"My Prince," Sir William said meekly and bowed. His wife, Lady Elizabeth, followed his example. They were both afraid of the man standing in front of them. The man who had just marched into their castle as it would be his own. No one had dared to stop him, even though he was alone. His soldiers were waiting at the gates.

"Welcome, my Prince. To what do we owe the honor of your presence in our humble home?"

Prince Klaus looked at the human lord coldly.

"Wine," he ordered.

Sir William poured him wine himself, he knew better than to make the Prince wait. The Prince emptied the goblet and dropped it on the floor.

"I am here to collect your dept, Sir William. Where is she?"

"Please," Lady Elizabeth pleaded weakly. "She is our only daughter-"

One look from the Prince was enough to silence her. Sir William was as pale as a ghost. He knelt in front of the Prince.

"My Prince, I beg of you, spare our daughter. You can take everything we own-"

"You are offering me something that is already mine. Do not bore me with your meaningless pleas. Where is the girl?"

It was the law in the kingdom. Every noble family had to give their firstborn daughter to the royal family when she would turn 16. Some families had tried to hide their daughters, but the punishment had been brutal. All the members of those families had been slaughtered and their castles burned to the ground. There was no escape from the royal family, especially from the Dark Prince. He was the most feared one of them all.

"I will not ask again, where is the girl?"

"In her bedchamber," Sir William answered quietly. "In the tower."

That was all the Prince needed to know. He stormed out of the room, ignoring the girl's crying parents. He marched past fearful chambermaids and valets, making his way to the tower. As he opened the door to her bedchamber, he saw that the girl was still sleeping. Her golden hair lay long and straight over the deep green velvet of her bed, and her nightgown in loose folds revealed the rounded breasts and limbs of a young woman.

Approaching her, he was very pleased as he touched her cheek, and her teeth through her parted lips, and then her tender rounded eyelids. Her face pleased him; she would be a fine slave. And then her blue eyes opened. She gasped in shock as she noticed him and tried to cover herself with her arms.

There was nothing but fear in her eyes, she was like those tender animals of the wood just before he slew them in the hunt: eyes wide, expressionless. Her bosom heaved with anxious breath and he laughed, drawing near, and lifting her up. She looked up at him, her cheeks suffused with a raw blush.

"I'm your Prince," he said, "And that is how you will address me, and that is why you will obey me. I will take you to serve me, you are mine now. Do you understand?"

She didn't answer, she was shaking with fear.

"Answer me," he demanded.

"Ye-yes," she squeaked.

"Answer me properly."

"Yes, my Prince."

He smiled and caressed her red cheek.

"That's better. What is your name, girl?"

"Caroline, my Prince."

"Hmm, innocent little Caroline. It's time for you to say goodbye to your parents and your life as a spoiled noble girl. From now on you will be a slave. My slave. Do you understand?"

Her cheeks were moist with tears, and she was trembling, but she nodded.

"Yes, my Prince."

He smiled.

"Very good. Get ready, my dear, we have a long journey ahead of us."