all gathered out by the lake, with Dumbledore's tomb visible in the distance. Easels with pictures of each of the fallen were displayed and the appropriate rites were said, then one person stood to talk for each of those who had fallen. Tonks was still comatose in the hospital, so Harry spoke for Remus. As each person was spoken for, their pictures were floated on the lake and set ablaze with purple fire. When Harry wasn't speaking, Hermione pulled him and Ron to her sides and the three held each other. Ginny watched, but stayed by her mother's side. She could tell that the three only needed each other at that moment. Others like Neville who had left returned to the castle briefly to say goodbye to friends before leaving again.
Once the service was done, everyone drifted. Hermione and Harry both went to talk to the Weasleys. Fred was improving, which they were happy for. Molly pulled them each into tight hugs and then asked the question they knew was coming.
"So, I know we all need some time to heal and grieve. What are your plans? The Burrow is cleaned out and we'll be able to return by tomorrow. You know you're always welcome ."
"Thanks Mrs. Weasley, but I have a portkey to Australia. I need to go set things right with my own parents."
Molly nodded, she couldn't argue with that, even if she didn't like the idea of Hermione being so far away. She turned her attention to Harry.
"I need to get away for a bit also Mrs. Weasley. I'm not sure where. I'm going to travel for a bit."
"What? But Ginny…and school…"
"Ginny and I talked already. Thank you for the welcome, but I need to do this."
Molly seemed unable to reply, so Harry and Hermione stepped away with Ron. He looked at his two friends and seemed lost.
"I wish you would stay, but you need to do what you think is best. Take care. I guess you don't have addresses I can write to?"
"Not yet Ron, but I've been thinking. For a fee, maybe the goblins will help. I'm stopping at Gringotts before my portkey leaves. Gringotts have offices in a lot of countries. Maybe they would hold letters. I know there's one in Sydney and I'll make sure to check in there. If you send a letter through Gringotts, I can pick it up at the Sydney branch. And of course I can send letters to the Burrow. Once I have an address, I'll send it."
"That sounds good Hermione. I didn't have a plan for letters, but since I'm going to the continent, I know there are branches around. I think I'll ask Gringotts to do the same for me. I need to go there as well."
"Alright, I suppose that will have to do. Take care of yourselves. You know mum would be happy to have you whenever you get back."
The trio hugged and then went to say goodbye to a few other friends. Since both Harry and Hermione had to go to the bank, they decided to leave together. They walked to the gates and then apparated to Diagon. As they walked, they talked more than they had for a couple of days.
"Harry, promise you'll be careful please. You're still recognizable, even with the scar having faded now that the horcrux is gone."
"I will Hermione. I could say the same. The three of us were on the wanted posters together. You're just as well known. I'm not surprised that you're going to find your parents, but I thought you and Ron would go together."
"Well he asked, but I have to do this myself. I love him…and you, but everything is still so messed up right now that I can't commit to anything."
"I understand. I told Ginny the same last night."
"Last night? Hmm, I was wondering where she disappeared to when I didn't find her in her dorm early this morning."
Harry blushed and Hermione laughed at him.
"Really Harry, there's no reason to be shy about it. We're adults, or close enough and we just finished a war. Very few of the survivors who aren't in the hospital had empty beds for the past couple of nights."
"Yeah, I just feel bad. But I was honest with her at least before, well…you know."
They had reached the steps of Gringotts and now needed to proceed to take care of their separate business. Harry turned and gave Hermione a last hug.
"I love you and I will be back. Take care."
"You too. I love you."
Hermione went to make a withdrawal at a teller, while Harry headed to the front desk. He knew little about his account and figured now was the time to find out more. As he approached, the goblin at the desk looked up and his eyes went wide.
"Mr. Potter. Welcome indeed. How can we assist you?"
"Hello sir. I need to discuss my account. I haven't looked at my vault lately. I'm pleasantly surprised actually that you're greeting me with words instead of swords."
The goblin gave a feral grin and waved his hand.
"Your crime has been dealt with now that the reasons have come to light. The interim Minister met with Ragnok the day after the battle and explained things. Due to the nature of what was housed that you were here to retrieve, we have seized the vault in question as payment for the damages. Now, let me call for your account manager."
Harry breathed a sigh of relief as the goblin shuffled off and then returned a couple of minutes later with a larger, older goblin following. The other goblin approached and addressed Harry.
"Mr. Potter, I am Silverclaw, the manager for the Potter and Black accounts. Please come with me."
Harry followed Silverclaw to a mahogany lined office where he spent the next two hours being appraised on his accounts. He hadn't realized, but Sirius left him most of the Black fortune, effective on his seventeenth birthday. He also took possession of the Potter fortune when he came of age. Of course, the war had meant that he was in hiding and hadn't been able to claim his inheritances. It was all a bit shocking, especially given the emotional ride he had already been on for the day. In the end he discovered that he was one of the wealthiest men in England, magical or otherwise. The two accounts totaled a rounded 52.4 million galleons, or a bit over 890 million pounds. He also owned numerous businesses that Gringotts managed for him, as well as numerous artifacts in each vault, and a number of land properties. He gladly signed the papers to leave the businesses managed by the bank. Then he made a couple of transfers to help friends. The elder Weasleys got 100,000 galleons. Then Ron and Hermione each got 100,000 galleons. Ron didn't have a vault of his own, so the goblins set one up and sent him a notice. He also transferred 200,000 to Hogwarts and sent a letter to McGonagall via the bank, specifying the money for rebuilding costs. For himself, he withdrew a few thousand pounds and received a bank card that tied his Gringotts accounts to the Bank of England.
Harry's next order of business was a passport and he decided to see if Silverclaw could help, even though it wasn't a monetary transaction. He soon found out that the goblins helped with a variety of legal paperwork. The passport needed to be approved through the Ministry, so Harry sent the paperwork from Silverclaw directly to Percy's attention, hoping to expedite the passport. Finally, he remembered his earlier talk with Ron and Hermione and arranged for Gringotts branches to hold and transfer letters for a fee.
With all his business complete, Harry left the bank and Diagon. He was happy once he was in muggle London where he wasn't recognized. He wanted to get a couple of things done while he waited on the passport. He started at a department store, where he picked up a backpack, clothes, and personal items. He also picked up a small camera. He had thought about getting a wizard camera, but they were all horribly old-fashioned and bulky. He hoped it would hold up to magic, even though he didn't plan on throwing a lot of spells around during his travels.
With the shopping done, evening approached and he found a small hotel for the night, and then ate at the pub across the street. That evening he found a phone book and checked on where to go for the next item on his list. That night as he fell asleep, he thought of Ginny and hoped she was alright. Part of him wanted her back in his arms, but part of him enjoyed being out on his own with no one else around.
The next morning, Harry stopped for breakfast and then went to an optic center. He was there when they opened and immediately got an eye exam, which he hadn't had in almost ten years. His glasses were horribly out of date, which he had expected. He ordered contact lenses instead and was glad that his prescription was fairly standard and he was able to buy them immediately. It was a bit strange putting them in at first, but he was happy to be rid of the glasses that were so identifying. If he combed his hair right, the faint scar wasn't noticeable either.
Once he was done at the optic center, Harry grudgingly returned to Diagon Alley and made his way to Gringotts, hoping for news on his passport. Surprisingly, Silverclaw had just received it via owl. The expedite fees had been horrendous, but he didn't care. He thanked his account manager and left quickly. With his passport complete, Harry went immediately to a train station and bought Eurostar tickets. Two hours later he was on his way to France.
Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers away, Hermione was settling into her first full day of searching for her parents. The Australian Ministry had been quite kind when they found out who was portkeying in and had arranged a hotel for her, but now she was left with a large, unknown city to search.