A few things to go over.
I've decided on two summons, one by the black receivers and a contract. He may end up with a third one.
I'm thinking about Salamander as the contract, however, the black receivers are still not decided.
Minato currently had a lot on his plate. That was an understatement, firstly Naruto's display at the exams was big. Also on top of that was the exams themselves, it was almost time to have the meeting with the jonin's meeting him soon.
It was time to put the teams together. However, he had no idea, what was coming. If he knew, he wouldn't know the meaning of what it was.
He surely would be shocked to say the least.
Before he knew it, the time had come, and all the jonin were there for it. It was time to pick the teams.
"Ok we will start with any requests?" He asked.
A few hands went up, Minato looked at his pupil who did have his up, and nodded to him. It was then, Kakashi spoke up.
"I would like Sasuke Uchiha, Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze, and Menma Uzumaki-Namikaze." He said loudly.
There were some surprised looks, however, nothing would beat what was coming soon.
Minato looked at the next one. It was Kurenai Yūhi , Kurenai nodded and started to speak.
"I request Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame." She said quickly.
Minato nodded and looked to the next person. It was Asuma, however, no one had any idea what was coming. The next sentence to be uttered would have a drastic effect, in many ways.
"I request Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanka, and Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. His eyes looked at Minato to gauge his reaction, the others were expected.
"You wish to break up the tradition? Why Asuma? Why now?" Minato asked suddenly.
Asuma chuckled and looked a Minato.
"My father wanted me to as a favor. He seems to believe the 3 of them together could have great potential." He said loudly.
His words had a expected reaction.
Minato sighed, but nonetheless knew he couldn't stop it. However, that left a problem.
"What about the others? We'll have an odd number of students, even without ." Kakashi said suddenly.
Asuma looked at Minato for a bit.
"How about a 4 celled squad with 2 jonin on the team?" He suggested.
Everyone in the room looked at him for a moment, Minato thought it was a good idea. However, who would the jonin's be? That was the question in his mind.
"What are we going to do about Naruto?" Kakashi asked suddenly.
Minato looked at down at the mention of his son, it was a tough pill to swallow. He knew Naruto hated him with every fiber of his being, and he didn't know if there was any chance at all.
There wasn't.
"It was just an exam, sure Sasuke got beaten badly, but that is the price of being a ninja. Most of the other students have injuries as well." Asuma said suddenly.
Kakashi glared at Asuma for saying that.
"How can you say that? Sure it was an exam, but Naruto used way too much strength. Sasuke could of been hurt worse, had Naruto used anymore strength against him." He said loudly.
Asuma sighed and shook his head, it was obvious Kakashi was just playing his hand, since Sasuke was on his team.
"I agree with Asuma, sure Naruto did use a lot of force in their fight. However, we are ninja, and we have to learn to expect these kind of things." Kurenai said suddenly.
Asuma looked over and smiled at Kurenai. He was definitely glad she agreed with him.
Minato sighed and looked around.
"I'll figure out what to do with Naruto later. About the new team we need to create. It seems Sakura and Choji would be the ones to put on the new team." He said suddenly.
The others looked in thought for a bit.
"What of the two Jonin?" Kurenai asked.
That was a very important question, and one that needed an answer.
"I think Anko Mitarashi could be one, despite her personality." Kakashi said suddenly.
Everyone thought about that for a moment, everyone in the room, even the ANBU who were hiding, knew of Anko Mitarashi. Just her name could send shivers down your spine, and to think she would be a jonin.
That would be a sight to see.
"Despite her personality, yes she does have potential. As long as she doesn't torture them that much." Asuma laughed.
Minato shook his head and sighed.
"What of the other?" He asked.
Kurenai had a suggestion, so she started to speak up.
"How about Genma Shiranui?" She said loudly.
Minato looked up at the next suggestion, it was a well placed one too. Genma could be a capable instructor, and with him together with Anko, it may not be that bad after all.
Minato finally nodded and started to speak up.
"Very well, the new team will consist of Sakura Haruno, Choji Akimichi, Anko Mitarashi and Genma Shiranui." He said suddenly.
Everyone nodded.
"Then this meeting is closed." He said suddenly.
That was final.
{Scene Break} {With Naruto}
Naruto found himself sitting in the classroom, waiting for Iruka to come in and announce the teams. He didn't know what team he would be placed on though, he was damn sure that if, he got placed with his siblings, he wouldn't play nice.
Before anyone knew it, Iruka had walked in the classroom.
"Alright kids, settle down. You know what you're here for." He said suddenly.
The whole class settled down and waited until he started speaking.
"All of you here, have passed the exams. Now, you will be placed on genin team." He said loudly.
He pulled a piece of paper from his desk and started speaking again. However, Naruto toned him out. He didn't really care, he was only listening for his name, nothing else.
Soon enough, after a few teams were called out. One team, did catch his eye though. It was supposedly a new team formation, he wondered how it would work with two jonin instructors.
It was then, that he heard his name come out of Iruka next.
"Team 8 will be Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara." He said loudly.
Naruto chuckled, Shikamaru was a good teammate to have, Ino needed work though. The girl could be a good ally given the right motivation. He'd just have to see how it all played out.
"Those are the teams, your jonin instructor will be here shortly to talk to you." He said suddenly.
Naruto looked at the clock, it should only take a good jonin about a minute or two to get here, even if they weren't that close.
Before anyone knew it, time was passing by, and jonin instructors had finally arrived.
Naruto looked at the Jonin instructor that would be teaching him, this man definitely was strong in his own right. He smirked, as he knew Asuma wouldn't have an easy time.
"Well kids, let's go for a walk." Asuma said suddenly.
Before any of them knew it. They were at a diner of some sort. Each of them had their own food.
"So tell me about yourselves." Asuma said suddenly.
Shikamaru was up first, Naruto chuckled as Shikamaru went through his introduction dryly. Next up was Ino Yamanaka, Naruto didn't really pay attention after that.
That was until he was called.
He looked at Asuma.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. My dislikes? Well, you could say, that I have an healthy hate for my family. My likes? Training and becoming stronger. My goal? Well, my goal is has multiple parts to it. Firstly, I want to make someone proud, then I want to surpass that same person." He said vaguely.
Even Shikamaru rose an eyebrow, Naruto was hiding something. Ino noticed it too.
"So you think you'll surpass me?" Hagomoro said with a smirk.
Naruto chuckled on the inside.
"Watch me." He replied to the sage.
"Very well, meet me here tomorrow at noon, and we will start your genin exam." Asuma said suddenly.
Naruto rolled his eyes, there was always a catch. Before anyone could say anything, Naruto got up and started walking away.
Shikamaru chuckled at Naruto's behavior.
Asuma knew where Naruto was headed.
It was time for Hiruzen to fulfill his side of the deal.
Before Naruto knew it, he was already standing in Hiruzen's office.
"So you truly did it." Hiruzen started off with a smile.
Naruto chuckled and spoke up.
"It seems faith is low around here huh?" He said sarcastically.
Hiruzen frowned and spoke up.
"I didn't mean any offense, I meant your conviction. You said you would show up everyone since our first meeting. Your potential is strong, given the right training. You could be one of the strongest shinobi in the Elemental Nations." He said suddenly.
Naruto faltered a bit, but he kept calm gaze.
"About the apartment?" He asked.
Naruto didn't have time for bullshit., as it w
Hiruzen sighed, but nodded nonetheless. He knew he had to do it, that would mean complete obliteration of any trust Naruto had in him, and not to mention Asuma. That wouldn't go well either, so it was time to act.
"Very well." Hiruzen said softly.
Naruto watched as he pulled a folder out of his desk and handed it to Naruto.
"It's nothing fancy, but it has the essentials. You will have to provide supplies on your own, however now that you are a shinobi of the village, you can do missions and get your own pay." He said suddenly.
Naruto took the folder and opened it up, and sure enough as he looked over the documents, what the man said was true. No doubt whatsoever. Naruto closed the folder and suddenly was startled when Hiruzen spoke yet once again.
"About your exams, you did put on quite a show, no doubt causing shockwaves through the village. You must remember you have potential, but only if you yourself unlocks it and uses it right. You are a shinobi of the leaf now, your life will change before your eyes." He said loudly.
Naruto nodded and turned around suddenly and started walking away, Hiruzen sighed yet again as he knew what was coming. Minato would surely find out soon enough.
It was only a matter of time.
As Naruto walked out of the estate and started to walk to his training grounds.
"Naruto, it is time to show me if you are ready to continue your training." Hagomoro said suddenly.
Naruto froze at hearing the sage, it was the sage alright, however his voice was filled with seriousness. Naruto knew this was something else now, Hagomoro was usually calm and smooth when he talked, and the wisdom was still prevalent, as it was now.
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked the sage.
The sage was silent for a while.
"For the past couple of years, since you have awakened me. You have trained your body and your mind to surpass even some of the greatest shinobi this world has seen. Not to mention your Taijutsu and Ninjutsu prowess. It is time for a test." He said suddenly.
Naruto blinked and replied instantly.
"What kind of test?" He asked.
Naruto didn't know when, but somehow along the way towards his training ground, and his ongoing conversation with the sage. He had already arrived.
"Now that you are here, you will show me if you can use your abilities like a true shinobi would, and if you complete my test, we will begin on the next subject of your Rinnegan." Hagomoro said suddenly.
Naruto's eyes widened at hearing those words, he knew what it meant. It was time, there could be no hesitation.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked quickly.
The sage was silent yet once again.
"First I want you to sit down and meditate. It is time to come to me." He said slowly.
Naruto shrugged and dropped down and got into a comfortable position, he didn't have any clue what was coming.
As soon as he started, he noticed instantly it was really hard to focus. It was only after 30 minutes did he start to doze off.
Before Naruto's eyes laid a a large sparkling blue lake, with some small islands in the middle. Naruto's eyes widened as he scanned his surroundings, he was no longer in the forest.
No, he had come to a far more ancient and unique place, even if he didn't know it himself. His noticed his Rinnegan were active, as he looked at his reflection off the water.
The islands were in the center of the lake, as he looked at them, he suddenly felt a presence near him.
His eyes widened once again as he turned to see Hagomoro himself. Naruto's mouth was agape as he stared at the sage. He definitely fitted the image of what the wisdom filled, and powerful sage should look like.
"Close your mouth boy. You have completed the first step, now you are ready for the second step." He said suddenly.
Naruto looked at the sage curiously. He listened closely as the sage began to speak yet again.
"The island in the center of the lake. You must find a way across, any way will work. Just meet me there the begin the third and final part of the test." He said loudly.
Naruto eyes widened as the sage started to disappear, it was obvious to Naruto that was all the help he was getting.
He smirked as he got an idea, he had something he could use.
He walked over to the shore and looked at the island he needed to go to. He start going through hand seals quickly as he bent down.
"Doton: Doryūheki!" He said.
He hadn't really practiced with this jutsu that much, it had a ton of potenial if it could be used right though, and he could.
Suddenly a long line of mud came out and soared towards the island but the wall didn't reach the whole way, the was still a good bit to go, but he could make it. He looked down the path of mud that started to harden into rock.
Suddenly a gust of wind exploded from Naruto, as he lowered the resistance seals on his jacket. He dashed in a burst of speed and sprinted and waited until he was near the edge and molded chakra on his feet and propelled himself towards the island.
The chakra he used, was a little too much, and he ended up crash landing on the shore.
As he got back up on his feet he looked around, he saw a path up ahead, and he knew it was the right way to go.
As he finally reached the end, he came across a courtyard, that was very antique and old. There was no doubt whatsoever as Naruto walked forwards.
That's when he felt the presence of the sage next to him.
He looked at the sage with a smirk, waiting for him to speak.
"Very well done, the second part is done. Tell me now Naruto, there is no turning back. This will be the hardest part of the test, are you ready?" He asked loudly.
Naruto only glared at the man.
"You really think I would quit after coming so far?" Naruto said sarcastically.
Hagomoro grinned.
Naruto didn't know what happened.
The sage disappeared yet once again.
However, Naruto started to feel dizzy, and nauseous.
Then, his world shattered.
A/N: What test should Asuma give the team?