I was so tired. I thought I'd sleep forever. But I didn't. I woke up alone in the bed and I could hear laughter. I put my robe and slippers on over my snowman pajamas and went to the window. Brian and many of Rangeman's employees were building snowmen and having snowball fights in the back yard. I grinned as I watched them. This was a Christmas I would never forget. They were playing like a bunch of ten years old. They were whooping and hollering and laughing and tackling each other and it…it was a beautiful thing.

After a few minutes I realized that I could smell food so I padded down the stairs and found tables set up everywhere and Lula, Marina, Hazel, Padma, Natalie and Ella were in the kitchen cooking and giggling.

"Did we wake you sweet girl," Ella asked hugging me and pressing French Vanilla coffee into my hands.

"No, you didn't," I smiled. "What's going on?"

"We're celebrating Christmas with our family," Marina grinned.

"Yesterday taught us all that family isn't blood," Natalie said gently. "You at Rangeman are family. Each of you would die for the other. Gabe already proved that you'd die for us. That's a rare thing. We knew you all needed each other and thought…what better way to celebrate than to be together. So…here we are," she laughed.

"Here you are," I smiled.

"Get dressed," Padma grinned. "And take your time."

"Okay," I said and started to walk away. I turned back to them, "you know…I love you guys. You're right. We are family. I'm really glad you're here."

"We know darling," Ella smiled. "We love you too."

I smiled and went up the stairs.

Lula came up a few minutes later and handed me a bag. "This is what you asked me for. I couldn't figure out how to sneak it to you last night."

I laughed, "thank you Lula. Can I ask you one more favor," I said peeking into the bag. "Can you put it in the kitchen pantry for me?"

"Sure," she agreed and headed back down the stairs.

Hours later with my tummy full and laughter ringing out through my house I sat snuggled with Brian on the couch in front of the fireplace with the tree twinkling in front of us and I was happy.

"It's not what you planned, but it's okay," Brian whispered in my ear and kissed the shell of it.

"It's very okay," I beamed up at him and stretched up to kiss him. "Thank you for everything Brian."

"I think I'm the one who should thank you," he said softly meeting my eyes over our kiss. "You let me in."

I grinned, "as soon as these people get out of here I'll let you in again."

"Want me to evict them now," his brow went up hopefully.

"I'd give them another few minutes," I grinned.

Tank got to his feet, "well, I think it's time we took off and let these two have some time alone. It's their first Christmas together."

There was some groaning and complaining, but everyone gathered their belongings and trooped out to waiting cars with good natured laughter and teasing and everyone hugged and kissed me on the way out the door, Brian also caught a good amount of the hugging and kissing…even from Lester. Hmmm.

Natalie was right. We are family. I was a very fortunate girl.

The last car pulled out of the driveway and Brian and I were alone. The house had been tidied back to the way it was. There was plenty of food left for us to eat later. We went back to the soft green couch and collapsed.

"I think it's time to open presents," Brian said with a grin.

"Okay," I nodded, "but first some cocoa."

"With schnapps," he said hopefully.

"With schnapps," I grinned heading for the kitchen. I made the hot chocolate, and not from a mix, and added the peppermint schnapps and the King Leo peppermint sticks to each mug. I grabbed the bag from the pantry and headed for the living room and Brian.

Brian had moved all the packages to the coffee table. "Open this one first," he said as I joined him on the sofa with the hot chocolate."

"Okay…but you open this one," I agreed selecting a box from the stack.

He tore into the box and put the tie around his neck with a laugh. "I love it. I really do love it." He turned it on and listened to the music and watched the lights with glee.

"I had a feeling," I grinned. I opened the heavy box and found a selection of DVDs inside. I started laughing.

"They're all mysteries," he grinned. "There are the Nick and Nora mysteries and Charlie Chan and Hercule Poirot and…"

He didn't get to finish the sentence before my arms flew around his neck.

"Thank you Brian," I said as I hugged. "They're wonderful. You really listen to me talk. I love them." I flopped back and dug through the box like an excited child."

"Well all right then," he laughed.

I reached for his next present and gave it to him.

He smiled as he opened the box. He was it seemed one of those rare people who actually do believe that Christmas is for giving. He blinked in surprise when he saw what was in the box. "Are you serious? I love it."

I grinned and watched him pull the autographed copy of The Big Sleep out of the box.

"This is rare," he said in awe as he gingerly turned the pages. "I love Phillip Marlowe. I love Raymond Chandler."

"I know," I grinned. "I saw you flipping channels one night and when you landed on The Big Sleep your eyes lit up. I found it in a rare book store here in Trenton. I was so excited. I knew you'd…"

This time it was me who didn't get to finish the sentence because he was kissing me. "Thank you," he whispered against my mouth.

"You're welcome," I smiled.

"Your turn," he handed me another box. This box looked suspiciously like a jewelry box. "Don't panic, it's not an engagement ring."

I rolled my eyes and grinned at him, "it's a good thing. Engagement rings should never be given as a Christmas, Valentine's or Birthday gift. They should be given just because."

"Thank you Emily Post," he raised a brow.

"Just because I'm from Trenton New Jersey, it doesn't mean I don't know the rules of etiquette."

"I've met your mother. I know."

It was a ring. It was a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring. "Oh wow…its beautiful Brian."

"It matches your eyes," he sighed as he slid the ring on my right hand. "There…no pressure at all."

"Brat," I smacked at him and handed him his next gift.

He unwrapped the box and grinned at the contents. "It's a watch."

"It's not just any watch my friend. Look closely."

"Holy shit…is that the Maltese Falcon?"

"It is," I said proudly. "I found that one on line and had it delivered to work."

"Oh damn," he grinned and pulled it out of the box and put it immediately on his wrist. "That's sharp. I love that. I love that you pay attention to what I like."

"I love that you do," I smiled.

"My last one," he handed me the gaily wrapped box with a blush.

"What is it," I raised a brow.

"You'll see," he said as his face flushed.

I studied him thoughtfully, "you're blushing. Why are you blushing? What is in this box?"

Inside the box was all manner of lingerie. Most of it was lacy and gossamer. Most of it was an invitation. All of it was beautiful. I was in awe. It was also all my size.

"Oh wow," I whispered as my fingers slipped over the silk and lace. "They're beautiful."

"I was afraid…I mean it might be too soon," he blushed.

"You've seen me naked. It's not too soon," I grinned and leaned over to kiss him. Then I pressed the last little box into his hand. It was the one Lula had gotten for me.

"Hmmm…it's too small to be a car," he said thoughtfully, "and too big to be a gold doubloon.

"Open it goof ball," I laughed.

He just stared inside the box for a few minutes before pulling the key chain out with misty eyes. The key chain held a picture frame with my face in it. It held a key to my house and a key to my car.

"It's so you know that you always can be normal here and not be the G-Man," I said gently. "You can drive my car. You can live in my house. You can be a regular guy. We can be normal."

He pulled me into his lap and just held me there. "This means…you have no idea."

I smiled, "I think I do."

He groaned, "You know I love you."

I blinked at him. I knew he was going to say the words soon. I just hadn't realized it would be this soon. "Brian…I am not completely in love with you. I love you. I'm not in love with you yet."

"I know," he said gently and rubbed his fingers over my face. "I'll wait till you can say it with your whole heart and mean it."

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"I'm sure," he nodded. "You've let me in. You're trying. That's all I can ask of you."

"Thank you," I smiled.

He kissed me gently. We lay there on the sofa for a long while sharing tender kisses and just being. When the kisses started becoming more intense, we decided it was time to move it up stairs.

"I'll lock up and meet you in the bed," I grinned.

"Deal," he kissed me again and grabbed the box of lingerie with a wink before heading up the stairs.

I shook my head with a smile and turned off the tree with the remote. I made sure the fire was dwindling enough to be left and put the glass in place. I carried the mugs to the kitchen and rinsed them and put them into the sink. I was starting for the stairs when the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door a young man was there with a vase full of red roses.

"Oh my goodness," I blinked at him.

"I have a delivery for Stephanie Plum," he said with a big grin.

"All this is for me," I blinked.

"Yes ma'am," he nodded. "It's heavy. Can I put it on your table for you," he nodded toward the hall table.

"Sure," I agreed and stepped aside.

He handed me a small box. "Merry Christmas," he smiled.

"Why are you working on Christmas?"

"He tipped me enough to buy my fiancée an engagement ring," he winked at me and left.

"Merry Christmas," I said in bemusement. I shook my head and opened the box. Inside was a charm bracelet and only three charms were on it. The first was a bat. The second was a wonder woman. The last was a heart. Tears filled my eyes and I glanced over at the roses. Damn that man for reaching inside and stroking my heart. I stared at it for a long time. When did he arrange to send this to me? Where was he? Did it really matter?

I sighed and closed the box and put it next to the vase. The rich perfume of the flowers filled the air. Red roses… He always sent me red roses. He wouldn't if he knew what it meant. He'd send me pink or yellow or even white, but not red. He wouldn't send me red. Red meant love. It meant romantic love.

I turned away and went slowly up the stairs. Resolutely as I neared the top I gained speed. I was going forward. He was my friend. He was only my friend.

I hope you enjoyed this installment of Stephanie Plum's adventures. For those Ranger fans out there, never fear our intrepid hero will come back. He won't be forever banished to 'the wind'.

Coming soon is Evidentiary Eighteen. In Evidentiary Eighteen Brian needs Stephanie's help. His father, the judge, has been accused of murder. Everybody in Boston believes anyone but Judge Goodman could have committed the murder. That is everybody but Brian and his mother and a handful of others. To make things more difficult, Genevieve, Brian's former fiancée, shows up to offer her support things get a bit sticky.

How will Stephanie handle this rival for Brian's affections? Will she be able to help the judge prove his innocence? Is he innocent? Can Brian handle the pressure of his father's trial? Can he handle having two women that he loves(d) in his life at the same time? If he has to make a choice…will he choose Stephanie? And what about Ranger? Will he be back safe and sound in Trenton? How will he deal with Stephanie's new love life? Will he deal with it? Stay tuned and find out in Evidentiary Eighteen.