If the Arrow 6x23 Hospital Scene went down the exact opposite. Instead of Oliver getting arrested- Diggle, Rene, Curtis, Dinah, Sara (Keeping her in Star City for this), Earth 2 Laurel as Earth 1 Laurel, and Felicity were the ones who were arrested instead and ousted as their alter-egos Spartan, Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, Second Black Canary, White Canary, and Earth 2 Laurel's identity is believed to be Earth 1 Laurel. (Starts off from Arrow Season 7, with these changes)

Oliver has been out on his own for 6 months now. Only the Green Arrow- no canaries nor arches nor shooters nor comms. Crime has escalated and Richardo Diaz is still no where to be found.

Meanwhile in prison- Diggle and Rene are in the same prison, Curtis is next to Diggle and Rene, Sara and Felicity are in the same prison, and Laurel and Dinah are in the meta human wing of the Iron Heights Penitentiary in Central City- separated from the outside world yet share a cell.

*******Diggle, Rene, and Curtis in prison

Diggle: Cards up toss.

Rene: Just to tell you, this doesn't change anything hoss.


Diggle: Man I don't think this will work.

Rene: Yeah I know- 6 months ago we were vigilantes and now we are in prison for protecting the city. Zoey is an orphan again.

Diggle: Layla is taking care of John Jr., but the grief with her. I feel so much pain now.

Rene: Now hoss? It's been for 6 straight weeks. We shouldn't be here.

*******Sara and Felicity in prison

Sara: 6 months ago I was protecting the timeline then came to mourn the death of my father, then I get arrested. Sure love the law. Wonder how the crew is holding up.

Felicity: I'm really worried about William, he lost his mother- twice. And now Oliver is out there on his own and is his only family left. I cant believe Watson did this to us.

Sara: I'm really sorry about William.

Felicity: I'm sorry about Quentin.

*******Laurel and Dinah in prison

Dinah: We were fighting then now we share a cell.

Laurel: Well we did make one heck of a birdie squad helping my father of this Earth.

Dinah: I just cant believe this is where we end up. I'm supposed to be out there helping people.

Laurel: Did you know this is the third cell I've been into? Yeah funny story- first was in Star Labs with that cutie Cisco's tech, then in the bunker, and now Iron Heights back in Central City.

Dinah: Are you even awake at all or are you going to keep going nostalgia?

Laurel: Well to be fair I did lose my whole family and got my father's doppelgänger and met my sister's doppelgänger only for both me and her to be arrested and for me to lose my father's doppelgänger, twice.

Dinah: I'm really sorry about Quentin, Laurel.

Laurel: And I am really sorry about what I did to Vincent, I was a terrible person back then.

*******Oliver on the streets.

Oliver: This isn't your city, go home. (says Oliver to a masked man while aiming a bow and arrow)

Masked man: Meet me at this address in 24 hours.

(Masked man hands Oliver a piece of paper)

*****Masked Man escapes.

Oliver reads and it says "Central City, Infantino Street". Oliver thinks why does this address sound so familiar. Could it be someone related to Barry? Why would they be masked though? Oliver is confused however heads back to the bunker.

Anyways he remembers his plans and decides to deal with the threat tomorrow. Felicity told Oliver to go after someone else and it has been 6 months. And if Oliver is anything, he is a man of his word. Felicity's life sentence broke off their marriage, Oliver goes off to the special person in his life he wants to move on to.