Disclaimer: If Yugioh was mine to own, The show would be Eccentric! But since I can't and since I don't, I just wrote this Fan-fic! ^.^;;;

Warning: Imp got sugar high and with no sleep . . . Run.
By: Elf and Imp
Chapter 3: Jou the Guardian

Yugi awoke that morning surrounded by warmth. Sometime during the night, Yami had come out of the puzzle and ended up spooning with Yugi. The small amethyst angel blushed, enjoying the contact, yet surprised by it. Yami didn't touch him all that much, through Yugi wished he would do it more often.

To say the least, Yugi was confused. He was highly attracted to Jou, he know he had deep feeling for the blond, not to mention the few fantasies he accidently entertained. Yet Yami completed him, reaching something inside him that reached back. What were even MORE confusing for the small tenshi, were the fantasies about Yami, and THEN the fantasies about BOTH.

Yugi carefully wiggled out of Yami's embrace and slipped out of bed, shivering as the cold air reached him. He glanced back to see with relief that Yami was still sleeping. He grabbed his usual clothes and headed down to the bathroom to change. He returned to his bedroom and approached the bed.

"Time to wake up, Yami!" He chirped. Yami muttered something in ancient Egyptian and rolled over, burrowing into the covers. Yugi blinked cutely at the pile of mumbling covers before scowling. "Yami!" He exclaimed, climbing onto the bed to reach his dark side. He grabbed the pile and began to shake it. "Wake up!"

The pile suddenly exploded, and Yami had Yugi pinned against the bed, his fingers dancing along the boy's sides, sending the poor boy into giggle fits, unable to deal with being tickled by anyone.

"Yami!" Yugi gasped between giggles. "Please! Stop!"

Yami only chuckled in response.

Finnaly, Yugi couldn't take it anymore, so he began to tickle back. Yami sqeaked in surprise, bursting out laughing. They tumble over the bed, wrestling and tickling.

They finally collapsed onto the bed, gasping, eyes shining.

"Yami, all I did was ask you to wake up!" Yugi exclaimed

Yami chuckled. "Maybe, but this was more fun."

Yugi giggled. "Well, now I'm even hungrier than I was to begin with! Come on, lets go get breakfast."

Yugi rolled off the bed onto the floor, yami crawling after him, striding leisurely after his light who was bouncing down the stairs, a satisfied smirk on the dark one's face.

Just as they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw Grandpa hanging up the phone. He turned to them with a sigh.

"I have to go to Egypt for two months." He said. "My good friend Auther is dying. But I have to leave you here so you have finish up school, so I called a few of your friends. However, only Jou was available. Why don't you help him with his dueling skill and homework while he is here? I'm already packed, so I have to go now."

"Bye, Grandpa. I hope its quick." Yugi said, becoming sad and teary.

"The gods will watch over him." Yami said assuredly.

"I know, and I thank you. Jou said he'd be over at 9:30."

Yugi looked at the clock. It read 7:25. Yugi sweatdropped. Yup, that was just like Jou. He sighed quietly. Two whole months in a house alone with the objects of his affection?

This was gonna be hell.

Yami ruffled Yugi's hair affectionately, both watching Grandpa walk out the door. Yami blew out a sigh, and turned to Yugi, opening his mouth to say something. Just then, interrupting them, Yugi's stomach growled, and the small angel pinked. Yami chuckled, ginning at the Kawaii Tenshi.

"Lets get that breakfast before Jou comes over and eats everything." Yami said, heading toward the kitchen.

"Do, Yami, what do you want for breakfast?" Yugi asked.

"It wouldn't really matter, Aibou. Cereal is fin for me."

"Frosted flakes of Cocopebbles?"

"What are they?"

Yugi set the Cocopebbles on the table. "Here. They have chocolate."

Yami blushed faintly, embarrassed that his Hikari knew him so well.

As they munched on the cereal, Yugi contemplated his plans for today. Okay, finish breakfast, go get some movies for Jou's stay, Jou shows up, watch movies, go to sleep for the night.

"Making plans, Aibou?" Yami asked, setting his now empty bowl into the sink.

"Yup, I think we can get away with renting some moives and buying some food to put in font of Jou so he can stuff his face."

Yami chuckled, nodding his agreement. They both headed out to rent some movies.

Imp: WHEEE!!!!! *is running around with towel on her shoulders*

Elf: O___@;;; ano . . . Kowai! *jumps to hide behind the computer*

Imp: =^___^= Yami n' Yugi do shonen-ai! You love it so don't you lie! And you know whats better than just those two? A fluffy romance with a sugar- high Jou!

ELf: o____@ . . .

Imp: Ryou n' Bakura, push comes to shove! But don't you know? Their in love! And where there's two there can be three! just add Malik with his insanity!

Elf: O.@ (to reader) She comes up with all her shonen-ai poems when sugar- rushededededed-ed . . .ed.

Imp: YAY-EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! *runs off to terrorize people*

Elf: O___@ *runs after her.

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