So I was rereading the previous chapter recently, and it's so much fun that I decided I wanted to write another short one-shot. However, it does stick with same set up. I'm keeping this story marked as complete, but another scene may strike me. Warning: This chapter contains strong language, which I never write. However, it IS Deadpool.
Chapter 2: Belonging
*****Two Weeks Later*****
Xander grinned as he watched Wade, also known as Deadpool, make Andrew cry again.
"Xander, tell him to leave me alone!" Andrew wailed.
"No, I won't," Xander said. "You think you can annoy everyone with your endless questions. The man is grieving for the woman he loved. He's got major issues, and all he wants to do is be able to slaughter monsters in peace. He's not going to give you a report—move on."
Andrew pouted. "But Xander, Giles put me in charge of keeping the records straight. I can't go on to the next slayer house until you guys give me a better idea of the demons you put down," he said.
"Ask the slayers that were with him," Xander said. "You don't need his account to actually get the number, and you know it."
"Fine," Andrew said. "It's not accurate or the right way to do it, but I'll do it."
"I told your annoying piss ant if he asked me anymore dumb questions, I might forget the hero part of my anti title," Wade said as he stepped into the room. "I might punch him in the face or rip out his tongue."
Andrew whimpered. "Xander," he whined.
"He won't rip out your tongue," Xander said. "But he might punch you in the face, so leave him alone."
Andrew gave him a hangdog look but slunk off.
Wade grinned. "You know after two weeks, I thought I'd be ready to leave this place, but I'm kind of digging it," he said.
"Well, that's good," Xander said. "You're a good fit. Not only do I need a man around to counter all the estrogen, but the slayerettes find you funny." Of course, Xander didn't mention how great the man was with his swords and how all the slayers' training had really stepped up since he'd started working with them.
"I always thought I was funny," he said with a dreamy smile. "Vanessa laughed at my jokes, too, but the blind old lady I lived with never did. She said I was an ass. Negasonic one time smiled at me, but mostly she rolls her eyes."
In reality, Wade still couldn't believe the way things were going. The slayers—or mutant girls—thought he was like a pet demon. Most of them didn't really believe he was a mutant or that mutants were real. A slayer had brandied the theory that humans have been mating with demons and that was where mutants came from. For some reason, Xander never corrected them—he just laughed and smirked at Wade when he complained. The girls had rather believe in demons and magic than science and mutants. It was crazy, but he was never bored. Plus, they kept him too busy to spend every minute thinking of what he'd lost. The girls never ran out of energy, and one or four of them was always wanting to train. They were vastly different from the X-Men—a fact he was grateful for.
The craziest thing, though, was the title of vampire slayers the girls gave themselves. Or rather the fact that vampires were real. He actually thought Xander was pulling his leg until he took him patrolling at his first graveyard. Then he watched a man crawl out of his fucking grave—it was like a horror flick except he wasn't high nor was he watching TV. When the fourteen-year-old girl stabbed the man with a stick—a fucking piece of fucking wood—the guy really turned to dust. It was surreal.
He went a few days later to the X-Men mansion, excited to share his new adventure with his buddy.
"Colossus, I have found a new lease on life, and I just had to come tell you!" he said as he burst into the mansion.
"That is good news, my friend," Colossus said with a beaming smile. "Come and tell me all about it."
"So I found this slayer house and a one-eyed pirate named Xander," Wade said with a grin. "Xander is just a regular guy who fights demons and vampires with these superpowered girls. Can you believe vampires are real? Demons may or may not be real. I think they're just evil mutants really, but they took me vamp hunting. They really came out of the ground, and when they were stuck with a wooden stake, they turned to dust!"
"Why do you make up tall tales, my friend?" Colossus said, a disappointed look on his face.
"That's the thing, my virgin friend. I am not making it up!" Wade said with a wide grin.
Of course, Colossus refused to believe him—Wade couldn't blame him. He didn't believe it until he saw the man clawing his way out of his own grave.
"Well, regardless, I found a new home," Wade told him. "Xander is a cool dude, who spends his days helping a wide range of girls with incredible talents to fight the forces of evil. They don't care if I say the f word and find me amusing."
"That is good you have made some new friends," Colossus said, smiling.
"Xander made me up some cards," Wade said, holding out a business card. "The school's address is on it. Come by some time."
Colossus looked at the card. "You are a fire specialist and trainer? What does that mean?" he asked.
"They had this fire mutant—or demon. It kept trying to set the girls on fire," Wade shared. "I managed to slay it—that's what they call killing—they're slayers, not killers."
"You cannot just kill misguided mutants," Colossus said in disapproval.
"Wolverine has killed multiple times in defense of the kids here," Wade reminded him. "I'm just supposed to let these kids die?"
"You are to call us," Colossus said.
"Sorry, my metal head—you don't deal in the supernatural. Nor could you handle this school of slayers," Wade said. "But come by sometimes, and I'll introduce you to them. They're not nefarious. Just girls with superpowers destined to fight the forces of evil."
"And you are training them?" Colossus asked, the doubt in his voice evident.
"I fight any fire demons that try to harm them as I am officially their fire specialist and help train them as Xander doesn't have superpowers of any kind—although he is amazingly longsuffering," Wade said. "He got his eye gauged out defending his best friend, the original slayer. But he still fights by her side. I need a friend like that."
"He sounds like a brave and loyal friend," Colossus said.
"He is," Wade said. "I hope you come by sometime and meet him."
Another week had passed, and he'd been too busy with Xander and the girls to think much about Colossus. It was good to be busy and not have time to dwell on how much he missed his love.
"Wade! There's a metal demon here to see you with some girl. He seems like a nice demon!" Tessa, one of the slayers called from the doorway.
"I am no demon," a baritone voice said.
Wade grinned and jumped up from his couch. He saw three slayers—Zoe was one of them—standing by the open door. "Well, at least Zoe didn't kick you in the balls as she did me the first time we met," he said.
"We wanted to come see how you were faring," Colossus said.
"He didn't believe you were telling him the truth," Negasonic said, eying the girls curiously.
"Who's the girl? Is she a new slayer?" Zoe asked.
"No, she's a mutant," Wade explained.
"She looks human," Zoe asked.
"She is," Wade said.
"What else would I be?" Negasonic asked.
"A demon," Zoe said.
"There is no such thing as demons," Colossus said.
"Of course, there is," Zoe said. She pointed out Wade. "Wade's one."
Negasonic snickered. "That would explain a lot," she said.
"Very funny," Wade said, frowning at her. "Why don't you respect their religion and just come in? I'll give you a tour." The slayers tensed at his open invitation but relaxed when the visitors still seemed benign.
They didn't get far in the tour when Xander appeared. "Hello," he said. "I heard we had some visitors."
"These are two of the X-Men," Wade said.
"X-Men?" Tessa asked. "Seriously? Why didn't you say so?"
"I said mutant. You said demon," Wade pointed out.
"The X-Men are special. I don't know what they are," Tessa said. "Storm's the coolest."
"That's not so," Zoe said. "Wolverine is."
"And I thought you were my favorite," Wade said, giving her a sigh of disappointment.
"Girls, why don't you go find something to do? The kitchen still hasn't been cleaned up," Xander said.
"It's Shantelle's turn," Zoe said.
"I did them two days ago," Tessa said.
"Well, go find her and tell her," Xander said.
"Can Negasonic come with us? I want to know what her superpowers are," Zoe said.
"I don't care. Why don't you ask her?" Xander said with much more patience than Wade would ever have.
The girls looked at Negasonic with a hopeful expression. She shrugged. "That's fine," she said, figuring she'd learn more with them than the adults anyway.
"So, Xander, Wade says you fight monsters?" Colossus asked.
"Yes. Not too many, though, due to you guys being in town. Most demons and vamps avoid this area. This was supposed to be my nice easy job," Xander said. "After we closed the hellmouth in Sunnydale, I spent two years collecting newly called slayers in Africa, building alliances and putting out fires. I'm good with the young ones as Faith tends to make them cry, and Buffy isn't known for her patience. Those under sixteen come here to learn and then go to Buffy at sixteen. But lately, word has gotten out that we're more vulnerable and that I'm loved by the Red Witch and both the original slayers. They want to hurt my girls by hurting me."
"Oh, Xander, Colossus knows nothing about anything you're talking about," Wade said with a grin. "In fact, he doesn't think you should kill any sentient beings."
Xander nodded. "I understand. He can't possibly comprehend the depth of evil that hides in the shadows," Xander said. He looked at Colossus. "Humans are always redeemable or at least there's a hope for that, so I get it. However, we don't concern ourselves with human crimes. That's your area or the cops. We focus on soulless vampires or demons."
"I have not encountered any of those," Colossus admitted.
"I figured," Xander said with a shrug. "Hang out here enough and you will."
He showed Colossus around, and the mutant was silent as he observed all the kids. They all seemed really fond of Wade, which was strange. However, he saw nothing sinister, so his worry for his friend began to wan.
Then Faith and Willow teleported in. Wade had his blades out in a second, ready to attack.
"Relax. That's Faith and Willow," Xander said. "What's up?"
"Is this your fire specialist?" Willow asked, looking at Wade.
"Yep, he's damn near indestructible," Xander said. "He can even grow back body parts."
"But you can't fix that ugly face, huh?" Faith asked, looking at him. "Damn. I'm sorry."
"Well, we can't all be—" Wade paused as he looked for some flaw in the gorgeous creature in front of him. "Sex kittens."
Faith smirked. "Damn right you can't," she said. "Who's the metal man?"
"This is Colossus, a friend of Wade's. He's an X-men," Xander said.
"Is he fireproof?" Willow asked.
When everyone looked at Colossus, he nodded. "For the most part. If the fire is sustained for a long time, rising about the temperature it takes to melt metal, I can be burned."
"We could use a hand," Willow said. "Wanna come fight with us?"
"Those damn fire demons have attacked the Cleveland house," Faith said. "They've killed two of my girls and hurt several others."
"Oh, no! Who died?" Xander asked, upset.
"Mary Lois and Esperanza," Faith said grimly. They were highly experienced slayers, and Xander felt a stab of pain. He'd known both girls.
"Well, let's go kill these mother fuckers," Wade said.
"Wade, your language!" Colossus said in disapproval.
Faith snickered while Willow beamed at him.
"We need to go," Willow said. She waited for Colossus.
"I will be glad to fight with you," he said, knowing it was the best way to determine what the group was really about as he could not trust Wade's word—the man exaggerated too much.
"I will tell your friend where you went," Xander said. "Be careful."
Wade scoffed and then Faith reached for his hand as Willow grabbed Colossus and held Faith's.
"Let's go," Faith said.
They winked out. Negasonic was eating dinner with Xander and the girls a few hours later when they reappeared without Willow. Colossus looked a bit frayed at the edges, and his eyes were a bit more wild than normal.
"Is everything okay?" Xander asked.
Wade grinned. "It was great! There was a whole slew of them to slaughter. The witch kept pouring the water on them while Colossus banged them in the face with his fists, and the girls stabbed them. I did get set on fire a few times, but I got my revenge!"
"Deadpool is a total bad ass," Faith said in approval. She looked at Colossus. "I think we broke your friend here."
"Are you alright?" Negasonic asked him.
He nodded. "I am okay. I do not understand what I witnessed and must speak with the Professor. They insist the girls are not mutant, but I am hoping Hank will be allowed to test one of them to be sure," he said.
"Hey, you fought with us, so your mutant doctor can take my blood," Faith said, pounding him on the back. "I gotta get back tomorrow, though, because we have funerals to plan." She needed a day to not have to face the pain and the guilt she felt every time she lost a girl in battle.
Wade grinned at Faith—he really liked the foul mouth girl as she reminded him a lot of Vanessa—sex on a stick with a foul mouth. His dick was dead as the skin on his outside, but it still brought him comfort to be around the dark slayer—he'd heard more than one tale about her in the two weeks he'd been with the slayers. The girls had not exaggerated.
"Let's go get drunk," Wade said.
"Sounds great!" Faith said. She looked at Xander.
"You know I can't," Xander said.
"We'll drink for you," Wade said. "Colossus, you look like you could use a drink or ten."
"I would like a drink, but I need to get Negasonic back to the mansion and speak with the Professor," he said, not sure his nerves could handle another hour with a slayer. The girls were too much like Wade—unpredictable and violent. He didn't know how to handle the things he'd seen and needed his leader to absolve him of the murders he helped commit.
Wade knew the struggle his friend was going through and didn't tease him too much. There was no way to pretend the fire demons were humans with mutant powers, and Colossus had to come to terms with it.
"Want us to swing by later and take you patrolling for vamps?" Faith asked. "I love popping a guy's cherry. You can slay your first vampire."
Colossus' metal cheeks turned slightly pink at her coarse words.
Wade laughed—he loved these slayers!
*****The End*****
I hope you enjoyed this new one. Reviews are the best.