Hi! This is my first fanfiction, and it is an idea I had about what could happen in the season 3 finale of Supergirl! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day! :)


It was quiet. Time seemed to have froze and silence plagued the midnight air. Lena could hear the soft whispering of the wind and knew that time had stopped so this moment could be drawn out into more than sixty long, agonizing seconds. Enough time for Lena's heart to break into a million fragments: fragments that could not be put back together, even with the strongest of glue.

Tears streaked down her pale complexion, her green eyes red with sorrow. Lena's fists grabbed at the grass below, her knuckles stark white as she ripped the plant from its roots. She let the grass pieces to slip out of her palms as she reached forward to caress the face of the dead female body in front of her in a futile attempt to arouse the woman from her slumber. Alas, it was too late for she had fallen into the deceitful arms of Death.

One word escaped Lena's full lips, "Sam."

She moved her shaking hands from the dead Kryptonian's face and clenched her fists tautly.

A minute passed and she felt the air behind her tickled the back of her neck. She turned around, and with a hoarse and broken voice, she said: "Please. Help her. Help me!"

Alas, time could stop but could not rewind.


"Kara!" Alex yelled, throwing her sister's cushion around the apartment. "I have to get to the DEO in five minutes and unlike some people I don't have the ability to fly or run real fast!"

Alex grumbled, but when she stopped, she could her a soft giggle. A smile playing on her lips, she turned around, and glanced at the curtain that was moving. "Kara." She whispered under her breath.

Unfortunately, Alex was unaware of the incredible ability Kryptonians had – or rather, one particular Kryptonian – of concealing themselves. She felt two gnarled hands seize her shoulders and a yelp was ripped from Alex's throat as she tumbled backward onto her sister's sofa.

An eruption of laughter was heard behind her, and Alex moaned. She glared at Kara.

"Come on, Alex. Even you have to admit that I'm pretty good at scaring you." Her sister insisted.

"Well, Kar, can you scare J'onn enough so I won't be yelled at for being late?" Alex said, and almost immediately Kara's smirk was wiped off her face. Terror was evident on her facial features.

Kara leaned forward, until she was sitting on the edge of the sofa. "How about I fly you over? Then you would only be" – she glanced briskly at her watch – "five minutes late!" Kara grinned, and before Alex could react, she was soaring through the air. Kara clasped a hand around her sister's mouth.

Alex peered at her sister. She was clad in her Supergirl outfit, her red cape billowing in the wind. Moving Kara's hand, she spoke with animosity: "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again."

"Next time, I could throw up on you. You have to warn people before you take them on a joyride."

"Fine." Kara murmured.

Alex trained her eyes on the city below. It was magnificent: the skyscrapers biting at the sky, the cars that crept along the river of winding streets, the voices of the people inaudible as they glided through the summer breeze. Alex cherished the moment of peace.

Unfortunately, her 'peace' was short-lived, for with in a minute, they had landed on the balcony of the new DEO facility.



The voice was back. Sam feared the moment the voice returned. It was like the screeching of metal against metal – a sound that made her eardrums throb with pain. Sam threw her head back onto the metal table, forcing a scream down her throat. Not here, she tried to convince herself, not when Ruby's here.

Let yourself free, Worldkiller. Reign.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she locked eyes with Lena Luthor – whom was standing mere feet away from here.

Sam clenched her fists, pushing her sore wrists against the restraints.

"Please..." she mumbled, the agony growing and growing. In her peripheral vision, she could see Lena typing desperately on her iPad. Worry was evident on her face.

Release yourself and you will Reign.

Excruciating pain flooded her veins and she screamed with abject agony. The voice grew in volume, as other sounds demanded to be heard. It was an orchestra of cacophony in her head.

Her restraints gave way as Sam collapsed onto the floor. She clutched her ears in a futile attempt to avoid hearing the inevitable voice.

Suddenly, all was quiet. Tears streaked down her face, she rose. She could hear the soft whispering of Lena's voice: "Sam?"

A wicked laugh came from Sam. She lifted her head up, her eyes glowing red.

Her voice, distorted, sent a shiver down Lena's spine as a wave of fear engulfed her whole.

"Sam is dead. And I will Reign."
